7 years ago by
I’m pretty sure everyone knows by now, I moved to Los Angeles – Venice to be precise, and my life now looks nothing like what it was in New York. The weather is always beautiful, I spend my life on my bike, I go to the beach when I need to recharge, and I work from home, which means I can organize my days however I like, more or less, and I tend to work in cafes a lot.
But of course, there’s no such thing as a perfect life. Working remotely is just about as stressful as working in the studio. The time difference makes things a little complicated. And moving also means finding a house and, in the meantime, living (in our case) in a bungalow that’s super charming but tiny, so it’s definitely testing the limits of our relationship and how much clothing we can keep in storage until it’s finally time to unpack our boxes.
That’s why lately, I’ve decided to dress super simply. Lots of basics, lots of jeans, t-shirts, blouses – things that are easy to mix and match, wash and wear again. It’s the perfect time to try out Sézane’s new line of jeans – they’re great, with well-defined styles, and I can wear them and re-wear them forever, for all different kinds of moments in my life. Moments like…

1. Green juice early in the morning.
A funny thing here is, people get up early. It’s not unusual to meet a friend for breakfast at 8am sharp, or to go to a class at Love Yoga at 7am. Since I’ve always been an early riser, I love that.
2. Work at Superba.
I love Cafe Superba. I can work there while sipping on a Golden Latte (a latte made from almond milk and turmeric, it’s delicious and apparently super healthy). It’s super close to where I live, and well, the only real problem is the giant pastries staring at me, and sometimes I have a hard time resisting them.
3. Sometimes, I meet up with my guy.
We’re lucky, we both have weird jobs that make it possible for us to meet up at random times in the day, to walk Lulu, for example.

4. It’s not our car, it belongs to a friend, but I secretly want a beautiful vintage car like this gorgeous Bronco. Having a car changed our lives. We do tons of things now. We go skiing (only two hours away from LA) last minute, we go watch the sunset in Malibu, and, the crazy thing is, we can run lots of errands without having to wonder how we’re going to get everything back to the house (a little problem in New York life). The first time we filled our trunk with awesome groceries, we were so happy with ourselves, we took photos to send to our parents. It’s the little things…

5. My bike, my life. Being able to ride my bike around is the reason I chose Venice (and for Chris, it was being close to the ocean and being able to surf whenever he wanted) – even though I love driving, there’s nothing better than riding around on the big empty streets under the palm trees… And in Venice, with a bike, nothing is too far. My favorite cafes, the ocean, my spin class (yep, I go to spin class on my bike :)) and also, the beautiful canals, where there’s nothing else to do but admire the little houses next to the water.
6. Sometimes, I go out – I’m learning that LA is super social, there are dinners and things to do every night! That said, the dress code is a lot more relaxed.
7. The ocean. I’m from the Mediterranean, so nothing can ever replace the clap-clap sound of the little waves in Corsica, but the Pacific Ocean is truly sublime, bright and powerful. We go often, whether it’s a big bike ride on the path that stretches from Venice to Pacific Palisades, or to go watch Chris surf, or just to go see what’s happening, because Venice is more than just a beach, it’s a real theater!
When I have a long work day and I start to feel stressed, I put my headphones on and go for a walk on the beach.
There’s nothing better for making the stress melt away, and finding myself again.

Salut Garance! You rock!
photos splendides, vous rayonnez, et même si vous êtes loin Chris et toi vous semblez avoir trouvé un équilibre sublime.
Oh God! I can see myself living that way of life sooooo much! Perfect choice Garance, congrats!
beautiful post!! too bad Sezane is sold out again :-(
Quel super article ! Tu es magnifique sur les photos : radieuse ! C’est chouette que tu nous montres un petit peu ta nouvelle vie.
Venice a l’air tellement génial ! Le bonheur vous va à ravir !
Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco
Photos of Lulu make me the happiest!
Adorable photos! You emanate joie de vivre.
And I marvel at how you manage to work in cafés. I would just people watch.
Chere Garance, pour quelqu’un qui n’a pas encore ouvert tous ses cartons, je vous trouve d’une elegance tres diversifiee que ce soit en sneakers ou en talons !
Ces photos respirent la joie de vivre ( ah, l’amour !)
beautiful post. Glad things are going well for you both!
wow g this life looks incredible on you! You are beaming. I especially love the lulu walk pics, you guys are really really super cute
Ugh that makes me wish I chose CA.
-Kirsten // pork & cookies
Beautiful photos. I enjoy your style and way with words, too. I have to say that the photo of you and your boyfriend (I am sure that you know the one) really shows both of you beaming from within -with love, very special. Thank you for sharing.
Enjoy the sun! Try The Rose…much better than Superba (but different). Plus? You would LOVE the chef….Jason. Awesome guy –
And, before it gets too hot – do the bike path along the train DTLA to beach…very cool.
Have fun – share love!
You made my rainy day in Chicago much. much better ! Thank you! I’m so happy for you! Looking gorgeous and happy, dear Garance !
Wow, California looks so good on you!! Congrats on the move!
You look so happy! Good for you!!
Tumeric en français c’est curcuma ;)
Such a beautiful post! You’re by far my favorite fashion blogger, and I love your style. I hear you, I moved to the PNW myself, and there’s so many things to love, just yesterday I was having a conversation about how this city is an early riser… the pace, the super healthy lattes and juice bars all over, it’s all an experience. The beach in Oregon is not sunny and bright, but I sure love its air of melancholia
Did this move redefine ‘living the dream’ for you? I’m sure that’s a topic for a whole different post…
All the light to you, always! :)
Ahhhhh I kinda loved seeing so much of your face on this post. Life in LA sounds like a dream!
You Guys look…Amazing !!! Felicidades!!!
Super Garance comme toujours ! En revanche petit bémol pour Sézane, si tu n’achètes pas dans les 10 minutes les réassorts ou nouvelles connections, tout est sold-out. Ca fait des mois que je n’ai rien pu acheter. C’est cool : image de marque insaisissable, rare, je t’aime moi non plus blablabla Mais du coup j’ai plus une très bonne image de cette marque car je suis constamment déçue… Encore hier je recevais un email qui me disait que la pièce que je convoitais depuis des semaines était de retour en stock. Le temps de lire le message, c’était de nouveau sold out…
Sinon je devrais peut être demander à Morgane qu’elle me mette une pièce de chaque modèle de côté avant les ruées des fashionistas? Tu peux lui demander pour moi?? ahhaah :) Bref j’arrive pas à suivre cette vie à 10 000 à l’heure moi non plus !
Gros bisouuuuuuuuus de Paris baignée de soleil !
Hi Garance, it is so nice to see you! such allure!! California suits you, you are glowing… Very nice post, you make me want to know more about Sezane and her philosophy.
May I ask the name of the cute store that appear on the first pictures? Merci!
Mercedes X
Garance, you have adjusted to Cali beautifully, I moved from Michigan in 1974 and have lived in OC and SD; till now; you and Chris both look like you have lived here all you life…..the weather with all the rain has created the A typical Cali weather that I love so much, cool nights sunny days……..close enough for me to Paradise…….glad you are in Venice/LA……hope to meet you someday, maybe at a local event you may do for women….just sayin…….be well…….
That’s awesome! You look super happy!
You look so happy! California life is not bad. When we first moved to Venice 7 years ago I went everywhere on my bike. I got a car (convertible!) when we moved a few miles north, to castellemmare, one block south of malibu. We need Sezane in Venice or Santa Monica or Malibu. I actually went to Sezane in Paris on Velib with my friend Françoise who took me for a crazy bike ride through Paris small streets. I’ve spent a lot of time in Paris but my first time on a bike in the city.
Venice sounds incredible, I’m heading to LA later this year and cannot wait! ?
Amy // Snippets of Amy
Quelle belle série! Ca envoie quand même du rêve!
Tu es radieuse, et le regard porté sur Chris en dit long, au delà de la mise en scène pourtant souhaitée ici.
It’s so good to hear you are happy Garance, always be yourself.
Love Polly xx
Jolies photos ! vos sourires, ces paysage ! Lulu !
Par contre aussi, comme lu un post plus haut : ils ont vraiment du mal à assurer Sézane sur la production : au début je veux bien croire : ça faisait effet d’annonce, rapidement out of stock ! mais maintenant, j’arrête, c’est toujours la même chose : jamais ma taille (classique), et évidemment mes choix d’articles Toujours indisponibles…je ne suis pas allée sur le site depuis novembre dernier je crois…
Il faudrait faire attention à produire plus s’ils décident de communiquer plus…sinon malheureusement : it does not make sens ;p
Bisettes et profitez
Tu es resplendissante Garance ! Ces photos sont vraiment superbes : la lumière, les couleurs, vos sourires <3
Cet article m'a franchement mise de bonne humeur :D merci !
mdr le roman photos !!
et tu balades souvent tes chaussures ? :D
sinon la promo de la voiture, oh ben non, je croyais que le studio est pro-sustainable…
Les photos sont très chouettes. J’aime beaucoup la lumière. Je suis plus hermétique au catalogue Sézane même si pourtant j’aime bien cette marque. Je préfère aller sur le site dédié pour ça. Le message n°1c’est quoi exactement?? Dommage. (peu importe que mon message puisse être supprimé l’essentiel est qu’il soit lu)
I love your life. Mmmmm
Ca me donne presque envie de quitter West LA et venir a Venice !
Gaelle // gaelleinlosangeles.com
Je suis ébloui.
These shots look so great , you have such a refreshed look California agrees with you . Jeans and tees are much more west coast than east coast .Enjoy!
Dress The Part
Première fois que je laisse un commentaire. J’aime beaucoup ton site mais là ce n’est pas possible. La campagne de pub Sézanne (que j’aime bien par ailleurs), sac et jeans sous toutes les coutures notamment c’est… moyen. On (ou plutôt je) pense publicité et chèque qui va avec à chaque image, le tout déguisé en un long billet sur ta nouvelle vie. Peu subtil.
Beautiful photos, Garance! You have found your bliss. :) xo
Heureusement que j’habite a Nice, ou nous avons des palmiers, la mer, plein de cours de yoga, deux trois bars a jus, et depuis peu quelques cafes branches, parce que sinon j’aurais ete prise d’une grosse crise d’envie voire de petite jalousie !
Il nous manque quand meme le spectacle de Venice Beach, inimitable et incopiable, et le surf, n’en deplaise a Brice.
Le principal est de profiter de la vie a chaque instant comme tu sembles le faire.
(j’ai toujours beaucoup de mal avec la com sur la vie privee mais bon, ce doit etre dans l’air du temps)
Wow! It’s been a few years since I read your blog, (je suis désolé, I just became overwhelmed with the world of [keeping up with] fashion) and now you live in LA, my city! How exciting to see it through your creative outlook. Looking forward to more posts on Venice & LA, especially since I don’t live anywhere near the beach :( Check out NE-LA & the Rosebowl fleamarket when you get a chance! <3
I love Venice so much, and miss it a lot. I will keep the cafe recommendation in mind for next time, you look fab!
Enjoy it! I lived in Venice before moving to Europe (for love, so a good and happy reason). It is nice to read your account and to know all the beautiful, wonderful stuff that I miss is giving your life lovely new chapters. For a surreal little experience find the Mosaic Tile House.
Hi Garance,
Demain je quitte Paris avec ma famille pour un périple californien. Je finis par deux jours à Venice les 13 et 14 avril. J’espère te croiser là bas!
Bizz parisiennes but soon californiennes:)
How jealous I am! You look so warm and sun-kissed…I live in Boston. Summer feels so far away!
Magnifiques ! que ce soit les photos ou les sujets !
Mais un peu trop Pub “Hollywood” pour #Sézane.
Petit message pour #Sézane : Trop de (blogosphère)pub tue la pub.
Par contre merci pour la bonne humeur Garance ;)
Too many things that come to my mind right now… So the bottom line is… one day I’m gonna move to Venice…lol
love it!!!!
Les photos sont magnifiques !!! Surtout le gif avec le bisou, et la photo avec Lulu qui s’échappe…
Love your denim outfit! and those gifs are so cute <3
‘Share’ by August Harvest
Radiance (period!)
I am so happy to see you enjoying the same liberating discoveries in Venice and ‘parts west’ that I’ve been making in working as an architect in both NY and LA. My firm has a dear project in Venice that has happily brought me to Superba and similar haunts. The whole experience has opened me up and returned me to my demonstrative, loving, enthusiastic self and is evident on the inside and out. I love bringing that with me wherever I go, particularly to NYC. It feels good!!!
Thank you for sharing this with us — you are wonderful to behold!
cette vie te va bien, Garance
j’espère que tu vas trouver ta maison!
je suis allée à venice et aimé ça … et aussi Marina del Rey…
Time for another book?
I always want to pinch myself that I’m an L.A. native. I was born on the Eastside (90032, baby!) and now live pretty much in the center of the city. I’ve lived on the East Coast, I’ve lived abroad, I’ve lived in Orange County. But nothing beats Los Angeles. It really is a gem of a city that allows us to do so many amazing things every single day. I’m so glad you love it, Garance! Bienvenido!
Thanks for sharing …..one of The Best Posts Eva..and can’t get enough of Miss Lulu
Génial !! J’adore Sézane, je t’adore, les photos sont géniales, c’est dingue, ça fait du bien, je crois que j’irai les regarder de temps en temps en cas de petits coup de pompe hahaha !!!!!
You go to spin class on your bike? You need our cool new cycle shoes by TIEM. Check them out on Instagram @tiemathletic! We’re a woman owned company, and our product is awesome. You need a pair! Message us for more info!
You look beautiful, glamorous and happier than ever! You brighten my mood! :-)
I think you took the right decision to move to Venice! All the luck!
All the luck!
Garance, help ! Je viens d’être admise en PhD à Los Angeles et vais donc m’installer au mois de septembre à proximité de toi pour les six prochaines années… As-tu des conseils ou des coins en particulier à conseiller pour une française nouvelle venue? Le vélo semble déjà une super idée ! Merci pour tout,
Very sweet, wholesome post – Garance. Fun to see your style ease into a more relaxed but still tailored look to match the California air. I am digging the youthful joy I am seeing from this change of coast!
Salut, Garance! Are the black stilletto’s the very Django Pumps on the Sezane site? The site says they are only 7.5 cm high, but they seem a little higher on your feet? The reason why I’m asking is that I am looking for the very same look and would like to know the minimum height of the heel that would give that elegant feel without losing the comfort…Thanks!
You should check out Flowerboy on Lincoln Blvd. and it’s owner Sean Knibb. He has an amazing story, cool house, and beautiful family.
Garance, welcome to the neighborhood. I’ve been a fan since 2009 and I remember I would go on your site everyday waiting for updates in my little dorm room. I’m very excited you’re in LA now and hopefully will bump into you one day. lol
Fabulous post! This makes me want to move back to LA from NYC…again!
Super article, évidemment j’aime absolument chaque pièce de Sézane, sympas les petits gifs et cette lumière et attitude décontractée dont j’entends de plus en plus parler à propos de L.A me donne de plus en plus envie d’y aller un jour…
Great love, great place to live… It makes me happy to see you so insanely happy Garance! Enjoy!
love your blog
Hi Garance, I’ve followed your blog for a while. I really like your blog. And this post reminds me of a question that I want to ask for long, that is can you recommend some brands for while shirts? Good shape and can stand the test of time. Thank you!
Bonjour Garance,
J’adore votre blog et tout ce que vous faites!
Je vais a LA pour les vacances de noel, auriez vous d’autres petites adresses à partager ?
1000 mercis
Laetitia M.
I am a fan of your site and I always look at your publications, thank you for sharing this elegant style.
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Hi Garance. Thank you for showing us an other part of Venice. (You have a beautiful life).
Quel super article…