10 years ago by
We’ve debated backpacks before, but I’ve been seeing more and more of these backpack meets handbag hybrids.
You know, you can carry them from a handle at the top or throw it over your shoulder when you need to be hands free. When you have a backpack, it’s easy to feel like a kid on your way to school, but I think having one that you can wear two ways makes the trend much more grown up.

Morgan has totally mastered it. It’s not really a surprise, she’s the designer of this bag. Her handbag line is all vegan, it’s called Freedom of Animals :)
Would you wear a bag-pack like this?
I love it!!!!!!!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Je ne suis généralement pas fan des sacs à dos, mais celui-ci est vraiment pratique, c’est la perfection incarnée!
Mafalda ?
Pas fan des sacs à dos perso mais celui-là est très classe! J’aime beaucoup la couleur!
Des bisous
Le monde des petites
it’s cute but a bit too shiny. i guess it’s because it’s not leather and that’s a good thing :)
I had a Longchamp one decades ago wow how I loved it! In brown leather and always switching one shoulder, both shoulders or by the handle!!!
Tout à fait d’accord ! En général j’ai un peu de mal avec le sac à dos, un peu trop écolière pour moi. Mais celui-ci je dois reconnaître est très beau et n’est pas fillette pour deux sous ! (l’expression que plus personne n’utilise)
Trop stylée Morgan, sa marque a l’air cool!!
Toi aussi tu kiffes la brique pour les shootings! ;-) Je trouve qu’il n’y a rien de mieux…
It is so cute, but that’s one trench I know I won’t commit to.
Ce n’est pas seulement le sac, mais tout l’ensemble qui est tout à fait charmant, la fille comprise !
Sorry, I’ve completely ignored the backpack and gone straight to her pants which look like blue velvet! Huh! Love! http://madelienerose.com/
Love this fab backpack bag! Perfect shade of red…
xx, Kristi
Where are those beautiful shoes from??
Hey Morning,
Pour moi le sac a dos c’est plus pour les enfants, l’école… je ne trouve pas ça super chic et puis rien ne vaut un sac élégamment tenu au bras.
Bonne journée
I love a backpack …. Recently got an Il Bisonte one in red too! It doesn’t have a handle, but I still love it. This one: http://www.ilbisonte.us/products/a2238
MARY I agree…..Il Bisonte makes the best for the girls or boys who have to cram their lives into a sturdy leather backpack .
I have a gorgeous bespoke tooled leather one made by an old leather man in a tiny village in Ibiza…It has dangly berber silver jewelry on it and every time I put it through the x rays all the airport security people go nuts…..where is it from ? it is berber ? mexican ? indian ?….i’ve had it for 15 years and made many new friends because of it
I cannot use handbags because of back problems so a sturdy leather backpack will do it for me.
Il Bisonte is great , the one you show is my favorite and if you do not want to pay those prices , there is a small custom leather shop in NY called Hanna Leather , on 33 Greenwich Av between 10 th and Charles Street….thy have amazing leather backpacks of every size for 300$ , and the nice artisan from Ecuador will customize it for you with initials etc ….they also have amazing bike packs that go over your shoulder and will fit a water bottle and a wallet….super sexy
they will do anything for you in leather and very cheap….great travel bags , hand bags, fanny packs
I love using my Il Bisonte back pack, too! Only, mine is a soft, mocca one that’s softened with use. The one you use- and the one in this photo- are simply beautiful- as is its carrier.
Moi we, bien sûre!! Cést jolie et bien cool!!
Mónica Sors
I have a vintage Lisa Jenks (cool hardware) that I’ve been nursing back to health and use everyday. Backpacks say — “Excuse me — I’m busy — gotta go” cumbersome purses say “ooooo let’s linger longer…I haven’t anything to do anyway….”
moi j’ai acheté sur ebay le “montsouris” monogramme de vuitton j’adore! je peux mettre les docs A4 et même mon laptop , c’est pratique et ça fait sûrement pas écolière !
bien sûr une marque vegan c’est beaucoup mieux et Freedom of Animals c’est très très beau !
Little backpack is coming back. In HK, we are influenced by Korean fashion, which little backpack is a key item as well.
I am a backpack-loving fool! I’m usually on a bicycle, and when I’m not, I schlep all of my nonsense around in a giant tote that kills my shoulder. Enter the backpack – it redistributes the weight.
My favourite is from the Cambridge Satchel Company. It evokes schoolgirl nostalgia, but looks very grown-up. They did a very nice Vivienne Westwood collaboration a year or so ago.
I agree that this is the best trend for bike commuters! Keeps my bike streamlined without a basket, keeps my shoulders happy. I actually brought along my own mini red one today- Italian leather by Vera Pelle. Love it.
C’est vrai qu’on voit de plus en plus de sac de ce genre, celui ci est très joli, j’aime beaucoup la couleur, ce rouge lui donne un côté féminin et imposant, ça donne de la force à cette pièce qui en effet portée sur le dos peut donner un côté très petite fille.
Grave. Ca me rappellerait le lycée, quand on était tous prêts à assumer une scoliose pour avoir l’air cool, une anse à l’épaule. Euh… attends… alors en fait non, à moins de réussir à alléger le contenu de mon sac de 6 kilos.
ouahhh! J’adore! C’est si sophistiqué!
Sandrine x
Non, non, non. Car j’ai besoin d’un sac à dos pour trimballer mon ordi, et le plus mimi et pratique à la fois c’est le Kanken, la marque suédoise
Cest super sympa, pratique et élégant, surtout en rouge! j’aime beaucoup! :)
Ah – the Great Backpack Debate. I still don’t think I can pull it off, we’ll see. But this version is gorgeous. I’m an Aries, so red is my power color!
i dig it!
and i am currently in the search for one myself. loving the alexander wang styled ones too!
totally will check out this vegan brand tho- thanks for sharing :)
I completely agree, I have a red backpack from TkMaxx that comes with me wherever I go! Easiest way to achieve a ‘Roman Holiday’ look ^.^
Love the convertible bag/backpack. Mostly I carry one as a purse, but when I need to walk a lot it’s great to be able to put it on my back.
I live in Maine and there’s a newish store in Norway Maine which does beautiful bags, almost all convertible. It’s called Rough and Tumble, and the owner hires locally and is helping revitalize her community. But she also sells online at:
I know you’re thinking hippie bags, but they’re not…..go look. I have nothing to do with this business, except that I just got my second bag there for my birthday and I LOVE them.
I would absolutely wear a shiny red backpack. I do prefer two straps though, so I can have my hands completely free to shop!!!
I am not fan of this trend maybe more of this backpack…not for me.
My only concern is who will pay $500 for a back pack even if it vegan no cruelty and desighed just well…
nothing that you can not find in Zara or any other mass produced retail stote.
The backpack is very cosy!
See mine http://thehippiewhim.blogspot.it/2014/05/a-la-parisienne.html
Love it!
I already said in the previous discussion, I love backpaks like this one. I bought one in yellow in France two years ago and it’s fantastic! I wear it a lot, and when traveling is wonderfuld, chic, and double-duty: I don’t need another purse, I can carry my camera, make up and scarf or a little cardigan, a book….and all the museum folios, postcards, etc…
Love backpacks but somehow I can’t seem to use them in a practical way. Love this red one xx
Most definitely ! It looks very chic..
Beautiful backpack.
Oui, je le porterais bien! Maintenant, j’adore aussi la façon dont elle est habillée, super classe!
J’ai du mal avec les sacs à dos, malgré que se soit une tendance je bloque. Même porté comme un sac à mains.
Love the pant, though…where can I find it?
Hi Mathilde! Her pants are by Creatures of Comfort
I love the ones by 3.1 Philip Lim. they look like the pashlis!
I’m not a fan yet, but sure think that the right design can be really good .. will wait en see what comes along :)
X STYLONYM http://www.stylonym.blogspot.com
Belle fille, beau style, belle photo.
Love it. And a plus that it’s vegan! Have a look at the Capri Backpack, from NY based bag designer Yliana Yepez (as worn by Cara Delevingne). I find it quite a nice hybrid between bag and backpack.
Adore this. Then I saw the note about it being vegan and it literally became perfection. This is a must have!! Thanks for sharing :)
The red bag looks stunning.
I love this bag and I love the designers. I’ve been drooling over their website for months ! It’s great to see a luxury vegan line that’s not over embellished or hippyish. I’m a vegan and I appreciate minimalism and I think freedom of animals is bloody fantastic !
Exactly my thoughts! It’s good to see that more and more environment conscious brands with polished aesthetics are emerging.
Where are her shoes and top from? Love her whole look!
totally yes! and the colour is amazing!
Je rêve de trouver le parfait compromis en la matière! C’est un modèle hyper cool!
Porté sur le dos je me sens vraiment comme une petite fille, mais là je suis complètement fan :)
Moi c’est ses chaussures que j’adore, d’où viennent-elles ?
love it!
C’est vrai que le sac à dos revient à la mode. Personnellement j’aime beaucoup !
Ces look est sublime ;)
Bise !!
I am a backpack girl!! I can’t seem to carry anything else as it all puts a cramp on one side and not the other (shoulder bags) or I can’t use my hands. So, I have been grateful for the new handbag/backpacks coming out in the last year or so. I got myself one from Matt&Nat (mattandnat.com) and I love it!!! They are also vegan too:)
Haha…I’m actually really interested in backpacks right now. This one is definitely more classy and grown-up than the ones I’ve been looking at, but I like it. I just bought a Fjallraven mini for the summer, but I think I will relinquish it to my son once he starts pre-school in the fall. I like to recycle! ;-)
C’est personnel mais moi je n’aime pas du tout. À part les Longchamps qui sont devenus classiques. Sinon, sac à main ou bourse ou carrément le sac à dos sport à condition d’être habillée sport en faisant du sport style rando ou en étant en route pour faire du sport…
Suis-je la seule à être vraiment très TRES contente que vous mettiez une marque “éthique” sous les projecteurs ?
Merci beaucoup de montrer qu’il est possible de produire éthiquement de beaux produits dans des matières alternatives ! J’espère que vous continuerez à nous faire découvrir des marques qui font des choix engageants e responsables au-delà de la mode et de l’esthétique.
J’aime bien les sacs à dos en général quand ça va avec le look mais ce genre de sac à dos hybride, ce n’est pas ce que je préfère, je trouve ça un peu ringard…
The cool girl bag! I really love it and for work i’s a great size. I applause the designer who brought back the designer backpack! Does anyone recall? Marc Jacobs? Alexander Wang maybe?
Absolutely love the hot style, especially the red bag.
Je bosse avec un Jas MB depuis des lustres ! Je deviens amaziiiing alors !?!?
Pas fan des sacs à dos perso mais celui-là est très classe! J’aime beaucoup la couleur!
Des bisous
I like you have been feeling that elegant backpacks are looking right again..And I love this vegan one in red..Thanks for posting..