
Little Miss Fashion

13 years ago by

Yep, I think you got it, the guys and gals in Istanbul have style, they’ve got a Vogue, a Harpers Bazaar, a Marie-Claire, an Elle*, they’re addicted to the internet**, know everything about fashion and have their own star editors with wardrobes to die for.

Bahar is one of them. She’s got a spicy colorful style and isn’t afraid to walk around Galatasaray, the hilly part of town (where my hotel was, but we’ll talk about that more later), in 12 inch heels, and also is Nil’s idol (Nil was my adorable guide to the city and a seasoned blogger, but we’ll get to that later) Nil who says her fashion stories are always fantastic.

Bon, ça y est, vous l’avez compris, les filles et les garçons d’Istanbul ont du style, ont un Vogue, un Harpers Bazaar, un Marie-Claire, un Elle*, sont accros à Internet**, savent tout de la mode et ont leur stylistes stars à eux qui ont des gardes-robes à tomber.

Bahar en fait partie. Elle a un style piquant et coloré, et n’a pas du tout peur de se balader dans les rues accidentées du quartier de Galatasaray (c’est là où se trouvait mon hôtel, mais on en reparle) en talons de 12, et est l’idole de Nil (mon adorable guide à Istanbul et fashion bloggeuse aguérrie, mais on en reparle) pour ses séries de mode, parole de Nil, toujours fantastiques.

I love her two-toned tights and studded gloves (and her Burberry boots, aaaaaah I diiiiie***!!!), but what I love most of all is her hair with its little 40s hairdo.

Baaaah! I have to learn how to actually do my hair.


* There are other magazines too, independent ones, but I can’t think of the names right now, if you know some I need to see… don’t hesitate!

** In Istanbul, in most of the cafés and hotels, internet is free, as opposed to Paris where you still have to pay an indecent amount on top of your latte at Starbucks for an hour of internet… Okay so yeah, maybe it’s changing little by little.

*** I wanted them so bad but I thought I would bust my face on the sidewalk after the first step they are so high !

PS : Oh and did you notice there is another image ? Not sure you noticed my “carousel” of the day :-) Bisou !


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