
Fall Mood

8 years ago by


Erik Melvin


Laura Mercier

Lately I’ve really been wanting everything to be soft.
I want to enjoy the last few days of good weather, take long walks and feel warm and comfortable.
I’m in the mood for timeless looks–super simple. Romantic, almost.
And I feel like wearing neutral colors — but for me, that’s pretty much always the case. So this is what I’m wearing right now.


1) I’ve always dreamed about long wool dresses, but honestly it’s not easy to find one that’s flattering. This Theory dress is ridiculously easy to wear. I wear it with my Common Projects (I love their sneakers so much, I have a pair in white and in black) and this Proenza Schouler bag–gorgeous and totally easy. It leaves my hands free so I can walk around with my almond matcha, like any self-respecting New Yorker, of course.

fall shopping garance dore photo

Green Knit Dress, Theory ; Black Sneakers, Common Projects ; Black Bucket Bag, Proenza Schouler ; Silver Earrings, Konzuk

2) My transitional look, perfect for the weather in New York right now–and a way to keep wearing my favorite summer sandals a little longer (recently one of my readers left a comment saying how much she disliked these shoes, and in a way I understand, but at the same time, I don’t see how you could not like a sandal that’s so supremely classic and simple, they might as well be invisible?)(I love fashion debates, because at the heart of it, there really is no debate–it’s all a matter of taste and colors…)

Oh, and I have a new love for these little button-up sweaters, I find them super mega sensual–I’m starting my own little collection of them.

fall shopping garance dore photo

Grey Henley, Club Monaco ; Black Pant, Club Monaco ; Drawstring Bag, Clare V ; Sandals, Michael Kors

3) For chilly days, I love this super light parka that’s sooooo soft. It’s a good alternative to the puffy coats we’re going to see everywhere this winter. It keeps you warm, so you can wear it with a very light layer underneath to keep it super sensual.

fall shopping garance dore photo

fall shopping garance dore photo

Black Leather Pant, Theory ; Green Army Bomber, Rag & Bone ; Bag, Proenza Schouler

Yeah, I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but all I care about is sensuality when I get dressed these days. Softness, ease of movement, sensuality. It must be the Autumn spirit!!!

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • Re-bonjour Garance

    les photos sont sublimes, j’aime les deux premières tenues qui sont simples mais chics. :) <3. c'est rigolo l'italique pour la police, c'est nouveau c'est plus doux :) Et pour ce qui est des sandales, je prends part, moi j'adore, elles sont élégantes elles font un pied super sexy, et en camel ça doit être une tuerie aussi, un peu comme les rondinis, d'ailleurs quelle est la marque de celle-ci ?

  • J’adore la robe avec les baskets et le sac, mais aussi le pantalon en cuir noir fendu sur les cotes (fermeture éclair ?), tout cela sur fond “army green tent” ! Et les photos, sublimes comme toujours et qui me donnent envie de m’acheter quelque chose de douillet ! Bravo et encore bravo Erik !

  • My daughter is all over that shade of olive green. You both have good coloring for it.
    Aren’t button-up sweaters like that called henleys? Maybe just for men? I love them too–very sexy without being trashy.
    Sweater dresses are great in winter with tights or leggings and boots. Very cozy and comfortable yet still a dress!

  • I guess you are feeling good in your own skin!

  • You are stunning! I also gravitate towards neutrals at all times and I love the sensuality you are exuding in these portraits. My favourite photos of people tend to be when they’re not smiling necessarily. Candids. Candid smiles. Candid no-smiles :)


  • I love the second look! I would never think to wear wide legged pants cropped at the ankle :)

  • mademoisellemauve October, 6 2016, 10:23 / Reply

    très sympa de voir tes looks
    (tous les écrits sont en ital c’est normal ?)

  • Love this sensuous style. Couldn’t find the dress on Theory site.

  • Kimberly October, 6 2016, 11:01 / Reply

    Hey Garance,
    that looks so nice, cool and elegant the same time!
    And it’s wonderful that you write these days more often! I enjoy that very much.
    Have a nice day!

  • Megan Autumn October, 6 2016, 11:15 / Reply

    Your style is so perfectly balanced! Love it all :))) You look great!

  • So where can we get that cozy dress in green?? Your link only links to black version!

  • you are such an embodiment of grace and elegance. I just adore you and am so happy to follow along in your journey and your success.


  • Je rêve de mettre une robe en laine telle que la tienne, mais je ne pense pas oser !! J’ai l’impression qu’il faut avoir les formes “là ou il faut”, et je suis pas sur que cela soi mon cas :)

    Des bisous !!

  • Really beautiful!!

  • Dominique Wicki October, 6 2016, 12:25 / Reply

    La quarantaine vous va à ravir !!!

  • Love love love!

  • I am impressed and enchanted by your collection and your pictures!

  • Hello lovely studio

    Could you please speak closer to the microphone or louder, the acoustics in the last PMF episodes was a bit challenging. I just want to enjoy your super insightful and juicy debates at ease and not stress about anything else!

    Thanks and keep up the good work

  • Merci Garance pour ce poste “fashion”, mais qui parle en même temps de toi et tes emotions, sentiments. Je me suis posée les mêmes questions hier quand j’ai essayé d’intéger quelques robes/jupes d’été à ma garderobe d’automne en évitant d’acheter des nouveaus pièces. Comfortable, cozy et un peu romantique… Aussi j’aimerais dire que tu évoques pas du tout ce besoin en moi de devoir posseder les mêmes vêtements (un peu trop chere, je suis encore étudiante) mais – attachée à la mode – tu arrives de transporter cette idée de se créer un style unique et perso. C’est pour cette raison que je continue lire tes posts. I have been following several Insta-Accounts during the past fashion month for some inspiration and I started feeling first insecure and then alarmed and annoyed by the way a lot of people talk about fashion, the dresses, shoes and bags they wear (or get payed to wear?). A lot of the, mostly girls, seem very detached from reality. I feel more and more the very dangerous message that gets transported: look how fab I look, you can too if you spend xyz dollars. This long comment to let you know, I can see how you try to pursue one of the new ideas you have been talking about for the blog/Studio when it comes to the fashion industry. I like like like it very much. Fashion (for me) should not only be about THE brands and buying new things, it is part of how we feel and helps us express ourselvesm which depends merely on the money we spend. Yet looking at most of the fashion blogs I cant help myself but see how a lot of people believe in the contrary. C’est mon premier commentaire depuis que je suis ton blogue il y a huit ans et je suis excité de savoir comment toi et ton team vont continuer!

  • Love the softness and the muted colors. I can only wait for the weather to get cooler so that I an wear my fall clothes. Still sandal weather here. I love the mix of sandals with the fall style. It makes everything light.
    Loving your hair too.

  • It’s still summer heat at our area but I made it to the layering part! Shirts under camisoles? yes please!!

  • I love fashion debates too. About the matters of taste and preference, I think we all want to express our thoughts and see blogs as an outlet. I am glad to be living in a time where there are no fashion rules anymore. And no right and wrong. The man who is the CEO of Facebook wears a gray tshirt and looks very elegant. Exciting times indeed.

    The only debate we should be having is perhaps about sustainability.

    You look gorgeous Garance. And your photographer deserves some praise.

  • OMG I love love love all these looks and your hair!… insert heart eyes here **

  • Thank you Archana, I am really troubled with these questions at the moment, and for a moment I lost the perspective on blogs/instas as an outlet. and yes the question of sustainability is exactly what I have been thinking about … It seems that most of the people consider themselves concerned with our environment etc. And my concern is that the movement in the fashion industry and its inclusion / use of social media goes very much against this (didn’t know how to directly answer on your comment, but have a very nice evening/day). Sarah

  • mosaic_world October, 7 2016, 1:12 / Reply

    love the dress in the top pic. I feel it looks really flattering to your skin. the dark olive and black color combo is one of my faves.

    although I like the look of olive on the hanger, I feel like it doesn’t go with my skin (which is kind of yellow based) so I have an overflowing closet of navy now (hah). but I think I can do brown, which seems to go with my skin (maybe makes it look a little brighter), even though brown always sounds boring, I like it (even better than black)!

    re the sandals, I like the design. I could not wear them because my feet need a little more coverage. but I think they are an elegant style.

  • I’ve just moved to Sydney after 48 years spent living in the Northern hemisphere. It’s Spring here…then summer…and I’m having a lot of problems readjusting. All I can think about are winter coats and new sweaters. I’ll have to keep watching the European/US websites. I’ll be doing coat porn.

  • Stunning!
    Please do more posts like this! Loved it!

  • Jennifer October, 7 2016, 8:49 / Reply

    Garance, I love these outfits, such great style with easy. I am working on my closet right now for this exact feel. Simple, classic, elegant ease. Great post!

  • love everything about this look – except those sandals – they puzzle me as part of this practical yet oh so chic look ! they dont look so practical for fall ;)

  • shopgirl October, 7 2016, 9:34 / Reply

    Ooo, that green wool dress in gorgeous! But how do you wash it? Every day the whole or just upper part or…?

  • Garance,

    LOVE you, your blog and your book – MERCI!

    Am ALL about easy ribbed sweater dresses, too! Looked on the Theory site, NAP, etc., and the only one that’s close is “cold shoulder” which also comes in black (my preference for my coloring). Could you please provide a link or perhaps the style number or name of the dress?


  • Moi aussi j’adore ces tee-shirts à petits boutons, ça s’appelle des tunisiens ! Et la version chemise blanche est chouette aussi, je me sens un peu voyageuse…

  • jane with the noisy terrier October, 7 2016, 11:46 / Reply

    At this very moment, the noisy terrier is snoring away next to his bed — in a hotel room about 30 miles in from the coast as we await the arrival of Hurricane Matthew and hope that we’ll have a house to return to on Sunday, So your blog is a well-appreciated diversion from weather reports. Now that I live in coastal SC rather than downtown NYC, my wardrobe needs have changed considerably. It’s just starting to get into the lower 70’s, upper 60’s at night and daytime is still summertime warm. I’ve switched out the lighter, brighter colors in my wardrobe, as well as summer textures like linen. Tissue cashmere, cotton and ramie knits are slowly working their way into my closet. I think I’ll be purging a lot of my heaviest winter clothes as it starts warming up again in February!

  • The black sneakers are very unfortunate. Ask your sister Leatesia, she’ll tell you the truth.

  • I love that parka! I’ve been on the hunt for warm woolly stuff now that it’s suddenly got so cold. As always, thanks for sharing your wonderful style!

  • Garance, you look better in these wide leg pants than the ad. You look gorgeous in this outfit, my fav. I love how you love the no high heels look. It is just too silly when you work and live in an urban area and you have to get around (from another New Yorker).

  • Any chance you could help find that Theory dress. Link only takes us to
    theory dresses and that dress isn’t there. Thanks in advance!!

  • Salut Garance!
    je t ai lis il y a quelques ans et j adore ton style et la maniere comme tu reflets tes experiences sur la vie, la mode,
    l amour, etc dans le blog… maintenant je trouve que tu te sens tres confortable dans ton peau, et ca c est genial! et oui je pense que tout ces looks sont tres sexys!! pour moi la comodite et la securite sont irresistibles, bravo!

  • (la dernière fois, une lectrice m’a laissé un commentaire en me disant à quel point elle n’aimait pas ces chaussure et je comprends, mais en même temps je ne comprends pas comment on peut ne pas aimer la sandale la plus classique et simplissime et quasi invisible du monde ?)(j’adore les débats mode, parce que au fond, on peut pas avoir de débat, c’est vraiment une question de goût et de couleurs…)
    => c’est peut être moi sur un des articles des 10 ans du blog. Je ne parlais pas de celles que tu portes dans cet article-ci que j’adore (tout ce qui est genre spartiates, j’adore depuis que j’ai 10 ans, j’ai eu mes premières à 12 ans en 1986 hahaha) mais les sortes de savates de piscine en cuir croisé sur le dessus avec lesquelles on te voit beaucoup cet été, sur les photos du site en tout cas.
    Mais je te l’ai dit car c’est clair : y’a aucune débat, ce ne sont que des goûts personnels. Et en plus il y a des choses qu’on aime et qui nous vont pas du tout (par exemple les ballerines et moi, avec ou sans lacets, avec ou sans talons, c’est toujours vilain sur mes pieds), et des choses qu’on n’aime pas et qui vont très bien à d’autres (par exemple les Ugg hahahahahahaha) (je suis sincère hein). Alors, ben rien, ça permet juste d’échanger sur les tendances non universelles :D
    Moi aussi j’adore ces robes en laine dans lesquelles on est super bien, et dans lesquelles on peut avoir l’air ou décontractées ou chic, selon les chaussures et accessoires.
    Je trouve que c’est une super idée de dire ce que tu portes en ce moment. On a toujours des fixettes par saison, autant les partager :D Moi cet été c’était une mini jupe rose en soie à volants, je l’ai portée à toutes les sauces, maintenant c’est une jupe en wax africain courte, avec des volants aussi (mais pas pareil) (tu connais le site afrikrea ?) que je porte avec des collants, bref ce sont des fixettes de 2 ou 3 mois et puis ca change.

  • jolie robe verte elle te va bien, te voir de cette couleur me fait penser à une ancienne photo de blogueuses parisiennes ou tu étais habillée en Etro ;-), j’adore les pulls robes mais je n’ose pas les porter trop :)

  • Mamavalveeta03 October, 8 2016, 7:39 / Reply

    It’s AMOUR, Garance!!! I love a good Henley, too. Sexy!

  • I’m in love with both looks – Garance is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could pull off those black pants – I’m only 5’1” so may not be for me – but a girl can dream !


  • I just moved to Portland,Oregon and that coat is perfect for the climate here. I’m obsessed with its brilliant detailing and color. Alas, as with much of my taste in clothes, it’s above my pay grade. (Though I appreciate your locating a similar one at H &M.)

  • Michelle October, 9 2016, 10:02 / Reply

    I’m not loving-loving the sandals either – but style is all about personal preference, and you have wonderful taste in clothing Garance!

    I particularly love your hair, the sweater dress and the trousers. The trousers are sensational and not everyone can pull them off!

  • je suis assez d’accord pour les petits gilets à boutons, très suggestif, juste ce qu’il faut. Et j’aime bien cette parka, j’aime d’autant plus quand une veste est très chaude qu’elle permet de de ne pas s’emmitoufler sous des couches de pulls.

  • You look so relaxed Garance :)


  • Thank you for sharing these beautiful looks! Like many readers who have commented on the olive, ribbed-knit Theory dress in the first picture – it does not appear to be on the Theory website. Could you please provide a direct-link. Thank you.

  • Beaucoup d’inspiration dans tes photos, merci !
    Le KAKI est LA couleur de cet automne :) !


  • Love the shooting and the clothes of course!


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