8 years ago by
Erik Melvin
Maybe it was the book tour that got us reading more, or maybe it’s just that we’re trying to binge on Netflix less, but either way everyone at the studio is on a reading kick at the moment. And based on the comments we’ve been getting on some of our book reviews it sounds like a lot of you are doing the same!

We’ve thought about starting a book club (would you guys join one if we did?), and then we met Delphine Gesquiere who started a book club in her neighborhood—Greenpoint, Brooklyn—called Le Bouquineuses de Greenpoint. Delphine, a Parisian, formed the group over a year ago with some of the mother’s from her children’s French school.
“We meet every six weeks. The rules: we don’t talk about kids, school, or our jobs. It ‘s a moment for us. The ultimate luxury, right? And discussing the books we read is just a starting point to lengthy conversations with great wine. Bien sur!”
I tried to start a book club in college, our first book was Just Kids by Patti Smith, but no one read the book and we just ended up drinking wine together and chatting all night. Nothing out of the usual for us. It could be time to take another stab at it though…
I just finished reading ‘The Pleasing Hour’ by Lily King for the second time. I highly recommend it. And, yes, I’d love to join a virtual book club.
i’m trying to read a skinny book in spanish in order to improve my language skills. wish me luck! :)
Currently I also started reading more and watching less tv shows. I would totally join your bookclub! Maybe one on goodreads?
I’ve never been good at book clubs because I hate being forced to read a particular book — I’d much rather pick and choose my reading material as the mood strikes. My friend Elizabeth Charles started a magazine club, as her friends didn’t have time to read books! They started out with the September issue of Vogue. I think this is a brilliant idea!
Love when you post about books!
Would join your book club for sure!
So many amazing books to read and it’s great to hear recommendations and be drawn to books one might not choose on ones own.
Chère Garance,
Je lis ce blog depuis des années -enfin, du haut de mes 18 ans – mais je recommande de tout coeur Americanah de Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie au Studio. L’anglais de cette Nigériane est merveilleux, et son point de vue sur les relations Afrique/Amérique l’est plus encore.
this is an amazing book indeed! very profound, touching and yet funny at the same time.
What a great idea you can’t replace a great book!!
with love
Yael Guetta
Hi Emily!
I am so happy you talk about book club! What a statement to say ok, we will take 2 or 3 hours to discuss about books (not even series or blogs or social something but words on paper!!) and this is going to be so important that we will not talk about anything else than those cherished books! This is Luxury in those days. And that is brilliant!!!
Have you read Just kids since then? For me Just kids IS the 70’s. Chelsea Hotel, pure art, freedom – this book is just a gift which enables us to feel the 70’s in the 21th century.
Comme je suis une lectrice boulimique, j’ai toujours fantasmé sur les clubs de lecture ! Mais comme il y a encore quelques années j’avais l’impression que c’était réservé aux mamies qui échangeaient sur le dernier Harlequin…
En tout cas, si le studio ouvre un club de lecture, je suis là !!!
I’d love to be in a book club! Should start one myself…
And I’d love to eat some of those cute cakes in the photo! :)
Sounds like fun.. I am presently reading Pied Piper by Nevil Shute..
Why “Eva” for the cover image? Have you read it?
If so, what did you think of it?
Thank you !
Did you notice the colors of her eyes? for real?
Emily, I like your notes… revealing a book lover, indeed!
Oui un book club !!
Je viens de finir Palo Alto de James Franco et je vais commencer le troisième tome d’Harry Potter en vo obvi (ouais je sais old school) ;)
J aimerais beaucoup aussi participer à un book club virtuel:)!
Ce serait une superbe idée!!
Yes please! I read a book a week but have so few people to share my thoughts or doubts with. I would love to join the virtual book club!
Yes a book club!
Hard to focus on the book when there is such yummy breakfast around it! But sounds like a good one that I would like to check out.
BEST BREAKFAST JOINT EVER! Should def. dedicate a post to or, or maybe not to keep it a Greenpoint secret:) And of course, books are the best!
Ouiiiii, un book club, quelle bonne idée, fatiguée des discussions sur les TV shows … Et sur les enfants et le boulot ! Vive les livres ;;;
I have always wanted to be apart of at book club.
Creating community around reading is brilliant. Do it!
As a bluestocking of the higher order;) I love the idea! I’ve already followed two of your suggestions: the Silvie project and the five languages of love.
* highest
Je n’ai jamais fait partie d’un club de lecture, mais je trouve ça intéressant, comme concept.
Les livres, ça peut nous inspirer, comme tout. Au même titre qu’un défilé de mode ou qu’une personne au style différent que l’on croise dans la rue.
J’aime à penser qu’une tenue, qu’un style, doit faire voyager -au même titre qu’un livre- la personne qui nous voit la porter. C’est ce que j’essaie de faire, en tout cas! :3
That’s so smart to have those rules in place.
Fabo idea and great way to connect. Count me in!
Yey what a great idea Garance! Whilst TV bores me to death (don’t even have one) I easily burn through a few books a week. I would love to join your virtual club!
I would love to join your book club! I am currently reading Shogun because I may be going to Japan in the fall.
Just Kids was just ok. Overrated imo.
Yes, please start a book club. That would be super exciting! I am currently reading A Little Life as per Emily’s recommendation.
Hi Janette,
How do you like the book so far? I know it’s crazy sad but isn’t it so good?!
x Emily
I am addicted to audio books and just download them to my phone thru Audible. I must be addicted to multitasking too, since I love to listen and work(clean, garden, drive…etc). I also love laying in my bed at night listening in the dark. It’s much more relaxing than reading, no bright light and no bending my neck at uncomfortable angles. If you decide to give it a try I really loved The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. Get reading…or listening!! It’s much better than screen time : )
Hey CA!
I just downloaded the audio book of Girl on the Train and I’m really enjoying listening to it on the subway for my commute! If you haven’t listened to it or read it, it’s been pretty good so far!
x Emily
I have an impromptu book club with coworkers! What I mean by that is we realized that we all have similar book reading lists (the books we want to read, but haven’t started yet). Once we found that out we’ve all started trading the books with one another, giving each other recommendations, and enjoying various series and companion books, which then lead to informative conversations both inside and outside of the office! It’s been an amazing way to connect with coworkers (of ALL ages!!) and to really feed the book worm in all of us!
Great idea! The rules are perfect. We’ve talked about starting a book club at my yoga studio but haven’t actually done it. I really would like to join one soon. Even if it is virtual. I love being introduced to new books.
I am reading more than ever lately. I am so bored with TV.
Yes to a Garance Book Club!
I love reading and listening to audiobooks, I joined a book club with American moms, I read now half books in French and half in English and it really made a difference to my language skills, plus it’s so much fun. I recently loved Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail and 2084. I also read a lot of personal development books like Miracle Morning.
J’adorerai rencontrer toutes les 6 semaines le Bouquineuses de Brooklyn ;-)
Hi Emily, Thanks for this article. I am french and I live in Greenpoint. I would love to join Les bouquineuses de Greenpoint. Do you happen to know how can I contact Delphine. That would be great :)
I just read A Little Life as per Emily’s is absolutely great book,couldn’t put it is indeed very sad but so beautifully written and so interesting I recommend it 100%.Thx so much Emily.Looking forward to your next recommendation.Reading 2 books at the moment,but not crazy about either… looking for next great one
Nice post! :)
A propos de livres, je suis passée voir l’expo sur Balenciaga au Modemuseum d’Anvers. Et sur quoi je tombe dans le shop ?
Ton bouquin !
La classe non ?
Mai Ly
This wednesday is my first time at a Book Club!
The most fascinating thing of being part of this is the energy that everybody involved in a Book Club puts on.
Besides, the opportunity to read different things that is not your usual choice, is amazing!
Really exciting!
P.S.: this month we read “Soumission” of Michel Houellebecq. It’s a politics book about France being governed by an islamic president.
Hugs directly from São Paulo, Brazil!!!!
I would absolutely join the club, how fascinating to have the opportunity to discuss a book in such broad perspective!
Je vous recommande le livre “Oona et Salinger” de Frédéric Beigbeder, c’est vraiment un très très bon livre, je n’en dis pas plus, je vous laisse découvrir ou pas ;)
Excellente idee.Partagez vos lectures et avis,vous semerez encore plus de plaisir et de curiosite autour de vous…
Could you do a post on the best fashion or fashion memoir books? I’d love to hear what it is you all have been reading :)
J’aime bien le choix des photos .C’est un blog très intèressant. Bravo et good luck
A défaut de pouvoir vraiment créer un club de lecture, nous avons, avec quelques amis, créé un groupe facebook sur lequel on poste nos dernières lectures (une photo du bouquin et quelques lignes de présentations avec son avis). C’est dans l’idée de partager ses découvertes et d’aller vers des auteurs qu’on ne connaît par forcement. Du coup c’est assez éclectique et ça va du classique au romans tout juste publiés.