11 years ago by
The other day, I visited the Suno offices (A brand I love – you remember the designer Erin’s apartment? And this show here? And this video?) with their decorator, Kate.
It’s warm and simple and full of ideas on how to make a pretty corporate space really nice…
It inspired me a lot, even more so that we’ve started to do some research to find a studio! A real studio!!! This is coming from the girl who has always worked at home!!! Can you imagine?
Click on the arrows to see more images.
J’aime beaucoup. C’est un peu comme un endroit intime. La maison de mes rêves, quoi !
Chère Garance,
Je suis friande de tes posts et me demandais si tu prévoyais de créer une version imprimable ou version pdf? Certains de tes posts me font tant de bien, tant sourire et rire que j’ai le désir de les imprimer et de les classer… mais seulement tout en gardant le bel aspect du blog!
Merci de ta réponse!
Suis tombée hier à la FNAC sur le livre de Scoot et je suis fan fan fan des clichés qu’il a pris de toi! It’s Dorélicious!!!!!!
the interior is so wonderful designed .. and makes me wish for a studio space of my own, indeed! hopefully someday… as I’m a homebody for now as well! ;)
xo Cam
tweet me: @somekindofstyle
Love the simple yet eclectic style. The color palette is really lovely as well, it brings a feeling warmth.
Quinn Cooper Style
Love the space!!
Wow, that is great and she looks so nice. Have a nice day.
i wanna work there! :)
le buro de reve, j adore
Ca doit vraiment être agréable de travailler dans un si bel endroit! Ca donne envie!
It looks very charming with the African influence and the steel and wood furniture. I would love to work in such an environment myself. http://madrilicious.com
these pictures inspire me a lot! the desk with the flowers, the wood boxes, the jackets on the chair..
and the living room space with the leather chair.. a very quiet atmosphere with some touch of colours ..
These images are beautiful! I love how clean and full of character her workspace is,
Gorgeous space, very inspirational.
GIVEAWAY on the blog
Ok first off, she is BEAUTIFUL!
Second, I love the simplicity and the fusion of rustic and industrial in her office. That high-top table and chairs are amazing…I want that as my kitchen table!
Thanks for the great photos!
xoxo, Em
Grosse source d’inspiration pour moi qui suis en plein déménagement .. et à la recherche d’idée pour meubler mon nouveau ‘at home’ différemment !
Garance, you never fail when it comes to arts and looking for inspirations… i look up to you in the blogosphere
Juste, superbe !
Mais ce sera quand même chez toi, un double chez toi ! Bonne chance pour vos recherches et joyeuses Pâques ! (on fête Pâques aux States ?)
this space is beyond gorgeous but then again i would expect nothing less from suno! love all the interesting little details that really make the space feel unique.
Oh la la ça me donne envie de m’installer et de me mettre au boulot. Ca me changerait de mon coin de bureau chez mois qui ne ressemble à bien y réfléchir en fait à rien ;-)
Fan de décoration /// Merci pour cette visite privé ! Je dis visite privé parce que ces bureaux ressemble beaucoup à un appartement privé, ça doit être génial de travailler dans une ambiance comme ça.
@Garance, c’est quand tu nous post des photos de ton studio où de ton appartement, car je crois que vous travaillez à la maison. Je sais que c’est privée, mais j’aimerais beaucoup savoir comme vous avez aménagé votre intérieur toi Scott.
I love it!
Inspiring dig – no frills.. now to clean up and unclutter my studio.
I also wanna work there! The interior is really warm and welcoming. xoxo KJ
Love Suno , I’m a huge fan,
Ah, Suno, une marque que j’adore ! Merci pour ces images, je t’embrasse bien fort Garance
♥ http://www.estelleblogmode.com ♥
The idea of a studio would be heaven… Not having to pack up at the end of the day… bliss… Leaving things just as they are and designing the space as you like… Perfection… xv
Such an inspirational post! I adore the stools at the work table.
hope you find an awesome studio space !
xo Meg<3
Cet intérieur est vraiment beau !
Et le mood board, juste parfait :)
Please please find out what the white paint brand/color is on the walls!
Who is the artist of the paintings featured? So beautiful!
J’aime beaucoup le style, épuré, ethnique et moderne.
J’adore cette marque aussi !
What a beautiful place, so serene! xx
lovely place !!! :)
Une superbe fille entourait d’une superbe déco! Oui je veux bien devenir cette fille là!Haha
Mais qui est cette magnifique blonde aux yeux bleus?
I love the interior, but really just came here to say that the woman in the first picture has the most mesmerizing eyes. They are truly stunning! Ugh Garance you have the best job.
Un studio!
Quand je me suis lancé avec d’autres créatifs, on cherchait le local idéale pour travailler à 4. On a fait tout les locaux de la ville, vu pleins de choses et après un apéro dans LE café avec LA TERRASSE, on s’est retrouvé là devant ce local vide à l’abandon. Une annonce sur la vitrine pour les appartements à louer au dessus, on appel c’est la propriétaire qui décroche (on sortait de notre apéro), votre local, il est à louer? Oui mais il y a trois mois de travaux… (Il y avait de la terre battue au sol) il y avait tout à faire. Bonheur!!! On fait les plans on choisi les matériaux, résultat…? On a le bureau le plus cool de la ville et c’est pas moi qui le dis. Le plus beau compliment c’est ” j’ai crus que j’étais à Berlin en passant devant”. On est à 30 mètre du LE café;)
Superbe bureau !! Juste un expace comme je le souhaiterais avec ces grands tableauxpour épingler mes inspirations et projets !!
How I wish.
The office like a home.
I had my own studio above a warehouse my partner was renting. It was a gorgeous, industrial space, great light, so much so that it was almost too hot to use in summer…but to my surprise it quashed my motivation. You see I knew I had created my studio for the sole purpose of production, ie work. And for the first time in my life, that’s exactly how I perceived my art, as work. I would go in there in the morning, all fired up with good intentions, and then stare at an unfinished piece with disdain, colapse onto my vintage, red, velvet couch (a purchase that was all part of the ‘big picture’) and entertain inane and random thoughts for hours. I soon discovered that my best ideas were conceived at home & the need to manifest those ideas was immediate. Breaking that creative momentum by changing my environment plus the time it took to do so, was not only enough to destroy those ideas, but enough to allow all too familiar self doubts to seep in. Now I’ve set up a space in my house that is literally standing room only, but I finish what I start. I can paint in my underwear if I want and best of all, it doesn’t feel like work. That’s my personal experience with a studio, I know not everyone would agree, but I’ve never made a profit from my art so perhaps that’s why it continues to nourish me in a way money never will. It’s a notion that frightens me a little. Wishing you all the best Garance x
VVow, that really looks like an ideal working/living space. such a muse. congratulations being a spokesperson for Kering by the way! I think its amazing they picked you, considering how genuine you are towards fashion and style. :)