Michelle Monaghan disarms you with her charm and manners and then she makes you love her more when she curses and talks about her love of cheese. Her healthy outlook on life and comfort in her own skin is refreshing and endearing. At her new home in Los Angeles we chatted about growing up in rural Iowa, working with Richard Gere, and her wonderful tv show, The Path, to which I’m totally hooked on, and also about her love of Anthony Bourdain and so much more. I hope you enjoy this podcast!
NYFW Wrap Up
I remember one day (not so long ago!!!)(sigh) sitting in front of a makeup artist at a photo shoot and hearing him ask me: what is all that?
Yes. At the time I was pretty tired, and I was starting to see my first wrinkles really settle in, bags under my eyes becoming sort of permanent, and the only thing I could think of was: MORE MAKEUP!!!
Turns out, I had it all wrong.
How Do You Denim?
From the Archives
- This or That
- Holiday Gifting
- Happy Holidays!
- #AtelierDoreDoes
- How To...
French Guru / Valerie Espinasse
There’s such an excess amount of trends surround wellness and nutrition that it’s becoming very apparent that there’s no single idea for what constitutes a healthy diet. One person’s gluten-free is another’s paleo is another’s low fat, high carb, and so on. Which is why we’ve enlisted Paris based Valerie Espinasse to help clarify the basics of good nutrition for our French Guru series.
Crazy for J.W.
If I were to say there was one designer right now who everyone is talking about, it would be J.W. Anderson. And rightfully so. His work for his own brand, and Loewe, have made an impact with his highly distinctive...