My Kitchen!

5 years ago by

In Partnership With Café Appliances

Gaaaaaah! You should have heard my reaction when I saw the Café Collection.

Sarah and I were starting to work on my house and the only thing I could think of was light, light, LIGHT!

I was dreaming of a bright, warm, welcoming kitchen. I wanted it to be the center of the house. I wanted to get myself back into cooking, and the way I like to cook is how we do it in the South of France – it’s like a sophisticated version of a lazy hang out.

Meaning you serve everyone a glass of chilled white wine, you get on one side of the island, seat your guests on the other side and give them small tasks as you’re talking and making the meal.

“Could you slice these zucchini ? Cut this cheese ? Can you pass me the olive oil ?”

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances

Needless to say, the kitchen becomes a sort of character in the evening – and has to look as cool and stylish as the host. Ahah. But also be functional: because serious cooking is underway.

So seeing that someone had imagined the perfect appliances right at the perfect time – aka when I was decorating my house (no, I don’t think the world revolves around me, why?) – was the first “Gaaah!” moment. The second one came because I have always liked a kitchen that’s a mix of old school common sense, like real handles (my previous dishwasher was super sleek and didn’t have a handle, so just the fact of opening it was a THING) and perfect modern functionality. I am the daughter of a chef and I grew up in functional kitchens where everything was thought about.

Also, the Café Appliances are customizable.
Gaaaah. Meaning, I could not only pick the color (Matte White alert!!!) but also the hardware (hello, Brushed Bronze!!!) seriously, I had never seen anything so beautiful – and so perfect for me. And then, they arrived home, and got installed. Drool.

Truly, I don’t know which one is my favorite.

The fridge opens wide so you can organize everything perfectly in the compartments. It feels extra spacious. At first, I didn’t want a water dispenser, but now it’s my favorite feature. It comes with a water filter so the water’s delicious and you can choose your perfect temperature – which is a totally new level of luxury to me, hah.

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances
atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances

The range is next level in beauty, but also in power and functionality. It tells you the exact temperature in there, which seems like it should be required for every oven, how could you cook before that? And there again, handles, switches, everything feels perfect and easily controllable with one hand.

As far as the dishwasher, as you’ve gathered I was in a very complicated relationship with my previous one, all tactile and tech and complicated and with no handle. The Café one is all of that, modern and sophisticated and all – but it’s also extra simple and easy to use.

If you’re like me, you never read a manual, don’t you?

In conclusion, I want to marry my kitchen, my friends think I have supernatural entertaining skills, and everything is LIGHT – exactly the way I wanted, just better.

atelier dore garance dore kitchen ge cafe appliances


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  • So the whole house is an advert? The ways in which the newly minted blogosphere makes money!!!

  • It is PERFECT. Full stop. I want to live in it :)

  • fondamental, l’îlot central!

  • omg, in love! I want that print now A Place In The Sun. Seems like Dore font, but not featured in the Shop, where to get?? Thank you :)

  • So homey, so stylish, and so detail oriented. Love!??

  • It is beautiful. The appliances look amazing, but what makes my jaw drop are the windows above the sink.
    I am 100% with you on the island with guests doing busy work to be involved and the chef in the kitchen. Conviviality. It’s how I designed my kitchen, too. The only downside is that the mess is visible from the adjacent dining area. But turning off the lights over the kitchen and dining by candlelight mostly resolves that. And once it’s really, truly summer, we eat outdoors.

  • Just-A-Girl March, 22 2019, 1:42 / Reply

    You did an amazing job. I am a kitchen geek and I am totally crushing on your kitchen.

  • Sabrina March, 22 2019, 3:48 / Reply

    When can I move in?

  • Je me demande si on peut avoir cette collection au Canada!

  • Mariateresa March, 23 2019, 5:38 / Reply

    And the lampi? Beautiful! Brava Garance!!!!Complimenti!!!!

  • Moi qui suis sur le point d’acheter une maison, je dois dire que je suis ravie de voir la tienne pour piquer quelques idées (la cuisine est à refaire de A a Z). J’avoue que je n’ai pas le budget pour la collection café, mais je la trouve quand même sublime <3

  • who makes those beautiful flat panel white cabinets?

  • Beautiful Kitchen! It’s a dream for sure! Enjoy it! Can you tell us about the bar stools? They are really nice and a great scale. I am looking for some now for my own kitchen. Thank you!

  • j’ai l’impression que tu as fait sponsoriser toute ta maison ! :D

  • The kitchen is spectacular! Who makes the orange and white ceiling fixtures? I love them!

  • La finesse et la sobriété des menuiseries métalliques de la fenêtre donnent une identité très chouette au volume. Si je comprend bien, ce sont deux ouvrants latéraux de part et d’autre d’un grand châssis fixe. Ca doit être super sympa d’avoir le nez dans la végétation quand c’est ouvert!
    Très chouette cuisine – et cette hotte, wah!

  • Naydeline March, 26 2019, 7:01 / Reply

    This kitchen is gorgeous! I want to live in it!

  • Bravo pour cette réalisation ! je suis fan de cette cuisine, sobre et design ! le rêve !

  • Shireen Bora April, 14 2019, 6:44 / Reply

    Need some cooking posts!!

  • Your kitchen is SO great! – so simple and classic.

  • This is fantastic for everyone

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