
10 years ago by

There are some words that really, really get on my nerves.
Especially ones that are used to label, minimize, or condescend, and basically, any time words are used to put kind of an ugly label on things when it’s just not necessary.
For example…


“Oh, she’s such a princess.”
Hearing a guy say that gives me the chills. I can’t even really explain why.


It was already kind of lame back when it was just used to describe women who were attracted to younger men, but it’s even worse now that it’s used for (pretty much) Any Woman Over Forty.

It’s annoying because it categorizes women in a way that no one ever does with men, who we continue to find sexy at any age, no matter how old their partner is.

Yesterday, I went to see Edge Of Tomorrow (this way you know you shouldn’t bother going to see it even if Tom Cruise is pretty funny at the beginning which is a nice suprise) and [spoiler alert] [Ok, I mean, it’s not like we didn’t see it coming] Emily Blunt (31) and Tom Cruise (51) make out in the movie and no one raises an eyebrow.

What would people have said if it were Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher? Cougar!!! Argh.

Plus size

Ah, the infinite creativity it must take to not say it like it is.
I understand you can’t exactly open a “fat” section in the store, but the expression plus-size is just plus-annoying. I say curvy. Not much better, I know.


Even though I don’t really know what else to say when I want to talk about a girl who likes fashion, I never really liked the word fashionista (But I do like Fashionista with a capital F, the website) even worse now that it’s used in a way that’s not even funny anymore, all over the place and in the most condescending way possible: “Fashionista alert! Sample sale this weekend!” crrrrriiiinge.

So now the problem is — what to call a girl who likes fashion? Who knows.


Ok I admit I say it sometimes, but always as a joke, like – yo, bitch, but it depresses me anyway, for a reason that makes Alex burst out laughing every time: I love dogs, and therefore I love bitches.
I’m tired of people insulting them. They didn’t do anything!


I hate the way this word is used in the US. I’ve already talked to you about that here. But I guess something is lost in translation because my American friends seem super comfortable using the word vagina to describe their pussy [and they use the word vagina A LOT].

So I say pussy, the literal translation of the French word chatte, and everyone looks kind of shocked – I think it’s a super trashy word in the US.

Is she on her period or something?

Too true (and too painful)(I take Advil) to not be extremely annoying coming out of the mouth of a man who can’t understand. And even worse when it comes from a woman, who can understand.

Yes, I’m on my period. Shut up.

Kimye, Brangelina

Ok, maybe this doesn’t annoy me that much, actually. Compared to the expression above, it’s even kind of cute. Right? What do you think?


And all the words that go along with fashion-related hysteria that I commit myself way too often: “I’m dying for those shoes! Omg, dying!!!” “SO obsessed!!!” “Scatter my ashes at Bergdorf Goodman!!!” (um, really, you like shopping THAT much?)

Ok, fine. I know I say things like that every day. What? I never said I didn’t annoy myself, too!

So what about you? What words get on your nerves?

Translated by Andrea Perdue.


Add yours
  • Moi j ‘aime bien MODASSE, ça rime avec connasse, bonnasse, charasse (bon OK, celui la on ne l’utilise que à Liege/Belgique)… et je trouve ca laid comme mot, et drôle à la fois :-)

  • “Taupasse”, dans la série des “ASSE”, c’est ma préférée!
    L&F de http://luckasetmoi.blogspot.fr/

  • Ah je déteste le mot princesse moi aussi!
    Et superbe l’illustration! Elle est trop jolie!
    Des bisous

    Le monde des petites

  • there are always trending words. don’t worry: they go away fast! :)


  • Haha, mais je préfère mille fois “vagin” que “chatte”… C’est une vraie partie de notre anatomie le vagin, c’est marrant que tu préfères “chatte”! moi ça me met hyper mal à l’aise ce terme. #coicéeducul En plus, j’avais l’impression (avant ton post) qu’il n’y avait que les mecs qui utilisaient ce mot!! ;-)

  • Comme quoi c’est vraiment personnel!!! :)

  • Mathilde June, 10 2014, 10:28

    Ouuh oui je suis trop d’accord! j’oserais jamais dire “chatte”. Ca me fait penser aux garçons de la cour de récré qui découvrent le mot “nichon”, et aussi à Choum, va savoir pourquoi. J’utilise pas de mot, ou “kikine” quand j’en parle avec mon amoureux, parce que c’est le féminin de “kiki”, ça me choque moins. C’est fou comme on peut être puritain sans s’en rendre compte. ;)

  • loulou June, 10 2014, 9:11 / Reply

    j’aime beaucoup cette illustration .

  • I can’t stand the word “moist”. I literally have a visceral reaction to it, ick!


  • armelle June, 10 2014, 9:22 / Reply

    “Inspirant”. Utilisé à toutes les sauces, et jusqu’à l’écoeurement, en ce qui me concerne. Je ne peux plus le lire, ni l’entendre, sans bloquer direct.
    Et aussi “ADN”, dans sa version : “C’est dans l’ADN de la marque, vous comprenez ?”.

  • Aahaha, inspirant – je vois ce que tu veux dire, même si moi je l’utilise tout le temps !!! #jessayedassumer

  • J’allais le dire – tout est sooo inspiring ces temps-ci…..

  • Marima June, 10 2014, 9:25 / Reply

    Je deteste “vagin”, trop médical ! J’avais adoré ton post sur ce sujet. Ca me fait rire que tu en reparles.

  • I also do not like the word “Fashionista” sounds like the name of a mental illness!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Maybe it is. Hold on, you might have something there, be careful, they might add this to the DSM (since they are constantly looking for new diseases to help pharmaceutical companies find new market opportunities). If it really was a mental disease, would anyone want a cure? The fashion industry would start a war with Big Pharma, that would be fun…

  • Really nice post! I agree!

  • bijoux June, 10 2014, 9:27 / Reply

    Words I dislike: Whatever. Actually. And the phrase “at the end of the day”. But what I really dislike is poor grammar. Let me ask this open question- please respond- Are people outside of the United States as awful at using grammar and spelling in their own native language as Americans are at using English? I am really curious to know if it is only Americans that cannot seem to grasp the basics of the one language we needed to learn. It’s infuriating.

  • Everybody around the world is becoming more and more terrible with grammar and spelling because nobody is checking spelling and grammar on Internet (I actually have someone do it here). French is even worse, as we have so many letters you can’t hear and different verb forms. I am totally guilty (since moving here I’m losing my french so fast), but I feel terrible about it (if that helps) xx

  • Christianna June, 10 2014, 2:29

    It’s weird, because I’m studying foreign languages and translation (I speak Greek and Albanian as a bilingual and also English and French due to my studies) and I’ve realised that wanting to learn a language and start from the beginning is completely different from being a native speaker (who usually don’t pay attention to grammatical & syntactical structures of their own language)!
    Most people blame the rythmes of modern life for this trend of simplification, but I suppose nowadays words just don’t matter as much as they used to, they’ve been replaced by images…

  • I also don’t understand why it is impossible to first think and then formulate and entire sentence without ..like… kind of like, you know what I mean? As a non native speaker, it confuses me a lot to follow and understand what someone is trying to say when the information is distributed between three million like and kind of (, riiiight?). Most problematic for me: these words are infections, and they slowly creep in, and recently I noticed I use them now, too.

  • rubysun June, 10 2014, 8:24

    @garance Yes – the french are worse! I’m American (who speaks French), and when I see French conversation on Twitter, I’m like, “!?what?! is going on here…???” The responses are missing half the letters, and add in all the strange abbreviations and colloquialisms, there’s little chance even a half-way French speaker would even know what language is happening in front of their eyes. It’s sort of mind boggling considering how beautiful and elegant French/ French culture is that the natives, uh, ‘arrange’ the language comme ca. :(

  • Ai-Ch'ng June, 12 2014, 11:57

    With regard to poor grammar seen on various forums, for me – I think it’s due to my terrible typing skills and the smallness of my mobile screen (I clearly don’t own a Samsung, whose larger screen will apparently help those without the ability to re-read their four point font posts).

    My aversion is to the following: “whatevs”; the phrase, “you rock/you rock that outfit”; “meh”; and the overused “awesome” and “totes” (instead of “totally”).

    I’m not sure why I don’t like those words and phrases: that will probably be another whole post in itself.

  • Moi j’ai directement envie de coller une baffe à toute personne qui dit :
    Ca matche voire ça matcheu bien
    Nan, on dit ça marche ou ça colle, n’importe quoi mais pas ça matche (poils de bras épilés en l’air quand même)

  • il faut aller voir la version anglaise pour comprendre chienne/bitch!

  • I’m always labelled, and now I label myself, it seems more nice to myself!!
    Nice post , as always!
    Love, Gap.

  • Happy Arli June, 10 2014, 9:38 / Reply

    Un mot que je déteste par dessus tout c’est “prol”… “Oh, regarde, il a l’air d’un prol!”. Bien que je ne sois spécialement de gauche, j’estime que le prolétariat a du se battre dans le passé (et même encore parfois aujourd’hui) pour gagner certains droits. Je trouve cela trés méprisant (à l’égard des gens issus du prolétariat) d’être assimilé à quelqu’un qui s’habille comme une clinche! (enfin, super mal quoi!)


  • egmonde June, 15 2014, 6:32

    Traiter quelqu’un ou quelque chose de “prol” est une habitude belge. Je l’ai très rarement entendu depuis que j’ai quitté la Belgique (il y a 30 ans). Je ne savais pas que ça se disait encore.

  • Ahahah trop fort ce post ! Pour une fille qui aime la mode, j’aime bien le mot “modeuse”… Quand on dit de moi que je suis une “vraie modeuse” je le prends comme un compliment ^^ Peut-être que je ne devrais pas mais bon, c’est toujours mieux que fashionista qui a, selon moi, un vrai caractère gnangnan et compulsif dégueu (compréhensible ce que je viens de dire ou bien ?). Sinon, je préfère largement chatte que vagin ahah

  • hello, pour ma part je parle plutôt de “minou” (chatte est peut cru et vagin trop médical !)
    et je crois que le terme de “connasse” est mon préféré car il regroupe la princesse , la cougar ( de plus de 30 ans et la modeuse )… et sinon, j’aime bien les termes un peu désuets …
    Et je crois que je déteste tout les mots qui ont rapport avec l’argent, les banques , la politique bref , tout ce qui se prend au sérieux (ben , parce que ça l’est ! sérieux!)
    et toujours un grand merci pour tes illustrations ! top!

  • I noticed some stores call the “plus size” section Women’s. Isn’t that nice? The “normal” sizes are Misses’, which is still not so bad, but maybe a little condescending (?). As far as words/phrases I don’t like: “Back in the day”…just drives me nuts.

  • I know I know and I use so many of these.


  • MissPimpin June, 10 2014, 9:49 / Reply

    Vagin ? chatte ?
    Mais c’est quoi les conversations que vous avez les filles ????
    Blague à part, Garance, quand j’aurais fini de monter mon think tank sur la condition féminine, il faudra que tu y participes, tu couvres vraiment une bonne idée et image de la femme d’aujourd’hui
    Mais si, la fashionista avec sa chatte qui quand elle est pas de mauvais poil à cause de ses règles est en mourance devant une paire de shoes de princesse ;-)

  • jaunemoutarde June, 10 2014, 9:50 / Reply

    Boccacinos- cupcake – long board – tendance – good for you! – ”mon ami”- baiser et tous les diminutifs de noms commun ou de noms propres.

  • Ha! I love this post, Garance! There are so many words that get on my nerves – words that not only make me cringe when someone is using them, but also make me feel strangely embarrassed for said person (my unhealthy empathy, I suppose :) )

    Anyway, here are a couple that drive me crazy –

    “Sunnies” and…


    Both words make me cringe and laugh out loud at the same time!

  • Alexandria June, 10 2014, 8:47

    Ah! Mary – I totally agree with you! I thought I was the only one that hated those words because it feels as though every brand/website uses ‘sunnies and /or skinnies…..infuriating!

  • natalie June, 20 2014, 4:58

    I hate sunnies, too! Instead I say “sun-gees” even though I hate myself a little more each time I do.

  • The use of partial words. “Ridic” instead of ridiculous, “obv” instead of obviously, … maddening.

  • Je déteste “chier”, “chiant” “chialer” ugh. Je sais pas pourquoi mais chialer est celui qui me dérange le plus.

  • I forgot “legit”. Its my most loathed one!

  • and what about fusions, like “suright” and “chillax” ? (even the autocorrect tries its best not to let me write these words)

  • Colleen June, 10 2014, 10:05 / Reply

    I can’t stand it when grown men say “sweet”. For example: “Oh, we’re going out for dinner? SWEET!!!” Ugh. I also dislike the overuse of popular catch phrases such as “on point”, and lately the word “legit”.

  • I hate the word “gorge” (for gorgeous). What I hate most is when the word “emotional” is used to describe someone with an opinion. If I give an opinion on something that I am passionate about and someone comes back with a response that I am being too emotional that drives me crazy! I am okay if someone doesn’t agree with me, but provide a reason other then I am “emotional!” Oh and a definite no to the word pussy – it makes me shudder.

  • Girls who call their boobs their ‘girls’. Really? I’m fine with vagina by the way, it’s always better than using ‘lady parts’.

  • this, and “ta tas” make me want to barf!

  • To me, “vagina” is respectful, while “pussy” and worse are gross. Words I dont like–how about “perfect” when something is just OK. Or fillers like “at the end of the day” or at this point in time.” For the latter, just say “now” willya?

  • Definitively in Italian is “Cara”, meaning “Dear”. People that have seen you once and they immediately call you honey, dear, sweetie, pumpkin. Makes me run quick.

  • Those are my worst as well! They have such a patronising tone to them! Especially ‘sweetie’! That’s a term that’s barely even appropriate for under 5’s, never mind adults!

  • lorraine June, 10 2014, 10:14 / Reply

    Tip Top = je déteste et aussi “c’est que du bonheur” mais ça c’est une expression qui n’a rien à voir avec celles dont tu parles – Vous n’avez pas horreur de cette expression toute faite qui pue l’imbécilité vous ?

  • Clémence June, 10 2014, 10:33

    Mon dieu oui, cette expression pue la téléréalité, le Benjamin Castaldi et est trop souvent associé à son cousin atroce, le “au jour d’aujourd’hui”…

  • Florence June, 10 2014, 1:10

    Oui cette expression est atroce. Ce sont mes copines dépré qui l’utilisent le plus!

  • Oh oui, le “que du bonheur” me hérisse.

    L’intégration en français de “juste” m’irrite un peu aussi : “c’était juste magique” (aaaaaaaah).

    Et je m’efforce de lutter contre le “trop” utilisé au lieu de “très” – du moins auprès de ma mouflette, qui parfois se reprend spontanément. “Maman, ce camembert est trop bon ! euh très bon, je veux dire.”

    Et pourtant moi aussi, malgré toutes mes irritations (je suis du genre à corriger tout haut un présentateur de radio qui dit “un espèce de…” – UNE espèce, s’il te plaît), j’ai des tas de tics de langage, bien sûr.

  • George Clooney, that man is a cougar. Maybe we could start calling older men tigers or something?

  • impotent

  • midlife crisis? I say that when a guy has a much younger woman, or is that not used anymore, which would be very desirable. wish the same would be true for cougar….

  • I hate an expression: where east meets west. I love travel magazines / blogs/ books and I hate when people use it. Everywhere is where east meets west!!!

  • Thank you Garaaaaance!

    I’m portuguese and everyone’s using the word princess nowadays. “Hi princess!”, “I love you, princess”, “You are beautiful, princess”. I totally hate when a guy calls me that! Uuuggh!

    I had a conversation about it with a friend of mine some days ago and she couldn’t see the problem in it! But now I know I’m not alone in this! Ha! Thanks, princess (i kid, i kid)

  • Alexandra June, 10 2014, 10:21 / Reply

    “Have a good one”. A good what? A good day? Then say it. ” No worries”. Who’s worried?? 24/7. Argh! Can people not speak proper english?? And sorry, but as a Canadian that lived in America for 5 years, this I couldn’t believe! – ‘dudn’t’…I don’t even know how to spell that because it is not a real word.

  • Caroline June, 10 2014, 10:22 / Reply

    Personnellement, je déteste tous les mots qui nous enferment dans des cases, ce qui comprend donc des termes comme “princesses” et “cougars” (non, je ne suis pas un archétype Disney ou un terme inventé par une chaîne de TV américaine, je suis un être humain à part entière) et toutes les insultes faites aux femmes (du type “p***”, “s*****”, etc.) qui sont affreuses et n’ont pas d’équivalent masculin.

    “Mal nommer les choses, c’est ajouter au malheur du monde” disait Camus…

  • Certes, quid, gosse, Lubeeeeron, y’a plein de mots qui m’énerve aussi.

  • lorraine June, 12 2014, 10:24

    Mais en fait c’est LUBEURON ou LUBAIRON ? moi je pensais Lubéron mais j’entends partout Lubeuuuuron… Quelque autochtone peut-il confirmer ?

  • Katherine June, 10 2014, 10:47 / Reply

    Thank you so much for this post! I agree on all counts! Except maybe with ‘pussy’, which my elegant grandmother used as well, incidentally. I just can’t. I’d like to add ‘it is what it is’ to the mix of phrases I can’t stand. xo

  • les gens qui m’appellent “ma belle” (ou qui appellent qui que ce soit “ma belle”). On n’est pas des labradors.

  • Aurélie June, 11 2014, 7:33

    Mille fois d’accord. je milite contre les “ma belle”!

  • Thanks for response, Garance. So, it’s good that it’s not just Americans screwing up language, I suppose. I know people don’t care about grammar, but I have so much respect for the intricacies of language that I do. One of my favorite times was getting to know someone who’s now my close friend- he came here from Morocco and he asked me questions about English all the time, and taught me French and bits of other languages. Anyway, this is quite an aside! I really like the fact that there are some words and phrases which are not able to be translated.

  • I guess like most of the girls here I hate all the mysoginist expressions, which hide a much more powerful message than what they seem to imply. The saddest thing is that by using them, we as women are being part of the problem. It’s really interesting to raise a debate on this subject, since a lot of people seem to think of it as a minor inconvenience. Words are really powerful and I’ve always thought that a good way of reappropriating them is to give them new meanings. Maybe we should start calling men cougars, fashionistas, etc. That way they would know what it feels like to be constantly labelled and put on a box.

    On another subject, I absolute hate the “selfie” word… it drives me mad, but i confess i use it too :p

  • Le terme qui m’insupporte le plus en ce moment est “problématique” car il est employé parut tout et n’importe quoi !

  • Bella a June, 10 2014, 11:02 / Reply


    – “Obsessed”, especially in the case of bloggers who are “obsessed” with a different thing every hour. Google obsession.

    -Everybody’s “OCD” these days. Google that too.

    -“Curvy”, referring to overweight women. I prefer plus sized. It is possible to be curvy without being plus sized. And plus sized is just a description, and a true one at that. Unless you’re Mango, who goes around calling a UK size 12 “plus-sized”. I don’t think that overweight people need patronising any more than they need vilification. Not even with the best of intentions.

    -“Must-have”. Really?

  • I don’t know why ‘curvy’ is being used as the politically correct way to say ‘fat’. I can tell you I am curvy but I am definitely not fat.

    Equally, I cannot quite pinpoint the time when ‘plus size’ started to mean anything above a US size 6 or when size 0 started to mean something designed for a woman instead of an 8-year-old boy. We are not all 5’5″ and 80 lbs. The spectrum of healthy normality is very wide and includes curvy and straight.

  • voluptuous!! ;)

  • Je ne supporte pas “la miss”… Ça m’agace mais à un point quand on m’appelle comme ça! Je trouve ça condescendant et ça se rapproche de “princesse” dans le genre!

  • Les filles!! De nos jours en France on dit plus chatte on dit schnek non?? Je milite pas spécialement pour l’utilisation de ce mot, que je ne trouve ni joli, ni sexy, mais c’est une manière de désigner notre intimité que j’entends souvent chez les djeuns, sans que ce soit particulièrement vulgaire!! ;-) Une recherche google m’apprend que ça vient de l’allemand, ça veut dire escargot!

  • As an American who has lived in France for quite a while, I also get the chills when I hear that “Princesse” nonsense, but without quite knowing why– I’ve never been sure that I fully understand the connotation. Anyone want to clarify?

  • Diane S. June, 10 2014, 11:37 / Reply

    Yes to all those words! “Princess” is the same thing as “bitch” – a woman who knows what she wants and asks for it, how dare she, the selfish bitch! I also hate the misuse of “vagina,” which we use instead of “vulva.” Women’s sexuality is so chained-up in our culture that we have to refer to it in terms of reproductive organs rather than pleasure organs. The clitoris is the only organ in the human body that has no other purpose than pleasure. How cool is it that it’s ours? “Plus-size” and “cougar” both are put-down labels that are used with staggering regularity, as though they are not MEANT to be insulting.

    I love this post. It’s so honest.

  • mauimermaid1 June, 11 2014, 12:38

    Thanks Diane – why do so many of us refer to our vulva as a vagina? It’s so weird and reduces us sexually. I know women who use the term ‘gina – not cute and I even know one woman who taught her daughter about ‘gina hair – which I find most alarming as it would be growing internally. Why are we as women perpetuating these ridiculous demeaning terms and not celebrating what we have?

  • marianne June, 10 2014, 11:39 / Reply

    meric pour ce post génial, en français, je ne supporte pas “la miss” , qu’on s’entend dire jusqu’à 30ans passé, “comment elle va la miss?” une façon d’infantiliser la femme qui me débecte.

  • I know it is a little off topic, but you mentioned that plus-size is a word that annoys you. I am plus-size or what ever you wanna call it and what annoys me more than the word is, that plus-size fashion is awful! Just awful. Not only is it hard enough to be overweight but the cloth you find in stores are a disaster.
    I know, that that is my problem, because I simply could loose the weight, but it is really frustrating to look like a “mum-jeans” girl.
    Even though I know, that this is a fashion blog and most fashion girls are thin/normal weight… I really would love to see a post with a couple of brands who do decent cloth. I am just looking for a nice jeans and a stripped long sleeve t-shirt or cotton shirts that are nice.

  • I have every sympathy for you. I live in a rural, not fashion forward area. The “big girl” stores are filled with hideous things in ugly pattens with so much ruching (is that even how you spell that?)! Its tragic. A friend of mine took to making her own clothes so she could have some kick ass things to wear that fit her and weren’t tents. Good luck!

  • I also don’t like “whatever”, “not really” – is it yes or no…what “not really”?? and the sentences formed “like, you know, I saw this guy and like, OMG” Ugh. I am also not a fan of morons who pretend to know it all, make a bunch of grammatical mistakes and call them spelling errors.

  • Perso je trouve que vagin est un des mots les plus laids de la langue française! Pussy c’est bien mais effectivement c’est super trache ici aux US alors je suis perdue surtout quand j’entends mes ados parler de chatte… Au secours donnez moi une jolie expression qui parle d’anatomie, qui démystifie la chose et qui fait pas chaudasse! Celui aussi je le déteste, trop péjoratif!!
    Au secours la langue française….

  • Cristiana June, 10 2014, 11:49 / Reply

    Labels in general. Scottish people are stingy, Italian women are hairy (I’m Italian and as all the women in my family we hardly have body hair), French women are loose or they wear maid costumes. TV and magazines are full of them. It’s such a disservice to the public. Very sad.

  • Ok, I have a lot. First, when people (often men but I hear it from women more and more) call someone they’ve hurt/mistreated crazy. It’s like, actually, you’re horrible and that person deserved to yell at you. It also irks me when men call women “girls” or “cute,” like we’re just weak little dolls with no personalities, opinions, or strength.

    “Classy” is completely misused now and seems only to refer to things that are not at all classy. All internet abbreviations are absolutely grating (“totes adorbs,” “gorge,” “obvi,” etc.” Also internet-related, “want” and “need” used in place of full sentences.

    Everyone using the word “marriage” to say that two things are combined. People calling things awkward that aren’t awkward.

    And lastly, “real women.” I am very used to x-small clothes being too big for me, so apparently I’m not a real women. Let’s be overly sensitive to large people, but tell small people they’re not valid as people. That just feels great. Ugh that leads me to, similar to crazy, calling someone you’ve screwed over or insulted “overly sensitive.” The term for people who do that should be under-sensitive or kindness-deficient.

  • I hate the word “rock” used for anything and nothing. “you totally rock this outfit” and so on… Please, a bit more imagination, both French and English languages have such an extensive vocabulary. Which is why every now and then I have to re-read the old authors, to make sure I don’t totally loose my knowledge of both languages’ literary words. So many have totally disappeared from our everyday vocabulary.
    On another note, my son’s teacher finds extraordinary that he knows so many words composed of three syllables (he’s 10). Scary!

  • Office speak makes me cringe beyond words: incentivize, going forward, circle back, etc….gag gag gag.

    But “literally” and “Soooooo” are also hideous evils. The worst is poor grammar and lazy spelling. Just terrible.

  • Diane S. June, 13 2014, 12:37

    Oh, yes to “literally!” This one makes my hair catch fire. Idiots use it when they mean “metaphorically” , “emphatically,” or “I’m exaggerating.” I heard it the other day misused by a respected commentator on NPR (National Public Radio here in the USA) and I thought my head would explode (but not literally). I think the late, great George Carlin had a bit about “literally” and I may go look for it right now!

  • being american everything sounds better to me in another language…..my french X call me mignon chatte….I use bitch…as a positive When i am mean i say your to ugly or phat to be a bitch….cougar applies to American women….in France it very different…..

  • Ce que je déteste le plus plus plus au monde c’est l’expression “J’ai fait le Brésil” pour dire qu’on a visité un pays. Mais d’où ça vient ? Arrogance ! Je sais pas si ça existe dans d’autres langues, en anglais je pense mais les autres ? Ca m’étonnerait en Allemand.

    Le “c’est que du bonheur” est également atroce mais n’en parlons même pas, il n’est pas question que je fréquente quelqu’un qui ne vive que du bonheur. IL Y A UN PRIX A TOUT (peut-être pas mais soyons dépressifs).

    Enfin, j’attends la disparition de la cougar au fil des années, mais “vielle belle” ne me plaira pas même si ce sera un signe d’égalité.

  • When we first started dating my boyfriend mentioned how he couldn’t stand how much people use the word ‘literally’. After he said this, I could have killed him because I started hearing and noticing it all the time.. ‘I literally ate the whole thing’, ‘I literally can’t stand them’, ‘I literally say ‘literally’ all the time…’ Ahhhh! And to top it off very few people are even using the word properly… Trust me you’ll hear it all the time now… You’re welcome.

  • Annie G June, 10 2014, 12:23 / Reply

    Yeah…no at the start of a sentence.

  • Venezia30123 June, 10 2014, 12:27 / Reply

    360 DEGREES and DNA used by my beloved fashion industry .
    It makes me cringe and makes me wanting to run away(sprint for 1 Km minimum).
    That i surrounded the world already 3 times…

  • Ton post me fait vraiment rire et le débat chatte/vagin aussi ! Je suis aussi beaucoup plus à l’aise avec chattte… vagin ayant un côté intime et médical qui me dérange. Chatte au moins c’est clair :-)
    Ce qui m’énerve, ce ne sont pas tant les mots mais ce sont les personnes qui te sortent des phrases à rallonge, avec plein de termes techniques/branchés/pointus alors qu’en 3 mots ils auraient pu dire la même chose. Et ça, ça me hérisse le poil ;-)

  • Amazing.

    When did that become the only adjective used to describe anything? If a nail polish color is amazing, and meal is amazing, and a trip to Spain is amazing, and the work of a generous humanitarian is amazing, then it all blends together and I’m to believe that nothing is actually amazing.

  • I was going to say this – but you already did. Let’s save “amazing” for things that truly are.

  • Salut

    De manierre generale ce qui m enerve le plus , c est l utilisation d acronymes a toutes les sauces, dans le monde du travail, le “asap” en particulier,, ou pour les emissions de tele, de radio, les series ….comme si on voulait raccourcir nos pensees, t as le droit de t exprimer, mais rapidos hein?,…les hashtags sont aussi assez insupportables, surtout quand tu en as 50 sur 2 lignes….alors la combinaison des 2 me donne envie de me tirer une balle dans le slip,pas moins .


  • OK, seriously, CURVY, should be on this list. As someone who actually is actually curvy, it annoys the shit of out me that it now means plus-sized. I get that there are women who are both curvy and plus sized, but seriously Garance, I don’t have a body shape or body type anymore because my body type now is code for overweight.

  • Lingo? Ick, ick…triple ick! Just sounds idiotic — Our dialogue made over into bad TV.

    I am, however, all FOR expressions that might make it into our lasting vocabs…like —

    “That’s enough to make a good dog break it’s chain…”

    “She cut off her nose to spite her face…”

    Isn’t there a French one about “feeling good in one’s skin?”

    Anyway — Colorful is good! Tacky is just that — tacky.

  • estelle June, 10 2014, 12:58 / Reply

    OMG (Oh – My – GAAAAAAAd), bobo et hipster repris à toutes les sauces, normcore (nan mais WTF), WTF, size zero (pas mieux que plus size)… BREF.

  • Oui! Comme Clémence: “Au jour d”aujourd’hui”… argh, et encore pire quand je l’entends dans la bouche de mes amis qui ne voient pas où est le problème…et pourtant je suis pas la plus calée en français! (oui je suis personnellement un peu nulle en grammaire, je m’en sors parce que je lis beaucoup mais y a des concordances que je fais sans les comprendre… honte à moi!)

  • Sandrine June, 10 2014, 1:50

    Je déteste aussi entendre ” au jour d’aujourd’hui”. Je trouve ça c-n.*Vraiment “c.n”. Un peu comme monter en haut, ou descendre en bas. En pire. Et en plus ceux qui disent ça semble appuyer leur paroles par cette expression “c.n”.
    * : remplacer le . entre c et n par la 15eme lettre de l’alphabet.

  • Très drôle cet article ;)
    Bise !


  • Vanessa June, 10 2014, 1:07 / Reply


    Les mots qui me hérissent le plus : “grande taille” et “curve”.
    Une “grande taille” c est tout simplement une personne qui dépasse les autres d’une bonne tête.
    L’expression “curve ” signifie pour moi avoir des formes ( poitrines, fessiers bref des formes quoi ) sans pour autant dépasser le 40.
    Appelons un chat, un chat ….Je n’ai jamais compris ces usurpations de vocabulaire …

  • “C’est confort…” m’énerve (pas compliqué d’ajouter able à ce mot) ou cozy me rend dingue.

  • Mon 44 et moi-même aimons bien le terme ”ronde” :)

  • 44 moi aussi. Mais je suis plutôt rectangulaire, en fait. Alors que faire ? comment dire ?

  • Moi c’est “bonne continuation”…depuis qu’un mec avec qui je sortais l’été m’a dit ça…

  • Candace June, 10 2014, 1:40 / Reply

    ‘Yummy’, which makes anyone sound like a two year old, ‘Yummy Mummy’ which sounds disgusting and disrespectful, (should I throw in MILF, too?) ‘Baby bump’ which reduces pregnancy, the most important life decision one can make (which is also a serious medical condition, according to one leading female cardiologist) to something silly and trivial. I’ve never been pregnant, but according to the women I know who have, it is much more than a ‘bump’, believe me.

    I agree with most of the commenters about bad grammar, but seeing it along with typos in print makes me want to blow the bejeezus out of everything! Years ago, you never saw typos in publications like a major newspaper, and this was before technology. Now I stumble upon typos every week in a paper that starts with N and ends with T.

  • Katherine June, 10 2014, 1:45 / Reply

    “Y’all” does it for me. Inexplicably, I want to claw my eyes out when I hear it. :)

  • Nini Piccola June, 10 2014, 8:37

    Oh that one is nauseating!!!! I understand if you are from the region where that is used generally but if you are not from the south don’t touch it!!

  • mareme June, 10 2014, 1:48 / Reply

    moi , c’est tout ce qui fait girly surexitée qui me fait sortir de mes gonds:
    l’expression “les filles” (“salut les fiiiiilllles”, “alors les fiiilleees”…),mais aussi “a-do-ra-ble”, “il est cute!!!”. quand j’entends ça j’hésite entre étouffer la fille avec un cupcake ou dégainer un flingue…

    au niveau du langage “blog”: “très tendance”, “obssessed with (une paire de pompe???)”, “le graal”, “it pièce”, “fashionsphère” , et les expressions du genre “devergonder un top”, “glamouriser un jean”, dédramatiser une robe (???)” … j’ai envie de répondre : “je propose …euhh “désacraliser le fourreau “…délambadatiser les créoles”, “tendanciser le démodé”…”

  • Catherine June, 10 2014, 2:05 / Reply

    Epic! I hate the word epic. It is most often used to describe things that are not, in fact, all that epic. Also it sounds like something a pre-teen aged boy would say. Related but more an issue of punctuation… when people put a period after every word as in I. Hate. That. Maybe it was effective the first time I read it but it is over now and I wish people would stop. It makes me think of Valley Girls and is just annoying. I also agree with the above comment that the word amazing has been overused to the point that it is becoming meaningless. I love you and your blog though Garance and I love that you say pussy–haha.

  • Catherine June, 10 2014, 2:09 / Reply

    Oh and I forgot “nom nom.” I LOATHE nom nom.

  • Dariann June, 10 2014, 2:24 / Reply

    Real-a-tor instead of REALTOR. The A comes before the L people!!
    Supposably instead of supposedly.
    “Taken back” instead of “taken aback.”

    These are just a few of my favorites.

    And then there’s the ever-popular “How are you?” or “How ya doing?” when used as a greeting but the user has no intention of listening (or even waiting for) the response to the question. Just say HI!

    -the size 2 “curvy” girl
    (Really Garance? Curvy = Plus-size?? Dang it!)

  • It is a special ability only british seem to have to: ask how are you, answer, ask back and listen to the answer and make a comment about the weather- in the 5 seconds passing each other on the corridor.

  • Michele June, 10 2014, 2:38 / Reply

    Ah! I was just called “princess”, at work! I hated it! Speaking of work, I’m not a fan of the corporate speak, such as “on the same page” or “thinking outside the box” and other catch-phrases. I agree that language is a powerful thing, and the demeaning misogynistic words about women that are being accepted are not okay. I think social media uses too many catch-phrases and slang words, and the medium allows for too many grammatical gaffs. It’s a shame, language can be such a beautiful thing. And, I do hate the word Selfie! Ugh! Thank you, Garance, for having such great discussions and debates on your blog! Bravo!

  • Hélène June, 10 2014, 2:38 / Reply

    Au jour d’aujourd’hui. Il y a déjà AU JOUR dans aujourd’hui. Pourquoi le dire deux fois ? RAAAAHHHH

  • I am very tired of hearing “In the wake of”, when a newscaster is describing the events taking place after almost any major situation has been reported.” Aftermath” is usually in the next sentence. Both are useful words, but in the past several years, greatly overused.
    “Besties” is starting to grate on me. I do think that slang is a colorful and interesting part of any language, but some of the more recent words and phrases lack imagination.

  • Mis using the word HYPE
    the french do that all the time

    Hype is a noum , it is not an adjective
    it should not be for example : “les 10 lieux hype de Paris “…”devenez une fille hype ” etc……..

    the adjective is HIP , not hype

    French magazines who insist on using English words everywhere and then mis use them so completely….that gets on my boobs big time because it is so naff


  • oups ! autocorrected the word misuse wrongly !
    soorry !
    it is written misuse
    and not mis use
    dang autocorrect !


  • Icon, Iconic are as overused and rendered meaningless today as was Diva in the last decade.

  • Paulette June, 10 2014, 2:44 / Reply

    Merci Merci Merci Garance!
    Quel bonheur de pouvoir enfin partager avec quelqu’un ma liste personnelle:
    – tous les IT-mots, IT GIRL, IT BAG etc… ça me donne envie des dires des IT- gros mots.
    – ICONIC et ses variantes, icône,muse etc….pas un article sans ce terme, c’est insupportable. On est loin des icônes de la vierge…
    -ADN : au secours!! pourquoi ne pas dire identité ? les gens qui l’utilisent savent-ils seulement ce qu’est un nucléotide ? La scientifique en moi convulse.
    – MERCI pour ta mention de “vagina”. Je me suis biensur posé la question de l’utilisation de ce terme qui est vraiment un faux ami en fait, puisque les américaines l’utilisent pour designer la vulve/chatte/fouffe. Seulement j’adore quand les soeurs Kardashian qui l’utilisent, ça me fait mourir de rire.
    Bref, tout le langage des magazines féminins me fait souvent pleurer.
    Toi, tu m’as fait rire, merci!

  • Sharon June, 10 2014, 2:44 / Reply

    Brands that refer to their stuff as “THE shirt”, “THE jeans” etc. It’s really arrogant to assume your designs are better than all others. Ditto “must-have” Really???
    While we are ranting…”lippy” has annoyed me for the last 25 years…

  • Carole June, 10 2014, 2:47 / Reply

    Haters The Kardashians think we r haters LOL


  • I agree with you, Garance. Also love this illustration, especially the grey wash on the shirt.

  • Je déteste :
    – “carbone” pour désigner la couleur noire
    – “grège”ou “ficelle” pour dire “beige”
    – “taupe” pour “marron” ou “gris”
    – “dédramatiser” comme si une fringue était dramatique (quand je lis ce mot pour la mode, j’ai l’impression que les vêtements sont des costumes shakespeariens)
    – “chiadé”, la première syllabe est trop crade
    – “plus size” pour “ronde”. Étant donné que le 36 est une taille en “plus” que le 34, “plus size” ne veut pas dire “ronde”…
    – “littéralement” utilisé la plupart du temps pour une expression métaphorique
    – “jeune” utilisé de façon condescendante pour dire “non, vous n’aurez pas le poste”

    La préciosité en général m’agace, je trouve que ça manque de spontanéité, surtout quand on sent que celle/celui qui écrit se complait dans ce rôle, pour intellectualiser des choses très légères, comme si l’auteur n’assumait pas d’aborder un thème jugé frivole par la plupart.

    Par contre, “princesse” ne me gêne pas, j’y ai souvent droit avec bienveillance, et pas dans le sens “capricieuse”, mais de “coquette soignée qui se bichonne, qui attache de l’importance aux bonnes manières, et qui aime l’élégance” (on me l’a expliqué ainsi ;-) ) . J’aime bien, quand on voit combien certains gens peuvent se laisser aller, ca me convient !

    Ah, “au jour d’aujourd’hui” me déplaît également beaucoup , tout comme “mademoiselle” pour désigner une femme majeure.

  • Literally, this word has been usurped as a quantifier and it drives me crazy. Another one is blessed. While it’s nice to count your blessings it gets annoying to read “I’m so blessed” all the time on social media. It’s the kind of word that will lose all power and meaning with overuse and we’ll have to come up with a new word for when we really are blessed.

  • Sophie June, 10 2014, 3:04 / Reply

    Ah ben moi c’est “mademoiselle”, passer un certain âge ça devrait être interdit, non?

  • Loraine de Sanctis June, 10 2014, 3:24 / Reply

    The word FIERCE makes me get a slight brain aneurysm everytime I hear it

  • Lauren June, 10 2014, 3:28 / Reply

    Y en a tellement des “catch phrase” chez nous, les Americaines, qui me rendent dingue. Surtout le: “I’M DYING, I LITTERALY CAN’T RIGHT NOW”/ “I DIE, I JUST CAN’T” ou autre combinaison. Bon, j’en suis totalement coupable aussi et je m’auto enerve! Et n’oublions pas les Americaines, Obama le dit si bien – yes we can :-)

  • Moi aussi, je déteste quand une copine m’appelle ” ma belle” -beurk !

  • Pussy is DEFINITELY not a word to use often in the US (or Canada I might add…) It’s right up there with c*nt (pardon my language…) To be avoided.

  • Nathalie June, 10 2014, 3:40 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance,
    On va dire que j’ai encore mes règles, peut-être plus pour très longtemps, que j’ai un mari de 10 ans de moins que moi (depuis 15 ans) et que ma fille est une princesse de 9 ans….donc si tu veux, je me retrouve pas mal dans ta liste…..et sincèrement, c’est pas le pied d’être une cougar avec un beau petit quadra (ben voui, ils vieillissent aussi!!!), de se faire siffler dans la rue quand tu passes sur ton vélo et d’assumer pleinement ton état (et tes formes) de femme?
    Sincèrement, il m’a fallu du temps pour y arriver, mais c’est maintenant ma meilleure arme !

  • Sterling June, 10 2014, 3:40 / Reply

    Please stop saying someone is a “Type A personality” with air quotes!

  • I equally loathe the word fashionista and cringe when that verbiage is applied to me, even when I know I am supposed to take it as a complement. The word, in and of itself, is not very pleasing to the ear: it sounds terribly contrived and perhaps for that reason sounds to me like pejorative. I share your predicament when it comes to finding a pithy and yet equally effective term for describing a woman who is a style maven. Perhaps there it is: a style maven? a fashion enthusiast? And then there is the question of what we call men who fashion savvy…

  • Moi je hais “Princesse”, un ex m’avait sorti ça en début de relation par texto pour terminer une phrase (je venais d’avoir 31 ans). J’aurais déjà du me méfier…pour au final me traiter (que dis-je m’insulter) de “princesse sans le sou” (l’enfoiré lui était riche!!) peu après que je l’ai largué (pour de bonne raisons). Bref je fais un blocage depuis sur ce mot que je ne trouve pas du tout mignon et je déteste également les “miss”, “ma belle”, “poupée” etc…j’aime beaucoup ” ma chérie” en revanche que je trouve infiniment plus classe et finalement qui ne nous ramène pas à un statut de ravissante idiote et au moins on sait quoi répondre, il n’y a pas d’équivalent masculin pour les expressions citées plus haut!

  • princessglee June, 10 2014, 4:07 / Reply

    Awesome and Amazing. They’re great words but lately they’ve been over used. I tend to use them only when I really, really, mean something is awesome or amazing or when they’re description is so absolutely accurate that it just makes sense–kinda like swearing.

  • L’expression qui m’ agace c’est “Oh, pauvre chérie, va…” Et pourtant je l’utilise aussi (ça m’agace!!).
    Sinon, question “chatte” (on peut pas y échapper, hein) – je trouve que les français ont trouvé le mot parfait. Je suis sortie avec un anglais il y a deux ans , alors quand il m’a parlé de ma “wonderful vagina” j’ai failli mourir de rire, tout en étant mal à l’aise.
    Comme quoi…))

  • ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!! Except plus-size.

    And specially the abuse of english words and expressions in non-english-speaking contries. I live in south america , in a spanish speaking country and there are signs and pubs everywhere announcing “luxury something” “green living” , the magazines and tv people refering to someone as a “celebrity” rather than celebridad, etc. WHY?????? Are other languages so poor that we have to borrow english words ALL the time?
    Oh, and the ” it” something: it girl, it bag, it the f#*#!
    And bad grammar, in any language. And “selfies”, hate hate hate it!

  • Chanel Chance June, 10 2014, 4:29 / Reply


  • A guy at work used to call me “minette”. eugh…

  • Ici (Paris), j’entends souvent “cougar” comme désignant simplement le fait que la fille est plus âgée que le garçon, même à 25 piges et 1 ou 2 ans de différence… Énervant.

    Le mot qui personnellement m’insupporte, c’est sublime. Le propre du sublim, c’est justement qu’on ne nous le ressorte pas tous les deux postes de blog, vraiment… Et alors si en outre on nous balance du “juste sublime”, je me tape la tête contre mon bureau. Le pire, c’est que c’est contagieux, ces automatismes à la con!

  • I hate it when people say “no problem” when thanked, instead of “you’re welcome” or better yet, “my pleasure.” I say “my pleasure” as often as possible to combat it. It makes me feel very gracious.

    Love this post!

  • Annabella June, 11 2014, 6:46

    This will be required reading for writers and readers.

    Women, please be respectful of yourself, and all other women in word and deed. Expect respect from men. We women are our tribe.

    The over use of word ‘sublime’. Say, when referring to a wallet.

    Demeaning comments about the fashion and design industry and its workers. Design still rules the world.

    Thank you Garance and all commenters.

  • I totally agree with you with the words “cougar” “brangelina” and “vagina” but I like pretty much the word “princess”… such a loser romantic person ^^”

    Francesca http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it

  • Je pense que les mots qui m’énervent le plus, c’est le verbiage d’entreprise, ce franglais ridicule: “On se fait un lunch?”. Peux pas supporter:-)
    En même temps mon langage est coloré, pas sûre qu’il soit apprécié par la majorité, alors j’essaie de me taire!

  • Cet article ainsi que les commentaires m’ont fait rire aux larmes ! Je suis d’accord avec ce qui a ete ecrit et n’ai rien a ajouter. Merci pour ce bon moment et l’illustration est tres belle.

  • C’est vrai que l’on utilise plein d’expressions qui nous énerve mais dont on n’a pas trouvé meilleurs substituts ! Genre, c’est tendance, branché, hype, vintage, fashion et tout ses dérivés (sinon moi je dis modeuse pour une fille qui aime la mode), le lexique modesque est toujours un peu péjoratif et te renvoi direct à la futilité de la chose :-) !
    En revanche j’adore l’utilisation de gros mots mais seulement avec mes proches. Mais de manière générale j’aime être un peu gouailleuse, ça m’amuse et c’est un peu irrévérencieux.

  • Fashion people who refer to jeans as “a jean” or say ” a red lip” You have two lips ya know. How about “shirting”?

  • L’expression “c’est une tuerie !” pour parler d’un plat par exemple. Moi quand j’entends tuerie, j’ai des images de guerre qui défilent… mais je suis peut-être complètement tarée ! Ou juste super premier degré… :)

  • Isnt vagina a medical term? You just walk around saying pussy? Thats so awesomely hilarious! American hear pussy and think porn or vulgar…

  • Maryanne June, 10 2014, 6:41 / Reply

    Txting …..When did it become ok to abbreviate everything… The other day I received 3 txt’s and really had no idea what they were asking me…
    Ty- thank you
    Ure- your
    Bty- by the way, are just a few….. Have just realised I have done it myself by using the abbreviation for texting….. Oh well, it is just the way things are!!!!!!!

  • Justine June, 10 2014, 6:49 / Reply

    Toutes les expressions qui ne mènent à rien!!!

    “Nan mais GENRE!” Par exemple… Mais le mieux pour résumer c’est lui qui en parle le mieux :
    http://youtu.be/YVwbxp1FyiE seul les français pourront comprendre!

  • Pucinela June, 10 2014, 6:56 / Reply

    The word “bridezilla:, because I just got married.
    Another one is when a conversation is finished by “I am just being honest”. It is normally used by people who lack finesse.

  • Pucinela June, 10 2014, 7:07

    Or people that just realized at the end of the conversation that they lacked finesse.

  • caitlin June, 10 2014, 6:57 / Reply

    One that gets me all the time ‘I brought this on sale’

    DAMNIT! You BOUGHT it and then brought it home! Drives me mad!

    All word abbreviations. Totes awk.

    Incorrect use of ‘actually’. Usually used in the beginning of a sentence where they are about to try and shoot you down…

    I’m Australian and I use ‘no worries’ all the time! When I was overseas, someone told me that saying was the best thing about talking to Australians! I also dislike Oz used instead of Aus.

    The incorrect use of the following: your, you’re, there, their and they’re. These people are always repeat offenders!

  • Olivia June, 10 2014, 7:08 / Reply

    Entre chatte et vagin, toute une gamme de possible avec un peu d’imagination http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvqKCun3yVU

  • Grosfi03 June, 10 2014, 7:37 / Reply

    Exotic as in anything that is not caucasian really annoys me. Being called exotic really makes me feel like a plant or something.

  • “Pop of colour”

    Why does no one Ever say anything else????

  • Elizabeth June, 10 2014, 8:18 / Reply

    I completely agree with you about “vagina,” It confuses me when people use the word to describe a woman’s whole apparatus, not the internal passageway that it is. But the challenge is that in English I do think that “pussy” is for the bedroom. I use it with my husband but not with my women friends. With my women friends I use “bush” for the outside (though no one seems to have one these days). With my baby daughter I use the word “vulva” to describe the outer area. I often think that the word “cunt,” which is now considered horribly vulgar, should be reclaimed for the good, as at least it describes the whole thing!! Of course there’s “genitals,” but that just sounds so … icky and for the newspapers or science texts!!

    As for other pet peeves, I mostly can’t stand it when I say “excuse me” (for instance in a crowded supermarket) and the person who I’d like to step aside says, “you’re good.” I had no doubt that I was good, I just want you to move, lady! I also cringe at the increasingly common habit of saying “I’ll do a double latte,” “in the morning we’ll do a frittata with asparagus,” “she doesn’t do caffeine… ” bleah! What happened to verbs like “eat” or “drink,” or polite forms like, “I’d like a latte, please?” grrrr….

  • Exited version US : j y arrive pas car le mot francais exitee me sauté a la gorge et non je ne suis pas exitee de rencontrer qq un ou de sortir etc etc

  • Nini piccola June, 10 2014, 8:42 / Reply

    I think as women we should all refrain from using the word bitch. My other cringe word is AWESOME. Not everything is awesome!!!!!

  • Number One: Awesome
    Number Two: Got ya
    Number Three: No Worries
    Number Four: Sweet
    Number Five: So, at the beginning of a sentence
    Number Six: At the end of the day

    could go on, but it’s late.

  • I am tired of absolutely!

  • Lisa Walker June, 10 2014, 10:38 / Reply

    The phrase– “wait for it…” I refuse to wait for that.

    And the chauvinism in our language is unbearable. I cannot stand to hear a woman called a “Cougar” one more time. Chauvinism. we should start using that word more often,

  • Lisa Walker June, 10 2014, 10:51 / Reply

    And one more thing! I HATE the term FOODIE. I’m a chef and there is nothing worse than people who call themselves Foodies and refer to people who are good cooks or chefs as Foodies. If I can speak for many of my chef-friends, Foodies are obnoxious people who yelp from restaurants as if they were food critics. How about– I love to cook; I love restaurants. Just sayin’… (another term I can’t stand. LOL) We need a new language… Haha.

  • What do you call a girl who loves fahion? “Fabulous,” baby. “Fabulous.”

  • Vagina doesn’t affect me at all. Not a bit. Pussy, well, that one is a no. Hahah. We have absolutely different opinion about this. I’m Asian by the way.

  • Carole June, 11 2014, 1:00 / Reply

    Totally agree with you on the Vagina one, especially knowing that it’s only part of the sex itself. How many times people says “this looks like a vagina” etc. But HELLO! it looks like a “Vulva”,nothing to do with a vagina! Learn your own body girls! It is like saying throat instead of mouth!
    So yes Garance, Pussy and Chatte are better words! I am always surprised that people can mix up such things!

  • Pour moi, la chatte , c’est comme bitch, elle a rien demandé la chatte!
    Hyper vulgaire pour moi, ce mot; une fois, j’ai emmené mon fils au skate park, il n’y avait que des mecs, et ils n’arrêtaient pas de dire” oh, j’ai trop de la chatte!” (= trop de chance) ça m’a dégoutée!!
    Depuis une vingtaine d’année, les Américains emploient le mot “vagina” pour parler de la vulve, alors que le vagin n’en est qu’une partie, celle en fait destinée aux hommes (ben oui le clitoris n’est pas dans le vagin que je sache) D’un autre côté, peu de gens en dehors des médecins utilisent le mot vulve!
    Pour les autres mots, je hais les mots en “asse”, tous forcément péjoratifs, je déteste “nerd” et “geek”, aussi “cougar” pour les mêmes raisons que toi, et les magazines français qui utilisent un mot sur deux en anglais, et souvent mal.
    Je suis d’accord, le français est fort malmené depuis quelques années et le vocabulaire semble se réduire…

  • I love the fact I’m not a famous couple… Because if you join my boyfriend’s name and mine, you’ll get Anal :o

  • berenger June, 12 2014, 8:20

    Thank you. This did, in fact, make me laugh out loud.

  • Ooh dear. That hit the spot; I’m typing through tears of laughter.

  • Hated it when an article starts with the caption ; {girl, dressed in a very sexy way} shows {man, the ex} what he’s missing !

    Of course he knows what she looks like, he’s probably seen her nude during the relationship and now they’ve separated, he’s glad he won’t have to see her (ever) again …

    Most of the times these articles include the word ‘pins’ instead of legs ! What’s with that ?

    And very annoying ; when for ex. a Royal is wearing a dress twice, they call it ‘recycling’ ?????
    In my world, recycling still means :
    re·cy·cle (r-skl)
    tr.v. re·cy·cled, re·cy·cling, re·cy·cles
    1. To put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment.
    2. To start a different cycle in.
    a. To extract useful materials from (garbage or waste).
    b. To extract and reuse (useful substances found in waste).
    a. To use again, especially to reprocess: recycle aluminum cans; recycle old jokes.
    b. To recondition and adapt to a new use or function: recycling old warehouses as condominiums.

  • johanna June, 11 2014, 2:28 / Reply

    you know what? i feel EXACTLY the same way you do, Garance, about the word Bitch–why is that a bad word, why insult dogs? (disclosure: i am a vet..)

  • johanna June, 11 2014, 2:36 / Reply

    words/expressions i cringe on:
    ”going forward…” ugh
    ”fierce” except when used to properly describe a wild animal or m-a-a-a-ybe a human warrior, but NOT a stylish or boldly dressed human.
    like the word ”cunt” more and more–short and sweet, but it’s still so taboo here in the USA so it’s hard to use and have it be heard in a positive way.

  • emmanor June, 11 2014, 4:21 / Reply

    “à se procurer d’urgence” est l’expression qui me vient en premier à l’esprit ! je viens encore de la lire dans un magazine ce matin.
    et aussi la plupart des expressions citées précédemment !

  • I agree with someone along the long list of commentaries that the phrase “at the end of the day” is really awful. But the worst “overuse” of a word, though, must be “iconic”. Every bloody body and thing is iconic these days. They use it on the news all the time, too! It completely lost its meaning. Princess, cougar and “she must be on her period” are truly terrible as well – totally agree with you! Very nice illustration by the way!

  • A little bit towards the word you picked ‘obssesed’ – the most common use of ‘love’. I love the shoes, I love your post, I love your nails… really? When did the special word like that become so ubiquitous? When I hear it it always makes me think 2 things: 1) you better get in touch with your real feelings, 2) don’t get so fired-up and overexcited, its just shoes/ earrings/scarf/some-other-random-or-not-so-life-changing-thing.

  • caroline June, 11 2014, 5:40 / Reply

    “go-to” as an adjective and “rock” as a verb are so overused they annoy me!

  • isabelle June, 11 2014, 6:01 / Reply

    je deteste “au jour d’aujourd’hui” et “au final”, je n’en peux plus de les entendre… aujourd’hui, finalement, c’est si simple…
    j’adhere aussi entierement ‘a ta liste!

  • Like, I know what you mean. Like it’s pretty irritating like when the word like is like used like constantly during conversation like you know what I saying?

  • Aurélie June, 11 2014, 7:51 / Reply

    Je déteste l’histérie collective qui consiste à mettre des JUSTE partout. C’est “juste insupportable”, “juste débile”, et “ça veut juste rien dire”.
    Ca me démange à chaque fois qu’une collègue me sort ça à toutes les sauces. “C’était juste génial” J’ai envie de lui répondre “ah ouais, donc c’éurait pu être mieux encore alors ?” RHHAA.
    Allez, je sors, je sais que fais partir d’une minorité à détester ce mot :D

  • elisabeth June, 11 2014, 8:06 / Reply

    je n’aime pas entendre : c’est “juste” pas possible, ou alors c’est “juste” incroyable, c’est “juste” parfait…..
    un anglicisme mal venu…. !

  • Coucou Garance, que j’adore !
    Hop, je reviens sur le premier mot de ta liste : princesse ! Mon chéri a tendance à m’appeler parfois princesse et je t’avoue que j’aime bien. Tout dépend le contexte, hein ? Je trouve que ce mot est doux, délicat, touchant… comme tout tout dépend de notre regard dessus. Mais je vois tout à fait ce que tu veux dire : en lisant ton texte, j’entendais même l’intonation exaspérante associé à ce mot ! La façon de dire les choses.
    Prends bien soin de toi.
    Bisous !

  • Nicole June, 11 2014, 8:25 / Reply

    I agree with all yours !
    And I add ” to die for ” such as … That bag is to die for !!
    It’s not and something already died to make it !! Really bugs me.

  • Soccer, I hate the word soccer. There is no such sports as soccer. There is football and period lol

  • Practice, when used to describe yoga.

  • I agree with so many of your ‘word’s. I really despise the phrase “NO PROBLEM” or shortened is worse “NO PROB”, especially when it comes from someone is Customer Service. Sometimes I ask a question or request and the person replies NO PROBLEM, and I want to scream “I know it isn’t a problem, this is a legitimate questions and it is YOUR JOB. Thank you, very much!”

    Another thing that bugs me is the use of VAGINA by people who actually mean VULVA. Anything that cam be seen externally on the female genitalia is the Vulva…the vagina is the term for the internal passage leading to the cervix.

  • Awesome ! It’s that word I love America but as a Brit that word sounds fake and over the top.

  • Joséphine June, 11 2014, 11:57 / Reply

    Personne n’a mentionné l’expression “voire même” (tout aussi ridicule que le fameux “au jour d’aujourd’hui”), ça me rend complètement dingue !
    Sinon, tous les anglicismes ridicules qu’on entend à longueur de journée au boulot, avec en tête “je te le forward” ou “j’attends son feedback” ou d’autres qui ne sont pas utilisés en anglais, comme un “brushing” (quand ils disent “blow dry”) : déjà tu passes pour une conne quand tu dis ça aux US pensant que ça existe mais en plus, D’OÙ ÇA SORT ?

  • ah oui je suis bien d’accord pour tout ca.
    Mais dis alors, si les Américaines appellent leur sexe vagin, comment appellent-elles leur vagin ? Comment peut on se tromper de mot autant que ça ? Connaissent-elles l’anatomie ? Que le vagin est un bout de sexe et non son ensemble ? Que le sexe n’est pas que un tuyau…?

  • Love this post!!

    I especially hate “Princess” as well as “Doll” or “Miss”!! Especially if referred to little girls.. As you wouldn’t expect from her nothing but being quiet, pink and frivolous..

    And I completely agree with you about all the terms used for women that will be never used for mens, such as “cougar” or “bitch”.. It’s weird how much machism is perfectly normal and accepted. But we need to evolve, no?

    As well as “To die for” or “Obsessed”, when is about products I feel it lacks of sense of reality..

    Ayway this is the kind of post that keeps me from coming back here!! Thank you, it is so refreshing!

  • Le mot JUSTE utilisé à tout bout de champ, c’est “juste” incroyable, c’est “juste” pas possible, c’est “juste” dingue…. et je vous passe l’intonation qui va avec !

  • Garance je viens de penser à d’autres termes qui me mettent hors de moi:
    -Les gens qui s’auto-diagnostiques des maladies mentales grave. Les gens qui se disent ÒCD (Trouble obsessionnel compulsif) parce qu’ils aiment que les choses soient placés en ordre. Les gens qui se disent anorexiques car ils ont oubliés de manger un repas.
    -Les gens qui disent d’eux-même qu’ils sont “un peu autiste” ou “asperger” parce qu’ils sont parfois dans leur bulle. L’autisme est un trouble envahissant du développement qui n’est pas du tout rigolo pour ceux qui vivent avec ou qui vivent au quotidien avec quelqu’un atteint.

    Je trouve que ces mots et expressions sont répugnants, ignorants, très triste!!

    Les commentaires qui s’ajoutent depuis hier me font tellement rire!! C’est un bon post qui a généré bcp de commentaires! Allez, bisous!

  • Shibagirl June, 11 2014, 1:37

    I agree very much with what you said. Along with words used taken from Medical Diagnosis, I bristle when people call someone or something ‘Retarded’.

  • C’est vrai que on colle du Ista à toutes les sauces, et bon sang oui cela me hérisse le poil…Fashionista, modista, foodista…pourquoi pas trouducquista tiens !!

  • I wanted to call my website “Cougars and Crones,” but decided against it. (My point was there is something else.) Unfortunately, I think that every term that arrises to refer to women eventually takes on extremely negative connotations. Sad. But that said, I live pussy too!

  • Michaela June, 11 2014, 3:11 / Reply

    Il n y a pas bcp de mots qui m enervent mais si il faut choisir de ta liste, ca serait Kimye et des neologismes comme ca. Par contre, j adore le mot “chambouler” en francais. c est mon mot preferé. Bonne journee Garance! Bisous de Prague

  • Si les femmes sont des cougars, appelons les hommes des cougons!!!! Et ca rime avec… ;)

  • Danielle K. June, 11 2014, 4:04 / Reply

    It turns my stomach nearly inside-out when someone responds using the word “correct” as a response to a basic statement such as: Oh… I understand that you are a doctor who works in the emergency room”. “Correct”. Arghhhh!!!! I detest that beyond all else! Why can one not just say “yes”? Grrrrrr!

  • Martine June, 11 2014, 4:56 / Reply

    Well, we all have our dislikes. I happen to absolutely hate it when people try to be witty, because they usually fail. But I don’t hold it against them. My opinion is that the more words in the language the better off we all are. Even if you don’t like what is being expressed, it is best if people have more to work with, rather then less. Its not the words that you don’t like; its the fact that there are times when people feel disrespect towards others, particularly females. But the truth is that some women deserve disrespect at certain times. Respect is nothing if it isn’t earned. Shutting peoples mouth doesn’t change how they feel.

  • Aimelie June, 11 2014, 5:05 / Reply

    Bad boys for meat balls… it just doesn’t work for me!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier June, 11 2014, 6:48 / Reply

    Hmmm, so I guess we won’t be referring to you and your boo as “Scarance?”

    Hate misuse of “couture,” agree with you about “cougar” and “fashionista” (though i do love the term “fash-hole”) and I readily admit to overusing “fabulous, perfect and amazing!” Terrif. I think pussy is a cute way to refer to a kittycat, but unless you have ze French accent, it is best not used for the netherregions.

    Oh, and I hate being referred to as a “mature” woman. I’m planning on bring immature for a lifetime.

  • karina June, 11 2014, 6:57 / Reply

    The bad use of the word Literally.

  • Kristen June, 11 2014, 9:09 / Reply

    I feel as though “pussy” has become kind of trashy because of the way it is used and its context nowadays, like in rap music. For example, lil wayne’s “pussy monster” (cringe), where he raps:
    Hi, I’m the
    Pussy monster, the pussy monster
    The pussy monster, the pussy monster
    And you gotta feed me
    Pussy, pussy pussy, pussy pussy
    Pussy, pussy pussy, pussy pussy
    I gotta, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta
    I got a sweet tooth, I got a sweet tooth
    I got a sweet tooth, I got a sweet tooth
    Now can I eat you? Can I eat you?
    (it continues in this *disgusting, crass, trashy, etc. manner)
    I agree that the word is more appealing in French, because it sounds so goddamn cute and the french sophistication masks the “hood” ness of “pussy”

  • Diane S. June, 13 2014, 12:58

    Now I can’t stop laughing! I’ve got to stop reading this at work.

  • Ahhhh that word (can’t even type it!) is really bad in America, it’s like one of the filthiest words I can think off haha (don’t know why, just is–no one I know says it, ever). And I also hate “fashionistaaaa” so much too, makes me think of a teenybopper wearing a glittery scarf.

  • Jane with the noisy terrier June, 11 2014, 10:48 / Reply

    Zut! My comment was deleted.

    So… We can’t refer to you and your “boo” (another word I hate) as Scarance?

    I hate the misuse of “couture,” agree with you about the overuse of “bitch.” A very Southern friend of mine used to refer to all kitty cats as “pussies” and once walked out of my apartment loudly declaring ” I have your black pussy hair all over me!” I almost died. Literally. I think that phrase best describes a woman’s nether regions when pronounced with a distinctive French accent.

  • re the perjorative “cougar” and the statement

    “It’s annoying because it categorizes women in a way that no one ever does with men, who we continue to find sexy at any age, no matter how old their partner is.”

    The usual term used for a man who’s attracted to younger women(or men) is “dirty old man” or in the tabloid press, “pervert”. Often the report using these perjoratives being printed next to a picture of a scantily clad teenage girl (if you think I don’t like the gutter press I’ll not argue with you).

    I personally dislike conflated names like “Brangelina” they feel to semantically deny the individuality of the two human beings involved, to package them as a commodity. It feels dehumanising.

    I’d like to add a couple to your list; “junk” to refer to a man’s external genitalia. My prick and bollocks are not junk, they’re much cherished lifelong companions. Occasionally troublesome but not junk.

    The other is a phrase, “in the DNA of (insert organisation here)”. DNA is a biological molecule; any brand, whether Fendi, Chanel, Fuji, Ferrari, De Rosa or the ghastly WalMart is not a biological entity. It can have an ethos, but not DNA.

    Anyway, love to all and be kind.

  • bijoux June, 12 2014, 9:10

    Simon, you are hilarious.

  • Amanda April, 4 2016, 3:12

    I thought the term for men attracted to younger women in our culture was “normal” ;)

  • Hier un de mes élèves à utilisé le mot “bicot” pour parler d’un de ces camarades. L’emploi de certains mots qui viennent d’un autre âge m’a beaucoup blessé. Il ne faut jamais oublier le choix des mots. Les mots peuvent faire du bien , mais également faire beaucoup de mal.

  • berenger June, 12 2014, 8:35 / Reply

    Oh thank you Garance, for giving me the platform to finally say this. Everybody! Please, please stop using the word ECLECTIC – especially when followed by the word mix. Its use is: Pretentious, lazy, and has become meaningless through over use. And it does not make design professionals sound clever. Just all of the above. It makes me want to scream and then vomit violently when I hear it in a fashion/interior design context.

  • Christina Anna June, 12 2014, 9:43 / Reply

    “wow” “oh my gosh” : so American, so kitsch

  • cath de lille June, 12 2014, 9:58 / Reply

    concernant “vagina”, pour avoir lu des livres américains (mal) traduits en français (j’ai le souvenir d’un pavé sur Woody Allen), j’ai parfois la sensation que les traducteurs (hommes) confondent le pubis et le vagin … ou quoi ?

  • emmilie June, 12 2014, 10:38 / Reply

    ” je vais me donner à 300%”…
    “je sais me vendre”… En plus de me filer la gerbe, ses expressions discréditent pour toujours la personne qui les a dites !
    Bordel, ça m’ énerve !
    par contre, je ne dis pas ma chatte mais mon berlingot, voir ma techa , ça m’ amuse ( chacun ses délires ????)

  • Ce qui me rend dingue c’est quand les gens disent “Ah ouais, ça c’est design”…

  • I cannot stand that people now use the word “amazing” all the time…

  • I also find bitch so offensive! Lots of people use it as a joke without really thinking about the significance of the word, but when you’ve been called a bitch to your face it’s not so funny anymore and you think about how someone is actually describing you, or your friend. Likewise with cougar!
    My other tops offenders are:
    That’s so gay! (instead of lame, stupid, etc)
    No offence but, ….

  • Diane S. June, 13 2014, 1:18

    I have to say, I used to be accused of being too nice and I had to work very hard at being assertive. I think this is still a problem for many women. The first time a man called me a bitch, he got really confused because I lit right up and, with a smile beaming on my face, I said, “REALLY?! Thanks! Thank you so much, I’m really working hard on that!” The men who worked for me cracked up and offered to rearrange the guy’s face. I think it was the great Bette Davis who said, “If they’re not calling you a bitch, you’re not doing it right.”

  • Jenelle June, 13 2014, 10:56 / Reply

    I am sick of people calling out other women for having “Resting Bitch Face.” Come on, we ALL have that look when we’re not smiling, especially in the work place!

  • I thought you liked using “bitch” (there was a column?) and I am relieved to find you do not. Horrible overuse of this word, which I occasionally call my sister when she is being one.( But that’s private,)

    I wish women generally would stop referring to their intimate parts in public. Why? (I partly blame Oprah for this and her “vajayjay” which she used to say repeatedly as she apparently thought it was cute, which it was not.) Same goes for reference to the “period.” I guess I like decorum in public. My mother used to say, “Don’t be vulgar.”

    “Amazing” should be banned. It is used across the board, and usually coupled with “like.” Get a dictionary and look inside. There are lots and lot of wonderful words to use to describe the world. I saw a t-shirt that said, “Everything is amazing, and nobody is happy.”

    “Love” should be banned too. As in I love these shoes, I love this jacket. Love, love, love. Give it a rest. Again, reach for the dictionary to find out how you feel about the shoes. Save the love for your friends and family and don’t overuse it there either. It’s too special.

  • Je déteste le mot Miss! Utilisé pour parler de quelqu’un ou pour interpeller ” Comment va la Miss?” ou uns sms du genre” Coucou Miss, je te vois quand” déjà j’ai 32ans je suis mariée et j’ai un enfant alors je ne suis pas Miss!!!! Et je ne sais jamais si la personne se fou de moi ou pas :s Bref, je déteste ça voilà :)
    En anglais j’aime pas les gens qui conclu une conversation en disant “the bottom line is….” ughhhh

  • haha, i love this! and you’re right: “pussy” is considered a very vulgar word in the US. extremely sexual, and not in a romantic way. it’s also often used by men as a synonym to “wimp” which is somewhat sexist. i don’t like the word “vagina” either but its better than the alternatives!

  • Tuliphead July, 8 2014, 4:12 / Reply

    Shoot me an email- how exactly is that done? It seems so much easier to just send it.
    I feel like, as in “I feel like this room would look better painted white.” No, you think not feel.
    Nazi for someone that isn’t; it dilutes the meaning.
    Bra or brah, as in “Catch ya later bra!”
    Ya instead of you.
    Um instead of them, this, or it.

  • PrettyDove August, 15 2014, 1:19 / Reply

    OMG is so annoying or how about the phrase “I’m so Passionate about” …as in “I’m so passionate about sunglasses”. The Kardashians are super “passionate”. Yuck.

  • WOW just what I was looking for. Came here by
    searching for links

  • Amanda April, 4 2016, 3:10 / Reply

    Love these Garance and agree with them all. I hate how people use words to describe female genitalia as insults. Sorry, but I am reclaiming the word “cunt.” I much prefer that to pussy. I also dislike “moist” when it doesn’t refer to cake, and “panties.” *shudder* I also dislike the value-laden “lady,” as in that you should “act like a lady.” Sorry, but I am a woman and if I don’t want to be your definition of lady-like then I damn well won’t be. We need to use the term woman and women more so it is as relaxed as saying man and men. It’s not and people seem to think using man and girl is ok. To me it is not. I am 45, I am not a girl!

  • Bernadette April, 4 2016, 4:28 / Reply

    I cannot stand the constant use of the word “like” as in “I really don’t know what to say”.
    Also (being Geman) I hate all types of silly anglicisms, especially “am Ende des Tages”. People use it all the time, yuk!

  • Utilize. Americans no longer use things they utilize them. It drives me crazy. Unless something is being used for it’s unintended purpose the word is “USE”

  • Alexandra April, 4 2016, 8:23 / Reply

    when someone says ‘key’ million times, everything is KEY nowadays, same with GOALS………………………..

  • “Awesome” à toutes les sauces!

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