
Puncturing Consciousness: Rose McGowan

7 years ago by

Rose McGowan is so many things. She is an artist, a musician, a business owner, a writer, a director, an activist, just to name a few, and she is passionate about everything she does. She welcomed me into her home in Los Angeles where we connected about our, well over our pajamas first, and then over our mutual belief that you can be creative in anything you do, and her desire to see more women start breaking the rules.

We talked about her decision to move behind the lens into directing, and the realization that how people perceive you shouldn’t influence how you feel about yourself, and you definitely shouldn’t let it hold you back. Rose is open, honest and speaks her mind, and it feels good.

I hope you enjoy this podcast.

[podcast_episode episode=”252288″ ]

pardon my french rose mcgowan atelier for ephoto

pardon my french rose mcgowan atelier dore photo

On moving to the U.S. from Italy as a child…
I remember crying when I first saw spaghetti in America. I knew it would never be the same! I was obviously very dramatic. And for some reason, my mother didn’t tell me that I was going to another place, things will be different, and people speak a different language. I understood English but I didn’t speak it. I never heard music playing through the supermarket speakers. I had never seen giant cars. It was loud!

On her private life…
My life that I lived off screen was a really big life, and always has been, but that was not available for public consumption or knowledge, and not their business.

On breaking rules…
So many women in this town, in this industry, specifically, play by the boys’ club rules. I hope that is changing and they realize it doesn’t benefit them.

pardon my french rose mcgowan atelier for ephoto

On what she cares about as an activist…
It’s women, generally, but it’s more like consciousness, I would say. It’s like puncturing consciousness.

On if she knew she’d always end up directing…
No. I didn’t see any examples around me. It just didn’t occur to me. It was actually two gay, male friends who came and said, Rose, it’s time. I would direct every movie in my head, but I was in someone else’s movie. I would get to the set and think, this is the wrong house, the wrong actor, I might be the wrong actress in this. Oh god. The movie in my head was totally different, and frankly, often times much better.

On Hollywood shaping women…
This town, besides making you into a commodity, is obsessed with trying to make women be hot. I’m like no, ladies, you actually want to be cool. There is a temperature difference.

On dating in L.A….
I was living in Silver Lake and I dated somebody in Venice for like a month, and I was like, you’re geographically too far, I can’t do it. And then I went out with someone in New York for three years right after that. And that was easier than going to Venice from the other side of L.A.!

pardon my french rose mcgowan atelier for ephoto

pardon my french rose mcgowan atelier for ephoto

On what we can do to be more conscious and help others…
Hire women. Do it on purpose. If it doesn’t work out, hire another one. But more than that, in your own life, when you see those billboards, do something about it. When you see, hear men, gay or straight, or other women, talking smack about other women, or saying things that are negative, correct them. And then say, would you like to get a drink? People always think it has to be this huge confrontation, it really doesn’t.

On what she hopes her work brings…
My goal with my book, and a lot of stuff I have upcoming, my album, my films and skincare, that’s about raising consciousness. I would love it if everybody on the planet, including myself, was 10% more awake.

On doing better…
If you don’t know what to do, man or woman, what would your higher self do? What would your better self do in this situation and imitate that. Do things that make you uncomfortable, for sure. It is uncomfortable speaking up, oh well! Then you get comfortable right afterward. You were also uncomfortable when you were growing tall, weren’t you? Your legs hurt, but you got taller.

pardon my french rose mcgowan atelier for ephoto

Check out Rose’s film, Dawn, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Other things we discussed…
· Love that Red, Revlon
· The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas
· eXistenZ
· RM486


Add yours
  • I love Rose’s confidence and guts. This is a lovely interview and I am further inspired myself to keep hiring and promoting women.

  • What’s the name of the artist who did the piece behind Rose ? I love it !!

  • It is so wonderful to hear such an intelligent interview. It can be easy to assume that actresses are just pretty faces, but Rose McGowan is so much more, with so many talents and incredible creativity.

  • thank you for doing this post, great to know Rose as a person.

  • Natalie May, 4 2017, 12:25 / Reply

    That painting is so beautiful! Would love to know the artist as well.

  • Deborah Kolar May, 4 2017, 3:28 / Reply

    Terrific interview!

  • What a voice! In every sense of the word.

  • Lotte May, 5 2017, 2:53 / Reply

    Why no pants?

  • Kristiane May, 5 2017, 4:44 / Reply

    thank you so much for this inspiring interview!

  • Aparna May, 5 2017, 10:40 / Reply

    One of your best! Kudos! Brave, honest, and real! Such a pleasure. This was very inspiring for me as a feminist scholar!

  • Michelle May, 5 2017, 12:15 / Reply

    Women need to be more like Rose and be brave enough to speak out and be the individual that they really are.

  • Johanna May, 6 2017, 11:27 / Reply

    Best podcast to date. Such an intelligent lady.

  • Chiara May, 7 2017, 1:54 / Reply

    Loved this- Rose is not afraid to say what she thinks. Bravo.

  • Susan May, 7 2017, 3:21 / Reply

    Fantastic- loved Rose and such an inspiration.

  • HIre the person best suited for the job. That’s all.

  • Lizzie May, 11 2017, 8:31

    Hire me for what’s between my ears, not for what’s between my legs.

  • Rose is such an amazing woman, loved listening and getting to know her story (I had a black baby doll also :) And when she began talking about being a woman in our society I could so relate, she was reading my mind. Especially when she said that being delicate doesn’t work. I look a certain way, where people, especially men, assume they can have their way with me, but hey, if I will be the only woman they have ever met that was agressive and stood up for herself, so be it. This is what makes me feel good, it doesn’t make me feel any more empowered seeing myself in their eyes. Women should stop having the need to always be f**kable – pardon my French.
    And Garance, you’re just one of my favourite people <3 (Loved seeing you in pajamas!)

  • Courtney May, 15 2017, 1:00 / Reply

    This is the best.

  • Annika May, 19 2017, 6:40 / Reply

    Loved the core of what she said as she had many valid and interesting points but didn’t like how often she interrupted Garance… don’t let people interrupt you like that, Garance ;)

  • Hey Garance ! Thank you for the wonderful Podcast . I arrived in Paris, France 6 years back. When I disagree with someone / or simply present my point of view here I am totally shunned . I am ‘politely’ not invited in that gathering / conference / meeting .i receive hostile emails if I ask a question . I am having a non-existent existence in france because no one identifies with me and people give me sneaky smiles right behind my back . I work in luxury sector . Can u say something to comfort me ?
    Thanks .

  • Love Rose’s matter-of-fact attitude and practicality on so many things. Great post!

  • Makena May, 19 2018, 10:42 / Reply


  • Fabio Mattison May, 26 2018, 6:49 / Reply

    Anyone know where her black shirt is from?

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