

7 years ago by

In my infinite quest to find motivation to exercise, one day I decided to try Woom Center.

I really like what’s happening with yoga studios in New York right now. They’re opening all over the place, with lots of different concepts, and each one is even cleaner, more organized, and more beautiful than the last. The days of poorly lit studios that smell like old socks are gone – now it’s big windows, clean mats for everyone, delicious smelling candles, and even the accessories are beautiful and perfectly maintained.

The reason I wanted to try Woom is because yoga is presented there as a sensory experience, and I love sensory experiences. The idea here is to appeal to every one of your senses. Your sight, first of all, with 360° projections on the walls in the room. Your hearing, with a great sound system and perfectly curated playlist, and of course you can’t go without the gongs to do sound baths. And for your sense of smell, they diffuse different scents throughout the class.

lifestyle woom yoga garance dore photo

lifestyle woom yoga garance dore photo

There are even parts of the class that you do blindfolded (with a super pretty mask you borrow from the center, of course) – oh, and even your taste is stimulated: after the class, they give you a shot of delicious, freshly prepared juice.

It doesn’t take anything more than that to convince me.

I immediately liked the friendly aspect of the place. There’s a little café space with lots of books on yoga and well-being, and I could easily see myself spending a rainy Saturday there. And they always greet me with a super warm welcome every time I go.


But what I liked the most was really the experience itself…

I have to say I’ve always liked the slightly “trance” element of yoga. When you let the flow carry you away, when the energy in the room, the voice of the instructor and the music fall into a perfect rhythm with your movements, it’s almost a dance. You totally forget yourself, you sweat, you feel incredible.

Ok, truth is, I’ve always liked the feeling of going into a trance, in general. I spent years dancing to techno, going to raves and clubs. I love what electronic music does to my senses, to my heartbeat. I love the elaborate, super repetitive beats that make you go into another state, kind of like dancing to drums. I’m sure there’s a very scientific explanation for all that.



The fact is, I got that same feeling from being at Woom Center. The music ranges from pop songs to very simple, soft beats. The projections made me think of what you might find at a rave or club, they are abstract and make you feel like you’re wrapped up in light without letting your mind taking over. The voice of the instructor guides you, but you can really let yourself go. You work up a sweat without even realizing it, even if the technique itself isn’t really the most important part of the experience. I can’t wait for them to open a studio in LA!


Translated by Andrea Perdue

Big thank you to Woom Yoga | Photos taken at Woom Yoga Center NYC | 274 Bowery, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10012


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  • Gaea Vilage February, 7 2017, 10:33 / Reply

    Magnifique! Je suis triste de rater mon cour de yoga demain…mais…y-a-t-il des fenêtres dans ce studio?! Rien qu’à l’idée que cette magnifique pièce soit sans fenêtre, cela me fait passer en mode hyper ventilation…

  • Magnifiques ces photos! Elles sont très inspirantes!
    Belle journée, Xxx

    Julie, Petite and So What?

  • Melissa Smith February, 7 2017, 11:16 / Reply

    While this studio looks absolutely amazing and I also love the trend of yoga studios becomes cleaner and brighter (who wouldn’t?), I worry that yoga is becoming just a luxury experience that’s inaccessible unless you’re well off. That seems completely against what yoga is about. It’s a hard choice between classes that are all $25+ because of the fancy space versus $12 in a clean but unfancy space.

  • I agree. Not to take away from the experience here–Woom sounds fantastic, and a welcoming staff is even more important than the amazing special effects–but yoga seems like one of those practices that shouldn’t be about the money. I was spoiled by my yoga class, a five-minute walk from my house in a room with a wall of windows facing the garrigue. No music–just the birds and wind singing in the pines. My teacher didn’t charge anything–she did it for herself, she said–but the 5 or 6 students would kick in €3 per class as an honorarium. Obviously none of that is possible in NYC, where space is pricey and nature is rare.
    OTOH, losing yourself is what yoga is all about, regardless where you are.
    Good for you that you have found that.

  • Yeah, of course this looks amazing, but please, it doesnt have much to do with yoga.
    Doing the sun salutations and all other asanas is just a tool to turn your senses inwards, to letting all the outward sensations just go by. From that point of view this studio is a challenge for more advanced yogis and yoginis…

  • I’ve read about Woom and it does sound wonderful. When in NY I would love to check it out. I’m lucky to have found teachers who really get into blending sounds energy and moods with yoga. I have one teacher in that has his drummer friends drop in and perform in class. If you ever have a chance in Los Angeles look up Joe Kara. He teaches at a few studios around LA and often has his musician friends drop in. It is well worth it and only costs the price of a class. Even though these guys are professional they play for free.

  • It looks awesome, but must be really pricey.
    Parece otimo, mas deve ser caro.

  • Sounds like pure hell. I’m serious. Not just being disagreeable. But I never liked techno beat. I liked FUNK! Now that you can dance to.

  • I agree, Melissa and Taste of France. I don’t need yoga to be a fancy experience (though it should be clean and the teacher competent, of course!), I just want to practice and move my body. While I’d love to be able to afford a fancy yoga studio just to try it once or twice, I can barely afford the cheapest yoga studio and find paying for an occasional cheap class to be a luxury. I enjoy many pieces on this blog but sometimes I find it frustrating that so many articles these days are becoming overly “aspirational” or unattainable for everyday folks who don’t have disposable income for a new wardrobe every season, expensive accessory, or whatever else it may be. I appreciate all you do, Garance, but thought you might like the perspective of a long-time (8+ years) reader. Sometimes I miss the simpler street style photos and illustrations from the early days.

  • I agree completely. I don’t visit here as much as I used to. Everything is beautiful, but way out of my league.

  • Agreed.

  • I took a class at woom a few weeks ago! I had the same thoughts. Was fascinated at how all engaging the entire experience was with the sensory of lights, motions, music, scents and they give you a nice little shot of juice at the end of class! Haven’t been back due to my schedule but it’s worth checking out on ClassPass (my fave way to check out different studios in NYC and you can use it in LA too!). I wonder if other studios will up their game. I didn’t find the extras distracting. If anything it added a luxe feel to the experience.

  • C’est dommage ce site est devenu de la pub commerciale mainstream

  • Salut Julie! L’article n’est pas sponsorise. Garance a apprécié son experience au studio Woom Yoga et voulais vous en parler. On s’assure de toujours indiquer quand un post est en partenariat avec une marque. Bonne journée!

  • Wahou! Ca donne envie…!
    (PS : attention aux traductions de vos légendes, “Photos prisent…” au lieu de “prises”, ça craint!) ;)

  • J’adore le yoga mais seul c’est parfois difficile de se motiver. Cette expérience est différente et me tente beaucoup, en province je ne sais pas si j’arriverais à trouver une telle ambiance mais le concept est top! J’ai toujours adoré aussi danser et me défouler dans des clubs et la sensation que ça me procurait était vraiment la plénitude.

  • On ne s eloignerait pas un tantinet de l essence meme du Yoga non?j ai l impression qu il s agit davantage de s’etirer dans une ambiance luxueuse… en fait,le Yoga ne necessite absolument aucun equipement, a part son corps et son esprit…la bougie Dyptique,le matelas en saumon fume et la musique vegetarienne sont absolument optionnels et ne sont la que pour transformer cette belle philosophie en une pratique exclusive et hors de prix… mais bon si ca plait, ca me plait aussi ….Namaste;-)Ohmmmmmmmmm…..

  • inspirational ; yoga is very beneficial for everybody people should do yoga .it gives you positive vibes and energy.

  • Tizzylish February, 10 2017, 4:21 / Reply

    Why not? Why not play music and stimulate the senses in a yoga class? But pure yoga is about going within and listening to one’s body, one’s thoughts…our vibe. True, this can be very uncomfortable for some people. It is a journey. Yoga does not need all the bells and whistles of a circus. It has been around for over 2000 years and remains to be a way of life for a lot of people. But hey, I am open to new things..I just know myself well…and know I prefer a quiet space. I can get all the sensory experience outside in any city or country side…

  • Je suis dubitative. J’entends bien que l’article n’est pas sponsorisé. Mais là j’ai quand même du mal avec le principe d’un yoga luxueux pour les riches, d’inviter à toujours consommer plus. C’est d’autant plus étonnant que dans le podcast La Poudre, Garance dit un peu l’inverse, que l’on consomme trop. Ce n’est donc ni une critique, ni un jugement, juste un constat. Je trouve ça dommage pour le yoga. Mais peut être j’ai mal compris l’article, il faut à Garance tout ceci pour se motiver, comme si le yoga lui même ne suffisait pas. Après tout chacun son avis.

  • Si les technologies actuelles avaient été disponibles à l’époque où le yoga est né,quel aurait été notre point de vue? Est ce que le concept va à l’encontre de la philosophie du yoga ou est ce que etre puriste a tout prix ne va pas justement contre l’essence même de l’évolution? J’ai du mal à savoir en tous cas ce studio donne envie de le tester.

  • Ximena June, 23 2017, 6:40 / Reply

    I had this article bookmarked for many months, as the studio looked sooo gorgeous and I knew I was traveling to NY. I am so glad I kept a hang on it – I went to a class today and it was super amazing! Dropping in to a sensory experience was fantastic. I started the class with awe when they turned projections onto the walls. Class was awesome too and I can’t wait to go back!

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