holiday beauty french look garance dore photo

The French Look

9 years ago by

Winter is here! Well, almost.

I’m not a fan of the cold. But the best part is that once the cold comes, you know the holidays are about to begin!

One thing I admire so much about French women is how effortlessly chic they look at parties even if it’s so cold, that there’s snow outside. Meanwhile, I’m still taking off my three layers of coats (I don’t adapt well) and unwinding my scarf! I tend to opt for barely any make up (maybe a bit of eyeliner if I’m really trying) but it always feels lackluster during the holidays, especially at a special event.

So, this year I’ve been thinking about stepping out of my comfort zone and trying a lip color. I am obsessed with love the way that French women use a very natural base of minimal makeup and focus on a perfectly colored-in lip. I asked our very talented friend Tatyana to show me some ways that I could introduce a lipstick into my holiday look but make it look as elegant and effortless as the French do…

I don’t like anything too too bright in the middle of winter (most of my winter wardrobe is black, of course) but I didn’t want anything too gothic either. She came up with this holiday look which is sophisticated but a little more fun for the holidays. It’s a blend of two lip colors by Nars — Mysterious Red and Damned.

What do you think, do you focus more on your eyes or lips?


p.s. I’m Neada, the new Managing Editor at Garance Doré Studio!


– Makeup by Tatyana Makarova, Giuliana wears jacket by JCrew.


Add yours
  • Très belle photo. J’aime beaucoup cette couleur de rouge à lèvre.
    Bienvenue à Neada dans l’équipe du Studio !


  • Merci, Amélie!

    C’est magnifique, non? :)


  • I’m a bright red lips addicted…it’s super easy and quick…better than a complete makeup anyway!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Ce maquillage est super joli!
    J’adore le make up naturel avec la touche de rouge sur les lèvres! C’est canon!!!

    Le monde des petites

  • i also love a strong lip! :)

  • Welcome Neada. well… I’m a guy, so I don’t really focus on either, but I think that the above image is spot on. :)

  • Thank you for the welcome! :)

  • Well, this lip colour is simply divine. Do you know which it is?

    Priscilla Joy
    Dutch Caribbean

  • Hi Priscilla
    Yes, it is a mixture of two lip pencil colors by Nars — Mysterious Red and Damned.
    Neada :)

  • J’adore la couleur du rouge à lèvre, vraiment magnifique!
    C’est quoi?

  • Salut Rym!
    Il est un mélange de deux coleurs par Nars — Mysterious Red et Damned.
    Merci :)

  • I tend to focus on my eyes because my thinner lips don’t look great in dark, plummy colors. But I do love the look you posted. Do you or anyone know of a tried-and-true festive color for those of us who don’t sport model lips?

    Last winter, I spent much time before a party trying to decide how to look chic but keep warm. It was one of those 20 below nights. I kept my coat on most of the night (and froze even then). My friend did the same, and her husband told us to take our damn coats off, was not pleased that his wife looked like she had never settled into the evening. Ha. But dress is a separate issue entirely.

  • Wow this photo looks so beautiful! I used to be someone to accentuate the eyes but some time ago I have discovered how much a nice lipstick can do ;)

    Lisa – AT LEAST BLOG

  • Hi Neada!
    Please tell us which products/colors were used for this look, really loving it!

  • Hi Sofia!
    It’s a mixture of two colors from Nars — Mysterious Red and Damned.
    Doesn’t it look beautiful? :)

  • Woow. That was my first reaction seeing this photo when I opened your page. Wooow, outloud, being alone in a room. :) It’s mindblowing.
    Neada, very welcome, I look forward to reading more from you!
    On the same note – what happened with sex&relationship posts that Megan was writing? I think they were excelent …

  • Thank you for the welcome! Very excited to be writing more for you soon :)

  • Teresa Cesario November, 13 2014, 10:14 / Reply

    How wonderful! Congrats!

  • That make up is so so flawless!!! Very French indeed!

    Shot From The Street | Fashion Blog

  • Hello Neada,
    Welcome ! :-) It’s a very beautiful make-up and lipstick color ! I also love the picture ;-)

  • Thank you! :)

  • Welcome Neada :) I love the look. Red lipstick is my savior. I wear it when I need to speak in public- it gives me confidence and I can skip the eye make up. With eyes I never know how much is too much but you can’t overdo it with lipstick!
    Ana uk

  • Thank you, Ana! I’m looking forward to trying this look out very soon!

  • Welcome! Is that you on the picture? Either way, the lip color is really nice.

    I tend to focus on the lips when I go out, but I still use mascara and a bit of liner. So basically, my evening look is the same as my daytime look, plus lipstick. I’m not afraid of gothic colors either, although with a plum lipstick I try to make sure I’m not dressed in all black.

  • Hi Margaret!
    No, that is the beautiful Giuliana. I will be introducing myself properly very soon (with a photo too)!
    I love the idea of taking lipstick with you if you need to transition from day to night :)

  • that’s what I love about being french and american…growing up mostly in LA and only going to Paris a couple times a year to visit my dad. In LA I would want to put on a lot of make up and almost look fake..but in Paris I saw my beauty in the simplicity of me being myself and wearing little make up. Being effortlessly chic.

    So beautiful!

    giveaway on my blog!

  • le mélange de deux rouges à lèvre ou comment avoir de très belles surprises!

    welcome N

  • If that’s your picture, you are gorgeous! And that lip suits you so well. I personally only wear bold lip colours and never leave home without wearing lipstick. I think it wakes up the whole face.

    Good luck here!

  • That picture is beautiful! I love lipstick during winter and just like you I don’t wear a lot of makeup but lipstick is perfect to look pretty (almost) effortlessly. But hey I’m French so maybe that’s in the genes.

    Welcome Neada x

  • I own an embarrassing number of NARS lipcolors and love mixing them, but I’ve never mixed those two. Off to the bathroom now to try!
    (And, that mix actually looks somewhat like Terre de Feu. Had I been asked to guess the shade, that’s what I would have thought. And wouldn’t that be the best game show ever? Who knows what a can of peas cost, à la Price is Right. But identifying NARS shades? That I can do.)

  • Hi Neada, btw what a beautiful name! :)
    And I just love love the photo, she looks gorgeous with this lipstick!

  • Victoria Regia November, 13 2014, 11:35 / Reply

    I’m a Brazilian living in the U.S. My signature look is concealer, mascara, red lips and natural hair. Many times, I even skip the mascara. Two to three products, and that’s it. The end result is very similar to the picture above. People here are always under the impression I wear a lot of make-up. Some people go as far as telling me I wear too much! A co-worker once asked me to show her the products I use on my face and I pulled a MAC concealer, a red lipstick and a tube of Estee Lauder mascara from my make-up bag. She was surprised and said: “That’s it? I thought you wore a lot more than that”. With that being said, I am always baffled when I read comments on the Internet on how natural and effortless this look is. Who are you people and where do you live so I can move to your state?

  • Welcome Neada, looking forward to your blog posts! Just curious, what happened to Alex?

  • Je suis rassurée : je ne suis pas la seule à avoir froid l’hiver ;-)
    J’adore le rendu de ce mélange de rouges à lèvres : j’ai bien envie de tester !

  • Hi Neada,what a lovely name:)
    She is so beautiful ,love the clean/white face and red lipstick ..
    Yael Guetta

  • Hi Yael,
    Thank you so much! I like yours too :)
    I’m glad you love the look – so do I!

  • Welcome Neada :)
    This picture is beautiful, and it’s true that we can recognise the easy and classy parisian girl look : perfect skin, loose hair (but still perfect), almost no make up, and these beautiful red lips… love that !

    xx CarolineJ

  • Jane with the noisy terrier November, 13 2014, 12:05 / Reply

    Bienvenue Neada! Vous avez la travaille de mes rêves! (Okay, enough of my “pauvre français!”) I love the look of perfect, natural skin, liner and lots of lashes and a neatly executed red mouth. When I’m in Paris over the summer, one of my missions is to master that “Je ne sais quoi” look whilst stirring water into my Ricard at Le Flore. But I sometimes feel that red is too aging on me so I’ll opt for a friendly rose or red orange. That said, I did buy Mysterious Red at the urging of my local NARS guru recently!

  • Hi Neada! Such a lovely, lovely look for winter. I tend to focus on the eyes, just because it’s easier, in a way? I find that most make-up looks with “minimal” eyes tend to involve more steps and expertise than I have (taupe eyeshadows, contouring, and god knows what else). That being said, what *was* done for the eye make-up here?

  • Hi Ivy! For the eye here, a minimal amount of cream eyeshadown from MAC was used as well as a brown mascara from Max Factor.
    I usually focus on the eye (a MAC liquid black eyeliner is my favorite) but I’m excited to try a lip!!

  • Welcome Neada!

  • Thank you, April! :)

  • Welcome Neada, and what a lovely name ! The picture is really great.

  • Hello Neda,

    Congratulations on being the Managing Editor! Sounds like an AMAZING job!!!

    I love that you are letting us know the actual color of lipstick and brand since I can now buy it too! I often see photos of nice lipstick and am always so curious how to achieve the look. I am lazy when it comes to makeup so lip color is usually the ONLY thing I wear! I love the color and this does look perfect for winter! I also prefer a naked look for the rest of the face.

    Thank you for sharing!

  • Welcome, Neada! You nailed the lip…so rich yet subtle. Absolutely gorgeous! (:

  • Hi Neada!

    This is such a perfect look! I’m going to try blending those two shades…

    xx, Kristi

  • Ugh, how much more perfectly gorgeous can you get?! This look is just…wow. (She has the air of Léa Seydoux, while not having the exact right coloring.) I’d give my little finger to look this effortlessly gorgeous!!

    I have both these NARS shades, so I can’t wait to mix them up myself! And I’ll have to pop into MAC and ask them if they can help me recreate the eyes. So stunning.

    That said, I normally do wear some eyeliner, even if I wear very neutral/natural eye products, because I find I need it to bring out my eyes a bit more (and they turn down at the ends, so I try and fake a different shape). And a strong lip. 10 years ago, though, I was all about the colored eyeshadow. Go figure!

    Shani x

  • I love Sephora Collection Rouge Cream Lipstick in Courtisane, which appears quite similar to what this lovely young woman is wearing above.

  • This is so spot on! Brava Neada! :))

  • The color is PERFECT! I love it! Nars definitely makes the best lipsticks ever. I am such a huge fan.

  • This look is pure beauty! You should try some more make-up experiments and show them to us)

    BarbarianMe Blog

  • Elle est beaucoup trop belle !

  • Natalie sarah November, 13 2014, 3:35 / Reply

    Wow this Looks Great .

  • What a great makeup look! <3 Definitely perfect for parties- the colors are gorgeous :)

  • Neada, firstly, beautiful name ! never heard it before.

    And yes, this is much needed advice. I have enough time to perfect learning one, before the holiday parties begin.

    – Archana.

  • C’est magnifique !!!
    Bienvenue Neada :)

    Solène de :

  • Red is the way to go to spice up a look! You sound like me when it comes to makeup, simple. May I recommend Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm – 250 Standout? It’s easy to apply and last for hours. Also, it’s matte so you won’t look like as if there’s something constantly on your lips ;)

  • I absolutely adore a red lip, but my major focus is always great skin first and foremost. I focus on a dewy, natural face and then a tiny flick of eyeliner at the outer corner of upper eyes and a smudge (literally) of red lipstick. It’s more wearable for day and it takes two minutes. I used to do the perfectly lined and applied lips look, but lately I am leaning towards a ‘squidge a few bits of lippy on then smooch your lips together and blend with a fingertip’ – it’s sort of cooler and more casual that perfect lips – and ultimately more wearable imho.

  • Bienvenue Neada to the best blog around!!

    I am a portuguese living in Cambridge, UK, .and I also wear read lipstick every day. In fact I am a great fan of long lasting lipstick, as you will look great for hours and you can go for a glass of wine and don’t be afraid of staining the glass, or napkins, or your friends cheek. funny as today I had lunch with a friend and he asked if I always wear lipstick to work. Not really sure what we meant, but apparently it’s not common here. Well I told him that red lipstick is like a personal statement. It becomes part of you saying “I don’t care what my job says about me, I don’t have to follow the rules.” I like it as my personal mark and I wear it with the minimal make up possible (concealer and mascara) and natural hair..In that manner, we should all go the french way!


  • I always used to focus primarily on my eyes; however, over the last 3 years I have opted for very basic make-up with a bold lip. In the winter I’m always drawn to more Bordeaux colors, plus they seem to compliment my skin tone the best anyways. My personal favs include Nars: Fire Down Below and Cargo: Napa.
    p.s. Love the photo above, très chic :)

  • Bravo! Love this. Holiday perfection.
    Does she have any eyeliner or just mascara? Love the lip colour. Thank you.

  • Welcome, welcome Neada! This is such a beautiful, effortless look! I do have a question- how did you blend/apply the two colors together, seeing as they are both lip pencils and not cream lipstick? Wonderful post xoxoxo

  • Hi there! If you could show us how to best apply the two lip colors, that would be great! I think a lot of women have problems knowing the technique or best way to put on lip colors as beautifully as that in the picture!

  • Bienvenue Neada!
    My daughter Anna (who is 4) and I both do the scarf unwrapping thing constantly.
    I actually now pull my scarf up so high that it just sits under my lips.
    My daughter wears fire engine red nail polish on her days off from French school here in Normandy, and I do the lip color blending thing now that the weather has dropped.
    We love being girls!

    Exiting times ahead in the Garance Doré Studio!

    Talk to you soon,

    PS. Love the photo!

  • I love how this kind of neat make up highlights lips so wonderfully…
    PS and… I am a fan of cold instead! ;)

  • Bienvenue Neada!
    J’adore l’effet dramatique des lèvres sombres sur un visage nu. Et je trouve aussi le côté légèrement fumé “blurry” de l’application très réussi et sexy

  • Morfula Axipolitou November, 14 2014, 5:16 / Reply

    Love the lip focus!It’s my trademark. Morning A Lip Balm or a Gloss (nude). When i go out I’m always mixing 2 or even three colors together!

  • In love with your haircut!!!

  • What’s the best way to keep this lipstick on throughout the day, without drying out your lips?

  • Welcome Neada! What a beautiful photo. French and Italian ladies seem to have the key to perfect style, non?

    As for red lips, they seem not to be for those with prominent teeth, thin lips, or pink complexions. Alas, being of the third category, Irish American girl that I am, I refrain from bright lips. However, I love my Stila dark brown eyeliner pen, which I put on my top eyelid. It stays on all day and I prefer it to mascara :-).

  • Zoe Kalousis November, 14 2014, 2:00 / Reply

    I absolutely LOVE a statement lip. I usually fill my top and bottom lip with a plum liner and then lightly apply a bright red to the top and then rub it in with a brush or my finger. Its dramatic enough, but so easy to play down if I’m just in the city for the day. I really like how the bright red adds a little bit of a boost to the plum. Love your post!! :)

  • love this berry lip color. Any recommendation for dark skins?

  • Hi Neada, this is an amazing look. Thank you!

    Question for you: you said that a “cream eye shadow from MAC was used as well as a brown mascara from Max Factor.” Can you please provide the exact product names, especially the name of the MAC shadow?? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

  • Cette fille est très jolie, et ce RAL CA-NON!!
    Welcome NEADA !

  • I’m now obsessed with colouring my lips too. I used to not wear any lip colour out of fear of staining my teeth or eating all the lip colour and leaving the outline visible… Now I’ve somehow let go of that fear and am loving the barely there makeup with a pop of intense lip colour x

  • Je suis française, et pourtant je ne porte jamais de rouge à lèvres rouge… Non que je n’aime pas ça, mais ça ne me va pas. Pourtant c’est vrai que c’est LE signe make up préféré des parisiennes, surtout l’hiver !

  • La photo est sublime est les lèvres colorées avec beaucoup de goût…
    Concernant la subtilité d’associer maquillage naturel et lèvres rouges, j’espère que tu nous en reparleras !
    Bienvenue à toi Neada <3

  • Gorgeous. The thing is, I feel like the only way a look this minimalist truly looks beautiful is on, well, a model. Her porcelain, smooth skin and sculpted cheekbones and naturally seductive eyes just make her face a canvas for effortless beauty. Ah, the genetics game is such a lottery. ;)

  • Ben c’est exactement ce que toutes les femmes du monde entier envie à la femme française. Cette facilité à être authentique, belle et chic avec si peu. La french touch non?

  • J’aurais tellement aimée me mettre ce beau rouge sur les lèvres mais les couleurs ne me vont pas du tout. Pour moi c’est juste un peu de baume hydratant qui donne un peu de brillance. Je suis restée un bon moment devant cette photo sublime.
    Quelle beauté! Merci Neada

  • You have inspired me to pick up a new lip liner and lipstick. I love the look.

  • Ana à Montréal November, 16 2014, 3:16 / Reply

    Bienvenue Neada!
    En passant managing editor = rédactrice en chef

  • Vous êtes belle!! Ce couleur est parfait.

  • I love the photo! Welcome Neada :-)

  • Perfect! I don’t like super bright colors in the winter either, so a darker bluer red works, especially for evening. I love Chanel Rouge Coco 21 Rivol for winter and Clarins 08 when I have more of a tan.

  • Hi Neada! I whole heartedly relate to wanting to find a fun holiday shade thats a bit different from the classic red or the vampy purples that are having such a moment. While both are great thanks for the refreshing in-between shade that does read a bit more neutral. I’m eager to check out the beloved by all sacred beauty space, aka a NARS counter, asap. Welcome!

  • What a great look! Very Angelina Jolie in Maleficent.

  • Superbe ce rouge, ça claque !!!! Je ne porte pas de rouge car c est une couleur qui ne me va pas au teint, mais hors de question de sortir sans avoir ” habillé ” mes lèvres !!! Un peu comme nos grands-mères, si chics avec leurs gants et leur bibis !!!!
    Bisous qui tachent, lol !!!

  • Vous êtes belle!! Ce couleur est parfait.
    géniale waw

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