
12 years ago by

I am always very impressed by the very sophisticated girls. I love them. Like, I love Dita Von Teese. Maybe because I am totally the opposite*.

I don’t even know what you call this style of painting your nails (do you know ?) but it makes me think of Mad Men: the perfection of women at that time and the hours spent to achieve that perfection.

I would have hated to live at that time, but I love to dream about it.


* after a time of manicure obsession, I am back to a simple transparent polish. On good days. Most days, my nails go bare.


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  • j’ai vu a Sartorialist que vous etes a Istanbul ensemble. C’est merveilleux. Essayer de manger des bons poissons. :) Et s’il vous plait prenez des photos merveilleuses .

  • Moi non plus je ne connais comment s’appelle cette technique mais c’est très PRO en tout cas !

  • It’s called the half-moon manicure! And you can do it at home yourself if you use those re-inforcer stickers that you can find in the office supply store to repair the little holes in lined paper. I LOVE IT!

  • J’ai une amie qui s’est fait cette manucure il y a tres peu de temps toute seule, aparemment c’est tres simple… j’en doute, mais bon! C’est tres joli :)


  • I totally have a manicure obsession myself. I need to be groomed at all times. What an awesome color that Mani is.

  • Je n’y aurais franchement pas pensé, pourquoi pas!


  • Ma mère a un cabochon en saphir comme cette dame, très joli.

  • I’ve heard it referred to as Reverse French Manicure.

    I think it’s pretty cool.


  • My goodness, such a gorgeous colour!

  • I’m just like you. I’m very impressed by sophisticated girls who are able to keep their hair, their make-up and their nails perfect all the time.
    In an ideal world I’d be like that too. Unfortunately, in the real world I do litlle more than brushing my hair and wearing minimal make-up and bare nails most of the time. Yet I keep buying the latest nail polishes season after season. What’s wrong with me?

  • I personally not following the nail polish trend, I just don’t think I like how my hands look with nail polish. But I do see some girls pull it off beautifully!

    I’m loving all your Morocco photography, I’m very jealous and hoping to visit next summer.

    Keep up the great work!

  • une manicure en demi-lune. dans les années quarantes, une femme considèrait avoir de beaux ongles si elle avait naturellement de grandes demi-lune. elle appliquait donc son vernis en suivant cette courbe naturelle. moi aussi j’aime beaucoup.

  • Hoofer’s Choice cream for nails and cuticles – works

  • I love how bright those blues are…I’m gonna look for one now:)

  • So incredible color! Love it. Beautiful photo, as always.

    for real BOOKS LOVERS… :)

  • Oh no, no, no.. I love that ring!! I’ve been wanting a ring like that since… Forever! Garance, where did you take that picture? Whose ring is that?? (:

  • Aaaah, désolée, moi c’est sa bague qui me tape dans l’oeil! Super jolie!

  • Moi je craque complètement sur la bague!!

    Quelle merveille!

  • j’ai découvert récemment une méthode de grand mère, la peau de chamois pour les ongles, c’est magique ! Ils deviennent tout brillants, ça tient une semaine et ça les maintient en pleine santé. Bises

  • The combination of the gorgeous rings and her manicure is fabulous!

    The Styleseer

  • I agree with you! I am the same ! Especially for my nails…sometimes i decide to look after, put nailpolish and so on….but i can never keep it up!
    And i love girls who are always groomed!! But am not like that at all!

  • J’adore Mad Men, j’adore leurs manucures mais là, en bleu…je bloque un peu !!

  • La couleur est très belle et très profonde mais en revanche la longueur des ongles ne me revient pas du tout : the shorter the better!

  • i think it’s called the half moon manicure! i love nail art and unexpected things.. that color is fab.

  • Pour ma part, je mets quand c’est moi qui doit m’en mettre soit du transparent, beige et rose. Quand je vais chez l’esthéticienne, je demande du rouge pour changer ^^

    Belle journée,

  • Great photo!! I love the color of the nailpolish!!
    Ehehe, I always bite my nails…always!!! I’m desperate for having this habit!!!


  • C’est toute une philosophie de vie d’être tout le temps tirée à quatre épingles, cela demande aussi une grande force mentale! oui oui! car, lorsque vous rentrez du bureau, super méga fatiguée et qu’il faut refaire ou retoucher sa manucure, je vous assure qu’il faut une monstrueuse force psychologique …….. en plus, entre autres choses qu’il faut faire comme choisir sa jolie tenue pour le lendemain qui “fit” parfaitement à la couleur du vernis……. hi hi hi!!!! think about it!

  • Just looked at my nails! Guh! Time to pay attention to my hands and get them into shape.

  • How am I supposed to wash the dishes with nails like these? hehe
    I’d go crazy if I had to keep them that polished all the time… too much perfection for me!

  • Ben c’est très joli sur de jolies mains… genre faut pas faire trop la vaisselle!! Et puis moi j’ai le bout des doigts ronds et qui s’évasent un peu, alors je ne porte que les ongles courts. Encore un truc de féminité que je ne pourrai jamais faire, le coup des ongles super manucurés… dans ma prochaine vie, promis!
    Bon voyage, profitez bien!!!

  • Loved to watch MadMen only because of the perfect style they were dressed up, women and men.
    Can’t have a perfect manucure because i dont pay any attention to my hands when i do thinkgs with them lol.

  • I find beauty in bare nails. Have the same situation as you have. To my mind, bare, short , clean nails have some class… Am I wrong?

  • C’est “demie-lune” en francais et “media-luna” a NYC.

  • c’est super beau mais je crois bien que c’est un peu trop parfait pour moi !!!! mais ce bleu est vraiment joli !

  • Je dois reconnaître que je trouve cette manucure splendide ! Et que je ne peux m’imaginer aussi parfaitement tirée à quatre épingles que certaines élégantes : en général, dès que je deviens trop premier degré, j’ai l’impression que mon second degré se décroche légèrement de mon corps pour venir se payer ma tête depuis une vingtaine de centimètres au-dessus de ma personne (je ne sais pas si je me fais bien comprendre) Étrange …
    Et j’ai également beaucoup aimé tes photos de voyage, une cure de soleil quand ici il fait nuit vers 17h, ça fait du bien.

  • Totally with you on this one especially on the nail polish bit. I absolutely can’t do polished hair (you know shiny straight not one hair out of place)…and I like to think my bed hair (hum hum) or messy chignon are my signature ( ha ha) but polished nails I absolutely adore. I usually go through a phase of high maintenance ( changing nail polish one daily basis) to a no fly zone of simply bare nails. Schizo Recently it has been the latter …time constraints
    One of my friends gad a smart solution though . She would keep all her nail polish in her desk drawer and do her nails every morning before kicking off the day at work ;)

  • Ces clous sont incroyables bleu Klein!

  • Amazing nails! Unfortunately mine seem to get chipped as soon as I put it on!

  • I love the idea of it and some nail polishes have beautiful colours that I find difficult to resist! So I’ve tried several times to polish my nails, but they always look ugly and shorter so I leave them bare. I guess it’s healthier for them too.

  • hey garance,
    i was in tunisia 2 years ago and got a pedicure and was so confused why she wasn’t painting the cuticle part. i learned that night at dinner that they call it ‘corridor’ to reflect all the shapes of the corridors in morocco, etc. xo

  • Ah, the perfect manicure for women who don’t work with their hands, and sleep in netted gloves… only seen on film, and the impeccable Von Teese. I have come to love the perfectly chipped nailpolish, like Chanel two days in, juuuuust the tips, slightly worn, just as good as the perfect messy hairdo. Perfect imperfection, mmm.

  • Moi c’est cette bague qui me fait de l’oeil :)


  • Ca doit être herculéen de se vernir les ongles aussi parfaitement…
    Enfin la couleur est canon, ca fait un petit contraste entre l’esprit “Mad Men” effectivement, et la couleur électrique ;)
    La photo est PARFAITA!
    Bisous bisous!

  • Loook ze riiiing !

    Qu’est -ce qu’elle est belle !

    Et personne pour me dire d’où elle vient ?
    Mouaaaah ! => Jewel Mourance …

  • je crois que ça s’appelle la manucure égyptienne…
    je suis une big fan moi aussi.

  • Wow, what an amazing color!

  • In Connecticut I went to the nail salon weekly, after my move to the desert 7 years ago I now, do my nails myself, and I never put on nail polish, just cut, file, and keep clean…
    Do not miss it, but when I go back home, I have them done…


  • I never thought I’d be one to say it, but I think paying attention to something like nails, or hair, or lips, just one part of you that you didn’t before, can do wonders for your mood and make you feel a bit more “put together”…

    …I SAY this, but then, as happened this morning, there’s nothing more “UN-putting-together” than painting your nails, layer by layer…. using the oddest hand configurations in subsequent tasks like opening things or handling objects, order not to wreck anything….

    … admiring your perfect hard-candy shine as you get ready to leave the house…and then, (just when you thought everything was as dry as promised on the Top Coat bottle) SMOOSHING your thumbnail against your wallet or the doorknob or whatever…


  • En réalité, c’est vraiment très facile (et plutôt rapide) de faire cette manicure :)
    J’ai découvert cela grâce à Alix, elle explique la technique sur ce post :

    C’est à voir ! C’est super joli en rouge je trouve, tu devrais essayer :)

  • Très chic…
    Par contre le bleu cobalt est difficile à porter. La manucure “half-moon” est super en tout cas !

    French eco-friendly unique fashion

  • Ophélie December, 2 2011, 5:22 / Reply

    Apparemment ça marche bien avec des gommettes ou des oeillets adhésifs qu’on enlève une fois que le vernis a séché…

  • @Diane: merci, je ne savais plus d’où venait ce tutoriel! CQFD.

  • I have got to try this nail style out!

  • Half moon manicure, or reverse french manicure. It’s very retro. It’s how nails were painted in the 1940s. Actually, they left the moon AND the tip bare, but that tends to look weird to our (modern) eyes, so most people just do the moon bare.

    It’s quite easy if you use those little round stickers that are supposed to reinforce papers in a lever arch file.

    I think it looks super chic, plus it lets you have two colours on your nails at once! (I can never choose). My fingernails are kind of too tiny to do do this very well, but I’ve done it on my toenails before! I’m not sure if that’s cool, or just weird.

  • Oh, I don’t know… too much work (the nastiest part being having to wait and wait until it all dries perfectly) for something that lasts for 2 days max (at least in my case). I like it, but it is simply not worth it for me.

    But my manicurist recently introduced me to some kind of nail polish that can’t chip…I mean literally, at all! She persuaded me to try and – whoa- reddest red …and it chipped after two days…but just a tiny bit and only on my right hand index finger…. and I was travelling and we all know that nails chip the moment you sit on an airplane… so….maybe there is hope, hah?

  • C’est moi ~ bare nails or clear polish allllllll the way !!

    but they have to be the perfectly filed and grooming is a must ..
    just tiniest details speaks volumes about a person..

  • I liked the colour, so winter!I have a fashion blog here in ITALY,

    bye bye

  • In the 30’s, women wouldn’t paint their tips OR their half-moons!

  • Blue for you… Dreams are a reality dimension of a kind ;) Have a FABulous weekend FAB

  • I know what you mean – even if I spend hours, I never look like one of those perfect girls, I always end up looking a little disheveled. I do love Dita though – she always looks flawless.

  • I’ve heard that it’s called a reverse French manicure? And it’s really easy to DIY. You just use those circle stickers.

  • I believe it’s called half-moon manicure. And it’s indeed so pretty with this retro touch, ah perfect!

  • c’est très facile à faire, il suffit de coller sur les lunules des oeillets (ceux qu’on utilisait pour les feuilles de nos classeurs à l’école) coupés en 2, et de peindre par dessus!

  • Yes, it’s called Reverse French Manicure. Cherry Blossom Girl and Pandora have been doing it for years. If you’re in any way adroit you can do it at home by taping the area that remains nude (kind of like you do with window frames when painting walls).
    I’ve never seen such a stupendous shade! It feels Mad Men-y, but the color definitely makes it modern and very nowadays cool. This is not for everyone, though. I, like you, find that certain colors and methods of application look great on some people and trashy or simply incongruous on others (mainly, myself). C’est la vie. After all, that’s the way things go with everything from shoes to cars, to thoughts and patterns of behavior. We can appreciate them in others and be truly in awe, yet, they don’t become us. And thank god for that.

  • bonjour
    la manucure j’appelle cela lunule apparente, perso je ne trouve pas cela esthetique mais requiert une patience que je n’ai pas…
    par rapport à un de vos précédents post, non, ne coupez pas vos cheveux, cheveux frisés courts, c’est l’enfer et le long vous va si bien.

  • Dita von teese t as raison c pas trop l exemple à donner aux filles tues tres bien cimme tu es !!!
    bonnes fetes de fin d année !! :)

  • I aspire to be an elegant YSL woman one day but for now all I can do is regular nail strengthener to form a habit;)

  • On dirait une french manicure inversée. ça ne s’appellerait pas “a reverse french” truc du genre ?^^

  • Difficile d’avoir un vernis impeccable! Mais pourquoi pas ce bleu cobalt! le problème que j’ai avec le vernis c’est qu’au bout de 2 jours je ne le supporte plus et je reviens aux mains nude et d’un coup je me sens mieux!

  • Une manucure parfaite ! J’aime :)


  • beautiful. that shade of blue is especially stunning.

  • I’m not too keen on super polished looks, I prefer more natural and a little messy styles.

  • Chaque fois qu’on parle des ongles et de manicures, nous les bresiliénnes qui suivons ce blog, nous sommes resteés étonneés. Au Brésil, c’es hors de question que les femmes ne portent pas toujours les ongles des mains et des pieds parfaitement manicureés. C’est toutes les semaines pour les mains et touts les 15 jours pour les pieds. C’est pas cher, et ça fait partie de notre culture. Même les femmes avec moins de recours, ont toujours leurs ongles manicurées. Quand on voyage on emène l’étui(? )de manicure et le verniz a ongles avec nous, pour les faire nous mêmes.

  • Ça s’appelle une “vintage manucure” :) .

  • When this manicure became popular a few years ago, it was being referred to as the ” gatsby” which apparently didn’t catch on but I wish it had because that sounds so much more romantic.
    Strangely just went for a mani today something that I rarely do and I chose this exact same colour. I love it.

  • sa s’appelle un “half-moon” c’est pas tres compliquer a faire avec un peu de patience
    je vous met un lien

    toutes a vos vernis ;)

  • Oh là là ! Cette bague, c’est quoi, c’est où, c’est qui ???

  • It’s called a half-moon manicure! if the curve bend the other way it’s called a ruffian manicure. love them both! all you need to obtain this polished manicure is a good ol’ make-up brush to polish the pattern you want to leave bare. have fun!

  • This was very popular in the late 1930s and 1940s., generally with a dark red polish on an oval nail, so that the curve of the bare moon echoed the shape of the nail. Years ago when I started to have a version with a silver or gold tip and moon, my mother told me that she remembered her very chic (South African) mother and her friends with such nails in India when she was a child, so it was a global trend. I have had a very lovely version with a sunburst of small brushstrokes instead of a solid moon; I’m not that co-ordinated but my genius nail artist Sandra has a great eye, a steady hand and a positive attitude so she can realise all my ideas. I love the fact that nails can be like little jewels, individual & ephemeral, the opposite of mass production. It’s interesting also that colours which would have been regarded as punk are now so widely available and acceptable (I remember the impact of very dark navy polish in the workplace in 1997). As long as one is not oppressed by the process of grooming, it can provide a real boost to confidence & get very positive reactions.

  • Thank you Garance for the sweet post about my manicure!… i love it! For those of you asking- my ring is a Mood Ring that i got at a dollar store years ago and i wear it everyday.. it changes constantly!
    The nail color is a blue i mixed from a few Revlon bottles. Lots of you worry about chipping and such, my secret it using a really good UV topcoat, that makes it stay and you have to keep adding top coat every couple of days. The other issue is eating habits… if you eat greasy foods the polish chips more.
    I do nails for friends if anyone ever wants a manicure!

  • It’s super easy to do a half moon manicure using the stickers as a template as others have said (the round stickers that reinforce punched out holes in paper – you cut them in half). Even I can do it and it looks so impressive!

  • I tested out this style nail polish in black and pink. It took forever! See the results at my instagram page, user veronicaemily

  • I love to do my nails, but lately I just keep saying ‘tomorrow’, so I guess I am at the same point as you, simple and natural

    XO Charlotte

  • Salut Garance, je cherche depuis des semaines un vernis comme celui ci : mais je n’en trouve nulle part, saurais-tu ou je pourrais m’en procuré un?
    (PS : ton blog est vraiment très bien, j’en suis une lectrice assidue, bonne continuation ! ;))

  • J’adore ce genre de manucure, et en plus c’est hyper simple à faire. Il suffit de couper des oeillets en deux, d’en coller un demi sur chaque doigt, appliquer le vernis, attendre que ça sèche et enlever les oeillets. Fini. Et ça tient comme le vernis appliqué normalement

  • Bonjour ! J’aime beaucoup cet article car je partage cette admiration pour celles qui savent rester impeccable en toutes circonstances ! En effet, la femme se doit de rester élégante malgré un style plutôt décontracté ou ultra chic. Personnellement, en cette période de l’année, je craque pour les vernis de couleur or (plus besoin de bijoux ! ahah), mais aussi pour la gamme pailletée OPI, comme dans cet article, pour vous donner une idée : … Ca donne envie de prendre soin de soi jusqu’au bout des ongles !

  • I love having color on my fingers. Acrylics are the best which can last a month. I have it done only monthly due to harsh chemicals and filing. The growth which leaves the cuticle exposed is very “half moon shaped”. Haha! Thank you.

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