

8 years ago by

For years, no seriously, years — I’ve been covering myself in sunscreen.

In the summer, staying pale is no problem for me. I stay in the shade. I don’t go to the beach before 5pm. I slather myself in sunblock at the first ray of sun. If I can, I slather others.

Yep, that’s right: I’m a pain in the ass.

Forgive me though: I spent my childhood half naked running around the beaches of Corsica, back when Instagram didn’t exist and the only thing to prove you’d gone on vacation was the Nutella colored tan you brought back with you. Tanning was considered to be a kind of sport. We put on Soleil Noir dark tanning oil. We hurried to the beach in the morning to catch “the noon sun.” Sunscreen, what?! Hahah.

I also spent my summers on the sea, managing my business from my little boat* under the hot Mediterranean sun. One of those summers, I got a tan like no other. I completely changed color. Pretty weird to me, with my skin—pretty fair with freckles, and since I’m prone to getting sunburns, the color I got was really surprising. Even my skin texture was strange—it seemed thicker, it got extremely dry, totally different. I didn’t like at all.

I must have been 22. That same summer, I read an article about sun damage in a magazine and decided I was done roasting in the sun without giving it any thought. I don’t even remember what was in the article, but it totally freaked me out. I imagined my future self all shriveled up and friendless, like an old abandoned apple (probably the image the magazine used to illustrate the irreparable damage) so I told myself no, no, NO.

It was time to fight for my future ME.

And in 20 years, she’d be thanking me. Ah! See where I’m going with this?

So that’s when I started to wear hats and use SPF 50 sunscreen, trying to protect what I had left in solar capital (seriously, I was pretty terrorized). It was the time when everyone started caring more about protecting themselves from the sun, but that didn’t stop my friends from making fun of me and my pasty skin.

But I was happy with it. I thought being pale was chic—it was different, and I never had a problem with tan lines.

The years went by, and other than a few moments of selected exposure (under an umbrella with a hat on and maximum sunscreen that I faithfully reapplied every two hours) when absolutely necessary (just because of life in general – I love being outside and taking photos filled with sunlight is kind of my specialty) and a few accidents where I found myself in the middle of the desert (you can’t imagine how terrified I was) without my sacrosanct sunscreen (oh the horror!!! misery!!!) I continued to protect my skin.

And the good thing is, now after 40 years of living, I can summarize my experiences just for you, hehe.


I swear, damn.

Let me explain.

For the most part, my paranoia about the sun had good results. Honestly, my face hasn’t changed that much. It’s firm, I don’t have a lot of wrinkles (other than expression wrinkles around the eyes) – honestly, my skin is as pretty as ever, because it’s less oily and I rarely get blemishes now. Finally.

And you’re probably going to say: Okay, fine, but how do you know it’s because you protected yourself from the sun? Hmm? Maybe it’s hereditary!

Well, unfortunately, I can prove it.

Because unlike my face, I did mess up. I messed up with my chest area – that treacherous spot we often miss when we’re putting on sunscreen. And I messed up with my hands, because they’re pretty much always exposed, summer and winter. And since we wash our hands several times a day and don’t always reapply sunscreen (who has the time to do that? Seriously?) and since our hands are always out moving around every which way, I’d say it’s almost impossible to really protect them, unless you’re living with gloves on.

Oh yeah, did you know that gel manicures cause the same kind of damage as the sun, by the way? I know, I know, I know…it never ends.

It’s ok, it’s not bad (yet). But my chest has taken on a slightly reddish color and I wasn’t too sure where it came from. It was bothering me a little bit, so a few months ago, I asked my dermatologist:

“I think I have some kind of hypersensitivity there – it’s always red, kind of like a sunburn. What should I do?”

“Ah, we can laser it if you want. It’s from the sun.”

What? But I thought sun damage caused white or brown spots! No?

No. Apparently, sun damage can take on lots of different forms.

Can you imagine my face? Seriously? I didn’t do ENOUGH?

As for my hands, same, it’s not too bad in the winter but this summer—I saw them. As soon as the sun came out, I noticed little spots. They’re trying to pass for freckles, but I know they’re definitely not, cause I didn’t have them before. And they’re light, but there are more of them on my right hand than on my left, which proves that your most active hand, the one that’s most exposed, is the one that will be most affected.

I haven’t gotten laser treatment yet, but I might eventually if someone can show me good, long-lasting results.

Crazy, right?

Protecting yourself from the sun works. Just look at what happens to the places you don’t protect.

And now, the moral of the story, which I hope is not at all what you were expecting.

The moral is—there is no moral. The moral is that no matter what you do, every moment we live, we are getting older. And of course it’s great to take care of yourself and if protecting yourself from the sun helps you stay fresh, that’s great. I have friends who spent 20 years lounging in the sun and they have a little more sun damage, sure…but they wouldn’t take back those summers for anything in the world!

The moral is also that I know a lot of gorgeous women who look great with their little sun spots. They take good care of themselves, but don’t make a big deal about it. They accept themselves and adapt and live very well with those little marks that are simply proof of a full life.

One of them is an absolutely gorgeous surfer (you know, the gorgeous surfer—my ultimate role model) and honestly, it makes her even more beautiful.

So there you go. I’ll keep you posted about my paranoid saga—to laser or not to laser—and I’ll keep being careful about the sun, but I won’t make a big deal of it.

Especially because as it turns out, most sunscreens are toxic anyway and on top of that they are polluting the oceans and the poor fish who didn’t ask for anything. And so no matter what we do, we’re all going to die.

That’s a lovely perspective, right?

It’s the French version of an American happy ending. Big kiss!


*When I was about 17- 25 years old, I had a small business where we would deliver plain and chocolate croissants to the boats who spent the night in the bay of our village.

Translated by Andrea Perdue

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  • Yup, life is pretty deadly.

    (You do have beautiful skin, though!)

  • I do put 50 SPF lotion on my face every morning, but mostly I rely on hats and sleeves to protect me from the sun. They work, they don’t need reapplication, and they don’t hurt the environment.
    But my hands….definitely damaged. Also the décolletage, which took a hit from a few years in Africa.
    Skin cancer isn’t fun. I know folks who have had Mohs procedure…I want to avoid it if I can.

  • Katerina August, 17 2016, 9:43 / Reply

    Great post! Sun exposure has also been my problem.. I’m from a country with no sea, so I did pretty crazy things on holidays, just as you have written. And then.. I spent 2 years in the Caribbean, it was impossible not to tan! now I live in Spain, so you get the idea.. but I LOVE the sun so I just decided to take the middle way, use a good sunscreen and get some tan (not baking under the sun anymore, of course). I’m 53 and despite al the crazy things I have done I hope my skin looks OK, people even say I look 10 years younger!!So I guess it’s genetics as well and I think you have to enjoy the things you like!

  • theManonB August, 17 2016, 9:58 / Reply

    Et moi je me demande si LE LASER ne fait pas du mal à la peau aussi ?!
    Je me dis toujours que dans 20 ans on en parlera comme de la cigarette maintenant : “Tu imagines, avant les médecins fumaient dans leur cabinet/Tu imagines, avant les gens faisaient de la chirurgie au laser…” (ça me fait froid dans le dos). Mais bon, comme tu dis, après on ne vit plus !

  • Je viens d’une île comme toi mais blonde aux yeux clairs forcément ma dermato m’a dit que depuis bien longtemps mon capital solaire est fini de chez fini.
    Pour moi c’est un peu le drame car je ne supporte pas bien d’être blanche (comme un…) alors que mes copines bronzent si bien ! Il faudrait pourtant que je fasse bien + attention à moi car ma peau est si fragile, c’est vraiment un équilibre à adopter et respecter pour se faire plaisir et prendre soin de soi…!

    Des bisous Garance,

    Mido. ?

  • Love this story! I turn 30 this year and have really decided to start taking care of myself to draw out the ageing process, just hope I’m not too late! x

  • I love you :) and the moral :)) But it is as it is, you either do the laser or you don’t, you’ll do what you feel like doing. I personally started taking care of my neck and chest area after you mentioned the sun damage recently because I also noticed the skin is darker there and it stays like that after the summer ends. But on the other hand, we will get old anyway and we won’t look the same forever so what difference does it make? It’s only about us feeling that we did what we could to postopone the changes a little.

  • Laurence D August, 17 2016, 10:47 / Reply

    Obligée maintenant (ayant une maison au Maroc et une allergie solaire transformée en urticaire chronique) de prendre des précautions de dingue, je peux affirmer que les dégâts du décolleté comme les rougeurs du visage peuvent disparaître avec de bonnes crèmes: Avène anti-rougeurs par exemple, protection 50 toute la journée, même sous les vêtements (oui!), et en ville aussi. Il faut savoir aussi que les vêtements blancs ne protègent pas des UV… les dégâts continuent quand on se croit à l’abri. Seul le noir peut filtrer et pour le décolleté, même en noir, je mets de la 50. Et tout va bien!

  • J’adore la conclusion !

  • This illustration is so so beautiful.

  • We have one life we can protect our skin from the sun ..but we can’t protect from all the other danger around us…
    so we better enjoy life and not hide ourself from everything …
    be smart
    From The World With Love
    yael Guetta

  • Love this. It’s so true . I am 38 and everyone always comments on how your I “look” however if you could feel my aches and pains you would think I was in my 40’s. My mom was always so diligent with applying SPF and staying out of the sun so as I got older that stuck with me. I always wear hats if i’m going to the beach or going to be out in the sun and of course lather the SPF. Sunshine is nice and all however it’s the devil to your skin -especially your face.


  • I love your posts, Garance, always so full of humour and personal insight. But I feel like a topic like this should also point out that excessive sun exposure can lead to things more detrimental than aging (yes, there are things worse than aging!) such as skin cancer. I don’t think we should let sun exposure stop us from doing things that make us happy and enrich our lives, but we can definitely take precautions!

  • fabienne August, 17 2016, 12:26 / Reply

    Eh oui ! j’adooooore cette fin….Alors profitons du soleil (avec une certaine sagesse) mangeons de tout, et comme le disait William Faulkner dans “les roseaux sauvages” – “….respirer, etre vivant et le savoir” (d’ailleurs le film “la chamade” fait lire ces quelques lignes a Catherine Deneuve.

  • fabienne August, 17 2016, 12:30 / Reply

    rectificatif : WILD PALMS de William Faulkner !!!! Les palmes sauvages…et non “les roseaux sauvages” titre du film de Andre TECHINE.

  • I have the little freckle/sun spots on my hands, too! And my forearms! What can we do to get rid of them? Are they going to turn into the dreaded “liver spots”???

  • I have these now too, and I’m afraid they might. I have a inch diameter brown spot on my cheek, various on hands and arms, and now after a day in the sun have white “reverse” freckles. I always thought ah, I’m not in the sun more than a few times a summer but oh it is getting noticeable all of a sudden. Does anything remove these?

  • Je voyage souvent pendant l’année, et sous les tropiques en plus, l’été je suis dans le sud, en Méditerranée, et j’ai pris une routine : SPF 50 pour le corps, SPF 50 fluide spécial visage (il ne faut jamais utiliser la crème pour le corps sur le visage), chapeau full time, et lunette bien sûr, car on s’abîme aussi les yeux aux soleil…
    J’en mets dès le matin après la douche, une bonne tartine, et après une ou deux fois dans la journée, mais par touches. Je n’ai jamais de coups de soleil, et mon bronzage est régulier.
    Et après la douche du soir, soit une huile sèche cheveux corps visage, soit un lait hydratant corps et une crème hydratante visage.
    C’est un coup à prendre, mais j’aime bronzer, donc autant le faire en sécurité !

  • Me suis fait bronzer des années aussi et j’ai adoré ces étés , ce sont des souvenirs merveilleux .j’ai pris soin de ma peau , beaucoup de crèmes , toutes bien appliquées , en esperant ne pas être trop marquée… J’ai le décolleté trop rouge et quelques taches sur les mains…le visage ça va…. C’est impossible de ne pas prendre les marques du temps et du soleil , si on abuse ….
    Comment garder une peau de jeune fille ? Je ne sais pas …

  • muswellmummy August, 17 2016, 1:07 / Reply

    It’s not just how we look that we need to worry about – I grew up in the US, now live in the UK and at the age of 48 have had several small pre-cancers removed from my face which are the result of sun exposure in the 70s as a young child. My parents tried their best, but it was the age of the dark tan and as I have freckles and auburn hair I did get burned a few times with blisters. Those are the burns that show up later as sun damage! Now, when I go out, 365 days a year I have to wear sunscreen. On holiday, hats and sleeves. I don’t mind and I love a sunny day, but the sun on my skin is very uncomfortable now. I can feel it burning. So take care of yourselves, not just for vanity, but to live a long life!

  • To each their own! I do care about my skin and I really should use sunscreen but I don’t. Right now I’m too lazy and it’s overriding my wish for healthy skin. I have started a skincare routine though, so I’m making progress!

  • If only we could turn back the clock! Aging is an adventure with challenges that cut deeply into sense of self, both physical and emotional. Perhaps more jewelry is the answer : )

  • Yet, unfortunately not many people think like you do. Since I have lived in Australia I protect my face, hair and body
    as good as possible but for the mistake with sun exposure I did in my younger years ???….as you sow so you shell reap……
    I really regret it

  • God sun protection is so so important and also such a pain in the ass! I have pale skin and live in an extremely sunny place I have to think about it All. The. Time. I love the sun but have been obsessively avoiding it for the most part for years now. Most sunscreen is so gross and it’s disgusting how polluting it is in the water. So I always put a hefty one on my face and backs of my hands and try to use physical blockers for the rest of me like long clothes and hats. The most useful tool for me though is a sun umbrella – you can put it up when you need it and it doesn’t make you hot or give you gross hair from hat head. I highly recommend it – it actually surprises me how few people use them as it’s one of the best solutions I’ve found. Let’s make sun umbrellas fashionable! Oh – and chic rash guards for swimming! (Thanks for using your awesome voice to reiterate this advice. I’m also always trying to get people to be more careful – and not just to have better skin later in life but because it can also be fatal for some people. I lost a friend to skin cancer at age 33.)

  • I try to strike a balance between using sunscreen to prevent photoaging (Pratima makes a fab non-chemical neem vetiver sunscreen that’s natural enough to eat and very light), and letting myself get enough sun to be healthy. Did you know that people who get the least amount of sun have higher overall cancer and autoimmune disease rates (including, weirdly, melanoma rates, which are higher at northern latitudes and among indoor workers).
    I’ve started using a ferulic acid/ vitamin C serum for an extra non-sunscreen layer of antioxidant photoaging protection, so even when I choose to let myself get some sun, the UV effects are somewhat limited and mitigated. And I’m embracing my freckles and not worrying so much about not developing them. :)

  • Danyelle August, 20 2016, 10:00

    The world’s highest incidence of Melanoma is in Australia and New Zealand – in the Southern Hemisphere. The sun is brutal here. My husband was recently diagnosed with invasive melanoma. Be safe out there, everyone. x

  • Elizabeth August, 17 2016, 4:43 / Reply

    My parents are South African & have lost several friends to skin cancer including my godfather and his wife who died in their forties. They had been keen tennis players, in a age before sunscreen. Both my grandmother and my aunt had extreme sun aging (added at least ten years to their age). My other grandmother always wore a hat and had beautiful skin all her life (lived to be 101 1/2). All were in South Africa, but the sun can be very strong even in the UK. Some of my worst sunburns as a child were in Wales or England, I think because my mother who was very serious about sunscreen in South Africa, didn’t really believe in British sunshine. Although I have been very careful all year round since I was 18, I know that those childhood sunburns could still have caused cancerous damage. It’s a bore, but so important

  • supertomate August, 17 2016, 8:33 / Reply

    J’avais un grain de beauté derrière l’oreille qui me grattait et saignait un peu, sans guérir. Après biopsie, il s’avère que c’est un petit cancer (un carcinome). Bon, c’est enlevé, c’est pas grave du tout mais c’est un type de cancer dû aux coups de soleil de l’enfance. Et ça se déclare plutôt vers 50/60 ans. J’ai 39 ans et c’est derrière l’oreille, sous les cheveux, autant te dire un endroit qui voit jamais le soleil. Et ma mère nous enduit de crème solaire depuis qu’on est petits. Ça dénote donc une fragilité particulière. Chienne de vie. Bref, le dermato m’a bien tiré la sonnette d’alarme : crème solaire tout le temps, pour mes enfants et moi et pas d’exposition. Ça m’a un peu calmé, je dois dire…

  • Growing up in Australia means a lot of pressure to be outside … yes, outdoors in the burning, stinging sun that can often feel relentless and ridiculously harsh! I’m fair with really blue eyes and luckily for me I suffered from sunstroke a lot as a child resulting in very limited time outside. My father – very olive skin and my mother – the fairest skin I’ve ever seen. I lived in Asia and Europe for a long time and would go a Scandinavian golden tan in summer without even sunbathing. Back in Oz I go for skin checks and I was freaked out when my dermatologist told me to NEVER sunbathe. My skin is that naturally really fair, and told me that I definitely have my mother’s skin. I’ve never really liked the Gold Coast Leather Lady look and I’ve been vigilant about SPF for the last 20 years. I’m in my 40’s and I have really great skin, a few crow’s feet but that’s it. I know a lot of it genetics, my mum’s skin was to die for, she didn’t wrinkle, but she didn’t go in the sun either. A lot of it is lifestyle and diet. I’m very healthy and I do a lot of Chinese herbs.My proof is my older sister. Similar colouring, but she’s spent a lot of time in the sun and she’s not as health conscious. You can see the difference … but then she’s 16 years older though and a different philosophy about health and life!

  • jenjenchoo August, 18 2016, 2:43 / Reply

    i live in malaysia so it’s HOT HOT HOT all day err day – however i hate sun screen because most of them have a horrible chalky texture, smell funny and give my face a weird oily look but i have to say the best texture and least objectionable sunscreen especially in the equatorial humidity is the shiseido one you recommended – they also do an eye cream sunblock for extra protection which i’ve also started using and that’s great too

    suncreen isn’t a magic bullet but i think it definitely helps

  • Il y a plein de protections solaires bio maintenant, peut-être un peu moins agréables à l’application, mais qui ne bousillent pas les coraux et n’empoisonnent pas les poissons. J’utilise du maquillage minéral et mon visage est moins bronzé que mon corps. En début d’été j’ai remarqué des rides sur mon décolleté alors en effet je me suis dit que je devais y d-faire plus attention. Le souci c’est qu’habitant à Nice, la saison estivale est bien longue alors il faut faire d’autant plus attention!

  • J’adore la fin, ben oui, tous les produits contiennent des trucs toxiques alors bon hein… voilà. Au moins, le soleil, il est naturel.

  • Katherine August, 18 2016, 9:40 / Reply

    Hi Garance, I love this post and can totally relate. I was diagnosed with melanoma at 15. This was 20+ years ago when it wasn’t as commonly known. Since then I have been using sunscreen pretty diligently. Like you, I have had times where I’ve been caught unaware, and certain body parts haven’t been as covered as others. It’s crazy to realize that something that almost killed me, has ultimately saved my skin. Keeping out of the sun and using sunscreen has kept me mostly wrinkle free. Thank you for posting about this subject. xo

  • On va tous mourir. L’intérêt des posts de Garance,

    On va tous mourir. Au delà de la futilité, tous les posts de Garance expriment la conclusion de ce texte et c’est tout l’intérêt.
    Les illustrations sont très belles.

  • This was my story before…before this summer! I’m trying to accept that I’m getting older (and I hope I do in full happiness). You can’t stop all the signs of getting older, maybe give them less chance. But suddenly I was done with it. I looked in the mirror and saw a pale skin instead of the romantic Lely White skin. And my vitamin D level was just on the edge. There are more articles to find that sun is good for people and their health. And sun goes through the skin and eyes, and makes you happy (not that you have to sit in it all the time). So now I dose my sunbeams, even without sunscreen (4 bottles in the bathroom, bad girl, keep them for the holiday than). I love the morning sun a lot!!! And that’s the best one for your healthy skin. We (my man and me) have a wonderful garden with terrace and a swimming pond (modernistic) and it feels like a resort. And we have a patio, ideal for the less warm days and to have breakfast. I had/have some health issues so now I enjoy the sun because it makes me feel good. And when I was young I didn’t burn that fast but I didn’t get a tan either. And now, people say I look so good and are surprised that I have tanned legs (instead of the milk bottles I use to call them). And I haven’t even been on a vacation! So I always say: Be careful but do whatever makes you feel good! Dose the good things that makes you happy. To much is never good, enough is fantastic.

  • Moi,vivant en grece et apres m’etre protegee du soleil et meme l’avoir fui,si si,meme en france , lorraine , pendant toute ma jeunesse, je lache l’ peau du visage ne supporte pas les cremes solaires, poussees d’acnee , terribles , et aussi vraiment marre de me tartiner le visage de trop de produits.Consciente de sans doute mal faire…je reste intrangisante avec mes ados!

  • Lisa Walker August, 18 2016, 1:29 / Reply

    Garance is a brave woman! You always let us in on your story and for that you totally rule. I stopped wearing lots of sunscreen about 10 years ago, I’m 47, and I am always in the sun, and managed my exposure to have color but never burn (I am also half Mexican). I think sunscreens can be very toxic and I think Vitamin D is important- Mother Nature knows what’s best?

    I noticed one particular change in my skin when I stopped using sunscreens- I no longer had dark patches on the sides of my face. I’m not sure what the medical term is, but I have friends who suffer from it. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, correct me if I am wrong, the liver is witnessed through the skin. You can read the health of your liver through your skin’s appearance, etc, (I’m completely over simplifying it). I believe that omitting daily sunscreens and unnatural lotions and hair products gave my liver a brake from detoxing. The “shading”, as I call it, went away quickly never top return.

    Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Cressida August, 18 2016, 4:49 / Reply

    Lovely to read of other folks who prefer to stay pale than go for the burn! Sometimes I feel that people think I’m a bit odd, just because I always wear a hat when outside, always have 50 spf on every day of the year and have never wanted to get a tan. I’m a very pale half Norwegian/half English with long pale blonde hair and I have to protect my skin whenever I go out as I want to take care of it and not burn. I read an article in an English newspaper recently and it featured all of these women who spend about £600-£1000 a month on their beauty products and treatments but the photos showed that the money was clearly mis-spent, none of the featured ladies had beautiful skin, they were all tanned with piles of make up on. I wear 50spf sunblock every day and a 5% Retin A cream (free on prescription from my doctor in London) every night, that is all, so my beauty outlay is hardly anything at all and yet my skin is thanking me for it, my dermatologist says that I have the skin of a 28 year old even though I’m in my 40s.

    I remember when I was travelling around Italy one blistering hot summer and I kept getting funny looks from lots of Italians as I was walking around with my parasol up, as the sun rays were so scorchingly extreme but then when my boyfriend and I got to Pompeii, I saw a coachload of Japanese tourists arrive, and every single one of the Japanese ladies immediately put up their parasols too, when descending from the coach; aahh how I loved those Japanese ladies, I wasn’t the only odd-bod one anymore for the Italians to laugh at! Parasols Unite!

  • I was fortunate enough to stop the sunbathing ritual at 20 years old . . . went through a “punk rock” phase – where the goal was to be as pale as possible! Stayed the course, with a routine of daily sunscreen and moisturizing. Now, at 55 years old, I am asked, almost daily – what I do for my skin. I always say – it’s more of what I Did Not Do. No Sun, No Smoking, No Alcohol, No Drugs. I drive with gloves, a baseball cap and a light scarf around the neck and chest – all are line and damage free. In the end . . . my days of punk rocking and clean living have paid off (but I left the black lipstick behind – in the ’80s)!

  • Virginieflower August, 19 2016, 12:20 / Reply

    I do protect and take care of myself … But trying to keep out of obsession … And without either rejecting little technology or esthetic boosts … But first of all, I’m convinced that if I cherish my inner sun, he will tell the big one in the sky to be kind with me and to help me grow old in beauty, with this kind of “je ne sais quoi” only happiness and life confidence have the secret. This, plus keep playing with fashion and creating my own cool/class style until… death ! And here I am… happy and excited thinking about the road ahead !!!
    That’s my visualization for my futur myself;) I share it with you !
    Have sun !
    PS : Garance I’m afraid that I have to assume : I’m a big fan … Thank you for sharing your world with us with so much simplicity and authenticity !!! ça fait du bien.

  • I always love your posts Garance, and I too share in your aversion of the sun. I also agree that sometimes we just have to accept the aging process as gracefully as we can. We cannot control everything. However, I feel like it was perhaps a little flippant to say “Especially because as it turns out, most sunscreens are toxic anyway and on top of that they are polluting the oceans and the poor fish who didn’t ask for anything.” These concerns about sunscreen toxicity for humans have not been scientifically and conclusively proven (please see this article: and the benefits of wearing sunscreen far outweigh the benefits of not wearing it, not just for cosmetic reasons but to prevent deadly skin cancers like melanoma. I would hate for some of your readers to read these sentences and then decide not to wear sunscreen. I know that you’re not responsible for the actions of your readers, but you are an incredibly influential media personality, and some readers may make their decision based on this post without being properly informed.

  • Clotilde August, 20 2016, 3:13 / Reply

    Ben je suis quand même contente de voir que plusieurs coms font état d’un danger du soleil bien plus grave que le danger de vieillir prématurément et d’avoir un mauvais “look”. On se réveille là, ce serait comme de dire qu’il ne faut pas fumer parce que ça fait un teint terreux et les dents jaunes !

  • Contre les taches pigmentaires et autres effets du soleil, l’huile végétale de Chaulmoogra a un effet épatant. Mélangée avec un extrait de la plante ayurvédique Punarnava (ou plus simple l’Actif cosmétique Melano’regul sur Aroma-zone), la mélanine et les autres problèmes solaires sont régulés, c’est assez incroyable. La nature fait des miracles !

  • Mais finalement le laser c´est pas pire que le soleil ?…

  • For most of my adult life I hid my face and neck from the sun and then last summer at age 62 I said to hell with it and got an unapologetically beautiful tan. I loved it…and I intend to do it again. And again.

  • Et bien moi, j’ai des tâches de soleil depuis que je suis née, j’y tiens beaucoup, donc ça n’a jamais été un truc horrible à gérer. Par contre avec le soleil elles ressortent, et comme je ne veux pas avoir le même soucis que ma maman ( de la génération de l’huile tahitienne ), c’est à dire me retrouver avec une grande tâche de soleil sur les pommettes qui a réuni toutes ses petites soeurs, je me protège à fond depuis quelques années ! Ma peau commence à me dire merci. D’ailleurs, j’utilise de la crème 50 visage 365 jours par an, car j’habite Madrid en Espagne et que le soleil fait des ravages ( j’en croise beaucoup des espagnoles avec la peau teinte chorizo qui plisse comme du vieux cuir .. au secours )
    Mais j’ai aussi oublié les mains, le décoletté et les épaules… j’avoue que je vais m’y mettre, et dans 5 ans, je te dirai :)

  • I just love your stories! Love them.

From the Archives

This or That
  • This or That
  • Holiday Gifting
  • Happy Holidays!
  • #AtelierDoreDoes
  • How To...
Silja Danielsen Photo

This Or That: Low Knot or Top Knot

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This or That / Sandal Edition

This or That: American or Française?

This or That: American or Française?

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This or That / Lingerie Edition

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That / Blush vs. Bronzer

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: The Beanie

This or That: Nails

This or That: Nails

This or That

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This Or That

This Or That