9 years ago by
It’s that time of year for a refresh: spring! I always think of it as one of the most important seasons when it comes to beauty — you want to rejuvenate your skin after a dry winter and prepare it for the warmer months. That means a completely different skincare routine (you can’t hide under those jeans and sweaters forever), and it’s the perfect moment to change up your beauty products.
We wanted to show you some of our spring essentials — products that we love and will be using ourselves!

It has been a long long winter and legs (mine specifically) are looking a little flaky in the light of day. Using a great scrub is so helpful in getting rid of those dry layers and preparing you for the sun, especially if you’re hoping for an even tan. I love this Sea Scrub from Fig+Yarrow because it’s all natural — it actually smells like it was scooped out of the ocean (in the best possible way).
Ahhh, I love Aesop. So excited that they have just released a sunscreen — and it’s water resistant! Like Garance, I have been learning how to surf, so this will be getting a lot of use. Now is the most important time to protect using SPF because your skin is most vulnerable to sunlight after winter. Lather it on!

I don’t know about you but my legs look like they haven’t seen the sun in months… oh, yeah, that’s because they haven’t. Until I get a real tan, I spend that awkward in between getting some color with a great bronzing lotion.
This one is infused with rosewater (so amazing for all types of skin) and is super hydrating, so is perfect following a harsh winter — and it feels cool on the skin, so nice for warm weather!

Lip balm
This is lip balm but it’s also oh so much more! It’s an incredible ointment that will actually relieve your rashes, sunburn and insect bites. That one is definitely coming in handy during surfing 101, but it also is the best thing to revive dry lips — I swear it makes them soft as butter. It looks basic, but it’s magic.
L’Occitane has these super cute solid perfumes. They’re perfect for a small bag, but I love that you can build the scent gradually. It’s really great for spring because scent really changes with heat, and right now we have that in between weather to contend with…

Tinted Moisturizer
Like I mentioned in my post about eye care, you want to protect the face from the sun too… But I have uneven skin tone, so I love a tint to level it all out until that tan (yes, that elusive one I’m chasing) reaches my face! And how cool is the packaging?
Even though you should clean your brushes on the regular, it’s a good idea to mark each season by buying a new one. This one is super soft, and is the perfect density for a subtler coverage in the warmer months.

If you’ve ever been to New York in spring, you know it gets pretty sweaty some days. Mascara smudging, no matter how cool Fendi tried to make it for their fall show, is not so chic! It’s just an issue getting it off (but I suggest using Simple – it’s amazing even with waterproof makeup)!
I love how this is a rosy and bronzed cheek all in one! I tend to gravitate towards a pinker blush at the start of spring and move to a gold hue as the season moves on. Perfect colors, don’t you think?

Sun means fun. I’m all for starting spring with fun colors, so I’m planning on finally trying some really great pinks, corals and oranges. Trying.
Ditto for nails. Fun colors abound, and I’m ready to veer away from the oxblood reds for something more uplifting like this shade from Chanel…
What are some of your spring beauty essentials?
Do you have a completely different routine in the transition season, too?
I always love to discover new beauty products. I can’t wait to try the Nars gloss, the colors are really beautiful!
Spring it’s detox-scrub time…great pics!
XOX, Gap.
Just to say, before spending your hard earned dollars on toner- it’s pretty useless in terms of actual skin effects. By all means, it’s a very refreshing spritz, but spend on skin elsewhere! As a dermatologist, it makes me a little frustrated when toners claim to do all these things. Spend on cleanser, spend on liquid exfoliator (with AHA), spend on SPF, spend on serum. But moisturiser and toner…much of a muchness!
thanks for the advice!
I am so excited for spring after reading this! I definitely need a new scrub xo
Warm Regards,
Great suggestions! Thank you!!
Those little perfumes are too cute! I really love L’Occitane and, in fact, their Amande courbes exquises lotion is my absolute favorite in Spring. I discovered it during a fantastic legs reshape massage I had in a L’Occitane spa and I’ve been loving it since then because it actually works, I swear. I have chubby legs and this helps to drain liquids and make my legs look smoother. You are not going to suddenly have Giselle’s legs, but it really improves what you have.
Oh, and do you really like Chanel nail polishes? I find their colours amazing but the quelity… not so much. I find them very difficult to apply and I need three coats so at the end it looks… bad. I prefer YSL nail polishes, they last forever and the quality is the best!
Hi, I agree with you on the Chanel nail polish. They are beautiful colors but they last no more than 2-3 days on me. Have you tried NARS nail polishes? The colors are amazing, and on me they last well over a week. They also just changed the brush to one that is more like the Dior brush, which is easier for me to use.
I love Lucas Paw Paw ointment, it’s such a great lip moisturizer after a cold winter. I like to change my beauty routine in the spring as well, lighter moisturizers, exfoliate and I like to change up my cleanser too to something lighter and oil free that smells fresh, like spring cleaning!
Just wrote a post on how to choose the best facial cleanse for you.
M.A.C. has always been my favourite cosmetic brand!
Water-proof cosmetic products are essential to us in summer!!!
Where can I find the best water-proof mascara?
Thanks for the recommendations, I love to know what makeup and skincare other people are using :) I haven’t heard about that MAC eye cream ut sounds promising!
Oh tu me fais justement penser qu’il faut que je rachète un gommage!
Les couleurs des vernis Chanel sont juste CANON! J’adore le Holiday!!! Et j’aime beaucoup les Essie : belles couleurs, bonne tenue, faciles à appliquer et une palette de couleurs qui est juste ouf!
Bonne soirée
Le monde des petites
I want to try that scrub!
Super post!! Quelle chouette sélection
Love this! I am gearing up for some Spring make up cleaning, I usually go to a lighter tinted moisturizer or BB/CC type cream, more sunblock, waterproof mascara, and This Works Perfect Skin leg lotion which gives my body colour without being too much or too tough to use. It’s my secret weapon for faking a little colour.
I don’t need to buy any more products. I’m just here to admire the amazing photography. That white brush seems so soft and fluffy~
J’adore la crème Sea Scrub, elle a une couleur naturelle, et elle doit faire le plus grand bien à la peau :)
Bisous de France
Great products and tips!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Merci pour ces recommandations ! En effet, le printemps est THE saison pour prendre soin de sa peau ! Personnellement, j’use et abuse de masques hydratants pour réparer ma peau tiraillée par l’hiver ;)
Après avoir utilisé tout l’hiver de l’huile de douche, je trouve mes jambes beaucoup moins sèches cette année. je vais donc continuer à hydrater ma peau. Et tu as raison quand tu parles de gommage, il faut absolument gommer !
That’s going to sound really high maintenance but the only thing that I will add to my routine is SPF…Brozner- check, scrub- check, toner-check…Because what if I need to get ready in the winter at moment’s notice to go to the Carribean?(that never happens of course but what if ;)
C’est sur qu’après une saison froide la peau à bien besoin de retrouver une hydratation parfaite, perso c’est la cata mais j’ai sorti mon nécessaire cela ne va pas durer non plus?
Pour faire peau neuve, j’utilise la Poudre de graines de pin de la marque Océopin ! Elle gomme en douceur le corps en laissant dans son sillage un parfum boisé divin. A shopper sur http://www.oceopin.com/shop
Les visuels sont top ! j’ai envie de tout tester.