5 years ago by
The first time I attended a tea ceremony, I was with Shiva, and I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. When she said come by, I’m doing a tea ceremony, I said yes, because I say yes to everything, but I had no idea.
I had no idea we wouldn’t speak.
Or that every gesture would be graceful, thoughtful, intentional.
Or how long it would last.
I stayed seated, following my silent guide as she spoke to me with her eyes.

It was beautiful and bizarre, and I’ve done it many times since then, always feeling a little bit out of place, but deeply appreciating the beauty of the moment.
So, when Stephanie told me Mia Maestro would be hosting a ceremony at Co’s Schindler House, I immediately wanted to go.
I think without even realizing it, I’d fallen in love with this intriguing practice.
When Stephanie was on my podcast, she talked about discovering spirituality and how she integrates those teachings into the philosophy of her brand, Co.
And that was made clear with this little gathering — nothing was commercial, everyone came in their own clothes, and there was nothing being marketed or promoted.
It was just about being together and sharing a moment.
I like that idea of blending career and the art of living. Fashion made a lot of us cynical, myself included. We forgot things could be done with passion and integrity.
They say it’s a form of meditation, but to me it’s mostly a way of being — sitting in silence with others, which is something I never knew how to do. I’m more the type who likes to fill up space. I’d have no trouble talking to a prison door.
Recently I was in the desert, on a walk with friends, when suddenly my friend Magda suggested we take a moment of silence. To listen to nature.
I swear, I found that so courageous. And very beautiful. And it made me want to do it more often.
A tea ceremony is more than just silence. It’s an ancestral practice used by monks. I can’t say much more about it other than what I felt, and show you a few photos.
I think it’s beautiful when a fashion brand takes us into a world that finds the beauty in empty space. It’s very symbolic of my perspective on fashion today.

I have always found tea ceremonies facsinating. The intentional gestures, the ritual, the sharing of tea, the silence. Silence is so underrated in the western world!
Sponsored by Co? Where’s the not-so-subtle “shop the story?”
Hi Kate! Not all of our sponsored posts have a shoppable section. x V
…Love silence…I drive that way all the time and my family thinks I’m insane that I eschew unnecessary music. And I LOVE music but car rides help me clear my head.
I’m the same! Nothing like driving at night time in total silence. :)
Bonjour Garance et la team Doré,
la cérémonie du thé n’est, me semble-t-il, pas une pratique spirituelle. Elle fait entièrement partie de la culture japonaise, et est encore pratiquée dans ce Japon si moderne ! J’ai été élevée dans cet univers japonisant. Mes parents fabriquent de leurs propres mains des bols raku, destinés spécialement à la cérémonie du thé. Ils la pratiquent bien évidemment chez eux. La cérémonie du thé “à l’occidentale” est très silencieuse (je pense parce que nous n’avons pas l’habitude d’un tel moment) et assez intimidante. Mais, d’après ce que mes parents (qui ont voyagé plusieurs fois au Japon) et des amis occidentaux (ayant vécu plusieurs années là-bas) m’ont dit, la cérémonie est un lieu d’échange. Les discussions sont les bienvenues, à condition qu’elles soient “douces” et respectent ce moment de calme.
Si vous êtes à Paris, la galerie et boutique de thé Le sentiment des choses expose régulièrement des céramiques dédiées au thé, et propose également des cérémonies du thé. C’est un lieu très chaleureux !
Je vous souhaite une très belle journée,
I’d love to hear more about this practice – book recommendations? Small town I live in – not having any lovely tea rituals such as this . I’d love to host one for my friends. Silence and tea – a perfect pair.
I agree with the first commentator (Suzanne) and what she said about silence being underrated in the Western world. Silence can be such a beautiful things. What you said about being inspired by a moment of silence your friend suggested is so touching. We forget how important it can be to just listen and observe.
I have never been to a tea ceremony but I always found them fascinating.
I visited Co’s Schindler House last week. It was an amazing experience and everything was so perfect. But even in silence, I felt that I was in the society, with people, but at the same time I felt freedom and peace.
I visited Co’s Schindler House last week. It was an amazing experience and everything was so perfect. But even in silence, I felt that I was in the society, with people, but at the same time I felt freedom and peace. Carol (Cay)