
10 years ago by

I always feel like a red lipstick is going to prevent me from looking like a man when I put on a more masculine outfit… Even more so now that I have short hair. I mean, it totally works on Lara, don’t you think ?

Lara is wearing NARS Jungle Red lipstick and a Dries Van Noten jacket. Shot at the Marlton Hotel, NYC.


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  • That is completely true! loving the red lips, they make every outfit more feminine! :)


  • yeah: accessories and/or make up will save you from looking too masculine :P

  • I really love the red lips. They are so sexy!

    My Fantabulous World

  • I love this shade of red, I’m looking for something similar, it’s so chic and sexy with a masculine look!
    Je te souhaite une bonne nuit!

  • En effet, ça lui va super bien! Et ça rend toujours plus féminine, quelle que soit la tenue!

  • Red lipstick is sexy at the same time so demure. I wish I had the nerve to rock a brighter lip. Will try it out …

  • I love the red lips!!! They are super feminine!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Red lips are really glamerous, perfect to have a fatal woman effect :)

  • C’est ce que j’essaie d’appliquer à moi-meme mais j’ai encore du mal à assumer le rouge (et mon mec n’est pas fan en plus…) ! Et puis comment fait on pour que ca reste impeccable plus de 15 min???

  • I totally agree! I always wear my red lip and nail combo everywhere. It’s my signature.
    However it totally helps me feel feminine when I wear my tux!

  • She looks gorgeous! She looks like she could be a Bond girl

  • I don’t wear makeup unless its a special occasion except Lip Gloss but just the last week i have been all about red lipstick. I need to brighten things up here !

  • How do I e-mail our Garance in private? Someone please tell me.


  • Red lips, pink lips, any color lips do not make a woman feminine. A woman is created in God’s image, just as a man is of course.

    Proverbs 31 is a good example of a woman, of God that is.

  • Dear Garance: I just sent you a message on your Facebook page, BTW.

    Red lipstick does not make a woman feminine, nor does the latest fashion or the highest heels or the sexiest figure, or even wearing pink……darn……..xo What makes a woman feminine is her demeanor, her inner spirit, her virtue. Read Proverbs 10: 10-31 all you who have a Bible.

    Love you dear Garance and every woman reading this! You are God’s Princesses.! How cool is that?

    If any of you may want further reading, I really recommend a super book called: “The King’s Daughter, Becoming a Woman of God” Proclamations Releasing the Power of God’s Word John Hagee Ministries. You can get it on Amazon and it is simply awesome. It reminds us women that we were created for something more than being merely a sex symbol, a fashion symbol, but we ALL have a purpose to fulfill, and that is awesome! I love this little book! You will all love it too! here is the ordering of it on Amazon: Never forget we are God’s women, and we have purpose in this life! AMEN!

    Here’s the book link.

    God Bless
    Ingrid from CA

  • If I have to run out the door with no other makeup, a red lip can totally save me. I love it!

  • Sunny Side January, 13 2014, 9:28 / Reply

    Ce rouge est génial ! Mais qui regarde-t-elle comme çà ? Elle va le trucider son mec ou quoi ? Gare aux traces de rouge, c’est une preuve accablante !

  • I’m crazy for red lips! I must have 10 shades to wear winter or summer or when I’m wearing brown or when I’m wearing white. I’m sure I buy 2-3 every year.

  • Ceci dit, par rapport à ta reflexion, on peut pas dire que Lara a un look très masculin …
    Le rouge rouge apporte toujours un côté fatal à l’ensemble quelque soit le reste de la tenue !
    La parenthèse Enchanté

  • :)) “red lipstick is going to prevent me from looking like a man”, I really laughed and liked the point of view… You don’t look like a man even with short hair! :) By the way, the yellow light, black outfit and red lipstick went really well alltogether! I love the color of lipstick. It may be hard to find the right “red” lipstick sometimes…

  • Magnifique !
    C’est exactement comme ça que je suis maquillée aujourd’hui !!
    Ca relève également la féminité quand on porte un col roulé noir.
    Mon rouge est le All Fired Up de MAC, je ne jure que par lui !!
    Bonne journée

  • Le rouge ,c’est beau mais ça peut durcir les traits.(comme par exemple sur la photo)

  • Oh, yes indeed she looks amazing! Love her deep red shade. Now you tell us, what is it?!! I got the famous Mac ruby woo and russian red today… Couldn’t decide which looked best on me… got them both and now I like Nars jungle red!!!

  • Moi aussi j’ai des coupes courtes depuis quelques années maintenant et j’avais cette “préoccupation” de ne pas trop ressembler à un petit garçon au début ( c’est quand tu n’as pas encore trop apprivoisé le truc d’être féminine sans crinière :-) ) et ça marchait bien avec un bon vieux smoky eyes des familles et une belle manucure :-) mais ça passe avec le temps je crois, parce que j’ai pu cette appréhension. (j’ai vu que t’es passé par le stade “boucles d’oreilles” aussi ^_^ ) Et Elisa, elle en dit quoi ?

  • Hey Garance!

    Wanted to ask you for a few days already: how is your short hair holding up? Are you still in love with it? Do you ever regret chopping it?

    Just asking because I am thinking about the same thing but I worry, because A, my face is not that beautiful (I’m not pitying myself, it’s a fact) so I’m not sure I could rock short hair and B, I am used to my long hair (even though the hairdresser went a bit overboard with her scissor on my head yesterday).


  • Red lipstick is essential for me. My look is kind of tomboy (because I’m lazy and because I need to hide some ehem, curves?) therefore I can’t live without red lipstick.

  • Red lips always work when wearing sexy, love it!

  • I loved it!
    I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and accessories:

  • Toujours efficace le rouge à lèvres!!! Le truc qui te féminiserait Angela Merkel limite!!

  • A la perfection, cette fille est une bombe!

  • Une brune Veronica Lake ! Quel pouvoir de seduction !

  • I love red lipstick.
    It instantly bring up any outfit and lifts any mood.

    {Teffy’s Perks} X

  • I don’t think either of you are in much danger of looking really like a man, you would have to make a special effort to get to real androgyny. [Have you seen the Lisa Eldridge tutorial on androgyny? So genius. All about the brows and the skin, really. Linked in this post about Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate, which also genius: ]

    I think that look can be fantastic, though, especially with an overall androgynous look that has one or two overtly feminine touches thrown in, like big lashes, a red lip (in essence I do agree with you here), heels, etc. I like the high contrast in such a look, and the unexpectedness of it.

  • Was just driving into work this morning and the car in front of me had a Corsica Sticker! I had never even heard of Corsica until I started reading your blog early last year but just seeing the sticker made me happy as is one I had never seen here in Boston. As soon as I saw it I thought of you and said ‘AWWW GARANCEEE!!!” And I am eating a croissant as I write this! (: <3

  • Red lipstick is magical. That’s probably why I now have a collection of about 10 of them. All for different occasions. I’m currently wearing one with a flannel shirt. As one does.

    Shani x

  • Je suis d’accord!

  • Very true Garance! Cherry on top of a look, right?
    I love red for the lips but I haven’t (yet…) found MY kind of red. I love seeing it on everyone really, but everytime I try one on, I can’t see myself with it so… I suppose, I still have a long scouting to do… Different shades of red, for different hair colour, mouth, face, and skin types.
    Any tips?? :)

  • I wear a lot of men’s clothes and I will also use the magic of red lips to keep me from looking like a new York version of huckleberry finn….
    this is the last one I bought and it totally does the trick!

  • Bonjour:

    Being pure Swedish, red lipstick is not for me, more of a natural peachy gloss is for me. I love Revlon lip butters and the new Maybelline balms. They’re like a gloss in a lipstick tube which je adore.

    BUT, I think you Garance look fabulous with red lipstick. It suits your coloring, and your haircut too! And your dark hair. I think women with dark hair look better with red lipstick than blondes.

    You could never look too masculine though in my opinion Garance. Why? because your demeanor is ultra feminine. You are a listener, you’re soft and you’re genuine. Please do some more interviews!!!!!
    Love you

  • TOTALLY agree.
    I just detest having to re-apply.

  • She’s stunning!
    Her eyes, lips, and hair. Naturally elegant.

  • Garance, je profite de ce post pour te confier un sentiment. Tu devrais essayer le rouge à lèvre rose ou orange, ou des teintes différentes du rouge vif qui je trouve type trop en working girl. My two cents…
    Bonne année à toi et encore merci pour ton humeur et ton énergie.

  • Beth Ginzberg January, 26 2014, 8:29 / Reply

    Garance, which Nars Red are you using?

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