

8 years ago by


Erik Melvin

The jaw – the body part that has the potential to be as scary as the infamous killer shark. Can you relate? You know the feeling, you go to pose for a photo, makeup done, hair in place, outfit on point, feeling good, until you (mistakenly) ask to see the end result of the photo and realize there is what looks like (at least to you) an entire other person living under your chin. Sure, this might sound a little dramatic, but you have to understand, I possess what I like to call a “natural born double chin” that likes to show itself in any and every occasion / emotion / photograph. So as soon as Garance mentioned the word jawline as if it held a certain kind of importance, I knew I had better pay attention, and better yet, find ways to incorporate proper jawline care into my own personal regime.

Because apparently the jowl area of the face is the new forehead wrinkles, is the new aging hands, is the new varicose veins and sigh we have so much to worry about don’t we?? If you’re reading this thinking I’m crazier than the Long Island Medium (whom I secretly also love) – just look towards the heavenly gates of Hollywood – where beauty is in the eye of the beholder of the perfect jawline. Olivia Wilde, Kerry Washington, Jessica Lange (to name only a few, because I looked, and there are a-many perfect jawlines in the celebrity world) — they all share the common blessing of a strong, structured, refined jaw.

So we know the jawline is an obvious physical area of our face – but how do we ensure we’re keeping it as out of sight as possible for all of eternity taking proper care of it? Well, there are a few ways, the first of which I’d rather not talk about because it would require me to significantly alter my diet and drink at least 80% less wine a week and I’m not so sure I’m ready for that!

But beyond limiting the bad stuff you put into your body (which, who am I kidding, I need to be doing with or without an unrefined jawline) – there are a few tips and tricks that will jumpstart your jawline stardom.

1. Exercise – Perhaps the most important piece of information regarding the jawline is that it is not the fat that creates an unflattering line, but the muscles! Which explains why cosmetic surgeries aren’t necessarily the best solution for wanting to improve your jawline. Instead – proper exercises to target specific muscles in this region will have the best effect. These exercises don’t require their own machine at the gym (though that would make this easier…) but are more like stretches and muscle activities that target this specific area. For instance: press your tongue agains the roof of your mouth and lower your chin to your chest without rounding your upper back. Then relax your tongue and return your neck to standing position. Now do that 20 more times. It seems silly and time consuming (and you should probably consult a professional if you’re looking for serious results) – but it is one of the many stretches that will help get your jawline in shape. Bonus points if it helps with the knots in your neck, right?

2. Know Thy Hair – On your head and around your face. A good haircut can make or break the shape of your face and the look of your jawline. Know what works for your hair type and face shape. For instance, I learned the hard way that a blunt bob does not suit my previously mentioned double chin. In addition to a proper chop, maintaining the peach fuzz around your jawline area can help reflect light in a way that is more flattering to your face. Call it nature’s contouring if you will.

3. Experiment – If you’re anything like us here at the Studio, you’re a sucker for trying out any and every product. Lucky for us there are jawline face masks (!!!) that are intended to brighten and tighten – and firming creams that aid in pulling everything together. I’ve grown to trust most everything from the Korean beauty market, which is why I’d likely start with this Modeling Gel Patch mask from The Face Shop or the T.P.O (that is “Time, Place, and Occassion – as in, any of them) V-Banding Mask, if you can find it on an English reading website…

In terms of lotion – the Strivectin-TL Advanced Tightening Neck Cream (say that five times fast) works serious, scientifically backed wonders, and among the sea of questionable products floating around Amazon’s “jawline cream” page – is one of the most reliable options. There are also full elastic head wraps and contraptions that connect to your mouth, chest, and chin if you’re feeling real crazy, but I think we’ll stick to the basics here. Sure, these masks and lotions may not be a miracle cure all, but like any product, they do aid in the overall health and appearance of your skin.

4. Contour – Perhaps the biggest not-so-secret secret when it comes to chiseled ANYTHING. But contouring the heck out of your jawline is actually a thing! By using a powder that’s 1-2 shades darker than your skin and sweeping it downward from behind your ears, along your jawline, to the tip of your chin (and underneath!), you can create a shadow that imitates definition around your jawline. Add a bit of highlighter around your jaw and on your cheeks, and voila! You’re basically Angelina.

5. Ditch everything and learn from G how to look good in every photo!

We go to great lengths to take care of ourselves and our bodies, on the outside and inside – because it helps us feel our best, and because the physical repercussions of not doing so are so damn obvious (have I mentioned my own undefined jawline enough times?).

But something tells me I’ve only just scratched the surface of the jawline debate, and I’m dying to hear your thoughts! Is this an issue you struggle with? Any remedies for the double chin? Tell me everything!

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  • Hahaha ! I am both laughing and thanking you because I have the same problem which it is actually king of like a complex now. But it’s better to not be so serious with these little default after all. So I have clicked on every link you have purposed and wait for the comments with other advice (maybe from girls who has tried things which has worked?).
    Love to see how you share the stories that women live :).

  • Jaws are a thing for me. My jawline/dreaded double chin is the only thing I’d really like to change but I wouldn’t do surgery. Instead I discovered ORTHOTROPICS a couple of years ago. Sorry for the caps and it’s not a plug but it’s been huge for me so I felt caps were necessary. It made my jaw tension disappear which was a relief after years of trying different things. Orthotropics is all about proper placement of the tongue up on the roof of the mouth which in turn makes the face more beautiful. Close your mouth! You’ll look better already. I am so glad I discovered this in time to intervene with my two children and be sure their faces reach their full potential of beauty. Ortho is mouth and tropics is growth and instead of pursuing orthodontics you teach/train your children to position their mouths (tongues really) properly so that their face grows up and out, not down with an open mouth. Dr. Mike Mew heads this up in London. Absolutely one of my most important online discoveries in recent years. I rarely post here though I visit a lot, but I had to share my “beauty secret”! I will add that some myofacial speech therapists teach the same thing. As an adult learning proper mouth posture will make you look better even if your face has stopped growing.

  • Laurence D August, 30 2016, 10:15 / Reply

    Je confirme l’immense efficacité de la gymnastique faciale pour le double menton. Le mien a disparu très rapidement. Il est important aussi de mettre ses doigts sur les emplacements des rides d’expression qui peuvent se former pendant cette gym, pour ne surtout pas les accentuer. C’est aussi très efficace pour les sourcils qui s’affaissent, les lèvres qui s’affinent avec l’âge. Complété par des massages faciaux réguliers, on éloigne botox et injections. J’ai appris cela dans le livre d’une canadienne Catherine Pez.

  • Well, this is an unexpectedly great sensation: the feeling of surprise and what-are-they-talking-about-here intrigue of a problem you don’t have (at least one!) (at least yet!). Relief!

  • Natalie August, 30 2016, 4:53

    Haha lucky you!! x Natalie

  • So much of how we look and how we age is genetically predetermined. So let’s forgive ourselves for our inherited “imperfections.” That said, I’m going to try the exercises as I am VERY self-conscious about my sagging jaw/neck area. I’ll let you know if they help!

  • Such a funny post but so relevant! Thank you x


  • Luckily haven’t had this problem. :) Yet? never thought about it. :)


  • Lorraine August, 30 2016, 3:35 / Reply

    I am blessed with a decent, defined jawline. (Long legs, not so much.) However, I have found that my regular Bikram yoga practice has maintained the strength and firmness of my neck muscles. Your first exercise is a good suggestion and starting point. The muscles in the neck must be flexed and strengthened just like any other part of the body in order to retain firmness and elasticity. Genetics plays a big role as you mentioned.

  • Okay, this made me laugh. But I also understand the points you are making especially when posing for photographs, but come on, where do we stop!?! I laugh because if it’s not one thing this year, it will be another the next. We live in a world that thrives on pointing out our inadequacies and a marketing industry that works so hard to make us feel insecure. I am not saying I am above this stuff, I am just saying Arrrrrgh! and LOL!


  • Les massages et les points d’acupuncture/ ou au moins acupression semblent efficaces également.

  • Love your blog and every single post!


  • Ana @Champagnegirlsabouttown August, 31 2016, 6:39 / Reply

    I’ve never had a problem with my jaw line until I saw my profile in a photo couple of years ago. Double chin! Jowls! Panic! I went to a clinic where they told me that all that fat in my face I had on my twenties had migrated down south to stay in my jaw region. I had Aqualyx injected which over a few weeks “melted2 the fat. The results were great (although not straight away) but the downtime was rather awful. I was so swollen, I looked like a hamster for a week. My husband was falling over laughing. I was told that I should repeat the procedure for best results but the downtime really put me off.

  • I completely identify with you about the jaw. I worry about the dreaded double chin and jowls. Its one of the main reason I HATE anyone taking my picture.

  • Very funny post! Although it does have me worried now :s . I hate wearing too much makeup, so I’m with Garance on that! I reckon I’ll just stick to my blessed Shea butter. It’s doing the job just fine!
    Thanks for this, Natalie!

  • Thank you for the great tips, again!
    Need these for the new seasons photoshoots

    mag boutique, siena

  • Try sunscreen. That pretty much helps everything sagging. And better yet stay out of the sun, period.

  • Un ton et une façon d’amener le sujet qui m’a beaucoup plu! et en plus de bon tuyaux! super.

  • La perle March, 18 2017, 10:48 / Reply

    Le processus naturel de vieillissement induit un relâchement cutané progressif, notamment au niveau du visage et du cou, avec pour conséquence l’apparition d’un double menton. L’aspect du menton fuyant est causé par une insuffisance de développement osseux de la mandibule. Ce recul du menton provoque ou appuie l’effet inesthétique de double menton.


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