
11 years ago by

A few new things have entered my life and they are so cool, I wonder how I was doing it before. Here is a list…

  • I found makeup.

I know, crazy. Me who used to never wear makeup because I am just sooooo lazy, have found perpetual excitation, and 456 cool products I have to talk to you about.
Right now, I’m in a crazy lipstick phase, and I am not just talking bright red, mind you. Yesterday I tried a “black red” (From Urban Decay, the name of it is “Shame” – should I take this as a hint?), today I want to try fake eyelashes and this weekend maybe Chanel’s SS14 makeup, like in the illustration? What do you think? No? Why?

  • I found Cos.

And Alex had me do a public mea culpa in front of the studio to whom I was showing my latest wonderful buys.
For months I had been telling her to stop fantacizing about Cos (you know, we don’t have it in the US yet) which for me was the store with clothes designed for a “80‘s art gallery owner”.

Two coats, one sweater and two shirts later, I have to admit, Cos is great this season, even more if you stay close to the entrance where the best pieces are.
(Later today, a picture of one of my coats will appear on the blog.)

  • I found roasted fruits.

What’s the best way to have a dessert that’s neither too sweet nor to heavy but still delicious ? Roasted fruit omg roasted fruits. I love you guys.
Peaches, figs, cherries – you name it, I roast it. And I’m proud of it!
By the way what about panned oranges? Pffff! I die.

  • I found long nails.

I know, weird, but I realized my hands look much better with long nails, a sort of square-oval like my mum in the 70’s. With a coat of nail polish it’s just super sexy.
Am I becoming a woman, OR WHAT ?
I am not yet pulling a Lana Del Rey, no worries. But I can see what she’s doing now.
Ok. Sometimes it gets a little tricky playing Dots on my phone, but I’m a disaster at that game anyway – and I’ll never get over my best score of 247, so…

Now I just have to figure out how to keep my long nails beautiful.

  • I found a thumb ring (does that sound weird?) and I can’t stop wearing it.
  • I downloaded IOS 7.

So obviously I downloaded it the second it was out, and I have to say, I love it.
It’s smooth, feels chic – and you kind of suddenly feel like you have a new life phone.
But also, I’ve been attracted to new, non-Apple products lately (yes there is a whole world outside of Apple), I tried a few (Nexus, Xperia) and they’re great.
I want to know what you think of Android and Windows. Who’s using them ?

So since I cut it, I’m really man’s best friend. Like a dog*, say.
Which totally answered my question “Is short hair sensual?” after two days. People touch my hair at every occasion.
Even people I don’t know.
They say “I love your hair!” and woop!!! put their hand in it.
I don’t mind it! I’ve always loved to be petted.


*I’ve always thought I had certain canine characteristics. I’m affectionate, loyal, not mysterious in the slightest (so not a cat) and I make a huge mess wherever I go.

Translation : Tim Sullivan


Add yours
  • Salut,

    J’aime beaucoup.
    À bientôt !


  • an open mind helps w/ the new entries in our lives! :)


  • “I love being petted” hahah! You’re funny G.!

    Xoxo! Cory

  • Pauvre provinciale que je suis, je souffre de ne pas avoir COS et leur service de livraison me coupe toute envie de commander sur le site… SNIIIIIF :(

    Je te rejoins complètement sur les ongles longs. Depuis que j’ai perdu mon coupe ongle (c’est bien ma vie), je me rends compte que mes mains paraissent plus fines et plus jolies !

    En tout cas, j’adore la nouvelle Garance !! xx

  • Je n’arrête pas de commander chez eux et je n’ai eu aucun souci avec la livraison. J’ai aussi fait un retour et j’ai été remboursée rapidement. Quel(s) souci(s) as-tu eu ?

  • Il ne passe pas par un transporteur standard du coup si tu rates le transporteur, il faut téléphoner (parce que évidemment on ne te prévient pas) pour re-fixer un RDV… Ca fait des délais de livraison interminable !

  • J’ai eu de la chance alors car la fois où j’ai raté la livraison, le colis était dispo l’après-midi en bureau de poste !

  • A chaque post tu me fait rire Garance! Jet’adore!

  • Wait wait wait… Garance, what on earth have you been drinking? This is a lot of change, you scare me :p I don’t know about the Chanel make up, I see it as a runway-only something. But you made me laugh so hard with the dog, I think a lot of girls would like to be a cat but none of us really are, because in fact it involves being truly annoying and arrogant (ok, they might exist, but you don’t want to know them).
    Oh, and can I pet your hair too? :p

    She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog

  • Je me suis fait couper les cheveux pour une coupe voisine de la tienne cet été. Début juillet pour être précise. Et pendant les deux mois de juillet aout je me suis fait cette remarque : c’est moi ou bien les gens me touchent la nuque en me parlant de ma nouvelle coupe ? Depuis septembre ça c’est calmé, ça devait être l’effet de nouveauté.
    Mais donc je confirme : les cheveux courts ça attire les mains !

  • Beautiful post! I love reading you and the picture is gorgeous!! I also love Cos and their scandinavian designs, the texture and shapes of garments are great!

  • vous expliquerez pour les fruits au four? On met quelque chose pour que ça dessèche pas? beurre, eau, sucre?

  • C’est marrant comme je me reconnais beaucoup dans ton article.
    Quand j’ai coupé mes cheveux courts il y a un peu plus de 6 mois, j’ai intensifié mon maquillage du teint et des lèvres. Comme toi, j’ai eu ma folie rouge à lèvres, ça a duré 2 mois et puis maintenant je me suis un peu calmée, je n’en mets plus tous les jours mais encore très souvent car j’adore. Je viens également d’acheter un rouge noir, pour l’instant je n’ai pas osé le porter en dehors de chez moi, j’avoue que c’est un niveau de difficulté supplémentaire. On verra cet hiver…
    Et sinon, j’ai remarqué que les hommes me regardaient davantage depuis que j’ai les cheveux courts. Deux explications, je pense que je me sens mieux ainsi, plus sûre de moi et ça doit se sentir et aussi je pense que comme c’est plus rare, une fille aux cheveux courts, ça attire le regard.
    COS, bah évidemment que c’est génial. Je suis parisienne donc je suis adepte depuis plusieurs années. J’ai aussi acheté un manteau d’hiver chez COS. J’ai hâte de voir celui que tu as choisi.
    Les ongles longs, c’est pas trop mon truc mais je demande à voir ;-)

  • Well I’d think that the need to change things up a bit isn’t that strange – I always have that to when I change my hair. It just feels like you need to experiment a bit with it, including make-up and wardrobe.

    I’m not sure about the thumb ring though, haha, but why not?! Curious about some photos of the hair (besides the le chop video) and how you style it (also outfit-wise).

    Concerning Apple/other brands. I’m a Macbook user and would be lost without it. But I never got an iPhone, it’s just… I don’t know, didn’t feel the need. And I always though they were rather ugly (yes yes, great criterium I know). So I’m an Android (HTC) user concerning phones.

  • Madisson October, 9 2013, 9:48 / Reply

    So many new and exciting things! With all this talk of your new found love of cooking, I think it’s time you start posting recipes! Some of your roasted fruit would be good to start with ;)

  • Yes! Good idea!

  • C’est bien de faire de nouvelles expériences, sans quoi la vie serait vraiment ennuyeuse!
    Depuis que je suis maman, je me fais les ongles et je porte des talons (sans vouloir faire trop femme femme non plus hein, j’ai des pistol boots et des jeans troués), et je trouve ça génial!
    Mafalda ?

  • You are too funny, I found make-up and long nails a long time ago.


  • Yes, Garance we do use something other than Apple:):)
    I am an Android user ( phone and Samsung Tablet) and I love it. Android phones are outselling IPhones so go figure, Apple has some competition. I think a lot of people went from BB ( which I still love ) to Android.
    There is a whole new world out there and it does not include Apple, thank goodness.

    Love your posts !!

  • Je suis obsédée par COS depuis quelques temps. J’ai fait trois commandes chez eux, en moins d’un mois ! Par contre, je suis trop petite pour leurs beaux (mais grands) manteaux, dommage car je les trouve sublimes ! Hâte que tu nous montre ton butin COS, en tout cas !

  • I’ve dabbled with makeup and lots of different colors, but I keep heading back to my neutral look.I find it the most sexy: light foundation, peachy pink blush, lipstick that matches your natural lip color, black eyeliner, and mascara. so easy for a girl on the go!

  • Oh Gee, I ditched the iPhone after many years worth of loyal use and I’m now on the phone that walks on water, the Xperia Z and it’s amazeballs, mostly because it ain’t a phone but a PHABLET. There, I’ve said it.

    Love your short hair and can totally see why strangers would want to touch it and ruffle it. I very much feel the same about Benedict Cumberbatch’s celestial curls.

  • I’m all about the thumb ring. I wear two thin silver rings on my thumb and to mix it up one’s a square.
    I’m not sure about the Chanel make up. It might be just for the fashion crowd. You should try it in the studio for a day and see what everyone thinks. I’m all about trying new make up and experimenting. I have an Android Galaxy Nexus phone and I love it. I couldn’t imagine switching to an iPhone. Especially since the new update and it looks like an android. I’ve never tried roasted fruits but it sounds good. I’m really picky about any fruit in my baked goods. So I don’t know if I would ever do it on my own. I never posted any thing when you got your hair cut but I absolutely LOVE it. I’m trying to go natural again and it made me stop and think about just wearing my hair straight but short. My hair is currently about the same length as yours but there’s not an actual style to it all.

  • Love Shame! As well as the new Lancome shades from the l’Absolu Désir collection…

  • You are too funny!!!!! this was a great one! remember after my chop i started dressing in a very feminine way :) xxx

  • J’adore la petite aparté canine :-) ! Et c’est drôle parce que je disais la même chose de Cos il y a 2 ans et puis j’ai adopté. Il faut toujours essayé chez eux car c’est rarement attrayant de prime abord. Et moi aussi je viens d’y faire une petite razzia :-)
    Et oui à la nouveauté ! Il faut rester aware comme dirait un certain JCVD

  • Perso j’utilise Android pour ma tablette et pour mon portable, je trouve ça hyper pratique :)

  • Pour moi aussi c’est Android ! après avoir utilisé les autres systèmes

  • Samsung addict ! Je viens d investir dans un galaxy note 3 !
    Et c’est de la bombe de balle ! Une phablet qui concentre toute la technologie de Samsung ! ( juré, je n ai pas d action chez eux ! )

    J adore mon nouveau jouet !

  • J’ai adopté les cheveux courts il y a deux ans et je ne regrette tellement pas!!! Sauf tous les 3 mois quand je dois repasser par la case coiffeur. A NY, ca coute vraiment un bras!!!
    Hâte de voir Cos débarqué ici! Youpi!


  • Mamavalveeta03 October, 9 2013, 10:47 / Reply

    Garance, you are the BEST! I feel like I’m chatting with a friend when I read your posts. I may be late to the game, but you’ve got a loyal reader in me. And I love your hair and red lipstick! You even got me to purchase MAKE “Scarlett”. And that’s saying something.

  • Lovely finds! Short hair: yes they make you want to ran your hand through them all the time! IOS 7 I didn’t like it that much. Windows phones are same as windows 8 desktops now (easier to learn that way) and android have infinite apps and possibilities. Actually I have used the Galaxy Samsung S4 and gotta say it’s awesome (also have the galaxy camera with the android which is weird, unusual but oh so useful!). Thumb rings-thumbs up!!! Long nails-more nail art possibilities!!!Roasted fruits are delicious!!!!About makeup, welcome on board :p I am trying purple this year.Dark red and red are always favourites!

  • Oh tu me donnes envie d’aller faire un petit tour à COS ! tes mots m’ont convaincu et sans photo tu entretiens le mystère hihi

  • Congratulations on a great day! Love the drawing.

    ps You forgot to mention the little stick on mustache. Where did you find that?


  • I totally in the make-up and nails wagon with you :)! It’s funny how we sometimes discover some stuff waaaay after everybody else already embrace it :)).


  • Avec une nouvelle coupe de cheveux,(courte de surcroit) tout change, meme la facon de se tenir et de marcher. Vive le changement !
    J’aime beaucoup le dessin.

  • you make me laugh every time, and I love you for it! great post, and so many great new finds!! By the way, COS is just a store one must love. I could shop there all the time


  • Réponse à un commentaire : peler des pommes , bio de préférence, les poser dans un plat à four
    les soupoudrer de cannelle en poudre
    verser un verre d’eau au fond du plat
    passer au four au moins 30 mn

    Un délice

  • Aw, you are totally becoming a woman now!

    Actually, because of your post on the Marc Jacobs spring show eye look, it was on my mind constantly until I gave in and experimented with the bright turquoise eye liner:

    So…I think you are contagious.

  • STEFANIA October, 9 2013, 11:33 / Reply

    Welcome in the most wonderful world of…MAKE UP…

  • Haha j’ai fait la même éxperience avec mes cheveux courts et les gens touchant la nuque!
    Félicitations pour la nouvelle coupe d’ailleurs, elle te va très bien!
    xx d’Innsbruck, Judith

  • Garance , you are so right about men and short hair…. Mine is very similar to yours but blonde, and yesterday I had two men flirt with me on the tube ( Metro) which never happens in London as we don’t make eye contact here! Must be a vibe we give off, I feel so much sexier with short hair…. Almost like you are ready for anything ;-)

  • I found short hair too and makeup!


  • Please show more pictures for your short hair!!

  • J’aime ce post perso post-fashion week ;) …Et les fruits au four, rhaaa trop bon!

  • I downloaded IOS7 on my iPad and I HATE it! I miss the old sophisticated look. IOS7 feels like playing with a toy for little kids. Please APPLE, I’m not five years old, please develop a way to undo IOS7. Please, please, please!

    As for Chanel, can’t go wrong there.

  • Trop belle l’illustration, en effet ça donne envie d’essayer le make up Chanel SS14, mais peut-être pas les faux-cils!!!
    Pour la bague pouce, je reste dubitative, mais en même tps je suis sure que quand tu nous la montreras je kifferai!!! Arrrghhh


  • J’adore! les découvertes de la rentrée;)


  • Your blog always puts a smile on my face. Love~


  • “propriétaire de galerie d’art des années 80” : c’est tellement ça!!!
    Je cherchais depuis longtemps comment résumer les coupes austères mais radicales, les tissus fluides et techniques, les imprimés bizarroïdes, les bijoux “bichedeberesques” le tout avec la touche “être sexy quelle idée inepte, moi j’exprime ma personnalité unique par mes vêtements et mes cheveux rouges et courts”
    Et pareil, j’adore y aller, c’est l’alternative aux clones zadig&voltaire/maje/sandro/comptoir, où on peut enfin trouver des basiques sans chichis (c-à-d sans petit noeud ou pièce de dentelle que les autres mettent partout pour réactualiser les classiques).

  • I’m discovering make up too!!! I’m sure you know Lisa Eldridge but I’ve discovered her recently and all I do is watching her videos. I love her accent! And I’m buying all the products she uses! I’m facing bankruptcy now! Here you ahve the link, just in case Alex and you are interested: http://lisaeldridge.com/

  • Tee hee. Roasted peaches are one of my favorite things.

    And I use Nexus devices – I like the bigger screen (on the phone), the smaller screen (on the tablet) and the interface.

  • Ha! Your joy at all your new discoveries is contagious! I love that you are so excited about makeup, and totally think you should go nuts with it and tell us all about it. As for Cos, I mentioned the other day that I was a total addict, but I was recently looking at all their new stuff and realized I need to make another trip to the store asap:


    Oh and I don’t blame everyone for touching your hair. After that video you posted I’ve been kind of obsessed! I’m waiting for my bangs to grow out so I can do something similar I think. If I’m brave enough ;)


  • I’m a huge fan of your new hairdo. Actually, I feel like it’s not exactly about hairdo itself, rather sea-change that influence not only on the look but also on style, behaviour and whole environment… new haircut is some kind of life-changer. It’s amazing how it can empower woman and add her extra sexyness.

  • You really are so adorable, Garance. I too have slowly become a girl over the years. It started when I was 26. I still didn’t own a purse, but I bought my first department store makeup (Bobbi Brown). Since then I have transitioned from “comfortable” shoes to stacks of heels, a shelf full of handbags, and more clothes than any single person actually needs. I can’t do the long nails though. They just break. You inspired me, though, my dear. I went out and bought the Clinique Read-to-Wear lip stick. FAbULOUS!

  • Always a great point of view, laugh, or advice when I open your website. By far the best blog out there, I can’t get enough!! Xx

  • Margaret October, 9 2013, 2:03 / Reply

    Ahhh! This post is perfect timing for me. I too am having a makeup renaissance of sorts. Is it because I’m getting older and feel the need to divert and distract the eye? Is it because I’m suddenly not as manic as I had been at work the last few years, and I have time to think more about what I look like before I dash out of the house? Is it just something fun to play with that I haven’t played with in a while? Maybe all of the above.

  • Love your posts, always refreshing and never fails to make my day even brighter!

    About the short hair – I went from waist length hair last year/majority of my youth to a super cropped, pixie fairy cut – a la 90s Wynona and it’s been the best beauty decision of my LIFE. My face is open, eyes even more expressive and my jaw and lips are now billboards that were invisible before.

    Most of all, I feel SO SEXY. My boyfriend loves it, and now it only takes some hair product, mascara, and cherry colored lip balm to be ready.

    You are doing you beautifully Garance! xo

  • When are you going to update your Twitter photo to reflect your new look?! Waiting…foot tapping…glancing at watch… ;)

  • I love the way write!

  • Yeah! ça me fait penser à: “qui ne fait rien n’a rien” des fois le changement c’est pour le meilleur, ça nous sors de notre létargie-train-train!
    et avec le changement de saison rien de mieux!
    Moi ces temps-ci je suis en mode robes/jupes avec des bottes, je fais un break de pantalon !


  • I know watcha talking about, everybody is always touching or commenting my short hair…you’ll get used to it ;)

  • Je crois que c’est l’effet cheveux courts.
    J’ai réagi pareil.
    Va voir pour les ongles le blog d’une artiste nail, isa-nails.blogspot.fr
    C’est très joli, tu verras.
    Continue comme ça…

  • garance. 1. good skin is the best makeup ;) and a bold lippie and you must try lavish lashes–i am the laziest low routine gal and they make me look ‘made up’ without even trying!
    2. cos is everything! i am so sad the USA does not have a store :(
    3. roasted.pears. enough said!
    4. short but manicured nails are chic and functional ;)
    5. thumb rings are the new ‘mood ring’ :) i dig!
    6.iOS7 is pretty amazing, non?
    7. i don’t have the courage for short hair, but i’m wild with hair colors!

  • can we see a photo of u and how u wear your new cut……

  • Garance, you are so crazy and so fun!

  • Lol..
    I love this post!
    There is nothing quite like discovering something new.


  • Sophie von B. October, 9 2013, 5:08 / Reply

    J’adore cet article!

    Tes cheveux court trop sexy tu as eu bien raison. je viens de faire de même et j’en suis ravie ;)

    COS j’adore mais la plupart des coupes ne vont pas à ma morpho T_T fesses rebondies pas copines avec les coupes droites/ minimalistes…

    Je rebondis surtout sur ton dernier point… personnellement j’ai eu iphone 3G et Iphone 4… quand le 5 est sortie j’étais en quelque sort déçues et en me renseignant j’ai investis dans un samsung galaxy S3 en apparence top! Mais quand on creuse et sur le fil du temps… le plastique cheap fragile, le système android compliqué, puis mon MAC n’a jamais sur le reconnaître donc pas de musique, pas possible de DL mes photos (maintenant si entre temps j’ai trouvé AIRDROID qui est très bien)… et finalement de mon côté je sais pas si c’est pas de bol mais en 1 an, 2 envois pour réparation et même échange pour un téléphone neuf. Le premier avait des pixels morts… bref la j’ai commandé mon Iphone 5S. Car je veux me simplifier la vie. je sais qu’il y a mieux/ moins cher… mais malheureusement le dictas des société nous force à faire un choix… J’ai apple depuis l’age de trois ans… je vais rester fidèle à a pomme même si je suis pas toujours d’accord avec tout… :) bref! c’est un choix personnel…seuelement bien réfléchir car pour le bien de notre planète et mon engagement en ce jour c’est de n’acheter qu’un téléphone et le conserver le plus longtemps possibe en espérant un peu qu’on freine l’évolution trop rapide des technologies. ;)

  • Marrant comme tout l’analogie avec le chien.
    Comme dirait Bébé dans le cultissime Dirty Dancing : “des barres” !!!

  • Tes cheveux te vont super bien, IOS 7 c’est magique et j’ai trop hâte de te voir avec ton nouveau makeup!

    Sandrine xx

  • Ah Garance! I cannot wait for your book to come out, as I’m hoping it’s filled with your hilarious outlook on life. Every time I read one of your posts I find I’m yelling yes yes yes! to everything you say because it’s like you read my mind. Love your short hair, by the way. I’ve been rocking short hair for a while and the compliments are definitely addicting haha!

  • Garance,

    I love this post of yours! I am discovering my love for make up. For many years I wore little or no makeup, thanks to my mother telling me that it would wreck my skin, if I started too young. She was right… and now 30 years later, I am enjoying the cat eye, mascara and a bright pout, on top of a flawless complexion.

    As for nails, I recently discovered gel/lacquer nails, out of which I can get almost 4 weeks mileage. You must try for your next fashion week. It’s like continuously flawless decoration!

    And last but not least, your hair looks fabulous!!! Due to an injury, I’m currently sidelined from my usual intensive workouts, and you have inspired me to blow out my little afro and style into my favorite pixie style.

    As always, thanks for your inspiration!!

  • I use iPhone, but have used Windows Phone before and I really enjoyed using it. I’m planning to upgrade soon and it will be a tough decision whether to get an iPhone 5S or the Nokia Lumia 1020.

  • J’adore la petite astérisque au bas du post. Sincère, drôle, joyeuse et témoignant d’un sacré recul! Et puis je te comprends un peu ;)

  • Valentine October, 10 2013, 5:25 / Reply

    Android vs IOS7, enfin un vrai débat, que j’aimerais voir traiter sérieusement ;-)… je n’arrive pas à me décider pour mon prochain tel, pfff

  • Valentine October, 10 2013, 5:29 / Reply

    pour LAUREN@STYLESEER http://www.fredzone.org/supprimer-ios-7-001 (j’ai toujours préféré le vintage au neuf)

  • Your last sentence really tickles me:)

  • Your last sentence really tickles me:) Enjoy the new found you!

  • assez dingue le make up de Chanel pour la Fashion Week. Je n’ai pas trop adhéré.

  • Moi, concernant mes ongles depuis quelques temps je ne mets plus de couleur, je les laisse naturel. Ils sont bien carrés et longs. Les gens pensent que j’ai des faux ongles. Les bouts de mes ongles sont assez blanc + j’utilise OPI Envy Original pour fortifier mes ongles et frenchement c’est un bon produit que j’admire. Mes ongles ne sont pas cassants du tout avec ce fortificateur d’ongles en plus il donne un bon fini sur tes ongles.

  • Talking about OS, i used to wear blackberry cause i have to! i mean all my friends in college (3 years ago when i just enroll the class) were talking about stuff to bring to class for next meeting (cause i took fashion design and pattern class of course there is so many stuff to buy and bring) and they were just texting through blackberry messenger and i’m with 2 of my friends who don’t have blackberry didn’t bring the stuff at all! no one text us through sms (and if you recall 3 years ago, there isn’t many application like we have now to make free text).
    But now i’m using Xperia which is great, apple is great i use their macbook but i just like the feel of “my phone isn’t everywhere” cause when i used to use blackberry, it feels like everyone has the same phone as me (literally same phone!) and i think i will feel the same if i use iPhone. I rarely find Xperia users here (especially the exact same phone as mine).

    I really really like the way you make illustrations and posts! keep it up G!!
    Much love from Indonesia

  • Ahahahaha !!!! génial le coup des propriétaires d’une galerie d’art des années 80 !!! c’est exactement çà !!!

  • Quand on essaie de nouvelles, souvent on voit la vie différament!


  • Mariateresa October, 11 2013, 4:54 / Reply

    Le truc Chanel…mmhh genial! Je le veux, comment le faire?

  • I need to find Cos too!! I keep admiring their coats or shirts but it’s so frustrating that they don’t ship to the US! Cannot wait for the commerce..


  • Personnellement je possède un Nokia sous Windows et je l’adore ! Le design est top.

    Cos, une merveille. Ça fait un moment que j’en raffole :)


  • I’m using android, nexus and samsung phone.I’m very happy with them, and they look great!

    love your blog! I’s a mood booster! <3

  • ios7 absolutely sucks. ladies, don’t upgrade to that, besides the fact that you can’t get back to ios 6, it eats the battery so much quicker, is not so intuitive and clear and all in all didn’t make my life better as I was expecting, but on the contrary I literary cried over the old software … and this is for apple: updating doesn’t necessarily mean improving so don’t do it for the sake of it.

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