Head Games
7 years ago by Brie Welch
Hot, muggy weather often leaves the hair atop my head feeling less than fresh, and that’s a generous description. A wild display of hair dancing to and fro in the sticky wind before frantically settling onto my also sticky face – it’s pure delight and great for getting attention.
But then, like divine intervention, I saw this gorgeous girl at MBFWA with her hair twisted and braided across her forehead. It reminded me of the mini side braid Garance wore while she was in the difficult phase of growing her hair out. Or like Lexie’s middle/top of the head braid, quite similar to these, further convincing me that they are onto something…
Anyway, my point is, the impending summer weather calls for options for keeping said hair off said face, and maybe the answer is not simply in a ponytail. Natalie and I were trying to decide if this front braid was achievable on your own – as in, could we actually do it? I say yes, she isn’t so sure. We both are a little concerned that the attempt may result in us looking like a couple of extras from Game of Thrones (I use this reference assuming there are people in the background with braids. It should be noted, I have never actually seen the show.)
If I can’t master the braid, plan B is to bring back the extra wide jersey headband to, at the very least, take charge of my hair, and at the very most, look like Kate Moss (or any supermodel) in the 90s.
By the way, my mom used to braid crowns into my hair, sometimes even in the shape of a heart, and one special occasion that involved a ribbon braided through. It was awesome. And weird. And perhaps the subconscious catalyst to this current contemplation. And definitely doesn’t answer the question: can I actually braid my hair like this?
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I love that jacket and the braid crown makes your cheek bones more elongated. Gorgeous!
Alexis|| https://lidsandtricks.com/
I love her hair and the way she ties the scarf with her blouse.
Great picture, do you know the brand of the jacket?
Une très jolie coiffure surtout que j’ai les cheveux long et il fait chaud en Tunisie.
MErci et bon weekend
Looking good comes a lot from feeling confident– confidence that radiates from your inner self…. And pray not derivitive from anonymous internet approvals (this tinny assurance won’t last).
“Can” you rock this look?
But *should* YOU?
If youre still hesitating, have any impulse to go ask yet another person to “weigh in,” or in any way still feel as self conscious as your post alludes, just….. Don’t.
Lovely style , I like it ,
j’aime ses cheveux super longs blond et super joli !
Wow So Gorgeous!
I really loved that look ^^
Wow So Gorgeous! ,I really loved that look ^^
If you aree going for best cntents like me, simply paay a quick visit this site daily
because it gives quality contents, thanks
Jolie coiffure, charmante et naturelle à la fois.
belle apparence :)
beauté naturelle et simple
une belle idée à retenir :)
I love her hair !
cute !
Super cute !
Thank you
chirurgie esthétique Tunisie
merci :)
très jolie
Lovely style! I like it :)
merci pour le partage
chirurgie esthétique Tunisie
jolie femme
belle et simple
Très beau ce style, la classe.
super article
merci bien pour le partage, j’adore ce look
Merci pour cet article
merci bien pour le partage,Très beau ce style, la classe.
Joli look
Oh la tresse me rappelle de mon enfance, mais frontale non ;) intéressant si c’était facilement réalisable comme vous dite. je dois essayer :)
c’est sypma!
I love the total look
very nice look
Beautiful look, so aesthetic and funny
Très belle toff
jolie <3
joli look
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I love the total look