
8 years ago by

Can you feel the wave of freedom that has taken over our hair lately?? And even more dear to my heart, the curly hair freedom? It’s like the seventies all over again!!!(Or whatever I imagined the seventies to be anyway)

I literally had an instant hair crush for Ari (and a general model crush) not just because her hair made her stand out of the crowd at the Sonia Rykiel show last season in Paris, but also because it takes real guts to wear short curly hair like that. It’s really cool.

So I did what you do when you have a crush, I went and stalked her Insta way deep where you want nobody to find you and pray you won’t like a photo by accident, and I found photos of her with long hair, where she was, OK, ABSOLUTELY SUBLIME as well, but I have to say, not as strikingly special as with her new hair. Just sayin’.

And that’s not even because I’m on the short hair girl team anymore, since I’m presently letting my hair go through a natural phase of growth and that it’s now, mmmmmm, how to describe… A bowl of curls around my head. With sort of bangs. Not so different from Ari but longer in the back. I like it! Chris likes it! (I think it might be because he secretly not so secretly would like my hair to be long (most guys secretly do) but in the mean time, who cares! He likes it !

And Ari is not the only one. Hair is free right now. Long, short, curly, straight, it’s all about embracing it and being yourself.

haircstasy hair jennifly green curls beauty garance dore photo

We have photos here to prove it. You can have fun with your hair, have a curly bang like uber cute Amirah if you’d like (unimaginable a few seasons ago, the curly bang is everywhere! Remember Irina?) and we’ve also seen more and more… Completely shaved cuts, like on the beautiful Jen, which is probably the epitome of hair freedom. I’m all for it.

I think girls (and boys) should have more fun with their hair. It grows fast, trust me, and there is nothing more exciting and fun and life changing than having a new face. And since it’s January, what about a little life change?

I was watching Revolutionary Road yesterday (I don’t know, one these days where you feel like watching a movie that’s gonna make you want to kill yourself. Amazing movie though) and was admiring Kate Winslet’s blonde and I was like, hey, after all, WHY NOT, huh?

Ok, by now, time to whip my free hair back and forth.

haircstasy hair amirah kassem curls beauty garance dore photo

Words: Garance Doré | Photos: Pascal Loperena & Erik Melvin


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  • I´m in love with the curly look, ( unfortunatelly, I wasn´t born with curly hair. Does anyone have any suggestions for us -not curly- creatures????

  • i have curly hair too: a blessing and a curse all tolled into one! :)

  • I believe in the power of Hair…it’s a very strong statement of who you are ..your health!! and it’s the first things you see with your face…it should frame your face and make your face stronger….
    it’s also the reflection of your health….so we should be even more careful…..
    Yael Guetta

  • Ça repousse, ça repousse c’est vite dit ! Parce que moi j’ai eu UNE fois les cheveux très courts et j’ai mis 4 ans à retrouver une longueur potable. Parce que dès que ça merdait (car y’a forcément un moment où la repousse ça merde) hop je refilais un coup de ciseau, puis 2 puis 3 et je me retrouvais avec une coupe courte mais différente ! Je me suis même fait un bol à la Mireille (Mathieu ou Darc selon les jours :-)). Bref PLUS JAMAIS (bon à toi ça va très très bien mais c’est un peu un coup de bol ! ah ah Mathieu ou Darc ?)

  • Yes, I have hair this curly, but have it long now because it is more versatile. ( it can be down and long or I can put it up easily)
    I always figure I will have shorter hair when I get older, so why have it now?

  • Grazielllla January, 13 2016, 10:30 / Reply

    Très bel article qui encourage à garder ses cheveux au naturel , ce qui n’est pas mon cas… en raison de traumatismes dus d’enfance, et une fois adulte, je n’ai jamais réussi à garder mes cheveux au naturel, à savoir bien bouclés… en dépit d’un fort caractère qui s’efface dès qu’on parle de mes cheveux…. lol Je tente dès que j’en ai le courage, promis…

  • Bien bien d’accord.
    La meilleure dans ce style revival c’est l’argentine Mica Arganaraz,
    Très années 70, tendance Maria Schneider dans Profession Reporter

  • The first picture is my dream hair! I have zero curls, unfortunately!

  • Stéphanie January, 13 2016, 10:57 / Reply

    Cheveux courts frisés = Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) dans Alien (surtout Aliens) = femme forte!!! Toujours l’impression que j’ai eue!

  • I love curly hair. It saddens me to see so many naturally curly haired women straighten the shit out of it. I dont have curly hair, perhaps I dont get it.

  • I second Archana above, who adores curly hair and doesn’t get women with curly hair, who straighten it. I also have dead straight hair, that’s been recently cut it from belly-button length, to just below shoulder length. Even at this length, I still have it all up and off my face – before, as a top knot – now, roughly side-parted at my natural part and tied loosely back into a half looped, very short ponytail. It’s all I can do with my straight hair, as super-short hair just requires way too much maintenance to look good if you want to leave it for weeks or months at a time. Curly haired girls can do super short hair (like Garance did) and let it grow out naturally and it will look absolutely chic. Straight-haired “grow-outters” – we tend to look like crazy people, who’ve attacked our own hair with a pair of blunt scissors in the middle of night whilst blindfolded and bad tempered.

  • Many times women (here in the U.S. anyway) straighten it because they have been led to believe it is unprofessional to have curls. I never ever straighten mine because I don’t look or feel like myself! So many make-overs result in the wild haired girl getting smooth, “grown up” hair that it was assumed everyone wanted this. I think it is starting to change…. I hope.

  • Pour une fois je vais arrêter de faire ma timide et commenter. Merci pour ces sublimes photos :) Et je suis d’accord, c’est génial que les cheveux aux naturels reviennent sur le devant de la scène. Perso, j’ai eu des compliments sur mes cheveux pour la première fois de ma vie quand j’ai enfin accepté mes boucles :)

  • Non-mais-j’y-crois-pas !

    J’ai les cheveux bouclés. Très bouclés. De temps en temps, je fais une tentative pour les laisser au naturel. Car oui, j’ai envie de croire qu’un amour entre nous est possible. Hélas, ça ne marche jamais. Non seulement, ils partent dans tous les sens – et de manière pas glamour -, mais en plus quand je passe la main, ils ne sont pas aussi doux que quand je les ai lissés… et ça me plombe le moral. Et à celles qui me diraient que je n’utilise pas les bons produits, et bien j’ai déjà essayé mille crèmes, huiles, sprays et j’en passe. Rien n’y fait.

    Ton enthousiasme pour les belles tignasses bouclées est touchant – oui, un peu, mais ça va – et juste – je le pense vraiment -, cela dit j’ai surtout envie de te dire : ” Tu te fiches de moi !” (yeux grand ouverts, genre “tu vois de quoi je parle”). Tu as porté tes cheveux attachés pendant des lustres et après tu les as coupés à la garçonne… Je ne sais pas. C’est un peu le comble. Je ne te jette pas la pierre. Je ne peux que comprendre. Mais quand même… Tu te fiches vraiment de moi.

  • jane with the noisy terrier January, 13 2016, 11:36 / Reply

    I had short, dark curly hair since I was teenager and gave up my dream of Marcia Brady long blonde stick straight hair, parted down the middle. And yes, I definitely remember the ’70’s — my junior high, high school and college decade when your hair is SO important. My hair is thick as well so finding the right haircut was key to maintaining the proper volume and not looking like a ball of hair! Esme Marshall’s sexy short cut was my (unattainable) hair goal. (Google her. Those brows! She still looks amazing.) When I got to NYC, I was convinced to grow my hair out and gradually my highlights got wider and wider until I was blonde. And thanks to keratin and flat irons, I finally had my Marcia Brady swish-able long hair! But after my last birthday with an 0, I was ready for a change. Snip snip. I’ve gone back to collar bone length since then but thanks to the persuasive/honest David Mallett in Paris, I have to agree that shorter hair is better on me and lifts my features rather than pulls them down. Some length on top for a little swish — I’m good to go!

  • Ita Darling January, 18 2016, 1:16

    Have you ever tried headband curls? Easy, fuss free beachy waves that take only seconds- I have turned several of my straight haired friends onto the technique and it really works fora variety of hair. I recommend layering with a sea salt spray and they should last most of the day. Check out videos on Youtube or blogs for instructions. SO EASY. Good luck!

  • Ah les cheveux c’est un grand sujet pour moi ^^ J’ai la chance d’avoir du volume et des longueurs naturellement wavy, donc ça c’est cool ! Je déteste quand je sors de chez le coiffeur avec brushing baguettes, ça ne me va vraiment pas en plus. Donc oui, je reste loin des plaques chauffantes ou autre instruments de “torture” capillaire et laisse faire la nature !

  • Cool hair cuts!
    By the way name Ari (Mars) in Greece is for boys ;)

  • Hi! I noticed Ari at the Chloe Spring/Summer show and was completely hypnotized by her look. This is really something new! I have curly hair and always wear it long, beacause I was always afraid that it might curl even more, when short. So maybe I’ll try that now…(however, it probably needs a very young face to look that cool).

  • Alexandra January, 13 2016, 12:40 / Reply

    I have very curly hair like the first model and I would love to try something NEW and CRAZY with my look but am always so scared! My hair actually doesn’t grow back that fast, so I guess I would be stuck with something for a while.. But this post is inspiring me! I am actually getting my hair done tomorrow and am now considering changing up my cut/style a bit more drastically! Wish me luck!!

  • Les cheveux, c’est drôle, ça faisait déjà longtemps que ce n’était plus un sujet pour moi. Ils étaient raides, je les portais très courts depuis des lunes (j’avais même la tête rasée quand je me suis mariée, choc des familles quand j’ai ôté mon chapeau…). Et puis, un jour de l’hiver dernier, je suis tombée malade. On n’a pas su si c’était dû aux médicaments ou au stress ou à la fatigue mais j’ai perdu beaucoup de cheveux, ça a duré des semaines, et même des mois, et c’est très vite redevenu un sujet bien sûr! Après quelques temps (merci l’huile de ricin!), la chute a ralenti, s’est arrêtée et mes cheveux ont repoussé… bouclés!! J’avais des baguettes de tambour, me voilà mouton! On était au coeur du printemps et c’est justement à ce moment là que j’ai commencé à voir des têtes bouclées dans les magazines. Comme une petite revanche sur la vie, mes cheveux se sont adaptés naturellement à la tendance ;)) Il ne m’est plus resté qu’à me familiariser avec les soins “cheveux bouclés” dont j’ignorais jusqu’alors l’existence. Aujourd’hui encore, quand je me croise dans le miroir, cette nouvelle tête me fait sourire et me rappelle certaines actrices du début des années 80 (l’actrice de Flashdance par exemple). Ce qui est sûr c’est que je ne suis pas du tout prête à les faire couper, alors je dis vivent les cheveux libres!

  • I like natural hair, but I have mine coloured as my own colour is what we call “potato-coloured”.
    I have no special cut – I cut my hair myself. I just have to do the ends – I have long hair.
    And I really love having long hair! It has become part of my identity, I guess. :)

    I have really straight hair, but always wanted to have curly hair. I did have the perm ages ago… Never again! :)

  • I feel like models can pretty much do anything they want to their hair. These sort of cuts do not always translate well to the rest of us “normal-looking” folks. Especially the cut on the first woman…most people could not pull off that look. It looks silly!

  • GoldenGirl January, 13 2016, 3:13

    I 100 % agree !!! I have curly hair too, and I was explaining in my comment in french that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to cut it that short … I would look like a sheep or a cloud … only models with perfect faces can do it … I have a big nose, big cheeks and I will not try it.

  • GoldenGirl January, 13 2016, 3:03 / Reply

    à moitié convaincue. J’ai les cheveux naturellement (très) bouclés, méditerranéen comme on dit, très secs (impensable de sauter la case “aprés shampoing + masque + huile + crèmes” sinon gare à l’effet paille au toucher … yay ! ) … avec ce savant mélange, ça VA je me sens hot et diviiiine, les gens se souviennent de moi grâce à ma cheveluuuure naturelle etc etc bon OK.
    par contre : JAMAIS je ne penserai les couper aussi court. pourquoi ? à moins d’être mannequin, au visage parfait, aux traits fin … eh ben ça fait vite gros nuage sur la tête et non merci. non non non. non juste non.
    donc laissons nos cheveux naturels OK (c’est vrai que je ne les lisse jamais car je ne me reconnais plus du tout, j’ai l’air d’un lévrier afghan) mais aussi court quand très bouclés … bad bad bad idea !!!!

  • Je dois avoir la même nature de cheveux que toi, et oui, la coupe ultra courte est très casse-gueule ( on appelé ma soeur “Alain Chabat” pendant un an…)…Il faut vraiment travailler les boucles du dessus une à une, et assurer niveau look….

  • J’ai les cheveux raides, faciles a entretenir, mais je reve quelquefois devant les cheveux boucles.
    La derniere photo (et coupe) est ma preferee mais quel visage Angelique !

  • I like this natural turn to simplicity in hair!Ari is a Kate Moss clone!

  • Ah the struggle with curly hair. It has a mind and life of it’s own. The first hurdle is to finally embrace it & let it do its own thing instead of forcing our hair into a manageable or “acceptable” style. The second hurdle is to forget about what other people think about it. I am happy to see more women winning this struggle these days!

  • Clyde also cuts my hair. He is amazing! I can flat iron it and it looks fabulous and moves beautifully. I can also just take the towel off my head, put some Moroccan oil through my hair and scrunch, and I get beautiful, full, wavy/curly hair. I love being able to do that naturally and to change my look as I feel like doing so!!

  • Je ne qu’être d’accord avec toi Garance! Vive la liberté capillaire!
    J’ai moi-même coupé mes cheveux l’année dernière… Très très court alors je comprends tout à fait ce que tu dis!

    Bizous, Christelle

  • Je suis donc parfaitement dans la tendance compte tenu du fait que j’ai définitivement renoncé à dompter mes cheveux souples qui bouclent quand et comme ils veulent! On garde le lisseur pour les garndes occasions et c’est pas plus mal!! Vive la libération des chevelureess

  • As a person with hair long and straight as nails, I don’t really understand why you people blessed with curly hair seem to have such a hard time emracing it! I would exchange my hair for yours any time :)

  • Gosh, we all want what we cannot have hahah… Curly haired girls want straight hair, I want curly hair and so on… I mean, look at the 3rd pic, she looks amazing!!!


  • I have curly hair and have been sticking to long layers for a long time now because I have found it is best to play it safe with curls. Finding a stylist who understands curly hair is the first hurdle, then making sure they’re consistent is the second, and then bad hair days are way worse when there are unpredictable curls as part of them, and curls are unpredictable (water content, humidity, products, cut,………). We straighten it (some more than others) because it is a predictable outcome. In my experience.

  • C’est vraiment super que les filles qui cartonnent en ce moment aient les cheveux bouclés ou naturels (afro).
    Parce que la fille aux cheveux lisses , qu’est-ce qu’elle m’a gâché la jeunesse, celle-là…. Claudia, si tu passes par là….
    (préhistoire, avant l’invention du lissage brésilien , à l’époque du brushing à la brosse ronde en poils de sanglier…)

    Lé dégradé bouclé , avec frange, je l’avais vu venir: on est en plein mood 70, alors la coupe de cheveux du dernier tango à Paris…., c’était ” obligé” comme on dit aujourd’hui….

  • Melissa Laurel January, 16 2016, 3:16 / Reply

    Why do men want…secretly or not…long hair? I assume because it’s supposedly uber feminine? While I swing back and forth between mid-long and pixie, I’ve often felt my most feminine in short hair.

  • Huge fan of Garance and the blog but not fond of this haircut. Sorry, sorry, pardon. I have curly hair (the bane of my existence) and I know how easily this can turn into a mop (depending on your hair texture) or just into an unflattering do (at least on me). The girl is of course very very beautiful and young so if you have less striking features this might not be an easy head of curls to carry off. It does (don’t want to offend anyone) remind me of perms (seen on some middle aged and older women in the 1980-1990s especially in Europe (I am European).
    My thick frizzy hair needs a lot of work (by professionals) to coax it into some sort of style (or free style). As with straight hair, not all curls (or hair textures) are created equal and in the end it all boils down to personal preference. I love curly hair on other people mostly :) but this particular do perhaps not as much.

  • I am head over heels in love with Ari’s hair, its thé most sexy haircut ever! Of course she’s drop-dead-gorgeous… I’m inspired and I will totaly try this hairstyle for summer!

  • I don’t know if you already heard the story, but Ari’s hair was a mistake made by the hairdresser. He cut it shorter than she asked. But it was a beautiful mistake, wasn´t it?

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