
7 years ago by

Photos Erik Melvin

Meredith Waite

In Partnership with Laura Mercier

Every morning, I take a shower, I get dressed, I run all over the place and then finally I do my makeup. And everyday, it’s basically the same thing. Tinted moisturizer, eye shadow, mascara, a little lip color, Lychee Parfait for example. It’s kind of like I’m putting my face on, I guess.

But every time I change my makeup, I get compliments, my friends notice, something happens.

So I finally realized: it’s not that my usual makeup isn’t good, it’s just that it’s always the same. And that sometimes, changing makeup makes you discover something new about your face, and it makes people notice. Kind of like changing your clothes, actually. Or changing cars. Or changing boyfriends. Haha, kidding!

Day and Night

Ever since I’ve arrived in LA, for example, I want different things. Something lighter, more fresh, more luminous and sun-filled. A more “daytime” look, with less intensity around the eyes. So last time I went to New York, I decided to ask my team of makeup artists – as a Laura Mercier ambassador, I have privileges you couldn’t even imagine ;) – to help me find some new styles – simple and quick to do.

The first, which is probably my favorite, is my look of the moment. Very subtle and bright, and we add a little to the brow and even a few freckles. It’s a looking-good-after-hiking-and-stopping-at-Cafe-Gratitude (amazing green juice) look that I love.

The second is the famous red lip, which I still like just as much, but I often forget how powerful it is: red lips are beautiful, sexy and super energizing. You just have to remember not to touch your face. And have a friend with you to give you a discreet sign if you’ve got lipstick on your teeth. And stay away from your guy’s white shirt. And…


Look 1: Foundation, Candle Glow ; Face, Secret Camouflage 2 ; Under Eye, Secret Concealer 2 ; Cheeks, Shimmer Bloc ; Highlighter, Highlight 1 ; Brows, Rich Brunette Brow Pencil ; Lips, Daiquiri Gloss ; Lips, Potpourri Lip Liner ; Lashes, Long Lash Mascara // Look 2: Foundation, Candle Glow ; Face, Secret Camouflage 2 ; Under Eye, Secret Concealer 2 ; Lashes, Long Lash Mascara ; Face, Bronzer 2 ; Blush, Lotus Pink Blush ; Face, Loose Translucent Powder ; Lip, Velour Lovers in Addiction ; Lip, Red Lip Liner

Day and Night

And finally because honestly I couldn’t help myself, a little smoky eye evening look, but this time I got brave and used color. What do you think?

Look 3 : Foundation, Candle Glow ; Face, Secret Camouflage 2 ; Under Eye, Secret Concealer 2 ; Lashes, Long Lash Mascara ; Face, Loose Translucent Powder ; Eyes, Editorial Eye Palette ; Lips, Plumbery Lip Liner applied all over lips

On Garance // Look 1: Earrings, Laura Lombardi ; Yellow Sweater, Holiday / Look 2: Earrings, Jennifer Fisher ; Top, Theory / Look 3: Earrings, Jennifer Fisher ; Top, Proenza Schouler ; Watch, Rolex


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  • I do think you wear them all beautifully but you really rock a bright lip Garance!
    You should dare also a fuchsia one!
    Baci dall’Italia,

  • Judith Maassen January, 25 2017, 9:29 / Reply

    Nice! And what are the earrings in the second look?

  • Hi Judith,

    The earrings are Jennifer Fisher! All clothing and accessory credits are at the bottom of the post.

    Tori x

  • T’es jolie comme un coeur Garance ! Les trois styles te vont à merveille, même si j’ai un faible pour le 1er: l’effet bonne mine te sied particulièrement bien ! Et n’oublie pas ta résolution niveau coupe ;) Tu es aussi très belle les cheveux lâchés

  • Sunny side January, 25 2017, 9:41 / Reply

    D’abord, d’abord Erik ces photos sont sublimes ! Tu la connais bien, elle se sent en confiance et elle se lâche ! Il y en a une ou deux où elle pourrait faire un rôle comique ! Garance les photos avec le pull jaune sont si lumineuses. Il n’ y a pas que le maquillage, tu resplendis !

  • Le premier look est juste parfait, discret mais illuminateur, avec le pull jaune et les grosses boucles c’est frais et ça sent le soleil !

  • Jorge Alexandre Teixeira January, 25 2017, 9:46 / Reply

    There’s a saying in Portugal that goes :« Paraste o trânsito em LA, Garance !!!»

  • Jorge. I love that saying. Perfectly describes Garance. Come to think of it, I have notice that traffic has been a bit crazy in Venice. Haha.
    You look amazing in all. I like the idea of new year time to shake up our looks.


  • mademoiselle mauve January, 25 2017, 10:10 / Reply

    mais tu es tellement RAYONNANTE ! <3

  • You look amazing Garance! Makeup is a powerful tool, why don’t we use it more often?
    Best wishes from Lisbon
    Diana P

  • Rayonnante!!!

  • I think that you are beautiful, not just LOOK beautiful, but ARE one genuinly beautiful human being. Full stop. (and I would kill for you skin..)


  • Your inside beauty shines through Garance.. I love all of the looks but I especially love the warm smile that you always have. Just in case you get tired of all the pampering from the Laura Mercier team, I’d be more than happy to help you out and volunteer for a makeover ; -)

  • What is the yellow sweatshirt at the beginning… Love it! Greetings Claudia

  • Que la Californie te va comme un gant !!! :-) (la première série est…LUMINEUSE #whatelse)

  • What is the yellow shirt at the beginning? Love it!!!

  • Hi Claudia,

    The sweater is by Holiday Magazine! All of the clothing & accessory credits are at the bottom of the post.

    Tori x

  • Wow! You´re looking amazing! I like every look but the first one is my favorite. So fresh and natural and the color of the sweater is gorgeous. Very nice :)

    XoXo from Germany

    Neele vom Modeblog

  • So beautiful with your red lips look !

  • Que tu es belle! Sur le dernier make-up tu me fais penser à Daisy Ridley (star wars). Sinon rien avoir mais je ne sais pas si tu connais Kailey Melissa (une youtubeuse cheveux américaine), sa dernière astuce pour faire une queue de cheval ou un chignon sans mettre de stress sur sa hairline (et risquer de devenir un petit peu chauve à ce niveau là) est top. Je me suis dit que ça t’intéresserais pour ton bun!

  • Looking younger and younger Garance! Love the third look where you look a little frustrated. Hahahaa so cute

  • The first is subtle enough that it isn’t “she’s made up.” The second is fun but still not “made up” because it’s just the bold lip. And the third is more “dressy” than “made up.” In other words, you always look like you, and not like some painted version of you.
    Thanks for setting a good example!

  • You look stunning in all 3 looks, but I especially like the first one. You look refreshed, awake and vibrantly happy! Love the pop of yellow too <3

  • J’aime les trois looks, d’une discretion elegante, juste ce qu’il faut pour differentes occasions. Bravo pour les photos Eric !

  • valentine January, 25 2017, 2:19 / Reply

    Magnifiques photos Garance !! Trop belle.

  • So so beautiful, dear Garance! The first look is totally “your” and the smoky eyes is on top! <3 In any case your smile is something amazing and this make any make up! :-*

  • I feel like with red lupstick, you have to go lighter on the brows. It looks cartoony. Just me?

  • venezia30123 January, 25 2017, 3:29 / Reply

    Dear Garance,
    unfortunately is it very difficult to get the LM products in Italy ….love them.
    Anyway,I think the first look is super wow & fresh.It makes you “we all wanna hug you immediately”.super positive.
    I love the second one with a wow factor red lip and defined eybrows.Always chic and elegant ;and also always a little subversive and powerful.
    And to be very honest 3rd one not my cup of tea:especially the lip colour.All a little flat.It doesn’t let you shine.
    But how fantastic is it to play around!!!!Lots of love

  • I also wear the same products for my everyday make up. Lately, I like to buy extra items for especial occasions.

    How would you dress for a cold winter date? Check out my latest post for the answer :)

    Have a lovely day! MG

  • What is the last top and the first earring ? Beautiful ! ( sorry the credits for rtw and jewelery does not appears at the bottom of the post as you mentioned Tori ….) Thanks !

  • Hi Maia,

    I just took a look the credits are there – just way down at the bottom it starts with “On Garance.” Although if you are looking at the website in French they may not be there. Either way, the last top is Proenza Schouler and the first earrings are Laura Lombardi! Hope this helps!

    Tori x

  • Je ne commente pas souvent (à tort… I know), mais là obligée : tu es superbe !!! Cette série de photo (bravo à Erik aussi <3) m'a vraiment mis le sourire aux lèvres et me donne envie de m'amuser en me maquillant :)
    Alors merci et bonne semaine !!

  • All three looks are so chic! Xo

  • Le 1 ! Mais t’avais dit stop la petite crotte !

  • virginie January, 25 2017, 6:37 / Reply

    Stunning!!!(all 3 of that must be you!)

  • Judy motion January, 25 2017, 6:40 / Reply

    All three looks are superb. I’d love to watch a video that shows how the three looks are achieved.

  • We love you! You’re so fun. :) I especially love the red lip. It’s so fresh and energetic.

  • When do we get a Beauty Minute with Garance? I feel like it’s been a LONG time since you gave us skincare secrets. Please do share how you get the glow! XOXO

  • Marrikka January, 25 2017, 9:23 / Reply

    Garance, I rarely comment on here but… just because you’ve received an insane amount of flak for growing yours out, I wanted to comment that I love to see your hair longer and up again. You look lovely, and I do think the West Coast suits you.


  • I LOVE the first look. Gamine and fresh. Tres jolie!

  • I’ve always thought you’re one of the best lipstick girls on the WWW but I’ve never seen you with any colour other than red!
    I would love to see you with other brights (fuchsia… or coral) and some not-too-light neutrals… Show us!
    (I can totally see you rocking fuchsia)

    xx Al

  • Je adore le 3eme maquillage trop belle ! Le 1er janvier aime beaucoup aussi très lumineux cela correspond à votre nouveau chez vous belle journée

  • waww you look gorgeus in yellow!

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Le jaune est une couleur qui te va à merveille.
    Les photos sont sublimes.

  • J’ignore si c’est le maquillage ou l’air de LA, mais on dirait que tu as perdu quelques années (ou gagné?)!

  • shopgirl January, 26 2017, 4:45 / Reply

    Beautiful! And that yellow sweater helps too :-)

  • shopgirl January, 26 2017, 4:52 / Reply

    9 items for makeup is still too much for me :-(

  • Que tu es belle Garance. J’ai adoré ce nouvel article.

    Bisous bisous.

    Manon –

  • Coucou, ces looks te vont très bien mais j’ai une préférence pour le troisième :)

  • All looks are absolutely beautiful. You are absolutely beautiful. You could become an actress now (opposite of boring to look at!)

  • Camille Reddress January, 26 2017, 4:18 / Reply

    you look so stunning at happy !!!!!

  • Carolyne January, 26 2017, 4:31 / Reply

    You look fantastic, Garance!!! Reminding me of Audrey Hepburn and truly luminously lit from within!

  • Marianne January, 26 2017, 4:55 / Reply

    Hello, tu es rayonnante et très belle sur les trois séries mais j’ai quand même une préférence pour le premier look ! Bien plus naturel. Cette lumière donne de l’énergie et ce sweat te va à ravir, ça me donnerait presque envie de mettre du jaune dans ma garde robe… : )
    En fait non ça donne envie d’été, de soleil et de partir à la mer !!!
    bises à tout le studio !

  • Stunning pictures!!! I love that some of them are candid in nature. Its always so refreshing to see people act like themselves rather than statuesque model. :) x

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Juste quelques mots pour te dire que j’ai beaucoup aimé ton intervention sur le podcast de Lauren Bastide, très inspirant, notamment tes conseils de lecture. Il n’y avait pas trop d’anglicismes :-) et j’espère que tu feras à ton tour des podcasts en français .. qui sait .. une très bonne continuation en Californie et ailleurs :-) … Nathalie

  • omg! You are adorable Garance. Always inspiring…

  • j’aime beaucoup les n°1 et 2. le dernier est chouette aussi mais trop mat à mon goût. Je l’aurais travaillé avec un peu de gloss sur l’arcade , les sourcils et les pommettes.

  • Garance, your skin is flawless! Please tell us your routine. I’m dying to know!

  • Lumineuse ! ?


  • You look so radiant and happy! :) The first look is my favourite, a red lip looks beautiful on you.


  • Smokey!!

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