
Beach Blonde

10 years ago by

Like Garance, I’ve always wanted any other hair color than the brown that sits on my head. This has resulted in experiments with highlights (remember those ones you would do at home and pull through the cap? Yeah, I did that), ombré and all over color.

In the summer, I always get extra jealous of my blonde haired friends whose hair gets even lighter in the sun, while my hair just gets… hot. I’ve always stayed pretty far away from summer hair lighteners, like Sun-In, for fear I’d walk away from the beach with carrot orange locks (it contains Hydrogen Peroxide). But this summer, my blonde hair envy has reached new heights.

I asked Carolyn from the Studio (who has really pretty much perfect blonde hair) for her secret to summery platinum strands and she said it’s all about the lemon juice. She uses half of a fresh lemon and squeezes it all over her hair before she hits the beach. But be careful, because lemon can dry out your locks, so be sure you’re using a moisturizing conditioner or try a weekly hair mask (Carolyn likes this one from Fekkai).

Do you have a summer hair secret?


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  • Kenna Pichler July, 31 2014, 9:20 / Reply

    Caroline, you look amazing! This is Kenna I was friends with you back in school then you moved. You are such a sweet person and beautiful!

  • Her hair are amazing!!!!
    No secret for me, I have black hair… Just use the Leonor Greyl oil to protect my hair from the sun and the sea!

    Le monde des petites

  • healthy hair looks amazing! :)

  • Lemon Juice can also cause severe skin burn. So be EXTRA careful!!

  • Aujourd’hui, LA blonde (pour moi), c’est Blake Lively? Scarlett est pas mal dans son genre, mais elle n’a pas cette chevelure de sirène qui fait que Blake ressemble soit à une star des années 40, soit à une surfeuse californienne.

    J’étais donc dans le train, avec un Glamour. EN général je déteste les itw “secrets de beauté” des stars, parce que “oh comme par hasard” c’est toujours une égérie parfum ou beauté et qui est la pour dire qu’elle utilise bien les produits de la marque qui lui fait son chèque. Hyper spontané! Mais bon j’avais fini la presse people.

    Donc je lis. J’arrive au plus importants : la partie cheveux.

    Secret de Blake? Huile de nppoix de coco et eau salée… Pas un produit à 200$? Il faut absolument que j’essaye!!!

    L’huile de noix de coco, c’est la partie facile. Je le laisse poser en masque AVANT le shampoing. De 1h à une nuit. Ca a véritablement sauvé mes cheveux. Je ne connais plus le phénomène “paille”.

    L’eau de mer ça a été plus compliqué, à Paris on a la Seine, mais 1) c’est pas salé et 2) c’est dégueulasse. A défaut de partir à la plage bientôt, j’ai fouillé sur internet à la recherche d’une “recette”. J’utilise un mélange (en gros 150ml d’eau, 2 cuillères à café de sel et 2-3 gouttes d’huile d’argan). Je l’utilise de deux façons . Soit sur cheveux essorés AVANT séchage (si possible, laisser sécher à l’air libre) ou sur cheveux secs le matin au réveil. Résultat? A moi les cheveux de la californienne surfeuse sexy cool (mais “sans effort”, je reste parisienne merde!)

  • The best is L’huile du Cheveu by Colore par Rodolphe it has protection inside so it is just perfect.
    and +it smells so good:) makes your hair looks so sexy…i think you can order it on his of the best place in Paris.
    Yael Guetta

  • I’m dark brown since…always!! I don’t have the streght to try…
    XOX, Gap.

  • I am one of those blondes you speak of…it runs in my family! I have golden-colored hair, and it gets lighter and lighter in the summer so the front is nearly white, but never too washed out. I’ve dyed my hair a handful of times over the years, but have learned blonde is really where it’s at for me and so many people go to extremes to try to get the color I have naturally….I also do some lightening products, like John Frieda’s shampoo + conditioner with lemon that keeps my roots brighter in winter (otherwise they start to grow in a dirty brown/dark blonde and take longer to truly get blonde) and I also just bought Lush’s Marilyn pre-shampoo treatment. Lemon juice is definitely where it’s at, though! My mom used to do it always in the 70’s.

  • Ahah ! Ce bonnet sur la tête pour faire les mèches je m’en souviens bien j’ai même une photo de moi le portant tellement j’étais ridicule!

    Les miens éclaircissent légèrement au soleil mais c’est jamais vraiment comme on en a envie!


  • Davines Oi oil! A little goes a long way. I used it when I had long hair and I still use a little drop with my super short hair. Do it!

  • New favorite hair product is Olivine Sea Salt Spray! I featured a post on it today as one of my packing essentials!

  • AH I’m exactly the same way!!! I want to be blonde so bad, but could never do it (I’m Asian…not the best combo) but my hair is actually pretty light brown. Been thinking of going a shade lighter with some highlights! Maybe I’ll start with lemon juice first :) Thanks for the post!

    xx Bee

  • Ayant les cheveux chatain claire, pour l’été j’utilise du shampoing à la camomille (style Klorane) + le masque Marilyn de chez Lush 1 fois par semaine que je laisse sur mes cheveux au moins 45 minutes au soleil. Ta-daaaa!

  • Oh ouiiii je veux les mêmes cheveux que la fille moi aussi!! ;-)
    Marre de mon bruuuun qui n’éclaircit jamais! :-(

  • Le bonnet de bain.

  • Ah good tip for light summer hair. Will give it a try here and see how it works.

    Priscilla Joy
    Dutch Caribbean

  • I used to use lemon juice in my hair when I was a teenager. I have brown hair but it has a lot of red highlights and the lemon juice used to bring the red out. Summery blond hair is so much fun…wish I had the complexion to try it out but my skin is way to dark to pull it off, I think!


  • I am a natural blonde and I use John Frieda lightening spray. However, be careful of overuse because once my hair turned green. Used wisely, it is really perfect! Also great, any ‘purple shampoo’ from hair salons to get rid of the ‘ashy’ colour of blonde in the winter. xxxx

  • Actually purple shampoo neutralizes orange tones in the hair and promotes a more ashy tone

  • Vanessa la belge July, 31 2014, 11:00 / Reply

    Le citron ! J’ai vu une femme faire ca, au bord de la piscine, pendant mes vacances et je suis restée bouche bée. Mais bon, avec ma crinière brune, on peut oublier…

  • I swear by John Freida’s blonde shampoo that has lemon and chamomile in it – it brightens and lightens my hair and leaves it soft and shiny!

    xx, Kristi

  • I have blonde hair that gets blonder in the summer, but the downside to that is MAJOR dryness and sun damage. I have to use a deep-conditioning mask once a week or it’s like straw!

  • Beautiful hair!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I don’t really have a secret, I wish I did. That would remove all the hair crisis moments ;) Love summer blonde and some good beach hair xx

  • Never heart about lemon juice but I really wane try it. After I decided to stop coloring my hair, I have a not to identify color and need a little light in it! so lemon juice, here I come!

    love from Germany and the -fatcatconnection-


  • I just put some Nuxe Oil in my hair before go to bed

  • Idem jus de citron… et puis 3 highlights par an…
    Mais je suis sure que tu es une brune pulpeuse…

  • Diane S. July, 31 2014, 1:02 / Reply

    When I was younger, and my honey-blonde hair was natural, I did try lemon juice. I must have a lot of red in my hair, because after a few lemon juice sessions, people started greeting me with “Hey, Lucy! You got a lotta ‘splainin’ to do!” I thought I looked smashing as a redhead.

  • Quand je veux m’éclaircir les cheveux, j’utilise un shampoing à la camomille avec l’exposition au soleil et (quand je vais à la mer).

  • Un chapeau de paille.

  • Comme dit plus haut l’huile de noix de coco fait des merveilles pour les cheveux (elle a sauvé les miens deux trois décolos plus de nombreuses couleurs). Je pense vraiment qu’en l’utilisant comme masque tu peux sans hésiter de verser sur le crâne des litrons de jus de citron chaque jour.

  • I have what some might call “dark blonde” hair. The jury is always out on whether to call me a brunette or not…but in the summer, it’s pretty clear I’m blonde.

    I was dying my hair for many years (from dark brown, to red, to bleach-blonde) but found my crazy curls couldn’t keep up with the damage I was doing and so I quit. Only 2 summers of the last 10 have I had my natural hair colour.

    Ladies, let me tell you, this dark-blonde-my-hair-gets-light-in-the-summer comes at a cost, okay? And that cost is mousy-brown locks during most of the year (I live in Ottawa, Canada so my summers are…well…limited).

    My secret is chamomile tea and lemon, and sun. Lots and lots of sun (while wearing SPF, of course!).

    Brew 5-10 tea bags of chamomile tea (let it sit for at least 20 min…you want it strong!) and add in at least half a lemon’s worth of juice. Stir that bad boy up, put it in a spritz bottle and get your bum to the beach. That’s about it.

  • Nice post!
    Ny little secret: be kind with my hair and only apply products that contain good ingredients! So I aways check the composition :-).
    I love using olive or argan oil on the lenght…..super repairing!x

  • Je suis blonde et, quand les beaux jours arrivent, je ne tiens plus : je m’expose au soleil sur la terrasse avec du …monoï sur les cheveux. Attention potentiel glamour inexistant ! Et nécessité sur 2 shampooings. Mais les effets sont là. Par contre on aurait tendance à croire que l’huile va nourrir les cheveux, mais au soleil cela mes abîme plus qu’autre chose donc passage par la case soin capillaire obligatoire !

  • If I’m not careful then my winter look of dark brown hair changes as the summer sun gets hotter and I go from brunette to brunette with red highlights to a dark redhead! My solution is to wear a hat whenever I go outside to using product with UV protectors. I’ve also been known to use a Clairol Nice-n-Easy colour rinse to cover the red. I still miss the best product ever for my hair… Klorane shampoo and conditioner with walnut leaves – best thing ever for bringing back my locks to the right colour and great condition too! What ever happened to this product and does anyone know why they stopped making it?

  • Lemon juice is good helper in case your hair is natural and you just want to give them more blonde highlights. I used to use it in my childhood a lot.
    Now I prefer my hair very dark brown – black especially during summer, because I just like it :) Definitely no blond anymore!
    Inspiration Point by Paula Fleur

  • Jennifer August, 1 2014, 7:58 / Reply

    I am a natural deep brunette, I dyed my hair blonde for a f years and loved it but missed my brown. Plus the blonde was a lot of work and upkeep. I found with my hair whether blonde or brunette the products and care are most important. I use a lot of Kerastase products. I switch their shampoo and condioners monthly. The one for colour, sun, a strengthening. I love their sea salt spray, heat protection lotion, and colour radiance cream. I’ve found leaving their conditioner on while at the beach seems to “bake” it in and after I just rinse it out for soft shiny hair. My favorite summer product is a spray for sun protection that has a little sparkle to it, makes my air shiny while protected and the over night lotion seems to fix most issues my hair has.

  • Maryanne August, 1 2014, 8:25 / Reply

    I’m from Brazil and have experience with summer and sun. Be very carefull with lemon at the sun because can really damage your skin by creating dark spots that takes years to remove. Since we are kids we learn to take care with lemon ice cream at the beach. I remember getting a lemon moustache spot when I was a kid.

  • The blond hair is perfect, but I have dark brown hair, how can I do :) :) :)

  • Ses cheveux sont absolument parfaits ! LE blond que je voudrais avoir ! Pourtant on ne dirait pas qu’elle a des mèches platines… Quelle belle photo et mise en lumière !

  • Alex, which conditioner does Carolyn use? the link does’t work…thanks!

  • The Studio August, 1 2014, 11:13

    Hi Dana! Sorry about the link – I’ve updated it so it works now. – Carolyn

  • C’est exactement ce que j’ai fait hier !

    Un peu de jus de citron + une infusion à la camomille (préparer préalablement puis refroidi) le tout mit une petite bouteille spray. Après application, ne pas oublier de mettre de la protection solaire, et go s’exposer au soleil. Par contre il faut répéter l’application, car les cheveux s’éclaircissent petit à petit, donc patience patience.

    Vous pouvez aussi faire un masque à base de miel (lui aussi aider à éclaircir les cheveux, il y a plusieurs recettes sur le net et très facile à faire chez soi, le petit plus que ça les soigne).


  • In the summer I take the highlights too. Also a way to do it,, use lemon, but not too much :-)

    X Chris ? ?

  • ElizabethCC August, 1 2014, 3:24 / Reply

    I’ve been using John Frieda Go blonder spray, you use it on wet hair, takes about ten uses to see a difference. It gives a really natural look, sun lightened without the sun. When I lived in a sunny country it made my hair so bright and glossy but now that I live in the land of eternal cloud it hasnt worked as well.. Guess I’ll have to hit the salon this summer.

  • J’ai éclairci mes cheveux avec la gelée éclaircissante garnier cet hiver, et ma foi, ça a super bien fonctionné: j’ai des cheveux bruns très foncés et j’ai maintenant un joli brun très clair, et je n’en ai eu que des compliments. Pour ma part, ça ne m’a pas asséché les cheveux donc gros + . J’ai fini par en racheter 3 boites pour avoir un stock quand mes cheveux poussent :)

  • “poil de carotte” ??? Ça aurait été plus joli de dire “des mèches rousses”… :)

  • J’adore sa couleur de cheveux !! :)


  • I use Sun-In…! It works quite on my dark blonde hair and looks really natural. I don’t use it so often though, so as to not dry my hair out or so that the colour won’t be too fake. The effect is a “natural” ombré and when I go to the hair stylist and the colorist ask who does my hair, I’m always so shy to tell them it’s that really cheap and common product. hihi!

  • I just go a little brighter with the highlights in the summer but nothing drastic. For the last 3 years, I’ve been a devotee of 12 Benefits spray in thermal protectant. After 6 months my broken, dry, straw-like hair was once again soft, smooth and shiny. I have baby-fine hair and am 51 so I’d recommend this product to anyone with fragile hair who spends a lot of time in the sun.

  • MONIQUE RIO August, 3 2014, 5:34 / Reply

    Je suis bresiliènne et je suis habituée avec le soleil et la plage toute ma vie.Je vous assure que le citron est très dangereux au soleil.Ça brûle la peau et fait des tâches très dificiles a sortir. même si on le met q’aux cheveux, ça coule vers la peau ,et peut causer de severes brulures.Citron et soleil cést une combinaison explosive , restez loin de ça síl vous plait.

  • Angelina August, 7 2014, 4:37 / Reply

    Je triche : un balayage californien en début d’été + une très bonne coiffeuse et je laisse faire le soleil !

  • GUILLERMIN Anna August, 13 2014, 8:55 / Reply

    Petit conseil de blonde bouclée et sudiste pour éclaircir sans TROP SECHER les cheveux…
    Le SAVON DE MARSEILLE PUR (pas celui à l’huile d’olive mais le savon blanc pur)
    Après mon shampoing je finis par faire mousser un peu de savon de marseille aux racines et sur toute la longueur, effet éclaircit garanti ! =)

    Mais je fais toujours des soins car l’été les cheveux sèches rapidement…

  • Chamomile rinses after every swim and every shower. Clarifies, softens and gently brightens. Can also be used on face as toner. Feels good and smells good and so inexpensive.

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