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All is Well with Dr. Janine Mahon

3 years ago by

Dr. Janine Mahon was raised in Northern California but her interests have taken her all over the world, including an abundant time spent in Taiwan, surrounded by generations of Chinese medical doctors. She now calls New Mexico home, where she creates products that are specifically developed to help your body remember how it can optimally function. Read on to learn more about Dr. Janine’s products and how she supports her wellness throughout all of life’s cycles…

What do you do daily for your wellness?

One thing that is thankfully shifting for me as I age, is that I am learning to not put so much pressure on myself to do all the self-care things I know of, it is exhausting and that isn’t the point. There are a few things that feel good to be consistent with, and one of them is noticing the weather. When I pause and take in the sky, the wind, the strength of the sun, I automatically notice plants and what stage of bloom or decay they are in. This quick and simple act connects me to something bigger and I feel a part of. When I wake, I love taking a moment with my partner, to see each other for the first time on that day. There is a sweetness to connecting as the day starts and sometimes before our eyes open. Room temp or warm water with lemon helps me rinse away what was detoxed overnight and start from a replenished space. I have a morning and nighttime ritual of putting my Libido Vita oil on my neck, it’s alchemy reminds me that it feels so good to see life through the lens of beauty. I take at least one walk a day in nature regardless of weather and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

What do you do weekly for your wellness?

I love this question because it feels free. There are things I know would feel good to do on a daily routine, but some days are full and I would rather relax than create stress. I do love my yoga on Fridays with Marisol in a yurt at Los Poblanos farm alongside my best friend and the soulful conversations that follow. Almost daily I spend time in my garden which fulfills my desire to get my hands in the dirt. I absolutely love to dance. It is by far my favorite form of meditation! Skin Glow and Menopause have been in my routine recently. Skin Glow because it fills my body with nutrients that not only calm my emotions, but helps brings a glow and Qi to the face. This is the same post yoga or orgasm glow when energy is flowing. And, because I am almost 45 and there are times I feel heat in my body, the Menopause elixir helps to release the heat and balance my hormones. When you leave a pot of soup on to boil too long and everything dries up. This can be like our bodies during menopause when we don’t create balance and become dry and hot.

What do you do monthly for your wellness?

I check in with myself. Days and weeks pass so quickly and I am not a very consistent person, so it isn’t uncommon for me to completely forget something that made me feel good. The things I check in on are things like, am I listening to music, dancing, feeling inspired by cookbooks and making new dishes, giving my mind space to creative and go where that inspiration takes me, and am I being present with myself and others. Nature supports me, so pausing to think about the month ahead and what stage we are going into is inspiring. I think about how my body will shift going into winter and how I can make small shifts so I benefit the most physically and emotionally. I love thinking about these patterns!

What do you do yearly for your wellness?

This questions feels a little harder to answer but it is making me reflect on how I do think about time. I would say I think about my life in reference to seasons and then stages and pivotal points. My daughter is turning 21 soon and recently moved to Chicago. I have spent more time recently reflecting on our journey together and the possibilities ahead. I do reflect on my past desires and if they still feel current or can I release them to welcome in new adventures. One thing I do yearly is get a pap and a well-woman check up from my family doctor.

How do you define wellness?

For me, wellness is a practice of intentionally looking for beauty in my daily activities (yoga, products that contribute to my health, time with loved ones…). This practice feeds my inner joy and creates a continuous circle of deep satisfaction which I call wellness.

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