
A beauty minute with Caroline Ventura

10 years ago by

Morning: I wash my face with Fresh Soy Cleanser. I’ve tried a bunch of different ones. I have really delicate skin and it’s the only one that doesn’t make my face break out. It’s really light, it’s easy to use, it smells really good. I’m really sensitive to smell as well. Then I use the Rodin Face Oil and I mix three drops of that with some kind of hyaluronic acid that I usually get at Whole Foods. Then I do a teeny bit of the Crème Ancienne from Fresh, I just kind of pat that in. I tend to not wear a ton of makeup in the summer.

I comb my eyebrows and fill them in with a little bit of powder, I use some MAC dark brown eyeshadow. I have really dark eyebrows for having light hair. I got really into tweezing my eyebrows in the 90s like Drew Barrymore, so… thanks Drew for making all of us tweeze our eyebrows into nothing!

I like the RMS concealer, the ones in the little pots, those are great to pat in when you have a blemish. They also have a cream eyeshadow in Lunar, it’s kind of irridescient. I like to pat that on to the top of my cheekbones for a little bit of shimmer. RMS is my new found obsession.

As far as my hair, I was really surprised that this pink worked out as well as it did. I went to this place in Greenpoint called The Paint Box. This girl Jenny is amazing. I noticed that I was able to wear less makeup once I did the pink. It really brightened my face up and now I don’t really need to do as much to it.

I try to let it air dry as much as possible, I do a little salt spray and a little bit of dry shampoo. People always say that they love Klorane and I love it too. I always used the one with oat milk in it but then I found another one with nettle, it has a green cap. I like that one better. The nettle one is for oily hair. I make my own salt spray. I do one part salt, two parts water and the tiniest bit of whatever leave-in conditioner I have laying around. I shake it up and spray it in, it works. I don’t use a lot of it. If I do dry my hair, I dry it until it’s 70 percent dry and then spray salt water, shake it around and it’s done.

It’s pretty high maintenance to look low maintenance. I use a lot of products. I do more of the skin care as makeup philosophy. My mom blessed me with really nice genes, she looks really young for her age. She’s Italian so she has really great skin.

Day: I always have Aesop hand cream. My hands get really dry because I wash them a ton. Ironically, I hate when the smell like metal and I work with metal all day so I’m always washing my hands. My friend just brought me back one of the Vaseline tins from London. It’s tinted. It’s like the Rosebud Salve. You can only get it in the UK I think. Really sheer, really nicely tinted.

Night: I do the same thing as in the morning. At night, I try to spend a little more time decompressing in the bathroom. I try to mellow out, give myself a little bit more of a face massage when I’m rubbing the cream in.”


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  • Happy Arli June, 18 2014, 4:37 / Reply

    Trop belle, super naturelle!

  • pink hair!!! i wonder which hue would i go for and, more importantly, which one would look good w/ my skin tone! :)

  • Great beauty routine, she uses very good beauty products!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Je suis vraiment curieuse de savoir ce qu’est cette “sorte d’acide hyaluronique que Caroline trouve chez Whole Foods, tu crois que tu pourrais te renseigner auprès d’elle pour connaître le nom exact du produit Garance?

    Super routine et super post!

    Lucie xxx

  • She does have beautiful skin and she is right to take such good care of it and to be grateful for her mom’s lovely genes. If I had it to do over again, I’d pay much more attention to my skin. Even being in great physical shape doesn’t make you look younger if your skin has aged from sun exposure. (Yeah, and not having great skin genes doesn’t help either.)

    But, Caroline, what’s with the disembodied ears on your web site? I find them a little disturbing :-)

  • Ce serait bien de voir un profil de fille un jour qui dirait qu’elle a de l’acné, des points noirs, une rosacée, quelque chose. Elles ont toujours des peaux impeccables ma foi (magnifiques, il va sans dire!), mais quand je me promène tous les jours, je vois des peaux de filles (de tous les âges), beaucoup plus imparfaites. Je remarque aussi que mes amies pour la plupart (et moi-même), autour de la trentaine, ne l’avons pas nécessairement facile, avons beaucoup d’imperfections, etc. Bref, ce serait bien.

  • Those Vaseline tinted lip balms are amazing, I got my tin in the UK as well, but they now sell them in the US, but in little mini-Vaseline jars. Perfect pink

  • Stunning hairstyle, like it.

  • Anielle June, 19 2014, 3:11 / Reply

    Je dois essayer son nettoyant visage! Ce semble vraiment manifique!

  • J’aime beaucoup la fraicheur , le naturel et le style de Caroline.

    Je n’avais pas remarqué qu’elle avait les cheveux roses sur la photo, ça c’est du culot, elle sait changer de look , j’aurais bien aimé voir une autre photos ou on se rend compte de l’effet cheveux roses sur son visage.
    Coté bijoux, elle est sur une tendance bijoux-tatouages-rock-épuré avec un excellent rapport qualité prix. Dans la même famille, j’aime aussi bcp la créatrice Française Adeline Cacheux, qui comme Caroline fait tous ses bijoux elle même dans son atelier:

    Encore merci pour le concept cheveux rose, super tentant …

  • La photo est d’une douceur incroyable ! En tout cas elle a l’air super naturelle ;-)

  • elle a une peau parfaite et vue sa routine c’est normal. Elle prend tellement bien soin de sa peau !
    j’aimerai avoir la même (un petit peu jalouse sur les bords)—s-e-l-f-i-e

  • Elle est super jolie ! J’adore ces cheveux, c’est très discret le rose, et ça apporte un petit quelque chose en plus ;)
    Bise !!

  • Ma rubrique préférée :)

  • Quel belle photo, pleine de grâce ! Et j’adore l’huile Rodin également :)

  • true natural beauty!

  • Awesome hair!! never thought I’d like pink hair, but the subtlety really makes it great.

  • Wonderful skincare routine! I love her style and not only because we share the same name….

  • J’avoue j’adore sa routine effortless trop cool! et le cote spray eau sale/impression mr c’est tout a fait moi sans le processus!

  • Wouah les cheveux, ils vaudraient un post à eux tous seuls!

  • Très jolie photo! ….

  • Plein de conseils effectivement dans ce post..j’adoore. Merci pour les tuyaux sur les oui, le massage pour le visage, c’est excellent. Je dirais même que c’est plus important que la crème que l’on applique. Bravo pour ce super post;)

  • In South Korea, China, Japan and Brazil people always use sunscreen after skincare products. In some Europe countries I don’t see people talking about using sunscreen (here on the Beauty Minute i didn’t notice it too). When i read about skincare, there’s always advice about sun exposure. Well, it makes me curious, because girls like Caroline have such beautiful skin that i’m starting to think that sunscreen is bullshit (lol)

  • I’ve always liked Caroline’s style. Great choice for this series! It is fun to learn about her beauty routine.

  • OMG the homemade sea salt spray tip! I loved her half-bun hair do in the one easy piece article.

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