Zoolander At Valentino?!
9 years ago by
Zoolander and Hansel closed the Valentino show!! This is not a drill…
After the final look of the Valentino collection, the classical music was interrupted by “Don’t You Want Me” — and Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson took to the runway for a legendary walk off.
The underwear stayed on but it was still one of our favorite moments of fashion week. They both threw off their jackets, and Stiller grabbed a phone from someone’s hand! His blue steel is still perfect…
Zoolander 2 is coming out soon (yes, really). This is marketing that exemplifies the notion of “preaching to the converted”, but is charming due to its combination of grandiose humour and self-conscious self-mockery. Bet they use a clip of this in the upcoming film. Very cute indeed!
I’m in love with those guys!!
XOX, Gap.
great idea :) they are atractive with Valentino…
So cool !
A perfect and uplifting end to balance the seriousness and beauty of the collection.
It ties in with the designers idea of a more idealist and brighter future.
so good! I love that they did this
Coachella Giveaway on my blog!
This is so exciting! All the great quotes from the first movie come flooding back, I can’t wait to see the second one, though topping the first one is a TOUGH act! Good show, Valentino, goooood show. <3
Ahlala! Les vidéos verticaux!! :-(
J’adore! Vivement Zoolander 2!
I always thought that Zoolander was such a foolish movie but I actually laughed hard when I heard about the Valentino show. I am happy to see that some fashion people have a sense of humor since the majority just take themselves too seriously!Fashion in supposed to be fun in my opinion.
So cool and funny!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Epique ?
WOW, That is the BEST!!! What a way to end Fashion Month! A nice reality check that this is all light hearted and cant be taken tooo seriously :)
The guy whose phone he took is a social media “celebrity” on snap-chat :https://www.facebook.com/jeromejarre?pnref=story . He is the one who was famous for this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ2ioeg31u4 … LOL
Hahaa! So funny!!! ;P