J’ai decouvert C. Issa sur les posts de Scott. Elle est belle, elegante et raffinee.
Ce qu’elle porte pour J.Crew lui va a ravir et le cachemire rose met sa beaute en valeur.
J’adore Caroline Issa , je trouve qu’elle a beaucoup de classe , et lorsque je la regarde elle m’apaise , elle a l’air très simple mais ses tenues sont toujours supers et bien pensées , et en plus son travail me fait rêver , merci Garance :) <3
Comme toujours, une vidéo si inspirante. Mon rêve, c’est d’être elle…Carolina Issa! Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j’aime à penser que nos parcours similaires…grande école de commerce, une carrière dans la finance, malgré une passion certaine pour la mode,….me permettront de sauter le pas et de trouver un travail dans l’édition & la mode, qui me permette de concilier vie professionnelle & passion personnelle.
Il fut un temps, je laissais des messages tous les jours sur ton blogs, …mais je me suis vite découragée en réalisant que je n’aurais probablement jamais de réponse. Mais je comprends, nous sommes des milliers à espérer….
Apres avoir ecrit un commentaire sur la superbe Caroline Issa, je me suis aventuree sur le site Zara Home pour admirer leur belle video qui m’a donne envie de “faire les Puces”. Vers la fin du film,(1:13) sur un meuble ancien, que vois-je ? Une photo “vintage” de Scott !! J’adore !!
The magazine looks interesting and (from what I can see in the video) it is full of photos that would be a great inspiration for me. I have never heard of it, but must definitelly look for it next time I get abroad. Thank you for the tip!
I want to work in a magazine when I’m older so I love watching behind-the-scenes videos at magazines! And TANK looks like a really good one full of inspiration – I’ll keep an eye out for it! xx
I always liked J. Crew for their simplistic but well made pieces. This campaign shows how this line can look good on anyone from a surfer dude to a busy executive fashion director……even the first lady! Job well done.
For chic casual/athletic wear, exquisite lingerie, 100% mineral makeup/skincare please visit http://www.intrigueimports.com
The video was a success at the office, everyone was watching it like crazy, loving to see Caroline and to discover who was in the video!! It was my first day of work there (I intern for the fashion department at Tank), and it was amazingly exiting and incredibly surprising to find out that one of my favourite bloggers and photographers was going to be there, at the office, in my very fist day. Couldn’t face to talk to Scott, but it was super exiting for me, and I was always peeking at what they were doing. And also, first time I saw Caroline walk in the office, with that beautiful neon pink, it was mesmerising. Really loved to be there, AND, you can see my parka in one of the photos (hanging on a chair) AND you can see myself blurred on the right side of the image, sitting on a table, looking at my computer, brown hair, and denim shirt (super quickly though). Love the video editing, and the colours and selection of images. AND THAT I CAN SAY I WAS THERE! Love it! Congratulations for the video and for the huge success with J. Crew’s campaign!!
i love pink…..especially on my blue & white smooth coat Chihuahua Tenzing Snow wear a pink polo with embroidered kelly green alligator….colar up and accessorised with a kelly green step in leach….
Wasn’t there a post at some point showing a cameo ring, and you asked us to guess who it belonged to? Am I imagining things or confusing posts in my mind? Anyhow, there’s something about the zooming in and out of her ring that I appreciate a lot. Thank you for the full dose of fashion weekend! Getting me ready for fashion week!
Comment résister à Caroline Issa??
Elle a l’air si douce et si forte à la fois (ça fait un peu pub pour café, et alors?: le café est réconfortant et stimulant, il réunit les gens autour de lui et t’aide à te concentrer ou à te retrouver quand tu es seul. )
Elle est discrète dans son maintien mais on ne remarque qu’elle et son sourire franc.
Sinon, tes vidéos me font bizarrement penser aux haikus… des petits moments suspendus comme ça, très brefs et rien que l’essentiel avec de la place dans les silences pour tout le reste…
Great impact of colour, I’ve been an admirer of Caroline’s style and asthetic for the past year or so. She has a really successful career and comes across very humble. I really like TANK magazine for its layout and content, it always has new photography styles and techniques! Great job team! http://daniellejadewindsor.tumblr.com/
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I love her work and Tank magazine !
Caroline is beautiful! I love what she has on.
Elle respire la douceur… J’enfilerai bien son pull rose :)
Super sympa cette vidéo :)
Ah Caroline Issa! J’aime beaucoup son style et ce qu’elle dégage:)
Caroline Issa is one of my greatest style inspirations… but the greatest thing is that her best accessory is her marvelous smile!
Great, she’s got a super cool job. I’ve also noticed you’re using concorde’s songs on your videos, I love it!
Caroline is awesome Love her:)
Caroline dégage vraiment quelque chose de fort et d’inspirant…
Théa Unknown
J’ai decouvert C. Issa sur les posts de Scott. Elle est belle, elegante et raffinee.
Ce qu’elle porte pour J.Crew lui va a ravir et le cachemire rose met sa beaute en valeur.
J’adore Caroline Issa , je trouve qu’elle a beaucoup de classe , et lorsque je la regarde elle m’apaise , elle a l’air très simple mais ses tenues sont toujours supers et bien pensées , et en plus son travail me fait rêver , merci Garance :) <3
Bonjour Garance,
Comme toujours, une vidéo si inspirante. Mon rêve, c’est d’être elle…Carolina Issa! Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j’aime à penser que nos parcours similaires…grande école de commerce, une carrière dans la finance, malgré une passion certaine pour la mode,….me permettront de sauter le pas et de trouver un travail dans l’édition & la mode, qui me permette de concilier vie professionnelle & passion personnelle.
Il fut un temps, je laissais des messages tous les jours sur ton blogs, …mais je me suis vite découragée en réalisant que je n’aurais probablement jamais de réponse. Mais je comprends, nous sommes des milliers à espérer….
Merci pour toute cette inspiration!
I love her style and wish I could pull off that minimalist look.
She’s one of my style inspirations! Beautiful!
These just keep getting better!
Caroline ! Toujours aussi belle dans sa simplicité.
I loved it !
I’m posting looks from Los Angeles and summer accessories:
I love this video!!!!
Apres avoir ecrit un commentaire sur la superbe Caroline Issa, je me suis aventuree sur le site Zara Home pour admirer leur belle video qui m’a donne envie de “faire les Puces”. Vers la fin du film,(1:13) sur un meuble ancien, que vois-je ? Une photo “vintage” de Scott !! J’adore !!
Love the color mood in this video!
A beautiful smile, a beautiful woman. I love the work she does at Tank.
The magazine looks interesting and (from what I can see in the video) it is full of photos that would be a great inspiration for me. I have never heard of it, but must definitelly look for it next time I get abroad. Thank you for the tip!
nice!!!!! love it!!
I want to work in a magazine when I’m older so I love watching behind-the-scenes videos at magazines! And TANK looks like a really good one full of inspiration – I’ll keep an eye out for it! xx
Kate {Modette}
Great video, Garance!!!
I always liked J. Crew for their simplistic but well made pieces. This campaign shows how this line can look good on anyone from a surfer dude to a busy executive fashion director……even the first lady! Job well done.
For chic casual/athletic wear, exquisite lingerie, 100% mineral makeup/skincare please visit http://www.intrigueimports.com
life/style blog: http://intrigueimports.wordpress.com
The video was a success at the office, everyone was watching it like crazy, loving to see Caroline and to discover who was in the video!! It was my first day of work there (I intern for the fashion department at Tank), and it was amazingly exiting and incredibly surprising to find out that one of my favourite bloggers and photographers was going to be there, at the office, in my very fist day. Couldn’t face to talk to Scott, but it was super exiting for me, and I was always peeking at what they were doing. And also, first time I saw Caroline walk in the office, with that beautiful neon pink, it was mesmerising. Really loved to be there, AND, you can see my parka in one of the photos (hanging on a chair) AND you can see myself blurred on the right side of the image, sitting on a table, looking at my computer, brown hair, and denim shirt (super quickly though). Love the video editing, and the colours and selection of images. AND THAT I CAN SAY I WAS THERE! Love it! Congratulations for the video and for the huge success with J. Crew’s campaign!!
She’s so sunny and happy) I like the way she communicates with the employees)
i love pink…..especially on my blue & white smooth coat Chihuahua Tenzing Snow wear a pink polo with embroidered kelly green alligator….colar up and accessorised with a kelly green step in leach….
she looks lovely in pink….she is very exotic….but pulls off preppy…under her counter is a mess??
Nice video : j’adore l’humeur, le rythme, le rose de son pull, ses ongles rouges et comme il est apaisant de la regarder
Another great video! Thank you for posting!
~Natasha Fatah~
Wasn’t there a post at some point showing a cameo ring, and you asked us to guess who it belonged to? Am I imagining things or confusing posts in my mind? Anyhow, there’s something about the zooming in and out of her ring that I appreciate a lot. Thank you for the full dose of fashion weekend! Getting me ready for fashion week!
Elle trés belle…
Lovely video! :)
Félicitations: super vidéo… du travail de pro!
Très belle énergie de vous tous, j’adore la musique, ça donne envie de vous rejoindre !
Great campaign! I love J.Crew and love working with them on channelling this campaign out!
Comment résister à Caroline Issa??
Elle a l’air si douce et si forte à la fois (ça fait un peu pub pour café, et alors?: le café est réconfortant et stimulant, il réunit les gens autour de lui et t’aide à te concentrer ou à te retrouver quand tu es seul. )
Elle est discrète dans son maintien mais on ne remarque qu’elle et son sourire franc.
Sinon, tes vidéos me font bizarrement penser aux haikus… des petits moments suspendus comme ça, très brefs et rien que l’essentiel avec de la place dans les silences pour tout le reste…
Great impact of colour, I’ve been an admirer of Caroline’s style and asthetic for the past year or so. She has a really successful career and comes across very humble. I really like TANK magazine for its layout and content, it always has new photography styles and techniques! Great job team! http://daniellejadewindsor.tumblr.com/
Loving this JCrew Campaign?
je t’aime garance ce video c’est très mieux
ps: sorry if my french is not good, I’m from Spain
Love Caroline Issa and her sharp but laid-back style. It’s funny but your J. Crew videos actually make me want to shop there!
hello j’ai beaucoup aimé cette vidé oh!
By boubou . création de sacs
C’est tellement stylish et elle est vraiment belle.
Love this campaign!