Ohhhh what a great video, superb! Great coverage and compilation of all the week happenings! Can’t wait for the next series! Love the end, Garance has the moves! :-))))))))))))
Salut Garance, What a lovely bit of film, just marvelous. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I would just like to say how glad I am that SJP has not had any evident “work” done. She is beautiful and full of character at her age.
kiss, kiss, xo d
Beautiful! Thank you for letting us all share a little bit of the fashion shows..deserving ovation for YSL (gorgeous) ..Channel with always superb presentations and Louis Vuitton’s setting..all great!
A chaque fois je pense un agréable moment en regardant tes vidéos Garance. Ça m’ouvre une porte sur un monde auquel je ne peux avoir accès. Et en plus, cerise sur le gâteau, il y a de la super music qui accompagne tes images. Bravo!
Ahhh… I feel so sad that this serious is over(am I sure? maybe some outtakes one or two?? hopefully XD) but it was really wonderful to watch through the fashion week with your wit, insight and guide. The pleasure was entirely mine(or ours?). Thank you so much for sharing.
Absolutely loved these series of videos – well done!!! Hopefully you find more opportunities to create more of these in the future. Thanks for sharing the Paris Fashion Week!
Je laisse rarement des commentaires, mais là, quand même, il faut, tu vas comprendre : on le voit à peine mais tu portes (au moins chez Lanvin) ce fabuleux pantalon dans ce fabuleux imprimé de chez J Crew ! Pourquoi je le remarque : parce que je suis revenue de NY il y a 15 jours avec (entre autres) la jupe du même imprimé ! Jupe crayon, qui me semblait improbable au premier coup d’oeil, et s’avère finalement si ravissante. Cette imprimé est tellement joli …
Alors, cette courte connivence entre nous m’a fait chaud au coeur !
A 16 ans, je viens de rentrer dans un lycée de la Mode en France avec l’espérance de devenir styliste, les études sont durs, surtout lorsque l’on est loin de Paris, que l’on y a même jamais mis les pieds. Bref, ton blog me permets chaque jour d’en découvrir un peu plus et ne pas me laisser abattre par la rareté des places dans le monde la Mode, et pour cela je te remercie milles fois !
Je te laisse avec l’espérance de te rencontrer un jour,
One thing I enjoy most about your videos is seeing the way you and your friends put together creative and inspiring looks. This entire video series was the highlight of the fashion season!
oh là là !! you’ve used my bosse’s music again !!
i’m Ornette’s very proud backing-singer !!! ;-)
here is a link to Les Colettes’ (my band) video on Le Cargo :
Chère Garance, le video est pur bonheur et beauté!!! L’échange sur les schroumph m’a fait beaucoup rire!!! Pour rajouter à votre nomenclature , en espagnol on dit : Pitufos!!!!!
Garance, please never stop doing these! You set the tone perfectly, it is an amazing inside view and you seem so lovely! Fingers crossed for next season
I am so in love with these videos, they ar spectacular! I loved the Chanel and LV shows and of course, the dates with your girls:). Thanks for sharing xoxo
I enjoyed all the videos. You are so pretty and you’re always smiling. Beautiful. You should have your own shown, the camera adores you…and so do we ;)
Garance…..you are the real Sex and the City girl! Real, funny, cool, sweet….did I say funny?
You should have a contest with your readers to go with you to a show! I would LOVE to go!!
Garance, genialissime!!!
Tu as su garder la simplicité et la bonne humeur que tu as des le début! Chapeau bas! surtout dans le milieu de la mode!
Je t’ai vu au show LV mais j’ai eu honte de venir te parler.
Is it sad that this video brought me to tears? Tears of happiness of course, but tears! Thank you Garance… it really gives me something to dream about and look forward to. Gosh… maybe someday, someday I too can attend something similar to Paris Fashion Week.. who knows, right?
I will miss your videos so much… can’t wait for next fashion week to come,
thank you for transporting me there in the best possible way Garance,
i would like to hug you right now!
Merci pour ce magnifique finish! Je pense que cela me laisse rêveuse et plus que jamais amoureuse de la Mode, de ce monde que l’on décrit comme carnassier et élitiste…A travers toi, j’au eu l’impression de recevoir un pass magique qui m’a permis de découvrir les dessous des défilés, de rencontrer des gens de manière intimiste … A travers chacun de tes épisodes, j’ai beaucoup appris, sur la Mode, sur comment l’appréhender, la recevoir, l’interpréter,…sur son évolution à travers les nouveaux médias, sur ses intemporels & ses basiques à travers de grandes Dames comme Diane VF et Franca Sozzani, effleurer Anna Wintour en pleine inspection d’une collection…Waouw!!! J’en suis encore retournée. Et puis à côté de cela, il y a cette énorme aventure humaine, partagée avec des milliers de fans que tu as emportés avec toi, à bruncher avec tes copines, à danser en boîte, au musée, au parc,….bref, ce fut riche & intense. Merci merci merci!!!
thank youuu Garance! the end was so precious – I love Alber Elbaz!! and I adored the YSL show, Chanel, all of it! you’ve brought me so much closer to the world of my dreams :)
Garance, pourquoi ai-je cette intime conviction que tu as fait tes preuves en tant que video maker? Biensûr, il y a eu quelques couacs, des choses à corriger ci et là, que tu as rapidement pris en main. Mais, j’en suis convaincue, ces débuts extrêmements prometteurs ne sont que le début d’une grande aventure dans le film-documentaire. Je sais que ça fait partie de tes grands projets, j’ai l’intuition que tu vas cartonnée! Cette expérience a aiguisé ton savoir faire et ton oeil averti… dans ce milieu, tu vas devenir encore plus importante que tu ne l’es déjà, mon intuition me trompe rarement. ;)
Encore merci por toutes ces vidéos géniales, j’ai vécu la fashion week avec toi et ton équipe (que je ne veux pas oublié). Merci merci. Ce fut un grand plaisir de les visionner :)
These videos were so special in an inclusive and intimate kind of way!!! As though we were able to participate with Garance & co and forget about the banality of our lives!!!
Prochaine carrière cinéaste !!! More please!!!
Not used to comment on blogs but its the season finally, and like every good serie, cant wait for the next season! Garance, the camera loves you, so adorable, making fashion week sound much more fun and gracefull not only super high heel, super skinny models and super make up. You make it sound simple and amazing as it should be. Come to brazil!!!!! bisous bisous
The End? Say it ain’t so.
Thank you so much for the videos, they’ve made me feel like a real Paris fashion insider. I’ll be waiting with bated breath for next year’s.
This was wonderful! All Episodes were so much fun and i felt like i´m in the middle of fashion week! And of course you’re the blogger world’s most charming and humorous woman :-)
So thank you very much and greetings from germany!
yep tears here too…!!!
oah! it is like your favourite movie ending or finished a beloved book – tears that we are at the end of your vignettes for the season…!! it was all so very wonderful, thankyou Garance xx
Dear Garance,
thank you very much for all those amazing videos, for a little show of Paris fashion week for all of us who don’t live there, fot a view to your life and for many many many beautiful pictures.
Hello Garance, super cet épisode 4 !!!
au fait, détail technique, j’adore tes sublimes stilettos noirs
… peux-tu juste me confirmer si ce sont bien des Prada ?
je les trouve tellement parfaits!!!!!!
I love your authenticity. Maybe I would’ve done the same at the Chanel show. The Louis Vuitton show left me speechless!! Lovely videos as always!!
Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
Hello from Portugal!
So sad it’s the last video of the season! I loved your Sex and the City moment with your friends at the cafe, and by the way who is the girl seating next to you at the cafe? I love her hair! I want that hairdo! :)
Super les vidéos de cette série “Pardon my French”, c’était vraiment tout un autre regard sur les Fashion Weeks. Bravo! Et je me réjouie des prochaines surprises!! A part ça j’adore ton blog et je viens souvent chercher un peu d’inspiration ici =) Tout de bon*
Que Sera, Sera always brings a tear to my eye. All the way over here in Perth, I obviously don’t know Alber, but I felt the emotion in that room. Thanks Garance! Beautiful XX
Loved it every moment of the video! I loved your “Sex and the City” moment with your beautiful and fashionable girlfriends in the Parisian Cafe! So chic and fun! I can’t believe you took that Crystal decor from Chanel! That is yours now! More videos!!! Merci!
Garance! You keep topping yourself :) I love your aesthetic and sense of humor. Thank you for taking us on that journey with you! It was lovely. I look forward to more.
Beautiful! What a privilege to be able to watch these videos. It’s like being a part of it. The last scenes at the Lanvin birthday party were just magical. I must add though, my heart cries out for the poor Chanel models: at 0’59” in the video, i noticed a terribly raw blister from the heals.
Anyways, when I grow up, I want to be Garance D ;)
Love the videos! I hope you soon make more. I love your point of view in presenting fashion. I second the questions from @Mia. Who was the woman sitting next to you in the cafe with the turquoise necklaces? She is beautiful!
i’m a filmmaker and can say, these are great videos! i loved this one…it was beautiful, entertaining, super interesting and was filled with emotion. mostly your generosity, so it’s a treat to see things through your eyes. bravo! xo, annette http://www.820am.blogspot.com
thank you so much for that great guide through fashion week! You are a very inspiring woman. Sympathetic, pretty, fresh and natural. Stay as you are, please.
And go on doing creative things and share them with us.
Merci! Janine
Fantastique! C’est le meilleur des épisodes! Tu n’est définitivement pas “qu’une blogueuse”, tu es vraiment une artiste Garance. Merci de nous faire partager ça.
Aw these videos were all super! You were really great in them (and of course everyone else who was involved in making them tooo)
hehe i’ve noticed you kind of have this special way of saying the words ‘fashion week’
that was so great! Garance please hire me and I will do any job you need! really inspiring.. I hope some day I will be at the same place as you are right now!
Garance, you are more charming in real life than in writing if that is even possible. Please keep the videos coming, I thought it was a great way to keep the blog up-and-coming and modern!
Fantastic, and wonderfully Garance!! I have completely enjoyed Paris Fashion Week through your eyes, and even tried the ginger tea.
Alexis C. http://www.alexiscristianne.com/
What I love about your videos (besides the fact that they are witty, insightful and delightfully chic) is that now when I read your posts I can almost hear you saying them! It makes them much more “Garance” and very sweet. Adore http://www.one-daysome-day.tumblr.com
Ok Garance, I just feel that I NEED to tell you this. I think you’re one of the bests women of this world, I’m serious!
I’m from Brazil and, here, I tell everyone that your blog is one of my favorites, I’m here every single day no matter what’s happening, and I feel that everybody loves your job too!
You’re AMAZING, you write, take photos and videos and paintings and art and EVERYTHING SO original and wonderful!
It’s my morning inspiration board, I need to look at your work to be inspired. WHY? Because I know you put your love here, it’s like your baby and I only believe in people who work like that, with pleasure and faith in what they do.
I’m very sad that Pardon My French is ending, but I’ll enjoy every other beautiful part of this blog!
How come we’re going to wait until next fashion week to watch more videos?!! We’ll miss you at video! I have to recognize that there was a time I didn’t read your blog as often I wanted but with “Pardon My French” I check it everyday! It was a “WONDERFUL” idea to let us know you better, I felt like I was watching my friend at video and I know i’m not the only one who think that! :)
Garance, every time I open your blog with a trembling excitement to see a new post. Pardon my French series were an amazing twist to your story and it was pure joy seeing you in real life! You are as charming, inspirational, funny, and sincere as you are on every page of a ‘virtual you’. Thank you for a great pleasure !
Oh ! Mais c’est avec Julie Pailhas que tu discutes au show Chanel, non ? Super cette nouvelle vidéo, merci de nous emmener dans ton univers et le rendre ainsi “accessible”… Bisous, Aude
It’s not the end… me thinks its just the beginning! Watching fash week on video is so much more alluring than just photos – and besides, my 3 yr old LOVED that train at Louis Vuitton – do you think we could borrow it for the backyard? and those crystals at Chanel…ahhh, lucky you!
I’m only mirroring what everyone else has written – excellent video series and can’t wait for the sequels! xx
SO wonderful wonderful wonderful Garance! This film is my go-to when I need a pick-me-up, it really showcases the world’s beauty and romance, as do all of your films, thank you for that marvelous gift!
you know i work in fashion and it is so easy to forget how it looks from the outside when you are on the inside. thank you for reminding me how beautiful it is from the outside. thank you for reminding me why i wanted to get into the inside. it is hard and it is certainly not fun all the time but your take on the whole experience is so refreshing. i have more to say but i am not so eloquent as you so i will only say again thank you! when it is fashion week again and i am working my 10th 18 hour day in a row i will watch these videos and remember what i am working towards.
oh Garance, thank you so much for sharing with us!! You are my FAVORITE blog <3 I haved absolutely loved these videos and the exciting, amazing fashion world that you've given us a peak into
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Super, on l’attendait avec impatience !
I just hope this is only the beginning for you in this “Movie Industry”. : ) Thank you for all these beautiful videos.
Ohhhh what a great video, superb! Great coverage and compilation of all the week happenings! Can’t wait for the next series! Love the end, Garance has the moves! :-))))))))))))
Another great video! You’re funny and effortless, a great inspiration for us women entrepreneurs.
Elisa Eymery
Wandering Minds
Always great videos and very funny. Thanks Garance!
Salutation de Montréal,
Gaby Lang
You really transform your surroundings into magical vignettes in your videos. Love these! Might be time to make a documentary!? :)
J’adore!! Paris & Fashion!
Must be great to be part of!
Salut Garance, What a lovely bit of film, just marvelous. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
I would just like to say how glad I am that SJP has not had any evident “work” done. She is beautiful and full of character at her age.
kiss, kiss, xo d
What a sweet video. Made me want to be there! The colours, the sounds, people..
trop cool! thank you for shaing these fab moments for the ones who cannot attend the shows but can see them from your lovely eyes…………;
I agree with Natasha Fatah: A documentary would be great…
Beautiful! Thank you for letting us all share a little bit of the fashion shows..deserving ovation for YSL (gorgeous) ..Channel with always superb presentations and Louis Vuitton’s setting..all great!
A chaque fois je pense un agréable moment en regardant tes vidéos Garance. Ça m’ouvre une porte sur un monde auquel je ne peux avoir accès. Et en plus, cerise sur le gâteau, il y a de la super music qui accompagne tes images. Bravo!
Hi Garance! This series was amazing…I loved seeing the shows through your eyes! I hope that you continue this series for upcoming seasons. xo
La fête Lanvin était très réussie ! Heureux que tu l’es mise
Ahhh… I feel so sad that this serious is over(am I sure? maybe some outtakes one or two?? hopefully XD) but it was really wonderful to watch through the fashion week with your wit, insight and guide. The pleasure was entirely mine(or ours?). Thank you so much for sharing.
you are sooo inspiring
Love your boots.
And funny, we go to the same places: http://girlwithcamera1.blogspot.fr/
Love Claus!
i think it was the best one!!!!
Great video, as usual!!!!
Un final en fanfare, glamour et glossy, SJP en guest… pétillant comme du Schweppes ;)
“What did we expect ?”
I don’t know exactly, but it’s just far beyond our expectations :)
Merci Garance ! Autant de pression sur tes frêles épaules pour la prochaine saison…
Pardon my french !!!
I definitely your your videos
Absolutely loved these series of videos – well done!!! Hopefully you find more opportunities to create more of these in the future. Thanks for sharing the Paris Fashion Week!
Thank you for sharing all your videos with us! The last party looked amazing!
Une très jolie vidéo pour clôturer cette magnifique fashion-week. Alber Elbaz est juste génial !
Oh non c’est deja fini:-( vivement la prochaine saison!!!
Mooooooore. More videos, Garance, please. =)
Fantastic to see the party for Albert E. through your video…
What a fabulous designer and it seemed like a wonderful party!!
Thanks for sharing you “sex & the city” very fashionable Paris
Bravissimo, Garance! Another wonderful, wonderful video! ;)
I agree with Natasha Fatah and LYWM : We Want A Documentary! ! ! xxx
Another great video… Love the tune Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye by Ornette…
Visit the shiny new blog http;//www.offdutychic.com
Très belle vidéo, qui donne envie d’une toute nouvelle garde robe… Mais je me soigne ! ;)
Love the videos!
Garance’s pants at Lanvin looks like j.crew’s cafe Capri, is that true?
Sooo great, love it
Too bad it’s the last one :(
Garance, I love love love your videos!!
Merci pour tout Garance!
Garance you are even more awesome on video than you are in text, it that’s even possible. And I loved the Vuitton show
The best video! because of the Lanvin part i guess ;)
Alber is so cute!!!! At Lanvin, everyhing is sooo wonderful!
Génial! xxxx
How do you always look so fresh and elegant? Even working so hard?
Share the secret.
I’m sad it’s over!
Hello Garance,
Je laisse rarement des commentaires, mais là, quand même, il faut, tu vas comprendre : on le voit à peine mais tu portes (au moins chez Lanvin) ce fabuleux pantalon dans ce fabuleux imprimé de chez J Crew ! Pourquoi je le remarque : parce que je suis revenue de NY il y a 15 jours avec (entre autres) la jupe du même imprimé ! Jupe crayon, qui me semblait improbable au premier coup d’oeil, et s’avère finalement si ravissante. Cette imprimé est tellement joli …
Alors, cette courte connivence entre nous m’a fait chaud au coeur !
A 16 ans, je viens de rentrer dans un lycée de la Mode en France avec l’espérance de devenir styliste, les études sont durs, surtout lorsque l’on est loin de Paris, que l’on y a même jamais mis les pieds. Bref, ton blog me permets chaque jour d’en découvrir un peu plus et ne pas me laisser abattre par la rareté des places dans le monde la Mode, et pour cela je te remercie milles fois !
Je te laisse avec l’espérance de te rencontrer un jour,
Bonne continuation à toi.
L’une de tes lectrices quotidiennes. :)
Cet épisode termine la série en beauté !! Magnifique !
particulièrement adoré celle là, les paillettes y sont pour quelque chose! Très jolie vidéo, très agréable à regarder!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! What a great finale to your series of videos!!! My favorite one!!!
One thing I enjoy most about your videos is seeing the way you and your friends put together creative and inspiring looks. This entire video series was the highlight of the fashion season!
My God, I loved this! Your videos and your blog always make me so excited! About fashion, but also about life! You’re such a big inspiration!
Tack så hemskt mycket! Thank you so, so much!
oh là là !! you’ve used my bosse’s music again !!
i’m Ornette’s very proud backing-singer !!! ;-)
here is a link to Les Colettes’ (my band) video on Le Cargo :
Bisous !
(Diane from Paris)
Chère Garance, le video est pur bonheur et beauté!!! L’échange sur les schroumph m’a fait beaucoup rire!!! Pour rajouter à votre nomenclature , en espagnol on dit : Pitufos!!!!!
Garance, please never stop doing these! You set the tone perfectly, it is an amazing inside view and you seem so lovely! Fingers crossed for next season
Must have more…Must have more… So sad that this is the last episode!!!
I am so in love with these videos, they ar spectacular! I loved the Chanel and LV shows and of course, the dates with your girls:). Thanks for sharing xoxo
Merci Garance!
I enjoyed all the videos. You are so pretty and you’re always smiling. Beautiful. You should have your own shown, the camera adores you…and so do we ;)
Many Hugs
hehe, I love your ‘smurf’ conversation! and I’m so sorry this is the last episode… you made a good job!
I’m not gonna lie…..i’m kinda pouting over the finality of this.
Like a child being told you cant have anymore candy for the rest of the year.
Garance…..you are the real Sex and the City girl! Real, funny, cool, sweet….did I say funny?
You should have a contest with your readers to go with you to a show! I would LOVE to go!!
As usual fantastic video :) I wish I could meet Sarah Jessica Parker. I Love her after SITC.
Garance, genialissime!!!
Tu as su garder la simplicité et la bonne humeur que tu as des le début! Chapeau bas! surtout dans le milieu de la mode!
Je t’ai vu au show LV mais j’ai eu honte de venir te parler.
Des bisous
Houda xx
Oh, I would love to see more videos!! :)
It such a feel good video! Exactly what I needed a rainy spring afternoon…and Elbaz looks like a cute cake!
I absolutely adore these videos. Love you too Garance :)
super la vidéo ;)
j’adore la musique que t u as mis en fond :)
je fil l’écouter sur youtube !
je file * c’est mieux
Very fun. Makes me want to have a party!
– Meredith
Is it sad that this video brought me to tears? Tears of happiness of course, but tears! Thank you Garance… it really gives me something to dream about and look forward to. Gosh… maybe someday, someday I too can attend something similar to Paris Fashion Week.. who knows, right?
I will miss your videos so much… can’t wait for next fashion week to come,
thank you for transporting me there in the best possible way Garance,
i would like to hug you right now!
Such a wonderful video, so joyful! Alber singing is my favorite moment. I LOVE him.
Bonjour Garance,
Merci pour ce magnifique finish! Je pense que cela me laisse rêveuse et plus que jamais amoureuse de la Mode, de ce monde que l’on décrit comme carnassier et élitiste…A travers toi, j’au eu l’impression de recevoir un pass magique qui m’a permis de découvrir les dessous des défilés, de rencontrer des gens de manière intimiste … A travers chacun de tes épisodes, j’ai beaucoup appris, sur la Mode, sur comment l’appréhender, la recevoir, l’interpréter,…sur son évolution à travers les nouveaux médias, sur ses intemporels & ses basiques à travers de grandes Dames comme Diane VF et Franca Sozzani, effleurer Anna Wintour en pleine inspection d’une collection…Waouw!!! J’en suis encore retournée. Et puis à côté de cela, il y a cette énorme aventure humaine, partagée avec des milliers de fans que tu as emportés avec toi, à bruncher avec tes copines, à danser en boîte, au musée, au parc,….bref, ce fut riche & intense. Merci merci merci!!!
Ah oui on l’attendait avec grande impatience! moi aussi j’ai aimé le show Lanvin! magnifique!
Amazing and funny…Love your Chanel´s souvenir!
GENIAL!!!!!!!!!! Excellent webisodes and I hope you will be able to continue them!! More please!!!
thank youuu Garance! the end was so precious – I love Alber Elbaz!! and I adored the YSL show, Chanel, all of it! you’ve brought me so much closer to the world of my dreams :)
Garance, pourquoi ai-je cette intime conviction que tu as fait tes preuves en tant que video maker? Biensûr, il y a eu quelques couacs, des choses à corriger ci et là, que tu as rapidement pris en main. Mais, j’en suis convaincue, ces débuts extrêmements prometteurs ne sont que le début d’une grande aventure dans le film-documentaire. Je sais que ça fait partie de tes grands projets, j’ai l’intuition que tu vas cartonnée! Cette expérience a aiguisé ton savoir faire et ton oeil averti… dans ce milieu, tu vas devenir encore plus importante que tu ne l’es déjà, mon intuition me trompe rarement. ;)
Encore merci por toutes ces vidéos géniales, j’ai vécu la fashion week avec toi et ton équipe (que je ne veux pas oublié). Merci merci. Ce fut un grand plaisir de les visionner :)
Don’t just wait for fashion week anymore. Keep doing these videos. They’re such fun to watch!!
We love you too Garance!!! And I laughted hard when saw the Chanel crystal in your pocket:))
These videos were so special in an inclusive and intimate kind of way!!! As though we were able to participate with Garance & co and forget about the banality of our lives!!!
Prochaine carrière cinéaste !!! More please!!!
… Oups! pour les fautes de liaison :/ … Sorry
Hi , can someone please tell me the name of the wonderful song ,please !!
Not used to comment on blogs but its the season finally, and like every good serie, cant wait for the next season! Garance, the camera loves you, so adorable, making fashion week sound much more fun and gracefull not only super high heel, super skinny models and super make up. You make it sound simple and amazing as it should be. Come to brazil!!!!! bisous bisous
ouaouhhhhhhhh j’aaaaaaaaaaadoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee ton blooooooooooooooooog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How long until the next fashion week/video? I can’t wait!
Je crois que c’est l’épisode que j’ai préféré, vraiment magique !
Love love love your videos, Garance!! Great job! I loved every moment of all of them! xoxo
Garance! I love being part of this video. I loved meeting you! xxx
That was great!
Déjà le dernier épisode… Je veux pas que ça s’arrête !
Mais ça finit en beauté ;)
Non mais…qu’est-ce qu’on va faire sans tes vidéos?!?! Bravo Garance! Ils étaient magnifiques!!!
oh the end? no! I like all episodes, really :)
The End? Say it ain’t so.
Thank you so much for the videos, they’ve made me feel like a real Paris fashion insider. I’ll be waiting with bated breath for next year’s.
This was wonderful! All Episodes were so much fun and i felt like i´m in the middle of fashion week! And of course you’re the blogger world’s most charming and humorous woman :-)
So thank you very much and greetings from germany!
beautiful as always! great videos!
Definitely my favourite episode!!
The Louis Vuitton show looks breathtaking!
You made my day, with inspiration, with dreams and a lot of ideas! Thank you!
Kisses lovely Garance!
wow so amazing! so sad this was the last episode!
yep tears here too…!!!
oah! it is like your favourite movie ending or finished a beloved book – tears that we are at the end of your vignettes for the season…!! it was all so very wonderful, thankyou Garance xx
Lovely video again! I’m so sad that “Pardon My French” is over! My favourite part was the Lanvin show =)
Superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! j’ai adoré!!!Merciiiiiiiii!!
Dear Garance,
thank you very much for all those amazing videos, for a little show of Paris fashion week for all of us who don’t live there, fot a view to your life and for many many many beautiful pictures.
Hello Garance, super cet épisode 4 !!!
au fait, détail technique, j’adore tes sublimes stilettos noirs
… peux-tu juste me confirmer si ce sont bien des Prada ?
je les trouve tellement parfaits!!!!!!
You are getting better and better at this Garance, lovely video! Keep ’em coming!! Bisou
I love your authenticity. Maybe I would’ve done the same at the Chanel show. The Louis Vuitton show left me speechless!! Lovely videos as always!!
Greetings from Santiago, Chile.
@cristianpavezd on Twitter.
we love you too see you soon garance
roooh c’est la fin… c’était super cool ! :)
Wow looks so decadent. Great video. Loved it!
Garance tu es trop chou!! Love!
Dlight from Paris
La Rue A Du Style
we Love you too Garance, j’ai adoré toutes tes vidéos, looking forward the next ones
Merci d’avoir partager cette fashion week ! J’ai adoré surtout le fait d’avoir montrer la fashion week vue aussi par tes amies! Merci vraiment !!!
Hello from Portugal!
So sad it’s the last video of the season! I loved your Sex and the City moment with your friends at the cafe, and by the way who is the girl seating next to you at the cafe? I love her hair! I want that hairdo! :)
so sad it’s the last one, enjoyed every bit of it!!!! loved the soundtrack on this one!!
Super les vidéos de cette série “Pardon my French”, c’était vraiment tout un autre regard sur les Fashion Weeks. Bravo! Et je me réjouie des prochaines surprises!! A part ça j’adore ton blog et je viens souvent chercher un peu d’inspiration ici =) Tout de bon*
Merveilleux ma chérie, mais ces cheveux il faut faire quelque chose et vite !!!
Love you too!!!
Kisses and hugs from Sydney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Que Sera, Sera always brings a tear to my eye. All the way over here in Perth, I obviously don’t know Alber, but I felt the emotion in that room. Thanks Garance! Beautiful XX
Ce qui fait la mode à Paris, c’est l’élégance décomplexée des parisiennes.
Ce qui fait la mode à Paris, c’est l’élégance décomplexée des parisiennes.
great great video!!!!!!!! love it!!! thx garance!!
Nooooo! We want more, please! Utterly delightful, captivating from the first frame.
Loved it every moment of the video! I loved your “Sex and the City” moment with your beautiful and fashionable girlfriends in the Parisian Cafe! So chic and fun! I can’t believe you took that Crystal decor from Chanel! That is yours now! More videos!!! Merci!
woww! what a fabulous series! i am so sad to see it finished!
When is the next set coming out? :D
Ginger and Lace
Garance! You keep topping yourself :) I love your aesthetic and sense of humor. Thank you for taking us on that journey with you! It was lovely. I look forward to more.
ahhhh-mazing! so fun this series… bittersweet that it has come to an end, but i’m sure you’ll be back by popular demand!
Beautiful! What a privilege to be able to watch these videos. It’s like being a part of it. The last scenes at the Lanvin birthday party were just magical. I must add though, my heart cries out for the poor Chanel models: at 0’59” in the video, i noticed a terribly raw blister from the heals.
Anyways, when I grow up, I want to be Garance D ;)
Love the videos! I hope you soon make more. I love your point of view in presenting fashion. I second the questions from @Mia. Who was the woman sitting next to you in the cafe with the turquoise necklaces? She is beautiful!
i’m a filmmaker and can say, these are great videos! i loved this one…it was beautiful, entertaining, super interesting and was filled with emotion. mostly your generosity, so it’s a treat to see things through your eyes. bravo! xo, annette http://www.820am.blogspot.com
I always look forward to your videos! Love them!!
Garance, thank you for taking me on vacation with your buddies!
You have transported me from Eugene, Oregon to Paris and because of you I’ve been inspired to gussy up and dress a little fiercer at work this week.
What a great finale!
Et quelle belle fin!
Purely magical.
PS: Did I hear the word documentary? Haha. No pressure. Just kidding, yes. Just kidding, no! OK OK, I’m not kidding! Yikes!
Loving the videos! Seeing Louis Vuitton on film did it more justice than the pictures I’ve seen. Amazing!!!
Peter @ http://low–couture.blogspot.com
made my morning!!! thank you love you too (:
thank you so much for that great guide through fashion week! You are a very inspiring woman. Sympathetic, pretty, fresh and natural. Stay as you are, please.
And go on doing creative things and share them with us.
Merci! Janine
Merci beaucoup Garance elles sont vraiment mortelles ces vidéos (musique qualité de l’image et toujours toute belle dedans!). Encore!!!
Fantastique! C’est le meilleur des épisodes! Tu n’est définitivement pas “qu’une blogueuse”, tu es vraiment une artiste Garance. Merci de nous faire partager ça.
quel déhanché, you’ve got the saturday night fever!!
Great Video! Thanks! Can you tell me who sings this lovely song?
Wow, so much positive mood from this episode, Thank you, Garance and Happy First Day Of Spring! :)
Paris je t’aime !
Ca sent la fin ?
Amazing, i love what you are wearing too. Mxxxxx
Aw these videos were all super! You were really great in them (and of course everyone else who was involved in making them tooo)
hehe i’ve noticed you kind of have this special way of saying the words ‘fashion week’
Bravo!! Eye Candy……..
Pardon my French est décidément très cool!
You make me dream, Garance! thank you!
that was so great! Garance please hire me and I will do any job you need! really inspiring.. I hope some day I will be at the same place as you are right now!
Garance, you are more charming in real life than in writing if that is even possible. Please keep the videos coming, I thought it was a great way to keep the blog up-and-coming and modern!
I’m so sad Pardon My French is over! I’ve really enjoyed them, Garance.
Fantastic, and wonderfully Garance!! I have completely enjoyed Paris Fashion Week through your eyes, and even tried the ginger tea.
Alexis C.
your life is awesome!
juste : AWESOME !
Aaah j’ai adoré! xoxo
You made it Garance!
You managed to give a big taste of fashion week without
having all the fashion shows in full.
Hi Garance.
I have loved all of your Pardon My French mini films. They have been such a treat. I’m gutted now they are finished. More Please!!!!!!
Absolutely adore these videos. Keep them coming!! xx
Merci x
What I love about your videos (besides the fact that they are witty, insightful and delightfully chic) is that now when I read your posts I can almost hear you saying them! It makes them much more “Garance” and very sweet. Adore
Ok Garance, I just feel that I NEED to tell you this. I think you’re one of the bests women of this world, I’m serious!
I’m from Brazil and, here, I tell everyone that your blog is one of my favorites, I’m here every single day no matter what’s happening, and I feel that everybody loves your job too!
You’re AMAZING, you write, take photos and videos and paintings and art and EVERYTHING SO original and wonderful!
It’s my morning inspiration board, I need to look at your work to be inspired. WHY? Because I know you put your love here, it’s like your baby and I only believe in people who work like that, with pleasure and faith in what they do.
I’m very sad that Pardon My French is ending, but I’ll enjoy every other beautiful part of this blog!
And now in portuguese: GARANCE, O BRASIL TE AMA!
Kisses and “beijos”
How come we’re going to wait until next fashion week to watch more videos?!! We’ll miss you at video! I have to recognize that there was a time I didn’t read your blog as often I wanted but with “Pardon My French” I check it everyday! It was a “WONDERFUL” idea to let us know you better, I felt like I was watching my friend at video and I know i’m not the only one who think that! :)
Who’s the 4th friend of Garance when they are at the caffeteria and is sitting next to Garance? Beside Caroline, Elisa, Yasmin.
We are waiting for next movie. Kisses from Poland.
WOW! Superbe! AMZ. xoxo from Portugal :)
Garance everything looks so beautiful in this video, may I just say your blog is like my morning cup of coffee! You were born to do this!
Jáime your Pardon my french films and your blog. I hope you´ll do more. xoxo yr no 1 fan
J’espère que tu feras d’autres vidéos !! Pleaaaase
Great music in this video. What’s a title of this song?
Garance, every time I open your blog with a trembling excitement to see a new post. Pardon my French series were an amazing twist to your story and it was pure joy seeing you in real life! You are as charming, inspirational, funny, and sincere as you are on every page of a ‘virtual you’. Thank you for a great pleasure !
J’ai aimé beaucoup la série! J’espère que ça sera pas la dernière!
Et il y a pourtant une somme de travail incroyable derrière toute cette légèreté festive (sans connotation péjorative) de la mode!
Oh ! Mais c’est avec Julie Pailhas que tu discutes au show Chanel, non ? Super cette nouvelle vidéo, merci de nous emmener dans ton univers et le rendre ainsi “accessible”… Bisous, Aude
Garance, j’adore tes vidéos! Ils sont tous meilleurs les uns que les autres <3
Oh Garance. I love this so much.
“there is not enough wonderful to tell you how wonderful is “Pardon My French” .
You are aDORablE!
It’s not the end… me thinks its just the beginning! Watching fash week on video is so much more alluring than just photos – and besides, my 3 yr old LOVED that train at Louis Vuitton – do you think we could borrow it for the backyard? and those crystals at Chanel…ahhh, lucky you!
I’m only mirroring what everyone else has written – excellent video series and can’t wait for the sequels! xx
SO wonderful wonderful wonderful Garance! This film is my go-to when I need a pick-me-up, it really showcases the world’s beauty and romance, as do all of your films, thank you for that marvelous gift!
you know i work in fashion and it is so easy to forget how it looks from the outside when you are on the inside. thank you for reminding me how beautiful it is from the outside. thank you for reminding me why i wanted to get into the inside. it is hard and it is certainly not fun all the time but your take on the whole experience is so refreshing. i have more to say but i am not so eloquent as you so i will only say again thank you! when it is fashion week again and i am working my 10th 18 hour day in a row i will watch these videos and remember what i am working towards.
oh Garance, thank you so much for sharing with us!! You are my FAVORITE blog <3 I haved absolutely loved these videos and the exciting, amazing fashion world that you've given us a peak into
I loved your videos!!! Thanks for sharing with us!!!
Bravo Garance :)
Génial!!!!! love you too Garance, it was a pleasure getting to know your personally ;)
what a nice ending & beautifully filmed too :)
merci de partager garance,
xo, dina
Your are such a talented woman. I enjoyed watching all the 4 parts. All the best
Hi Garance!
Great videos!
I did a little guide to Paris for my girlfriends, and thought you might like it too! http://wearsthelove.tumblr.com/post/20393076855/cheryls-guide-to-paris
Bisous du Canada.
Pardon my French, the entire serries was tres fantastique! Salute cheri!