Garance- Your snippets of the behind-the-scenes action of Fashion Week are to-die-for!!! I love them. I feel like I’m there with you. And you make it all seem so lovely. Thank you for sharing!! xo
Bon, je suis un peu débordée, donc, je ne commente plus trop, mais je te suis toujours avec autant d’envie et de passion même. Fraicheur et bonne humeur qualifient toutes ces petites vidéos !
Tu es rayonnante Garance !
Vivement la suite :)
I always love watching your videos hehe – I was so lucky to have just been to New Zealand Fashion Week. Of course not as exciting I’m sure as New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week but still an amazing experience. Look forward to seeing more of your videos and photos xoxo
Tous les matins, quand j’ouvre mail, la première chose que je regarde, c’est ton mail qui m’amène sur ton blog Garance! et je me dis( ” What’s in store for us today? !!!), et je me délecte à l’avance de tous les moments que tu nous fais partager, un vrai délice avec le thé du matin..
Merci pour toute la spontanéité des vidéos, les collections, les moments funs et forts!!
It makes my day.
Je sais pas pourquoi je fais du franglish ce matin mais bon, YESSSSS avec le smile
Garance, i discovered your blog a couple of days ago (yeah, i’m late to the party but i’m here nontheless).. all i have is one request: let me sleep! It’s 4am where i live and i can’t stop watching the videos.. So i decided to write you a comment, perhaps disengaging from the relentless and frantic streaming of one video after the other would help calm the addition long enough for me to switch this thing off and shut my eyes!
on a serious note, your blog and videos are awesome. you probably hear this all the time. And this is coming from someone quite full of themselves (and it’s probably the sleep deprivation that’s making me do this)..
Bonne nuit..
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Vous nous gatez, on vous suit (presque) partout. J’adore !
i love ohne titel! :)
I love her!
Je trouve que ces vidéos sont de petits bonbons que l’on revient goûter dès qu’il y en a d’autres.
C’est formidable !
J’adore ces video!
God Caroline Issa is beautiful! The lips, the eyebrows, the hands…
and Pardon my French is awesome! :)
The White Studio
I can’t believe how good the audio quality is on these recordings. I’m assuming your doing them on a digital camera?
~Natasha Fatah~
Je sais pas pourquoi mais je suis obnubilé par sa robe.
son rouge à levres, non mais son rouge à levres!!!! wahou, pourquoi je n’ose pas le même?????
She is very beautiful!
Je ne m’en lasse pas !
Vous êtes chous toutes les deux !
Thanks for sharing.
Une vidéo super encore une fois :)
Ah lala je suis vraiment fan de tes vidéos… Caroline Issa la grande classe comme toujours!<3
What lip color is Caroline wearing? It’s sooooo good!
Ben mince, Je n’arrive pas à voir la vidéo :-(
I like the Caroline style!!!
Garance- Your snippets of the behind-the-scenes action of Fashion Week are to-die-for!!! I love them. I feel like I’m there with you. And you make it all seem so lovely. Thank you for sharing!! xo
Bon, je suis un peu débordée, donc, je ne commente plus trop, mais je te suis toujours avec autant d’envie et de passion même. Fraicheur et bonne humeur qualifient toutes ces petites vidéos !
Tu es rayonnante Garance !
Vivement la suite :)
I always love watching your videos hehe – I was so lucky to have just been to New Zealand Fashion Week. Of course not as exciting I’m sure as New York Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week but still an amazing experience. Look forward to seeing more of your videos and photos xoxo
Tu nous gates Garance avec toutes ces vidéo.
Ce fushia lui va à ravir !
ça c’était avant la tornade post- défilé.
Alda M.
Wonderful! Love this! Can’t wait to see her collection!
Tous les matins, quand j’ouvre mail, la première chose que je regarde, c’est ton mail qui m’amène sur ton blog Garance! et je me dis( ” What’s in store for us today? !!!), et je me délecte à l’avance de tous les moments que tu nous fais partager, un vrai délice avec le thé du matin..
Merci pour toute la spontanéité des vidéos, les collections, les moments funs et forts!!
It makes my day.
Je sais pas pourquoi je fais du franglish ce matin mais bon, YESSSSS avec le smile
Ah to have a day in the life of Garance…
Love her red lips ! She is just fun !
Wow!! Caroline is simply gorgeous!! I love this!
Caroline styled the show I took a look and the hair wasn’t down…..??
quelle robe sublime ! et ce rouge à lèvre ! quelle beautée ! sympa cette interview à l’arrière de la voiture
Garance, i discovered your blog a couple of days ago (yeah, i’m late to the party but i’m here nontheless).. all i have is one request: let me sleep! It’s 4am where i live and i can’t stop watching the videos.. So i decided to write you a comment, perhaps disengaging from the relentless and frantic streaming of one video after the other would help calm the addition long enough for me to switch this thing off and shut my eyes!
on a serious note, your blog and videos are awesome. you probably hear this all the time. And this is coming from someone quite full of themselves (and it’s probably the sleep deprivation that’s making me do this)..
Bonne nuit..