Pardon My French/Alexander Wang Party

12 years ago by


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  • Cool vidéo. Grace à toi on voit mieux les coulisses de la mode :)


  • looks like a great party! :)

    Le soleil se couche sur Paris. Vite! Je veux sortir maintenant!!!!!

  • love the video!! looks like so much fun!!

  • Wow it seems like it was an awwwwesome party! I’m envious ;)

    Elisa – Wandering Minds fashion

  • Hello Garance!

    I love your videos they are very inspiring! I have to say though that Wang’s party , I mean the music is awful….actually so American..
    I am a fun of a bit more groovy sound like disco and house music…anyway I am sure you had wicked time from what I saw in the video enjoy the rest of the fashion week parties!! and again thanks for sharing.

  • Wow! Busta Rhymes! Old school partytime! Il me rappellera toujours les soirées hip hop parisiennes des années ’90 et 2000. Oh ouais, je veux bien te croire quand tu dis “the best party ever!” :))


  • AHHHHH….
    Don’t this shit make people wanna…’
    We hate u Garance ! <3

  • Garancce,

    Te me fais tourner la tête…. mon manège à moi c’est ton blog, tu postes trop ce soir …

  • On vous suit a travers la diversite de votre vie et c’est super !

  • Yeah! Busta Rhymes!! Trop bon :)

  • Sooooooo coool! Looks like tons and tons and tons of blasts! I so would have loved to be there … at least I got your video :)
    And I agree with you, I havent quite gotten to like Die Antwoord either. However, in the video there was one moment when you said that their performance was scary, apparently refering to the picture of the guy the band showed in their video. It is actually a said story. This guy, his name was Leon Botha, might look scary, but in fact he was suffering from a desease called Progeria which makes kids age incredibly fast. By the time the music video was shot, he was 23 years old and died of the desease shortly after the video was released. When I first watched the music video, I was a little shocked by his appearance and then pater found out about this very rare illness. Just wanted to share that.
    looooooooooooove your blog!

  • Don’t worry about not getting Die Antwoord… I’m from South Africa and although everyone here is impressed with their international success and the quality of their sound and video production the general consensus is “WTF??” I thought they were a joke at first!

  • Busta Rhymes is THE best rapper EVER!! Syncopation personified!
    X Alison

  • great video considering how dark it was……amazing how many people get down….lol

  • Jane with the noisy terrier September, 11 2012, 4:10 / Reply

    Few things more charming than hearing “Busta Rhymes!” in your fabulous French accent!

  • princessglee September, 11 2012, 4:33 / Reply

    LOL, Boosta Reems. Your French accent is adorable.

  • I must say I quite like Die Antwoord and as I South African I’m rather proud of their success! But I totally agree that they are a bit crude at times. From what I understand they have created quite strong personas as Die Antwoord and are actually just a couple with a kid who have been in the music biz in SA for a long time. We all have our preferences!
    You look like you’re having so much fun! I’m jealous! Thanks for bringing all the excitement of fashion week to us!
    <3 <3 <3

  • That party looks incredible!

    I love Busta Rhymes.

  • I really love your blog though I didn’t like the ‘scary’ comment about Die Antwoord. This guy was Leon Botha, one of the world’s oldest survivors of progeria and also an artist. He passed recently.

  • die antwoord is pretty awesome actually and i like busta rhymes as well, looks like it was the party of fw

  • you are having tons of fun thereeeeeeeeeeeee.oooooo

  • Fuckfuckfuck yeahyeahyeah. Je n’aime pas le rap ni le hiphop…

  • Alors je suis pas fan des vidéos (bon c’est surtout parce que ma connexion est super lente) mais là la fin de la vidéo est juste top ! Je suis au bureau et j’étais sur le point de me lever et danser.. Clap clap clap donc. Oh et j’aimerais bien te voir avec les cheveux lâchés et t’entendre parler français un jour ! xxx

  • J’adoooorre partager ton incroyable vie Garance ! Merci, merci, merci ! Ce début de fashion week à l’air fou !!! Live the dream. Love

  • J’adore le tournant que tu prend cet automne ! Introspection dans la mode et la culture fashion week comme tu ne nous l’avais jamais montré auparavant ! Great!

  • I am glad you get to enjoy yourself. I actually saw Die Antwoord two years ago in SF. They were great live. Crazy, weird, forward, though. I had “I’m a ninja” in my head.

    Thank you for covering all this great footage of NYFW. I am in LA, and getting great inspiration from your videos. It is like I am actually there. Thanks for letting me crash the show!

  • Impressionnant !!


  • Die Antwoord are amazing! How come you didn’t like them? Maybe give them a chance, they are awesome, crazy, fun, super forward and weird.
    ‘Ayayayaaa I’m your buterflyyy I need your protection be my samurai… ‘
    Great party!

  • Mon dieu comme vous devez avoir du travail au Garance Studio tellement on est gâté cette année, c’est fou! C’est super mega giga trop cool de voir tout ça et surtout la soirée Wang merci merci merci
    Garance, ta danse est infaillible !

  • Garance, I miss your beautiful pictures and your loong comments on the shows!!

    Some videos are cool, but your pictures are better!


  • Je viens de découvrir ce groupe grâce à ton post et je dois dire que j’aime assez, même si les vidéos sont un peu glauques, c’est vrai…

  • seriously amazing, this looks like the BEST PARTY EVER!


  • I love how you pronounce Busta Rhymes (“Boosta Rhymes!”)

  • Stephanie F. September, 12 2012, 7:06 / Reply

    Needed an *explicit* warning! Listening with my son in room! Gratuitous f’s. Ugh

  • this looks like a total blast. alexander wang really does throw the best parties. what is better than busta congratulating you on your talents …nothing.

  • You seriously like Busta Rhymes? :D ahahaha

    Never mind, I still like you. :))

  • I am DANCING right now!!!!Thanks for sharing Garance :-*

  • Hey Garance! I love your blog and I’m really enjoying your evolution now with the videos but I was wondering if you could please create a podcast for the videos. That way, we could download them and watch even when we don’t have an internet connection, which happens to me quite a bit.. Also, it would allow your readers to keep the favorites and re-watch whenever :)

  • valvolinerox September, 14 2012, 6:55 / Reply

    Garance :

    Aprend le 2ème degrès et ouvre ta culture : le nirvana est juste là…

  • Nicole Damata September, 15 2012, 4:09 / Reply

    Aahhh, amazing! I’m so glad you agree that Die Antwoord are terrible!! I’m from South Africa and most people here think that they are awful! By the way, their name is pronounced as “dee unt-voerd” because it is Afrikaans (which sounds similar to Dutch, if that helps you ‘hear’ it) for “The Answer”

  • Leanette Pretorius September, 17 2012, 2:41 / Reply

    i am so glad to see fashion forward country(wo)men also reading this fabulous blog. I am very happy and proud of the success Die Antwoord is achieving but they are certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but I do admire their commitment to their image. We have other much nicer local music. Check out a band called Dance you’re on fire and another called Shadowclub as wellas my favorite Parlotones. In my opinion they may be less controversial but they are world class!!

  • …, everybody put your shit up….hahahah!
    wang bang…she also loves the street chics! i am not the fan of rap culture but i can respect freedom of expressions. different noice for different voice!

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