9 years ago by
I’m triple happy to present this post to you today.
1/ First of all, because I got the chance to meet Nancy Meyers and Anne Hathaway.
2/ And because I love the film we’re going to talk about today, The Intern.
3/ And because we finally have a video for you! We’ve been talking about doing another one for like 20,000 years!
Let me tell you a little bit about how I met Nancy… About a year ago, I got an email telling me Nancy wanted to meet me. I have to tell you, I’m a huge fan of her films and her talent. So I obviously shouted “Yes!”, and went to meet her at her New York office. Nancy lives in LA but she was in New York shooting a film with Anne Hathaway and Robert de Niro.
But not just any film. A film about fashion! A film about the Internet! A film about an entrepreneur who starts out in her kitchen and has a hard time handling her success…
Obviously, I was immediately excited about the project. At the time, Nancy wanted to tell me about the film, and possibly put some images from my videos in it (which felt totally surreal, right. Life is bigger than fiction! It didn’t actually end up happening, but even the fact that she thought about it…!) She told me my world was a part of what inspired the idea for the film; I don’t think I’ll ever get over hearing that. She was also working with Moda Operandi and Lauren Santo Domingo…
After that, I even got the chance to visit the set. Seeing Nancy work was such an incredible opportunity. At one point in my life, I dreamed of making a film, but quickly abandoned the idea. It seems like such an insurmountable task. But watching her work with so much grace and humor profoundly inspired me. I also met Robert de Niro, which was honestly like fulfilling a childhood dream.
And a few weeks ago… I finally got to go see the film!
I brought Chris along and he thought I was taking him to see another dumb rom-com, and as it turns out… we both loved the film. It goes far beyond being a comedy, even though it’s hilarious. It offers a subtle, interesting, and modern commentary on women’s roles in society, and also on our obsession with youth that makes us lose perspective.
But I don’t want to give away too much. I’ll leave you to enjoy the video.
P.S. I’m sure I don’t even have to tell you, I also loved meeting Anne Hathaway who is incredibly sweet and funny (just look at her Instagram and you’ll see what I mean right away).

This video was produced in partnership with Warner Bros.
Translated by Andrea Perdue
Comme on dit aux Etats-Unis OH MY GOD !
Je crois que ça se passe de commentaires :)
Fabulous, Garance and team! MORE of these interviews please! I love that it feels like a bunch of friends sitting around the table chatting about life and love. Bravo! xo
Yay for another episode of Pardon My French! And what a great episode! I’m SO excited to see the film!
EEEENNNNFFFFIIIINNN!!!! Une nouvelle vidéo!!! :):)!
Garance, what a lovely and engrossing interview. I have been reading your posts for at least the last 7 years and I have so enjoyed your self-effacing attitude and great empathetic listening skills. I cannot wait to see the movie. Thank you for being you!
Sooooooo Goood!!! Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!to you. The Best Video yet… You start my day with sooo much gorgeousness. Thank you for the inspiration, and starting my day beautiful on a daily basis…
I’m so going to go see this movie! and gre
Can’t wait to see this film! Garance, you are so cute!
Analog House
mais évidemment, qu’elle avait envie de te rencontrer ! :D
Garance, nan mais quelle carrière, BRAVO !
A nous quatre c’est toute ma jeunesse et The Holiday je le regarde chaque Noël. J’adore Anne Hathaway donc c’est sûr que ce film m’intéresse ! J’ai beaucoup aimé cette vidéo, tu as l’air toute intimidée ;)
J’ai hâte d’aller le voir au cinéma !
The movie looks very interesting. Even when you see the trailer, there is something about it that leads to it being more than just a rom-com. There’s heart, and that makes this movie special!
Woooow !!! Nancy and Anne were suuuper nice and friendly and sound like people that wanna make you comfortable. So cute Garance, in the beginning your voice shivered a bit with emotion maybe. But you got more confident as the interview went by. It’s nice to see interviews were people are casually chatting. I think that you asking interesting questions that a movie journalist would not necessarily thinks about. It’s really cool and refreshing (for them too I’m sure)
ps : wooooow, you’re on Nancy Meyers’ pinterest board !!!!!!!
On a pu aller voir le film en avant-première, mon amoureux et moi, et on a tous les deux beaucoup aimé ! Et puis, si en plus, on a droit à une ration de ‘Pardon My French’ ;-)
yayyy! I LOVE your videos.
big kiss
Waououu elle est géniale!!! J’ai tellement envie de voir le film maintenant, vite la sortie en France! Le personnage principal a l’air tellement moderne et inspirant.
PS: peut-on s’arrêter sur la MAGNIFIQUE chemise que porte Anne Hathaway?! ;)
thank you !!! this is wonderful xoxo
Glad to see Pardon My French is back! I am really looking forward to the movie coming out tomorrow. I might actually get myself to a movie theater for that one!
Great video interview! Loved what Anne Hathaway says, and that you gave her the space to say it. The whole piece has charm, sophistication and elegance. More, please!
Exactly! Well done!
je crois que ce pardon ma french est trop américain. Il dégouline trop de bons sentiments… Ceci dit, j’irai surement voir le film qui a l’air génial
Thank you so much. It’s a very interesting dialog. I expected a standard promotion, but it’s far away from this. Let’s go to cinema!
I could not wait to stay home and have a garden and children… Now, I have work that I started 10 years ago and my last child will be leaving in 2 years… I had them at 27 and 31, and now I have work that I love….. I never wanted to work while my kids where young…I wanted to be there for them, but I had other interest outside of my family that kept me happy, too.
chère Garance, tu es toujours aussi gracieuse et charmante, mais cet épisode de promo bien pensant est fort éloigné des pétillants et personnels ” Pardon my french” auxquels tu nous avais habituées. Dommage.
Insightful interview. Even though the revelation about Anne’s character – her home life – is a spoiler, I don’t mind it. In fact, it completely changed my mind about the movie! Movie trailers are often dumbed down to pander to the masses, including The Intern, so I had decided to pass, thinking it’s another movie with a caricatured female lead in fashion, advertising, PR etc. But now I want to see it! Thank you for the wonderful video!
YESSSSSSS! Oh mon dieu, this is what we’ve all been waiting for. The wait for the next pardon my french video was well worth it, I must say. So exciting to hear about a movie that concerns all of us, and to hear about the thoughts & ideas behind it from the creators. Merci encore un fois :D
You did a spectacular interview, Garance! It was so enticing to see the background and thought process of writing the script and making the movie! You three ladies are all so smart, creative, and fun! I want to run out and see The Intern right now!! xo
adorn la femme
ENFIN !!! Un pardon my french ! Bon ben… c’est juste trippant :D Et que ça continue :) !
Anne Hathaway is so well spoken. So much to learn from.
Loved the interview. Cant wait to see the movie.
The costumes and the spaces look beautiful.
Want to see rest of Nancy Meyers work.
Garance, congratulations on what you did with your blog. Super inspiring.
I’m so happy for you! I can’t get pass that you repeated the phrase “dumb rom-com.” Are rom-coms dumb because mainly women are interested in them?.
I am very curious about the movie, like the interview, thanks Garance.
I have been missing your french accent so much!!
Love this video, keep on posting!
Wow wow wow!! Bravo Garance pour tout ce que tu as accompli, je te suis depuis 2006 et je n’ai meme pas 25 ans (c’est pour dire)
Bravo pour tout ce que tu as accompli durant ces 9 années, tu es une inspiration sans fin et si j’avais la possibilité de travailler avec toi (je suis styliste donc je ne te sers pas a grand chose) ca serait tellement overwelming!!
Bravo pour tout!
Hyper cute de voir Garance impressionnée par les deux monstres sacrés assis en face d’elle ! Un retour fracassant du Pardon my French, grazie !
Baci, Ali
love, love, love it in so many ways. thanks so much for sharing such a beautiful conversation. so wonderful that a man’s gentleness is being commended in a movie / that it’s being shown as a real strength and a mark of a true man. lovely table setting as well! is the pinterest link for the photo working? thank you
Garance ce que je vais écrire n’enlève en rien le fait que j’adore venir ici tous les jours, depuis très longtemps!! :) … mais ce PMF…bah ça ne ressemble pas à du PMF… le film à l’air génial et j’irai car j’adore De Niro et Nancy Meyers, mais cette interview etait un brin ennuyeuse, j’ai eu l’impression d’assister à une de ses émissions dédiées au cinéma dont les itw sont tellement convenues et consensuelles. Mais dans le même temps, j’admire ce partenariat avec la Warner qui démontre à quel point tu es importante dans les médias, c’est énorme!
Fabulous interview and I look forward to the movie-
Lovely, in-depth interview! I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie now :)
Love this! You’ve inspired me to see the film asap. And I loved that they seemed to really enjoy talking with you too. :)
(PS GORGEOUS interview space! Would love to know where it was…)
Love this! And I loved that it’s more than a 2-minute piece on the movie, but rather an extended conversation that goes deeper. So excited to see the film!
FABULOUS interview! As noted above, it was great that the whole thing was a chat about how Nancy was inspired to create the film and how Anne felt about the character and why she took on the role (that’s a bit of an assumption based on how she said she really related to the character). I now feel like I will go into the movie thinking about what these ladies (and you) have said about it and look into it all a bit deeper. All in all it’s just FAB FAB FAB!
Well done G! Hope that lots of interesting concepts like this cross your desk again soon so that we, your audience can reap the benefits!
um, there was something sparkly on your left hand Garance. Have something to tell us?
super cute video, looking forward to the movie for sure
I can’t wait to see this movie!
Looking forward to the movie. LOVED Anne’s blouse– where is it from??
LOVE IT! Well done to all involved! The entire dialogue was engaging and thoughtful. The setting is perfection. I’m so looking forward to a future Pardon My French.
Looking forward to seeing this with my Meetup group! I am happy to see a woman with a startup as the inspiration for the character, so much more relatable than the NYC-based ad agencies and magazines that are dying off.
Congrats, Garance!! What an excited project, I am looking forward to seeing this film. It is a very relevant storyline that I feel has not been talked about very much. Please keep the videos coming, I really enjoy watching them. xx – Angelina
Oh my goodness! LOVE. Can’t wait to see it now- more even than before! And while in no way the point of the film or interview, what glorious shade of pink is on those walls and does it have a name/ paint swatch/ wallpaper number? I want it. :) I also want the French accent but, alas, that can not be purchased.
Great interview Garance. Thoughtful and more intimate than most interviews. You are a great listener.
I am also curious where it was filmed. That space is gorgeous. I love those pink walls!
This is excellent!! Can’t wait to watch the film x
Garance et Anne Hathaway sont vraiment très belles à l’écran.
Bravo à vous, cet épisode est particulièrement réussi.
Garance c’est adorable! Vous m’avez presque fait pleurer du joie. J’ai 19 ans et vous avez parler de tous les chose qui m’ont faire peur quand je pense à ma carrer. Et j’ai pas fait une choix maintenant.
What an amazing opportunity, to meet two of Hollywood’s most famous ladies! Absolutely loved the video!
Tant de bons sentiments partagés et de congratulations réciproques avec autant de sourires…on n’a plus (pas ?) l’habitude en France ! J’irai sûrement voir ce film pour le thème, les acteurs, la réalisatrice mais Dieu que Miss Hattaway reste “sous contrôle” : les Américaines ne s’avachissent-elles jamais un peu dans leur fauteuil quand elles prennent le thé avec des amies ?
Ce que j’ai préféré : le service à thé, juste parfait !
Un reportage très intéressant qui permet de découvrir des personnes et non pas des ‘personnages’.
Un petit nota particulier sur les “films” qui me manquaient particulièrement. C’est bien réalisé et juste assez ‘long’ (ou court) pour retenir l’attention.
Un second nota pour vous dire combien votre blog m’a aidé en anglais. Au fil des années -car je lis depuis le début- je suis passée de la lecture en français vers la lecture intermittente en anglais ce qui me permet améliorer sensiblement mon niveau dans cette langue. Merci pour les moments de détente et de ‘savoir’.
Garance & team, chapeau bas! Jolie interview, et du coup hâte de voir le film!
I can not wait for that movie, an interesting topic and you are all beautiful women!
I also like the dining room, where you sit, with those colourful chairs.
Great video!
Thank you!
Ces vidéos “Pardon My French” sont toujours une si grande joie à regarder. Celle-ci est vraiment inspirante. J’aimerais beaucoup voir d’autres vidéos de ce genre par la suite, des sortes de discussions informelles avec des créateurs, acteurs, auteurs, réalisateurs, business men-women… Merci Garance, merci le studio !
Garance, I love the fact that you are back with Pardon My French and I also adore your work. But I just wish this interview could be a little more informal, you know. Don’t get me wrong, the interview is great but you could add one or two funny stories or a little trivial questions, etc, etc. I don’t know the mood in this video is a tiny bit too serious. Still, good to have you back on Youtube!!
Garance, I love the fact that you are back with Pardon My French! And please do Paris fashion week diary thing again!
very cool! not at all what I expected from the film…. very much thought Anne’s character would be the intern and would fail to be some unrealistic fashion intern movie… but after seeing the trailer I was wonderfully surprised. Can’t wait to see it in theatres. Lovely conversation video about the film!
Ça faisait longtemps et ça manquait! Peut être mettre un “spoiler alert“ ou un “à voir après avoir vu le film” car la réalisatrice parle de “surprises” qu’on aurait peut être préféré découvrir en voyant le film! Mais sinon très intéressant de se focaliser sur un aspect du film en particulier et d’y consacrer du temps et de la réflexion!
J’imagine que faire un telle vidéo demande du temps mais le format convient, selon moi, mieux que les longues interviews écrites. Peut-être pourriez-vous en réaliser plus pour les interviews habituelles? :)
A lovely and interesting interview!
I guess I am going to drag my bf into the movie as well
One of the few things I like being born in Eastern Germany (before unification) is the fact, that working moms were always the norm in my family and my surrounding. So much the norm, that a non-working mom was looked upon weird. I was almost shoked to learn stayat-home-mums still exist in our times. But I became more understanding.
I am happy to live in a world/country/society where we as women can choose and can give a f**k about what others might say (although it is difficult to give a f**k sometimes)
Keep on going!
Alors THE QUESTION, est ce que Chris est prêt à devenir père au foyer afin de laisser sa success full de femme accomplir son destin ? ah ah
Chouette ! enfin une vidéo ! très sympa l’interview qui ressemble plutôt à un bavardage entre amies et c’est cela qui plaît..nous étions en manque depuis longtemps – c’est un réel plaisir de la regarder et de l’écouter (le décor est ravissant)
Oh Garance – such a great interview and interesting discussion with 3 intelligent ladies! I so loved this and hope you feature more content like it :) bisous xx Michelle
Who made that lovely tea set? If anyone knows, could you please let me know?
Donc, si j’ai bien compris, toute retenue ou critique sur ce contenu est malvenu… !!! J’aime tellement le ton de votre équipe, le contenu éditorial du blog en général que je suis très peinée de voir que toute remise en question est impossible… Avec le pardon my French sur Kering, j’avais déjà eu cette sensation d’avoir affaire à de la vulgaire publicité pas du tout distanciée et vous aviez déjà éliminé mon commentaire. Que vous dire ? C’est l’envers du décor j’imagine…
J’ai hâte de retrouver votre esprit critique, votre légèreté, votre inventivité et votre univers que je trouvais si singulier et si rafraichissant ainsi que vos magnifiques photos…
Bien à vous,
I just love the way, you are making the videos!
Your kind of style is unique.This idea of like beeing friends sitting around the coffeetable talking about life is wonderfully personal. And not talking about the sorroundig, which is gorgeous also…..
Concrats, Garance
Go girl! We want to see a lot more of this….
Patricia from Bolivia
I’d like to second what so many here have said -loved the interview, can’t wait to see the movie, and was really excited to see another Pardon My French video up! Will you please do more! :)
PS- I am also a “working outside the home” mom as Anne said (!) :) with a stay at home hubby, so this really resonated for me! Can’t wait, can’t wait to see it.
Je te trouves émouvante dans la vidéo Garance,je crois voir qu’à la fois tu n’ne reviens pas de discuter avec ces deux femmes, que tu es surexcitée mais aussi très fière d’être une des inspirations de ce film qui à l’air génial !
Bravo à toi <3 !!
Enfin un PMF !!!!! Bon j’avoue que ce n’est pas mon préféré (première fois que je ne tiens pas jusqu’au bout) mais ca fait plaisir à voir.
Hâte de retrouver les vidéos peut être un peu moins sponsorisées…
How lucky you were, to meet Robert de Niro and Anne Hathaway!
J’adore ce poste et les vidéos PMF! xx
I just saw this movie on Friday and loved it!! It is so subtle and important in its messages. Thanks for doing this video with Nancy & Anne! Wonderful to hear more of their thoughts and motivations behind the story.
Great interview Garance; what a charming office Nancy has, lucky her! You are right, Anne Hathaway is very talented, I saw an online video from I believe a skit on the Jimmy Fallon show; she was awesome. Also, the mention of “Mr. Mom” made me smile; although I saw it many years ago, I’ve never laughed so hard during a movie before or since!
ah la la….:)))) !!!! ….. j’adoooore le film “Tout peut arriver” ….trop contente pour toi Garance, tu es super courageuse ah la la…interview en anglais à troi pfiouu,…!!! hâte de voir le film :) !
Félicitations Garance!
C’est un vrai beau compliment pour toi qu’elle se soit inspirée de toi et de ton histoire et sincèrement je m’en réjouis à ta place! :DDD
Honnêtement quand je te lis, j’ai l’impression que tu es comme une grande soeur, qui a à peine 26 ans, et j’adore venir ici, lire tes posts, rire à tes blagues, m’émerveiller devant tout ce qui t’émerveille, me passionner encore plus (est-ce possible?) pour la mode, apprendre et recevoir tes conseils et avis éclairés.
Ton blog est le premier que j’aie visité, je ne sais même plus comment je suis arrivée ici la première fois… et je continue à venir… qui l’eut cru? Pas moi!
Dans ton post sur la marche, pourquoi tu adores marcher, etc. Tu dis que tu écoutes des podcasts en marchant et je suis EXTREMEMENT CURIEUSE de savoir ce que tu écoutes!!
STP!!!!!! Un post sur tes chaines de podcasts préférées!!!!!!
Gros bisous!!!
Bonjour à toutes, j’ai vraiment hâte que le film sorte.
Anne et Garance sont particulièrement bien mis en valeur dans cet épisode.
Omg her shirt! Anna Hathaway’s shirt is so amazing.
Bravo, Garance! I´ve pre-ordered your book. Thanks for the intelligent conversation.
Commentaire tardif, mais c’est que je viens seulement de le voir ce film!
J’ai adoré! J’y ai traîné mon mec aussi qui, lui aussi, y allait à reculons (mais après les daubes qu’il nous a fait voir, il me devait bien ça lol) et en fait, il a adoré lui aussi! on y a vu plein de clins d’oeils de la vraie vie, avec moi qui essaie de me lancer dans un projet perso, lui qui me pousse mais en même temps on réfléchit souvent à la “place” que chacun est sensé prendre dans le couple (Homme versus Femme)… bref, super film, avec une Anne Hathaway toujours aussi fraîche et un Robert de Niro super touchant :)
Bref un bon feeling happy/ feeling determined movie!