Let's Talk About


9 years ago by


How often do you leave home with no makeup on?

I mean zero; no concealer, no mascara, no powder, nada. Just moisturizer, then out the door. For me, it’s almost never. Only very occasionally to exercise and then when I go to the beach (but only after I have a bit of a tan). 

Sometimes I feel like my “no makeup makeup look” is my real face, but it’s not — it’s just the one I present to the world. And I would say I’m not crazy high maintenance, but I definitely feel like I’m not really dressed or ready for the world without at least a little light coverage.

How about you? Do you venture into the world with zero, or what’s the minimum you’ll wear when you go out?


Add yours
  • most days I’m make up free. i like to look like that. A little plain and ugly but not in a bad way in a real way. I don’t want people to get used to my ‘no make up’ make up face and then when I’m really bare be thinking ‘got damn what happened to her’. Also when i wear makeup i feel like i enjoy it more and it makes me feel like i’ve made the effort. London Love to you all, be free and happy. Nadia

  • My philosophy exactly!

  • Jessica April, 17 2015, 8:07

    My no make up face is my 99% of the time face. I don’t know how to apply makeup. Plus, it’s so easy to just get up and go (with a shower in between of course!). And then when you do wear makeup it will be so much more special and impactful! However, it is true that a bare face might come as unpolished in some professional circumstances. I deal with those on a case by case basis.

  • I usually wear very little make up — but probably once or twice a week I go without make up


  • I’m makeup free pretty often, at least half of the time. It’s nice to give your face a break from all of it. :]

    // ? itsCarmen.com ?

  • Hardly ever! I am very lucky to have long eyelashes and I invest a lot in my skin care. I keep looking polished by always making sure my eyebrows are tidy and my teeth super white. Sometimes I’ll put on some eye shadow or blush if I’m going to an event, but otherwise my face is bare.

  • I’m really lucky and I never wear makeup. I own some Chanel lipsticks, Clinique powder and eyeliner, but it’s only for special occasion and when I feel like I need a pick me up. I feel like my skin is so fantastic because I so rarely clog my pores.

    Warm Regards,

  • Je suis une femme complétement obsédée par les fringues et les chaussures mais pas sophistiquée du tout! Chez moi c’est 100% nature : le mascara et le rouge à lèvres c’est uniquement quand je sors, le reste du temps c’est simplement crème de jour.

  • for me, never. even at the beach with lipstick.

  • Never. It’s not me without make up …

  • oui, moi je m’oblige un ou deux jours par semaine à ne rien mettre du tout. Un peu d’huile de carotte pour hydrater (et ça donne une jolie couleur au teint)…
    On fini par oublier au bout de quelques minutes dans la rue…

  • my no-makeup face still consists of eyebrows! eyebrows are important to me!


  • Everyday!!! The only makeup I generally wear is lipstick. Now when I even use mascara, it either feels alien or like I’m getting super dressed up (the second being a good feeling in the right situation). I also say this as someone who has been battling cystic acne for 2 years and though does not have any currently, definitely has some scarring!!

  • Oui tous les weekends enfin pas le soir!!! C’est ma detox make up! Je me retrouve..


    Big bisous

  • I recently made a list/budget of my usual beauty products. That list illuminated my priorities: I spend what I consider a lot of money on skincare, and virtually nothing on makeup. Which is my way of saying I go out without any makeup a lot. When I do wear makeup, it is nearly always a little eyeliner and some mascara. I’m with Nadia, above, who wrote “I don’t want people to get used to my ‘no make up’ make up face and then when I’m really bare be thinking ‘got damn what happened to her’.” Exactly my thoughts, too.

  • I go make up free very very often. With just my moisturizer, yes yes ! And yet my skin is far from perfect … but I don’t really care about being 100% perfect. I’m like “okay, no big deal” ^^ When I take the time to put make up on, it’s mascara first, then concealer. I think the complexion is the hardest thing to work if you wanna do it correctly.


  • I dont wear make up, so yes… this happens almost every day!

  • J’adore les vêtements et chaussures mais je ne porte plus de maquillage depuis une dizaine d’années ou j’ai décidé d’afficher ma vraie tête. Ca m’a fait bizarre au début, je pensais être toute nue et fade, moi qui mettais un trait d’eye liner depuis mes 14 ans… Et puis voilà, ça m’a poussée aussi à m’affirmer réellement. Je porte aussi des vêtements bien plus voyants, et mes cheveux bouclés sont voyants aussi.

  • To tell you the truth, maybe once or at most twice a month when I’m really sick of making-up, and feel like my skin needs some fresh air! But! Another truth is that the air is quite dirty and whenever I don’t apply any makeup, suddenly my face gets worse. I don’t know it’s right or wrong but it feels like I’m covering my face from the dirt outside. I know it sounds weird, but I feel so!

  • Ca m’a l’air tout a fait scientifique comme explication: le maquillage comme protection contre l’air urbain pollué. C’est vrai que dans les rouges a levres, point de métaux lours, et puis le fond de teint c’est bien connu ne contient pas une liste a rallonge de 20 composants chimiques, il y a juste de la poudre de licorne dedans.
    Je me facepalme en ce vendredi matin difficile.

  • Caroline Dé April, 16 2015, 6:15 / Reply

    Jamais sans un coup de crayon à sourcils (quand j’étais plus jeune, la symétrie n’était pas mon fort, ça a fait des ravages…) + une base correctrice (sans quoi, bonjour les rougeurs aux bas-joues).

  • Almost never, mainly because my face turns red and I can’t stand it, I have to use concealer at least :(


  • Kimberly April, 16 2015, 7:04 / Reply

    Mondays are my day off and its zero make-up. I only wear a bit of eye make up and lip gloss. Once I get a bit of sun, it is mascara and lip gloss only.

  • Ashleigh April, 16 2015, 7:07 / Reply

    I’ve been make up free for a few years now with the odd exception of mascara a few days a week and will add lip stick if I am going out or have a work meeting. When I look at women wearing A LOT of make up I feel uncomfortable for them! My skin is clearer and makes me look younger

  • Katherine April, 16 2015, 7:16 / Reply

    Hell no! I haven’t given up yet!

  • Isabella April, 16 2015, 7:17 / Reply

    I love make up, but in college I almost never use it, unless I wake up with something out of normal in my face.
    What I use in case of emergency is:
    -nyx lipstick (nude or peach)

    And it work very well for me .

    Kiss and peace from Colombia,

  • I’ve been writing about this same thing frequently on my blog. Why just this Monday I wrote

    I recently started enjoying makeup and once you start, it’s sort of hard to be completely barefaced. Also, it depends on how nicely or maybe not-so-nicely your skin is behaving. If it’s the super bare minimum, I’ll wear concealer and use an eyebrow pencil and lipstick if I remember. Thdolled up everyday is because putting on makeup is fun but taking it off is such a chore. :P

  • I’m 30 and I wear zero make-up on daily basis, my skin is not perfect but applying make up everyday makes it worst, I have a very sensitive skin. For the days I need a little extra help La Roche Rosaliac CC and mascara. The rest of the days Avene Hydrance Optimale and Sunscreen that’s it.

  • I stopped wearing makeup daily the day I did not like my face without it. Now, it is only on special occasions, like heels or special jewelry or a dress, and even so, it is usually a quick brush of powder and lipstick

  • I would rather go naked than be without mascara. I always have my lashes done and a touch of blush. But really I find makeup so much fun that even when I sweat to myself that I am going to have a ‘light’ natural day I end up with winged liner and red lipstick. Oopsie.

  • I just wrote a post with the same questions on Monday. http://sunovereden.blogspot.com/2015/04/bare-faced-or-not.html

    I just started being interested in makeup as of last year and now that I’ve started, I find it weird to go out barefaced. At the bare minimum, I’ll wear concealer, fill in my eyebrows, and put on some lipstick if I remember. I always wear sunblock. I would wear more makeup if taking it off wasn’t such a chore. That’s my biggest deterrent because putting it on is quite fun.

  • Never! I am blonde and feel like part of me is missing without my mascaraed eyelashes. x

  • Ditto what Nadia said. I just put on coconut oil. When I do wear makeup, people think I look great – it’s special, but there’s something beautiful about being bare.

  • Aninstantcrush April, 16 2015, 9:41 / Reply

    Since going from an office job to freelance, I hardy wear makeup. It’s been pretty liberating and, honestly, nobody has picked up on it. I hate taking mascara off. Most days I just fill in my eyebrows to darken them (they are super light blonde and I currently color my hair strawberry blonde-red), dab concealer on any spots and finish with lipgloss. And I used to be known as the beauty junkie amongst my friends! I’ve also switched to a lot of natural skincare and makeup lines and while I still treat makeup as fun, I don’t feel the need to stay on top of the latest trends in beauty anymore.

  • I go makeup free when I feel my skin looks beautiful. So I think skincare is important.

    I choose dermatologist recommended products like http://www.dclskincare.com and when I wear makeup I choose Chanel CC cream and a vibrant red lipstick!


  • No make up day to day for me, not for years. Only NARS matte lipstick for special occassions. Most of my female coworkers (we’re all scientists) don’t wear make-up at work either.

    I used to wear eye-liner, mascara, foundation, blush, and eye shadow. I don’t like how I look with that stuff on my face anymore. I feel off-looking with make-up on. Plus the fact that make-up usually irritates my eyes and clogs my pores is just reinforcement for not using it anymore.

    I’m pleasantly surprised at how many other women out there go sans fards. Thanks other responders :)

  • Clotilde April, 17 2015, 12:11 / Reply

    Avant d’ouvrir le post, et en voyant juste la photo de Kate et le début de la phrase, je croyais que la question allait être “ça vous arrive souvent de sortir de chez vous sans… soutien-gorge?” :D

  • Could not agree more. Most people probably think I’m not wearing makeup but the very minimum is tinted moisturizer, concealer and mascara.

    Sadly, I’m no longer 22!


  • I’m 24 and I “venture” into the world with zero makeup every single day, I don’t even curl my eyelashes, just Carmex on my lips. And for special occasions I only wear the three things I own: mascara, eyeliner and a little bit of blush. I know nothing about make up, I mean I don’t even know what concealer is, and that’s great for me! :) Some girls look amazing with makeup on, but I am not one of them , I feel and look better all natural, it suits my lifestyle.

  • esmeralda April, 17 2015, 12:57 / Reply

    Ben oui tout le temps, le week-end surtout!
    Il faut bien donner un break a sa peau et puis ca va, on ressemble pas non plus a Quasimodo sans maquillage, il faut arrêter!!!!

  • Most of the time I don’t wear any makeup. I put makeup maybe once a week at most…
    But I am french… and I live in California. My skin is far from perfect. I am not tanned. I just like myself that way. makeup is for parties or for a special evenings. that’s it !

  • almost everyday I go out without make up.. for sure I think that I do look better with a bit of concealer, blush and mascara.. or in the weekend with an evening make up. but on weekdays it is so easy to leave the door with just a moisturizer. I do have a subtle blush in my bag all the time, just in case if I decide during the day to add some sparks :)

  • Last 3 months I lived without make up, because it was too hot in Vietnam to use something. :P I have only beautiful natural tan… and I loved how I looked! Happy smile is our best make up! ;)

  • everyday! except in the weekends when I’m going out somewhere with my hubby :)

  • Ouai moi je suis vraiment wild de la fougère: je me promène dehors sans aucun maquillage et meme (attention les yeux) sans creme hydratante.
    Ne me lancez pas de fleurs pour mon courage pour sortir en étant aussi moche, je suis un etre modeste.

  • C’est super intéressant comme question ! Personnellement, plus jeune, je n’était pas le genre à me maquiller le teint énormément, mais, adolescente, je n’aimais pas sortir sans (beaucoup) de maquillage (noir) sur les yeux (corbeaux).
    Etudiante, j’étais du genre relax, relax au point de ne porter AUCUN maquillage lors du ‘bal de promo’, donc bon… relax, quoi…

    Aujourd’hui j’ai 22 ans et j’essaye d’être le plus naturelle possible, tout en ayant l’air “préparée”, genre pas sortie du lit quoi. Toujours rien sur la peau (j’aime pas, et puis ça m’empêche de bronzer et comme j’ai le teint olive, en hiver j’ai vite l’air mal en point), un peu de concealer et, parfois, les yeux.
    Je pense qu’il faut apprendre à s’aimer sans rien du tout, et après, le reste, c’est que du bonus :)

    J’ai la chance d’avoir pour amis proche des garçons si peu machos, des garçons (et des filles) qui aiment les filles sans maquillage, qui les trouvent plus belles ainsi. Ce regard positif aide à s’apprécier soi même et à se construire une self estime honnête et intègre. Pas parfaite, mais pas un monstre.

    Mon but: être une de ces filles ultra belles au naturel, genre Kate Moss tu vois. Rien que ça.

  • The only pieces of makeup I own is a CC cream and a red lipstick. But I rarely ever wear it. It is no makeup for me most of the time!

  • Est-ce que je sors parfois sans maquillage ? Oui, tous les jours !
    A une époque j’étais toujours maquillée. Je me maquillais peu (eye liner + anti-cernes seulement) mais tout de même tous les jours. Et puis un beau jour j’ai arrêté. C’était une période où j’étais très fatiguée, j’avais envie de pouvoir me frotter les yeux quand j’en avais envie. Ca a été un révélateur : j’ai réalisé que le maquillage était un peu contraignant (franchement, ne pas pouvoir se frotter les yeux quand on veut ?! Devoir se lever plus tôt ?!), et surtout qu’il avait déformé ma perception de moi-même : ma “tête normale”, c’était devenu moi avec de l’eye liner !
    Depuis, se maquiller est devenu un geste exceptionnel, soit parce que j’ai envie de me faire belle (qu’il y ait une occasion particulière ou pas), soit parce que ce jour-là, j’ai vraiment trop de cernes :) Ca a vraiment un côté très agréable : avant ma tête maquillée était “normale”, maintenant j’ai l’impression d’avoir fait un effort particulier et d’être plus jolie que d’habitude alors que j’ai juste pris trois secondes pour mettre de l’eye liner.
    Il y a quand même un inconvénient : le maquillage était un bon moyen de me vieillir un peu, parce que parfois ça me gêne d’avoir l’air si juvénile, surtout au travail. Mais bon, je compense avec de belles vestes – la bonne excuse.
    Ceci dit, j’ai réalisé récemment grâce à une amie que si je pouvais sortir sans maquillage c’était que j’avais quand même un peu de chance – une peau plutôt nette, en partie parce que j’abuse de la crème hydratante, et des cils assez longs et bruns. Et je soutiens complètement toutes les filles qui ne veulent pas sortir sans maquillage, après tout ce qui est génial, c’est d’avoir le choix !

    So not necessary. Nothing better than a compliment when you have no makeup; there is no mask to hide behind.

  • Pour moi c’est plutôt le contraire, je sors la plupart du temps sans maquillage, la peau nue. De temps en temps cependant, j’aime bien mettre un rouge à lèvre ou alors du blush ou alors du crayon. Bizarrement toujours un à la fois… Du coup, je passe plus de temps à m’occuper de ma peau, de mon hydratation et de mon grain de peau pour que tout soit parfait !

  • Usually I won’t go out with absolutely nothing, unless I’m having a miraculously good skin day or I’m just venturing outside for a weekend walk in the forest. Otherwise, it’s concealer and mascara, or a red lip at the very least. I just feel so unfinished and unpolished otherwise.

  • Absolument impensable. Je me sens mal et super moche quand c’est le cas, je sors toujours avec un peu de mascara et une poudre bronzante… Et je suis d’accord, sans make up ce n’est pas vraiment moi !


  • As I am working at home, I do zero makeup pretty every single day. You get too used to it that just a bit of foundatino feel cakey!

  • I agree with the first comment, belonging to Nadia, I wear no makep up in my daily routine (but lipstick) no mascara, no concealer, nothing.
    In the weekends, just if I feel like it, I put a bit of blush and eyeliner, sometimes mascara.
    The less you use, the more you realize that you do not need it. I like my skin to breathe, just moisturizer and sunscreen.
    We are beautiful, do not forget it!
    Have a nice day

  • I totally understand you. I like lightweight “no makeup” makeup, as it looks fresh and girly, but I wouldn’t go out completely bare-faced. For me, it’s only the 2 situations you’ve listed: working out and going to the beach. I don’t have the best complexion, so I feel rather insecure without makeup on. My minimum is at least a hint of foundation, a concealer and a moisturizing lip balm. I can live without mascara, though.


  • Murielle April, 17 2015, 7:08 / Reply

    Je suis contente de voir que je ne suis pas la seule à sortir très souvent sans aucun maquillage.
    Parfois je met uniquement du rouge à lèvres. Le maquillage total, teint, yeux …c’est rare.

  • I always wish I could go make-up free, but I don’t have the best skin. Rosacea combined with super light skin is not the best image to present to the world. However, I’ve learned that with some good moisturizer that is combined with Benefit’s “that gal” brightening face primer and just a dab of foundation or CC cream on the cheeks and around the nose, I can get away with no other make-up.

  • Katheline April, 17 2015, 7:50 / Reply

    Since I spent 8 months travelling around in a van in Australia, I learned to go out make-up free. Before then I would always go with mascara at least, or maybe like you in summer when I am already a bit tanned.

    During my travels in OZ, I could not be bother to put make up every morning to rush afterwards in the water or work on a cattle station.

    It did me a lot of good: learn to love yourself and find features on your face that you do not see otherwise. For example, when I do not wear mascara I find that my blue eyes have a much softer color and I like to play with that. but I always put daycream or sunscreen!!

    I think that every lady should have a go at it, at least, once when you are on a good day, especially now that spring is coming! Dress up nicely to build up confidence and go for it :)

  • Everyday is no make-up day! I make wine and research about it, so make-up doesn’t go with my job. I try to take good care of my skin though. That way I avoid looking like a ghost or a teenage girl with 32 years old.

  • no way,je me sens nue sans mon fond de teint

  • I’m 52 years old, and except for VERY special occasions, I’ve never worn makeup. In fact, if a special occasion were to happen right now, I’d need to go buy makeup. I have none in my house.

  • I wear a lot of makeup everyday: foundation, powder, blush, lipstick (usually bright!), eyebrow pencil and gel. I get what you’re saying too, my no makeup look is actually more makeup than my daily look.

    I think girls who wear zero makeup are the most beautiful though, and I’m very envious. I’ve had acne for almost 20 years though, so even if I’m not breaking out there’s leftover red marks.

  • Florence April, 17 2015, 10:43 / Reply

    Presque tous les jours….je ne me maquille que quand je “sors” pour un vrai rendez-vous…Sinon rien de rien

  • No, because without any make up (especially eyes) I look like a potato, srsly I mean it. But I must admit that I try to achieve two things: great complexion (no acne scars & marks) and more define lashes, it would be one big step to that “no make up” or even bare face look. And it’s not about some trend cause let’s be honest, make up and everyday efforts to put this on face, touch ups etc. can be distracting. On the busy day when I’m trying to relax for a moment or focus on work and schedule there’s that little glance on the mirror and all of this thoughts like “OMG, I look like I’ve put too much foundation and the color is not a good match at all” or “f%^$! What’s happen with that eyeliner thing” etc. came out. Anyway it can be annoying and sometimes on the hot days you really feel all of this stuff on your face, mixed up with sweat and sebum arghhh! And the process of taking it off is gross too, but all I’m saying is it’s good until I decide I need this effort. I don’t let anybody convert me on the path “you’re not cool cause you’re wearing make up, cool girls today go barefaced” although I hear this kind of shaming hundred of times. It’s cool if it’s comfortable to you and if it’s make you feel less attractive, inconvenient and powerless in some way then do it right and don’t bother about silly comments.

  • eastvillagesiren April, 20 2015, 8:36

    Thank you, Anne. Very well put, and I agree!

  • BaileyCheyenne April, 17 2015, 11:06 / Reply

    I leave the house without makeup on a daily basis.

  • Zero = Make up free – 90% of the time, unless you count lip balm + 95% if you don’t count clear mascara. I don’t own lip stick, foundation, powder, concealer or anything. Though I think the idea, they key is just to do what feels go and understand why it feels good. Love,

  • Anna Candelaria April, 17 2015, 12:33 / Reply

    Every day I left home with no make up, only sunscreen mixed with a few drops of Olio Lusso.

  • all the time! i love the natural look with just some lipgloss. this has kept my skin healthier and clear.

  • Jessica April, 17 2015, 1:15 / Reply

    I leave the house everyday with no make-up on! Just me and my moisturizer. I’ll occasionally put make one for an event or my own birthday but other than that nada. I highly recommend it to everyone.

  • J’ai 25 ans, et pour ma part, je me suis posée beaucoup de question sur le fait de me maquiller ou non, sur ce qu’est réellement la beauté. C’est vrai que je me sens plus séduisante lorsque je me maquille mais j’ai vraiment le sentiment de tricher. Je me dis toujours, si l’on me voit sans maquillage on ne me reconnaîtra pas. C’est un peu de la pub mensongère quoi… Et puis je me dis aussi que nous les femmes devrions nous accepter et être acceptée telles que nous sommes ! Pourquoi trouverions nous les hommes beaux aux naturels mais pas nous… J’ai l’impression que l’on est vraiment victime de l’image de la femme parfaite érigée par notre société où règne consommation et marketing, au détriment de notre réelle beauté, mais que cela est tellement entré dans les mœurs qu’il est très dur de sortir du rang. Je veux dire, c’est quasiment impossible d’être aussi belle au naturel que l’image que nous renvoient nos canons de beauté (notamment la peau et le teint parfait), et je me suis dit qu’en nous “fardant pour être belle”, nous cautionnions ça. Donc, pendant un moment j’ai vraiment essayé d’arrêter le maquillage, ou alors j’en usais vraiment très peu : juste un peu de mascara, tout en continuant à prendre soin de moi avec des soins, toujours les sourcils impeccables etc… Mais je ne me sentais jamais assez jolie, jamais à la hauteur, et puis on m’a fait des remarques, on m’a par exemple souvent dit que j’avais l’air fatigué, que je devrais me maquiller plus (et ce sont d’ailleurs des femmes qui m’ont fait ces réflexions ! Comme quoi on est vraiment dures envers notre propre sexe !)… Et en même temps comment rivaliser au naturel contre un teint artificiel parfait ? Alors j’ai cédé à la pression et je me suis résignée à recommencer à me maquiller davantage (même si ça reste très nude). Mais cela me rend triste, car même si j’essaie parfois de me convaincre du contraire, j’ai le sentiment de renier celle que je suis vraiment. Comme si je devais accepter que ma vraie apparence n’est pas assez bien pour les autres et pour ce que nous considérons être la beauté. Je me demande si d’autres femmes ressentent cela…

  • I feel this too

  • everyday. at 53 – i look like 40. I have been taking great care of my skin since I was in my late teens. moisturizer and sunscreen are my only makeup – with a lip stain and gloss.
    applying makeup everyday – actually ages the skin. it has been what i haven’t done that has contributed to my skin care routine. no sun, no alcohol, no drugs, no smoking, no makeup. and sunscreen everyday – rain, snow and sunshine. and a wide brim hat when outdoors.

  • That’s funny. I was thinking about this very thing this morning while looking in the mirror before I left for Pilates. I feel like as we age, we become more self conscious of how our face looks and feel more comfortable with makeup than without.

  • jeanette April, 18 2015, 4:36 / Reply

    My entire make-up consists of lipstick. No other make-up. Usually red or plum or another bright shade. I am lucky to have reasonable skin for my 45 years with fair-ish skin and dark hair.

    Once I went to my preschool teaching job and one of the little girls kept staring at me – “Jeanette – what’s happened to your lips? They’ve gone!” – she was genuinely worried. She thought they had disappeared!!! Finally I realised – I hadn’t time to put on my lipstick that morning! I went to the ladies and put some on, and finally I looked like myself again. SHE was most relieved.

  • I used to have terrible acne which I would cover with foundation, but recently I’ve been really diligent with a pretty full-on skincare regime and my skin’s begun to clear itself up. As a result, I’m enjoying being able to wear less make-up. I now just wear (along with a coat of mascara and occasionally some cat-eye eyeliner) an oil-free BB cream or tinted moisturiser with concealer over any blemishes – I feel so much fresher and younger by exposing more of my ‘true’ skin. Caking on foundation just ages you and it’s impossible to wear foundation without people knowing that you’re wearing it. Hoping that one day I’ll just be able to get away with a touch of concealer here and there!
    Grace x

  • I recently left the house with zero make-up on for a quick trip to the corner store. I have gone out with the bare minimum on my face (read: mascara), but that still counts as wearing something.

    I can’t even remember the last time I have left the house with truly nothing on my face but moisturizer – it boggles my mind. The fact that we don’t dare leave the house as we are… it’s a bit crazy, right? It’s not even that I think that I look bad without make-up on (perhaps a bit more tired), it just makes me feel naked and I guess a bit vulnerable. It’s a strange thing when you think about it!

  • I came across the best T-Shirt which proclaimed, “Give me coffee & mascara!” I have light skin and dark hair, but my eyelashes are blonde on the ends, so I love to extend & plump with mascara every morning. For me this is a must–other than this, I appreciate concealer, powder, blush, etc, but like to keep it simple.
    I remember being partially horrified when I first saw concealer & highlighting charts with photos of models’ faces streaked with various tones, to be smoothed over in the end. I know that kind of application is an art form, but don’t think I could muster the courage or energy to do that on a daily basis.
    This question of the “naked face” is a good one to consider! How DO we present ourselves to the world and why?

  • Charlotte April, 18 2015, 7:38 / Reply

    I almost always leave the house with no make-up on at all. I just prefer going natural, its easier, faster, and I feel almost more comfortable with it because I know I can’t mess it up. When ever I doll myself up for parties and dinners I always worry something is off.

  • Les jours où ma peau est bien, oui, je sors sans rien (si mettre du parfum, ça ne compte pas…)! Sinon je cache les petites imperfections (j’adore le fond de teint en poudre de Estée Lauder et le correcteur de Benefit) et j’ajoute du blush Coralista de Benefit pour ne pas ressembler à un zombie ! Il y a quelques années j’avais beaucoup d’acné, même pour aller à la piscine j’étais obligée de me couvrir complètement (base + fond de teint liquide + poudre + blush, ET maquillage des yeux OU de la bouche pour distraire des boutons…) sinon bonjour les regards et les commentaires désagréables, et maintenant c’est un véritable soulagement d’avoir le choix de sortir sans rien.

  • Moisturise and buy the best moisturiser you can afford, don’t forget your neck and shoulders, always keep your face in the shade with a hat or whatever it takes

    The secret to keeping acne away is Drink Freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh water EVERY day, minimalise fried food, eat salad and fresh fruit, keep pore clogging products off your face. All you need daily is a little eye pencil & mascara plus lipstick

  • I don’t get the obsession with hiding imperfections on your face. Your face won’t be more beautiful because you conceal an acne scar or shape your eyebrows–prettier, maybe, not not more beautiful. Your expressions and your glances won’t be changed by the make-up you wear. So no, I never wear any make-up.

  • I can’t really remember those days where I had absolutely nothing on…..

  • I never leave the house without at least lipgloss or tinted lip balm. I need some colour in my pale lips in order not to look dead. I very often leave the house with only lipgloss and nothing else, though. And at the beach/pool, only lip balm.

  • Every Saturday and sometimes also Sunday.
    I wear makeup every day at work, not a heavy one actually ’cause I use only organic products, but often very “distinctive” (neutral eyes with red or fuchsia lips, or bare lips with colourful eyeliner, often kind of geometric destructured one; make up for me is a playful accessory).
    On Friday night I remove my makeup, my nail-polish, and let my face and “soul” be bare. For the very same reason I usually wear comfy jeans e soft fabric, loose hair and no heels at all. I pamper my soul and body with masks and hair treatment (always natural and very simple mixing oils, honey, aloe, indian powders), I like the feeling of being free and clean and the possibility of rubbing my face on my kids ones being aware they can recognize the real me.
    Finally yes, I also go out without make-up and it’s so liberating, almost transgressive, but in a light (hippy?) way.

    Maura from Italy

  • Une fois par semaine ( le dimanche) je laisse ma peau respirer: une crème de jour et c’est tout ( zéro make-up surtout!) mon mari et mes enfats le savent et j’en profite ce jour là pour faire un gommae et un masque! En hiver je fuis le mirroir le dimanche et au printemps ça va déjà mieux, on a quelques couleurs!!

  • just like you it is very hard for me to go outside without any make up ! i do it when i go running or swimming, but otherwise, almost never

    xo CarolineJ

  • Cherylnina April, 20 2015, 8:59 / Reply

    I only wear moisturizer for day and lipstick. For night I wear mascara, eye shadow. I started working from home a few months ago and did video conferences sans make up. I wondered what my co workers would think of me. Of course the only person who truly worries about it is me. This is the face I was given and it’s the face I’ve earned. I take great pains to work out and take care of my skin, so I try to be proud of a no make up face as much as I can. (Ps I’m single and not dating anyone steady in case people resolve I’m this confident bec I’m hooked up or whatever)

  • Trisker May, 2 2015, 5:49 / Reply

    I adore makeup, but I’m 69 years old now, and it’s gotten tricky to wear makeup and not look older. Usually I wear some kind of eyeliner pushed into my lashes, like tightlining, and eyebrows. Blush helps me look awake but I rarely remember to put it on. Lip gloss, usually Aquafor. For fancy evenings, mascara, eyeshadow, lipstick, probably some foundation. I see women my age and want to tell them to back off the makeup — it’s NOT making you look younger or better!

  • I’m surprised at how many here go barefaced so often! I will go to the gym on a sat with tinted moisturizer and nothing else if I wear my sunglasses outside but otherwise, even at the beach, I am not myself without my eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and usually my NARS tinted moisturizer on which I always get compliments about my skin. I am 33.

  • Ai-Ch'ng May, 7 2015, 2:27 / Reply

    About three to four times a week (on weekdays), I’ll go with only moisturiser on my face and clear lip balm (because my lips tend to get quite dry) when I send my son super-early for (long) before-school sports training, then collect letter from my post office and buy petrol and some groceries.

    For me, there’s just no inclination to apply any makeup (which for me, consists only of a red lipstick and a touch of bronzer used as a blush) when it’s that early (5:30am). Not being a morning person, brushing my teeth, washing my face and slapping on moisturiser is as much as I can do at that time. After the early morning errands, though, I’ll come home, do yoga, have a quick shower and breakfast, then always re-apply moisturiser (loads of it) and do a firm, two minute, full-on face massage. I feel completely satisfied and relaxed after my daily intense morning face massage (so good for keeping sinus issues at bay), and hope that such contentment means I can escape blusher and foundation, and any eye makeup or mascara, and get away with just moisturiser on my face (I’m not sure if that’s true, but it feels nice to pare back to minimal makeup as much as I can).

    However, before I go out to meet clients, or head out for dinner, I always apply a bright red long-stay lipstick, or rub in a deep burgundy lip tint. I’m forty-six now, and I feel like I look unwell without lip colour. I have really pale lips, so I always think, if I’m going to wear lipstick, I’ll make it cheerful. Not ever the no-makeup looks for me… I either wear it (just bright or intense lipstick), or not.

  • marianna May, 17 2015, 3:39 / Reply

    Early morning (6.30) rush routine usually is: eyebrow pencil, very light foundation, mascara and eye pencil used as an eyeliner. But going zero is a constant temptation.

  • Eyelash curler, defining brows with a slanted eyeliner brush+brown eyeshadow and using what’s left on the brush for my lower lashline is a must for me. It makes me sad that i have to do these every morning to feel presentable.. if i’m going somewhere matters more than highschool reunion; i add mac face and body, mascara, lipliner and kitten flick too.

  • En ce moment, je suis super fatiguée, c’est au minimum deux jours sur trois sans maquillage du tout. et pour cause : le matin, je tombe du lit et quand je vois l’heure qu’il est en sortant de la douche, je me dis que je me maquillerai plus tard dans la journée. Je pose ma trousse à maquillage sur la table et je l’oublie en partant…
    J’essaie quand même de faire l’effort de me maquiller régulièrement, genre deux fois par semaine, pour rester dans la dynamique de la séduction. Je n’aime pas le négligé, je trouve qu’il vaut mieux être un peu artificielle et avoir de l’éclat qu’être naturelle et terne. Je trouve que nous avons toutes un “moi érotique”, et que le maquillage est une des choses à travers lesquelles il s’exprime. Donc, je me force un peu mais je le fais. On rêve toutes d’être renversantes au naturel, mais de naturel à mémère, il y a parfois un pas qu’on franchit très aisément sans même s’en rendre compte…

  • i love the bare face. no foundation. just your skin. but i do like mascara from time to time and a red lip. it makes me feel sexy. i do use Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat under my eyes and i am good to go.

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