Year of the Monkey
8 years ago by

It’s the year of the Fire Monkey! I know, doesn’t it sound cool and a little mysterious? Not knowing so much when it comes to Chinese horoscope, I looked it up and 2016 is meant to be “ideal for a quantum leap in life”! And that goes for all of us.
(A leap for mankind!)
But I love the idea of kicking off the celebrations with something extra cute that might be better used in preparation for that leap, like this highlighting palette from Armani with it’s embossed monkey and red top casing, an ode to ‘fire’…
Any year of the monkeys out there? And any huge, leap-worthy resolutions?
A “fire monkey” sounds kind of scary to me, actually! But I love the idea of taking a huge leap this year. I tend to choose one word to represent my goals for a year instead of resolutions and this year I almost chose leap, in fact. I went with endeavor instead. I have a feeling 2016 will be a great and fiery year…full of monkey business?
I honestly have the best feeling about 2016 and I never say that about any year! go fire monkey!
it won’t be the year of the monkey until feb 8 ;)
Haha how funny, I didn’t know that! But let’s make it a monkey 2016 :)
Much love, Carmen from
Helen is right. Until February 8th it’s still the year of the Wooden Goat / Sheep.
I’m not sure why, but I just don’t like monkeys. I’m kind of scared of them.
Well, that said, I still hope for a good year! :)
C’est fou, mon signe chinois est le Singe.. Et j’ai senti depuis quelques semaines que 2016 allait être l’année “breakthrough”! Surtout que j’espère quelque chose de super le 8 février… C’est fou!
Merci Neada pour cet article! Si tu es intéressée par les produits cosmétiques qui rendent hommage au zodiaque, il y a les boitiers Estee Lauder aussi!
I’m excited to hear its the year of the Fire Monkey! My big leap will be making the move to London at the end of the summer. I have lived in LA my whole life, so moving somewhere new with no family or friends is scary, but feels like a whole new life chapter. I’m hoping there will be a London City Guide on the blog soon!! ;)
Mon pas de geant: revenir vivre en France apres 10 ans a l’etranger. Ca risque de faire drole et l’adaptation sera surement un peu difficile mais je pense qu’il est temps de me poser, aussi pour ma fille. Bon, le big move n’est pas encore fait, il faut d’abord trouver du boulot! Je compte sur le Singe…
Hello, yes, Neada – I am a Monkey! An Earth one, born 1st January, 1969.