Where is the Glove?
8 years ago by

I’m really bad about wearing gloves during the winter, which is silly because I have the worst circulation. I mean, it’s just terrible. Even in the high, high heat of summer, my hands and my feet remain like iceboxes.
So, as you might imagine, my extremities have been extremely cold lately. So cold that I was driven to buy electric gloves online, which seemed like a great idea until I took them out of the packaging and saw what they actually looked like in person (think: Mickey Mouse meets Freddie Krueger). Hand lotion is really the best protection (and looks far more attractive than the former!). My favorite is Eve Lom, which also has SPF, a win-win but still, not the warmest solution.
I’ve invested in cashmere gloves in the past, but they never last. Mittens are adorable, but beyond impractical. And shamelessly, I must admit that I am constantly on my phone (even when I am walking / jaywalking around the city – a horrendous habit ), but I can’t get behind the touch screen glove “trend” either…
Have you found any gloves that make you actually want to wear them? A pair of gloves that doesn’t drive you to abandon half the set on the subway or at the dentist, or really anywhere except your apartment? Please give me hope that their could be a pair out there for me!
Try touchscreen leather gloves lined with wool or whatever your liking. I like them because they look more polished and don’t have that weird different shade/colour at the tips which a lot of touchscreen gloves have.
The gloves that are attached with a string. I think these were called ‘idiot mitts’ when I was growing up. But they should be called genius mitts.
Fingerless lambswool gloves are super!
Are you kidding? Gloves are -everything-. If ever one feels shabby, out of control, underdressed, sloppy, boring, too edgy, too menswear, too femme, or, you know, cold–the right pair of gloves will do the trick! …Outfit too precious? studded driving gloves edge it up. (Cf. gorgeous Valentino rockstud version.) Got dressed in the dark? classic leather in traditional colors makes it all intentional. Wrangling exciting but impractical cape-poncho situation (why do we always fall for this)? arm-length gloves make it actually wearable. A well-fitting pair avers, rightfully or otherwise, that yes, you’re a lady, and yes, you can pay your rent, and encourages strangers to hold doors for you. Emily Gilmore would approve. (And Wintour, and Vreeland.)
Cashmere or chenille knitted gloves are a lie because even when new, they way they’re cut makes fingers look stubby. And inevitably they stretch out and pill up. Do leather or suede instead–silk-lined/unlined for transitional temperatures, or cashmere-lined in the cold. They are pieced, so they better articulate the fingers (and sometimes add a centimeter at the tip). Nowadays even the leather ones sometimes come touchscreen-friendly.
Figure our your glove size and never buy a one-size pair. Get a fit that hugs your fingers for the best warmth (but not so tight it stretches seams or stops circulation). You might begin to pay attention to how old film stars handled their gloves… At the risk of going all Deneuve on you, I’ll boldly claim that slipping on a good pair–tugging the fingers down and the wrists straight as you stare dreamily into the distance–is one of the great, tiny pleasures of life.
–Just Think “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
Dents. They’re a British heritage glove company. They do touchscreen leather gloves and also leather gloves with various linings, including cashmere and fur. I swear by leather gloves lined with cashmere.
I can’t get behind the touch screen gloves either.
Paula- http://www.livingpaula.com
I’m wearing gloves made out of leather with a lamb skin inside. They belonged to my grandmother, so they have this perfectly worn out feeling and the leather is so much softer! I can’t really help you with typing on your phone though :-)
For winter I knit my own mittens. Really warm.
I think leather gloves are really elegant when it’s not freezing cold.
I’ve seen some very nice touch screen gloves in magazines, but don’t remember the brand….
Et bien moi qui ait eu les mêmes préoccupations, j’ai trouvé mon bonheur modestement dans des gants en polaire noire. Le plus simple possible mais ils sont extrêmement chauds et ne gênent pas esthétiquement vu qu’ils sont noirs et c’est tout. Et si je les perds, je les rachète vu qu’ils ne sont pas chers. Mais je ne les perd pas !
Yes! Les gants fingerless-moufles de Muji, j’adore et je porte depuis 7ans , et même le pouce est fingerless !
Bonne journée !
I really like gloves! I think they are very chic and I wear them from October to April.
At the moment, my favorite ones are short and fine black textile gloves that I got at Stockmann. For leather ones, I prefer Sermoneta Gloves.
I wear leather gloves if I’m going to wear any but generally they just irritate me haha x
I recommend Isotoner gloves. They are flexible and thin enough to complete most daily activities without taking them off, match with any coat, and are inexpensive online (~$20) and even cheaper at thrift stores and probably ebay (~$2-6). I have many pairs and keep them in the pockets of all of my winter coats and puffer vests, in the glovebox of my car, in my purse, etc. The best solution for gloves is get ones that you don’t feel bad about losing (because you will lose them!) and get enough to stash everywhere. You are more likely to put them on if your hands are cold and they are already in your pockets, than if you have to remember to grab your gloves from the last coat you wore every time.
I’ve tried touch screen gloves but I always find myself pulling them off because your hand is just that much more responsive. I’m also on the phone while I’m outside in the winter.
I haven’t found any pairs that are both chic and fashionable. There are a pair of gloves I wear but they’re just whatever, black and burgundy or burgundy and black, and they keep me kind of warm when I have to be walking outside.
My favourite hand cream is by Aveeno from their eczema line. LITERALLY JESUS IN A BOTTLE.
Anything made in Italy in kid leather or Aspinal of London are my favourites, they just feel really indulgent, especially when you get a cashmere-lined pair. Still very thing to wear (so you definitely do not look like Mikey or hockey player), but warm enough for a cold winter. Oh, and perhaps you could carry one of those gel hand warmer hearts in your pocket? They are so sweet and work pretty well. Just search for instant heating heat packs or hand warmers on amazon. :)
I recently found a treasure in one of the vintage shops in Siena, Italy! White leather gloves, perfectly conserved, thin but comfortable..a dream! I never wore gloves for your same reason, but I wanted to use those so much that I got a tiny touch screen pen on Amazon and I keep it in my jacket’s pocket. The only downside is that, being pure leather, they take forever to warm up..but my hands are always cold anyway, so I can do with that!
I’ve got gloves I love: vintage Gucci lambskin, lined with fur. I feel like Garbo.
Pour ma part, je ne jure que par les gants en cuir. Doux, légers, protègent du froid et d’y vent (j’ai toujours beaucoup plus de mal avec le vent qu’avec le froid).
Et pour ce qui est du téléphone, j’ai un mode “glove” sur mon téléphone, qui me permet de l’utiliser avec des gants, et même des gants parfaitement normaux.
I have a pair of all-leather touchscreen gloves that are lined with cashmere and they’re perfect. Well, this is my second pair, since one glove from the first mysteriously disappeared on a trip to NYC…but still. They look lovely (black leather), are warm (at least for gloves that aren’t those ugly heavy-duty ski kinds), and I can still use my phone which is essential. Win-win-win!
MAGPIE, you are my new fashion icon!! You said everything I have ever believed about gloves. My mother once inadvertently (she said) gave away a gorgeous pair of glove I had just brought home from Venice. Ten years have gone by and the memory still rankles.
Gants en cuir doublés de soie. C’est ça ou rien :)
J’ai deux paires pour l’hiver. Une grosse paire de mitaine pour enlever je dois dépeler mon auto ou enlever la neige de cette dernière. Et une paire de gant en cuir suèd parfairte et pratique. C’est important des gants/mitaines, il faut juste savoir s’y habituer peut-être je sais pas. S’il fait froid j’utilise pas mon cell à l’extérieur. J’attends d’être au chaud. :)
I hate gloves too but a few years ago my wife bought me a pair in Venice. It was a trip just before Christmas and it was magical. Now, everytime i wear them I remember those days and I love it. So that’s my tip: connect somthing you don’t like that much with a memory you love!
Cashmere-lined leather gloves from Maldova in Florence. So chic and warm, and they last for years.
I’ve searched online for such a glove with touchscreen capability and fit with bikes and found one. It is warm and I can easily touch my phn too. Great for winter.