From the Studio

My Vogue

12 years ago by

This morning, I went down to the newstsand to take a look at the Italian magazines, and there…

I found the Vogue Paris. After a fast look inside to see if my column was in there (You never know, maybe they could have decided to take it out at the last moment), I bought it and left.

It’s not the first time I have something printed in a magazine, but I’ve never had such a feeling of pride and accomplishment. And a huge smile stuck on my face as I was walking in the streets of Milan, my Vogue Paris under my arm…


Add yours
  • Une nouvelle fois, félicitations Garance. Hâte de découvrir ce nouvel article !

  • Chouette !

  • It’s like the Vogue is your new clutch!!

  • Fantastic! Well deserved at that. I am positively sure this won’t be the last time you’ll be contributing to VP.


  • You definitely deserve this! Congratulations, Garance!



  • Congratulations Garance! Now I HAVE to buy it when I’m in Paris in two weeks! Even though I’m Dutch and my French is very limited. Google translate will be my friend ;-) I love everything you write (and illustrate and make pictures of and film for that matter). Xxx

  • Congrats Garance! so happy for you:)

  • Encore une fois bravo!!!! C’est plus que mérité!
    Mon rêve absolu!!! Dans un milliard d’années j’y arriverai ;-)

    Ps: les nouveaux posts apparaissent avant ton interview d’Amanda De Cadenet, c’est normal?


  • Dit, comment on fait pour lire ton article si on habite a New York et a pas les moyens de dépenser $15 pour les revues francaises? Oui, d’accord je pourrais allez squatter Hudson News pendant une heure pour lire la revue debout dans un coin, mais bon… pas très classy, comme ils disent (et puis c’est ce que j’ai fait le mois dernier… et puis j’ai pas le temps de lire et Vogue et L’Officiel et Voici et Paris Match sans me faire repérer par les propriétaires qui veulent me foutre dehors). xxx

  • Congrats Garance!! Such an accomplishment and proud moment!

  • Je dis félicitation

  • mais bravo !! :D

  • congratulations, grace!

  • My deepest congrats, Garance, I can imagine how you felt. It must be a wonderful feeling!!!!
    Enjoy it, you deserve it, because your work is very, very good!

    Be happy!
    Besos from Santa Cruz de la Sierra

  • Bravo Garance, tu peux être fière, je le serai à ta place. Quant au sourire jusqu’aux oreilles, de toute façon tu l’as tout le temps, c’est flagrant sur tes vidéos. Et comme l’a dit à juste titre Rumi “Garance, this woman always looks like she’s smiling even when she’s not. Someone should really invent a word for that.” de Fashiontoast.

  • Felicitations Garance!

  • Ça ne m’étonne pas que tu es le sourire :)


  • Well done! Congratulations! And nice drawing!

  • Congratulations! I’m sure it’s amazing, I love your honest writing style!

  • Je veux bien croire à l’effet trés jubilatoire que ca doit procurer!!!

  • that should certainly be a great feeling!!!!
    Bravooooo for your article

    Bisous from STYLE FEST

  • Buying MY version of YOUR Vogue tomorrow!

  • Hola Garance,

    My sincere congratulations for that, hard work has always good rewards. Well deserved.
    I remember a similar moment when I was 20. For some reason I wanted to be model since I was 6 and saw Claudia Schiffer doing a TV add for Fanta (who knows why!) but it was something not considered appropiate and I was always ashamed that I liked fashion, so I ended up studing medicine to kind of conceal, yeah, I know brilliant idea! While I was studing medicine I was doing some modelling kind of secretly, and one day the regional newspaper published my picture on a catwalk on the front page with a tinny one of the prince who was visiting the region the same weekend..hahaha it was fantastic, I felt like Claudia for a day! and obviously all my class knew it the next Monday, but actually, it wasn’t that bad… they didn’t stop talking to me! who knows why I felt so ashamed!

    The other reflexion I want to do about fashion nowadays is that trying to go to the botton of my feeling of shame towards fashion I’ve realised that it migth be because the fashion world seems so far to the real world, fashion shows are boring unless you are one of the people invited or they invite you to the afterparty…but for the real world are boring pictures in a magazine that now hardly buy because who cares of things you can’t buy, are shown in unexpressive models (much better some editorials, at least they seem to have some meaning behind) and actually, why do anyone has to tell you what is trendy? Fashion is a self expression, isn’t it? so express yourself.. The fashion world is in crisis as the world is, it’s a moral crisis, it’s about just a few trying to dominate. As I like construtive critisims, I propose to combine fashion with theatre, tell me something with fashion, it seems that is laking a deeper meaning…
    I’ve just recently started commenting, and it seems that I like it.. :) just trying to contribute to some sort of discussion and reflexion.



  • Félicitations ma belle! Je n’ai pas encore eu l’occasion de lire ta rubrique, ça ne va pas tarder :)


  • Ouiii, je le veux! Je veux la lire cette deuxième “Humeur”!!! Mais nous il faut encore un peu patienter..
    Celle-ci a l’air super bien, tes illustrations donnent l’eau à la bouche :)

  • Love, Love, this! That is so exciting! So happy for you!

  • AWESOME, AWESOME! I have been keeping my eye open since you announced that you’ll be writing for French Vogue! Can they let the American Vogue know about your awesomeness as well? It’s not easy to get a copy of French Vogue here in Nashville as the numbers of francophones are very small.


  • Ok I bought it, but I can’t understand it! :-)
    Congratulations Garance, you are the best.

  • et pourquoi le vogue paris sort plus tôt à Milan??! brrrrrrrrr
    bon aller, ça me fera une raison de plus de l’acheter ; )

  • Et ce qui est super c’est que même en étant auteur, tu achètes la revue. C’est super, merci de faire vivre la presse !!

  • Big congrats to you !!! I’d love to read the English version of the column you wrote !!! Am sure it’ll be a real treat as always !!!

  • Patricia, I think I’ll have it translated and posted here ;)

  • I would love to read your articles in Vogue…

  • It’s wonderful when the little girl inside is shouting ‘that’s me, that’s mine, I did that’!

  • Congratulations Garance! I am so happy and excited for you. Of course I will buy a copy of Vogue Paris to check out your column. Keep up the excellent work and your sense of humor!

  • Je comprends très bien ce sentiment, et sans doute tu dois te sentir très fière de toi, car tu es la meilleure Garance. FELICITATION! Je suis HYPER SUPER fan de ton blog et aussi très fière de toi. Bisous

  • Elo_Montreal September, 20 2012, 6:58 / Reply

    Congrats !

  • definitely a beyond incredible feat! but you deserve every moment of the fame. your illustrations are beautiful! not to mention parisian vogue could not be a better place to have them.

  • I love that you’re in the humour section! Thanks for making fashion fun and lighthearted

  • Sunny Side September, 21 2012, 3:30 / Reply

    Ton aventure est tellement réconfortante, elle est la preuve que tout est possible quand on reste soi-même ! Stay as you are et merciiiiii pour l’énergie d’oser même quand tu as peur …

  • Dans mon com je voulais dire “après” et non avant… sorry ;-) Ko je reformule ;-)

    Ps: les nouveaux posts apparaissent juste en dessous de ton interview d’Amanda De Cadenet, c’est normal?


  • Oui ! Ce sont des mini posts, ils ne sont pas dans le flux normal des posts :)

  • such a huge FELICITATIONS to you for this! i’m sure we can expect to see much more of your beautiful writing published more and more in the very near future!


  • Hey Garance!

    I hardly ever comment on your posts, but I read them every day and I’m a huge fan. Kind of a groupie or something! :)) These days I was thinking about commenting and this seems to be the appropriate moment.
    I just wanted to say that your live seems to be like an episode of the “Sex and the city”, like a dream come true, with all the fashion shows, with the girl talks that we see on the videos and everything. But I think that you truly deserve it because you seem to be an awesome person- kind, modest (even a bit shy) and most importantly you are not at all self-absorbed. (I don’t really know you but it feels like I do thanks to your blog). And even though you’ve become famous you haven’t changed at all. And you really are so talented!!! I love your illustrations, but I also love the fact that your blog is evolving! I’m so happy for you that you’ve found your calling in live!
    I was thinking of starting a blog myself, but I really am not sure now. I could never be as creative and interesting as you… But never mind!
    I just wanted to thank you for doing what you do and being who you are, and for taking us along with you on your great journey!


  • Oh, that’s soooo great! I can imagine that feeling – that’s the best feeling for a writer – to see his/her article printed – and if we are talking about a FASHION writer and publication in the FASHION bible, well….
    But what did you write for Vogue??? Unfortunatelly, I don’t understand a word in French (except for Voila :) which I learned from you and even started to use in my artices in English – how strange is that!?). You said that you’ll ask if its OK to post your article in English in the blog. So what did they say – can you post it??? I really would like to read it.

    Best regards,

  • tellement Carrie Bradshaw, Vogue, so chic!

  • Uyen Nguyen September, 21 2012, 5:36 / Reply

    I wish I had had more patience in my French class. Any way, already asked my friend in French to buy one issue for me (:

  • Félicitations ! Effectivement, avoir son article dans Vogue , c’est une vraie consécration dans le domaine de la mode !

  • Awesome! Well done, congratulations Garance, wonderful! :))

  • Oh ! Que c’est beau, je vais pouvoir lire Vogue avec plus d’attention que d’hab !

  • J’adore vogue, mais parfois les articles ne me plaisent pas toujours… alors je ne l’achète pas tous les mois, mais maintenant que je sais que tu y as un article je vais dès que ma journée de travail est finie courir l’acheter pour pouvoir te lire!
    J’ai adoré ton article sur les smoking et j’ai hate de lire celui-ci!!!!!

  • Congratulations !!!!!!!! Amazing feeling should be.

  • Bravo It would be great it you were able to translate it!

  • I don’t speak French and I would really appreciate the chance of reading a translated article on your blog – when you will have time for this of course :)

  • I can’t even imagine how you must have felt! Congrats :D

  • Une vraie “Carrie” alors!
    Felicitation Grance! Quel accomplissement.

  • Waiting waiting waiting for an english version!
    Congratulations dear Garance!)))

  • Peut être parce que la tu y mets du texte, pas que des illustrations comme tu le faisais dans tes anciennes missions d illustratrice presse, mais un peu plus comme tu le fais ici, tu te livres plus. Donc d autant plus de raison d être fière de soi quand on prend ce type de “risque” !

  • Hi Garance! Please, post the translation of your column!!

    Kisses from PORTUGAL!! :)

  • C’est marrant parce que nous aussi on est fier comme si c’était nous même dans Vogue. Quand j’ai appris pour cette rubrique j’étais hyper joyeuse et excitée. Bravo, et surtout c’est que la rubrique est vraiment bien!

  • Congratulations G!!! So proud of you!!!

  • I wish I would be able to read it but… pardon, but my French… oh.. it just not exist :(
    is there a place in the space where I could get it in English?
    or could you think about it?
    I like ssssooo much what you write and (really!) Your blog the only one I read with a great pleasure. Of course, I love pictures and always check what’s happen on your boyfriend’s site, but (really!!) what you do is so coherent. All things you create (images/pictures/videos/text) give an impression of being a kind of jigsaw which gives a very sincere, very living picture of you, and it inspires me, and I like it and want it more!
    So could you think about me and give me your vogue-piece?
    I would be grateful!
    many hugs

  • Félicitation. Je ne peux même imaginer la fierté que tu as ressenti. Bizous
    Ps : j’ai beaucoup de retard ces jours ci dans la lecture du blog.

  • I just read it – très drôle et honnête !

    You know, Garance, I’ve been using your blog as a way to learn French for the past couple of years in college. I think your blog has helped me and inspired me much more than my French textbooks…who wants to read Rousseau complain when you can read about fashion? Now I’m living in Paris as an English teacher, and your column is the best excuse for spending my money on Vogue – pour pratiquer la langue!

    I can’t wait to see what your blogs on Paris Fashion week!

  • Vite, vite, où est mon Vogue?

    Théa Unknown

  • Félicitation Garance ! Tu l’a mérité !

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Je suis très admirative de ton succès, j’aime beaucoup te lire et j’adore tes illustrations!
    Je me souviens d’un article que tu avais fait sur Mathilde Thomas que j’avais beaucoup aimé et qui m’a inspiré pour interviewer à mon tour les gens que j’aime autour de moi.
    Merci et bravo!


  • Chère Garance,

    Je tiens avant tout à te féliciter pour ton article sur la Fashion Week dans le Vogue qui fut absolument un régale à lire. J’ai reçu le dernier le dernier Vogue Paris et là surprise encore un de tes article que je me suis empresser de lire, et bien évidemment encore un agréable moment!! J’espère sincèrement que tu continuera ainsi et que j’aurais encore le plaisir de te lire dans Vogue Paris.
    Encore félicitation!


  • Bonsoir Garance,

    Ton “humeur” dans Vogue Paris est un régal à lire, je tenais à te féliciter bien sur, mais aussi à te remercier, tu t’adresse à nous lectrices, comme à des amies et pour tout te dire, je fais partie de celles qui étaient impatientes de recevoir le numéro de novembre dans ma boite aux lettres juste pour te lire.
    On se sent concernées, impliquées, dans la confidence…bref j’adore.
    Encore félicitation,


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