Travel Wise
9 years ago by

With Fashion Month over, its time to travel back to New York!
Always looking for something cozy and comfortable to wear on the flight back home.
9 years ago by
With Fashion Month over, its time to travel back to New York!
Always looking for something cozy and comfortable to wear on the flight back home.
love this sweater
Ray-Ban Giveaway on my blog!
I always wear warm layers… The air conditioning on planes is unbearable!
great selection and seems to be very comfy. C’est vrai que je me pose souvent la question, quoi mettre lorsque je suis dans l’avions, quelque chose de comfortable.
xo xo from Paris
Perfection, mais ce que je veux vraiment, c’est le livre :)
LOVE that & Other Stories scarf. They’re killing it with their fall collection. Also, those flats are great. Thanks for sharing!!
Love this! Pretty much my go-to for the plane as well. Warm sweater and layers, scarf for added blanket, cute flats to feel chic and surely lip balm and moisturizer to keep you looking hydrated and fresh upon arrival :) Great picks!
This looks like the perfect scarf for a stylish Sunday at a cafe. Beautiful!
COFFEESLAG First Aid Red Clay Mask Review
Je viens d’acheter ton livre, hâte de le recevoir!