Think Pink
10 years ago by

I have a slight addiction to pink sunglasses.
The last two pairs I had (both vintage and irreplaceable) ended up disappearing into that dreaded sunglasses black hole. In searching for (yet another) replacement pair, I found these little pink cat-eyes at Topshop.
At least now I’ll know where to find them when they go missing…
Sunglasses, Topshop, $36
J’adore tes lunettes, moi aussi j’ai une passion pour les lunettes rose sauf qu’étant blonde ca ne me va pas… Quelle tristesse!
Je vais quand meme faire un tour du cote de Topshop!!!
do we see the world in pink afterwards? :)
I am crazy about sunglasses ,every season i have to find the special one.The One that will do the look…i have kept all of them a special box..and sometimes when i don’t find a real nice one to shop,i open my box and find the best …..I think there are 3-4 essential items a girl should have
1-The Bag
2-The coat
3-The shoes
4-the sunglasses
these are pieces i invest in quality…
make sure it’s not only nice but good for your eyes…
Yael Guetta
You reminded me of my favourite pink aviators …which must have been keeping company to yours in that hole!!! Mmmmmm nice pair those pinkies from Topshop….might give them a try ;)
Kisses lovely!
Oui, oui, pour voir la vie en rose. On en a bien besoin.
What a cute pair of shades. Wish I could wear lenses. That would make buying shades a lot easier…xx
Cute pinkiiii.. xaxa
Oh how I wish this hue of pink looked good on my skin tone!
Ce modèle ci est canon !
J’adore les accessoires roses également.
Absolutely love these sunnies…the shade of pink is just perfect!
Am obsessed with pink sunglasses too – particularly of the reflective variety!
Ewww This is sawesome! That is just what I want. Must look good on you.
Mais qu’elles sont canons !! Le rose parfait, un peu poudré, qui adoucit les traits ! Et puis ça ne gâche rien qu’elles viennent de chez Topshop :)
Pink sunnies are so sweet. I have an old pair that are more pinkish mauve, but I am now thinking I need a lighter, cuter pinky pair.
After reading your post I went on the Top Shop site to see if I could get a pair of these. Imagine my utter delight to discover they have been reduced to just £5!! Can’t wait for them to arrive, Thank you for the recommendation x