Things We Slacked / Seven Deadly Sins
6 years ago by

Carie: While being disgusted last night with how much food two people ordered next to me at a dinner, it prompted an interesting conversation: how my dinner pals and I would rank how we commit the seven deadly sins. It’s a fun game and also makes you reevaluate how you move through life. Or it did for me. I’ll go first. No judgement: pride, envy, wrath, lust, greed, sloth and gluttony
I also gave Vanessa a heads up on this because I knew she’d need to to think it over. I however banged it out in under 1 minute and am not sure if this is how I really feel, but going with my gut
Vanessa: I feel like a terrible person after doing this. Mine are: sloth, gluttony, envy, lust, greed, pride, wrath
Carie: It doesn’t make you feel good, but it’s an honest look at who you are…the time stamp on this will be fun to see who is willing and able to contribute to this exercise
Jane: I can’t talk about this. I recently watched Seven and it’s still fresh in my mind.
Carie: We actually had to reference the movie because I can never remember all the sins, so we had to go through the murders.
Jane: Stop it
Carie: It’s a great movie, despite having Kevin Spacey in it. It’s like Gwyneth’s best role, after The Talented Mr. Ripley
Jane: I’m nauseous talking about it.
Vanessa: Jane is so traumatized by the movie
Veronica: I’m very down to play BUT want to clarify rules, the first sin you say is the one you commit the most and so on so forth, to the one you commit the least?
Christina: Wait we are ranking from worst to best?
Vanessa: I did what Veronica suggested
Jane: Pride, sloth, gluttony, envy, greed, wrath, lust
Carie: It was more like, which are the sins you identify with
Veronica: “I don’t get it. I have a lot of sins.” -Mary
Carie: And most frequent to least
Veronica: “What’s sloth?” – Mary
Carie: Gluttony is my last because I have acid reflux and my body literally rejects food if I eat too much.
Veronica: Carie, you’re not here so I have to tell you that Mary did not understand at first and was about to just start listing all her sins as if in church….
Carie: I told Vanessa that sharing this made me feel better about myself, like I got it off my chest. Like what I imagine going to confessional would be like, without the scariness of church
Veronica: I think I need to look into the sub categories of these sins — like is lust adultery?
Carie: No! That’s cheating
Vanessa: Pun intended?
Carie: Yes, but lust includes adultery. The exercise was less about things we’ve actually done, and more just the emotions that fuel us. Like wrath is high for me because I have a short fuse with a lot of things and want to stab people who are shit drivers, but obvs I don’t do that…I just think about it.
Carie: For the record, no one has actually done this except me and Vanessa…and Mary went to church. Bogdana, where are you at??
Christina: Okay these are mine: sloth, greed, envy, gluttony, wrath, pride, lust
Carie: Welcome to the club, Christina. You’re living a more honest life. How culty does that sound?
Emily: Okay these are mine: pride, gluttony, greed, wrath, lust, envy, sloth.
Bogdana: Let me google translate a few of these first…Okay mine are wrath, sloth, gluttony, envy, pride, greed, lust
Carie: Well done
Linne: I think these are mine: pride, greed, sloth, gluttony, lust, envy, wrath
Carie: Linnnnnne! So nice to see you here and also your sins
(five days later….)
Veronica: Oh shit. I forgot about this. Mine would be sloth (no surprise there after my five day delay), lust, greed, pride, wrath, gluttony. BUT if i’m hungry, wrath jumps to first.