The Serious Cleanse
9 years ago by

While I like to think of myself as incredibly low maintenance, I must admit I’m becoming a diva about my minimal skincare routine. Enter: Eve Lom.
I’ve basically become addicted to their cleanser and the way it makes my skin feel. Don’t get me wrong, a product like this is a total luxury–so I only use it twice a week—but the Eve Lom dates I keep with myself in my bathroom are a ritual. Let me explain…
There’s a way you’re supposed to use this cleanser, which is why it comes with a linen cloth. First, you take a small scoop of the cleanser and rub it all over your face (in a circular motion). It will start to become white and almost soapy, but it’s pretty thick. Next, you run the cloth under hot water to soak it and then lay over your face for 5 seconds to steam your skin a bit. Rinse the cloth and then do this again.
After rinsing the second time, use the cloth to wash the rest of the cleanser off, again in circular motions, which will exfoliate the skin gently. Finally rinse the cloth with cold water and lay it over your face one last time. The cold water closes the pores (so I’m told) and you’re left with the softest skin on the planet. I literally make people touch my face after I use it just so they can see what I’m talking about. I’ve even been told I look like I’m glowing after a wash—no joke.
So will you join me every Wednesday and Sunday for a good cleanse?
I use the clinique one. Cheaper, no fragrance and easy access.
Its great but not that great.
Coconut oil works really well too. I think it’s the massage you give yourself and the gentle exfoliation after that are the culprits.
Je l’utilise depuis 15 ans, c’est le meilleur produit pour avoir bonne mine!
I love a good cleansing balm but this one is so pricey considering the ingredients it contains (mineral oil, PEG-lanolin which are super cheap ingredients)…..I just don’t undertsand.x
I really like the Clinique Take the day off. Thats my absolute favorite
I love anything khiels!
I’ve heard good things about this cleanser but to be honest it is way overpriced considering that the first ingredient is mineral oil. Mineral oil is pretty much the cheapest cosmetic ingredient (next to water) and it isn’t even that beneficial for skin other than the fact that it’s gentle.
Been using it for years now and I can’t recommend it enough!!! As you say it’s not just the product but that night time ritual. Now I have the travel size and an additional muslin cloth so I can enjoy it everywhere I go ;-) Glad to know the Love for Lom is growing!!
je suis Addict au cleanser de EVE LOM… Étant parisienne vraiment heureuse de pouvoir trouver ce nettoyant chez e-clat dans le 2ème arrondissement où sur
Merci Garance pour tes précieux conseils.
Eve Lom + Clarisonic = Magic!
Thanks for revealing your beautiful ritual! I’ll try with my favorite by DCL Skincare: a balancing cleanser, which exfoliates and hydrates. Perfect like you say to start with warm water to open pores and finish with cold water!
Yay for proper cleansing routine! It’s such a joy when you take the time to do it properly :) I treat it like an absolute ritual.
Agree with Allison above though – Eve Lom is overpriced and contains mineral oil. There are superior choices, for less of a wallet hit. Also, I must disagree with one thing – pores are not doors and do not open & close. A common misconception. For anyone else that loves skin myths being shut down, look up Caroline Hirons. A true skin specialist with a no-nonsense approach, I adore her! Thanks for the post.
I do the same ritual but witha regular avene cleanser :) works wonders :)
I use the camomille cleansing balm or the cleansing oil from the Body Shop and it’s great and only a fraction of the Eve Lom price. I also quite like the Clinique 7 day scrub.I think it’s like some people mentioned already, it’s probably more about the ritual and the soft and gentle way you have to handle your skin. I find that if I take my time with some simple products (i.e.e Body Shop cleansing balm followed by a gentle Sephora toner) and moisturize well afterwards, my skin is also super soft.
I have super sensitive skin, roseca is my main problem but Eve Lom and a Clairsonic are the best! I panic when the jar is nearly empty, it really helps with my skin.
I’ve been using this cleanser for years now. I swear by it.
i had a sample and tried it but then i found out that it contains parabens so i never bought it. i now use Kari Gran’s oil cleanser and love it.