In the Know

The Del Val #54

9 years ago by

You can have your erotica grey, we’ll take ours purple.

We’re not into video games, and chances are neither are you if you’re a regular reader of GD, but you must admit this is quite clever–we agree, wait until brands jump on the concept.

If you do anything that involves color, this resource will provide endless inspiration for creative and effective uses of it. Added bonus: the sheer variety of nature’s designs are a constant delight.

Extraordinary photographs of the whole spectrum of the human experience. Guaranteed to alter whatever is the current perspective of your life.

Why are so many lookbooks generally so blah? There’s no reason they have to be and here’s a lovely example of one brand’s smart choice to flatter their minimal collection.

A primary, and very moving, reason to visit Houston. But, if you can’t, read this and listen to this.

The new David Cronenberg film finally hits theaters today if you want to see it on the big screen (it’s already available to own or rent on your small one…). Mixed reviews, but Delphine, the movie one of the two of us, already saw and loved it.

So cold out there even the ocean is freezing!


A weekly round up of the best links from Delphine & Wes Del Val.


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  • Wait, what? Suddenly it’s uncommon to be into both fashion and video games? That feels about as modern as saying girls like pink and boys like blue.

  • Hi Helena,
    Maybe a little cliche yes… but I do wonder how many of us still play video game! the new generation of games is way too technical for me ;-) !

    Which games do you like?
    have a great weekend

  • Hey Delphine,

    The more I think about it though, I guess there’s a slight truth to what you said. High fashion + video games don’t exactly go hand in hand – even if I’ve read a lot of interviews with models claiming to love playing video games in their spare time! ;) I suppose I just felt I had to say something as I’ve loved video games since I was a little kid (and also work in the industry now) AND have a huge interest in fashion.

    I still love the games I started out with as a kid, classics like Super Mario for NES and Zelda. As for more recent ones, Japanese RPGs are addictive. Studio Ghibli’s Ni No Kuni is amazing and a great game for anyone that loves their movies (Spirited Away etc).

    I will say that with age my interests have shifted a bit though and I probably devote more time to other things. But that’s where casual gaming comes in ;) I think most people have at least one game on their smartphone these days… maybe even you? :D

    Good weekend right back at you!

  • Helena I was addicted to Mario … Addicted …
    Tried others but I am a Mario forever girl…
    Where is Mario??
    And where is Donkey Kong my first… Game addiction?

  • I don’t know what the critics said but Cronenberg + Julianne Moore (and now Delphine) = I have to see this movie!

  • Saw it… Julianne is incredible
    See it!
    Don’t understant the critic
    Ok the movie is crazy! But crazy good!

  • That’s the kind of lookbook that all brands must do. It doesn’t have to be complicated and busy, but it should be interesting. All lookbooks that I’ve seen are boring and depressing.

  • Mais mais mais … bien sûr que si on peut être lecteur de Garance Doré et aimer les jeux vidéos, même être un garçon retrogamer, fan de mode et lire le blog Garance tous les jours. ;D

  • bavarian_blue February, 28 2015, 2:30 / Reply

    Audubon (in general a great web-presentation): found a real treasure chamber of color and pattern combinations, thanks a lot!
    Love M. Rothko (and have a yellow,orange, red-repro in my kitchen), so I’m happy about your hints: the bio first …than maybe houston chapel…

  • WOW!! This list is incredibly good!! BRAVO!!! The frozen wave just stunny!!! Thanks a lot!!!

  • Wow la vache, ça fait bizarre de voir le Cronenberg dans la liste, je l’ai vu en France depuis des lustres maintenant !
    C’est vrai qu’il était bien !

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