From the Beauty Closet

The Allure of BB Cream

11 years ago by

My makeup routine drastically improved when I started using primer earlier this year and now I’m ready to conquer the world of BB creams…

Better late than never, right?

After putting my investigative reporter skills to use, I discovered that just about all BB creams promise to do the following:

– Minimize pores
– Reduce redness
– Prime
– Moisturize
– Reduce shine
– Even out skin tone
– Add SPF protection

With all of that, I won’t need a Gisele complex, I WILL BE GISELE.

I’ve been trying out Naked Skin Beauty Balm for the last week. It’s available in one shade and works surprisingly well on my fair skin (I’ve got a serious fear of wearing too dark of makeup and no one ever telling me and then I look in the mirror and notice this crazy streak down near my chin. Okay, the fear is a bit irrational…). It goes on super smooth and leaves my skin feeling soft and velvety. I also like that it has sunscreen built in without that sunscreen smell. The box suggests 8 weeks of use before I am looking super Gisele-like. So 7 weeks to go!

Are you using a BB cream? Or have you moved on to CC creams? Do you look like Gisele? Tell me your favorites!

PS : You can get Naked Skin BB Cream here!


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  • I used Dr. Jart BB cream and I love it!! I switched from Clinique foundation when my friend sent me the other. It matches so well, covers any darkness and makes my skin look so awake and clean. Absolute love. I’ve had problems since my early teens and finally found something that works for me.

  • Do they provide for all skin colors? :-)

  • thanks for the intro. i heard about it but i didn’t know what it was

  • Me too!! Another vote for Dr. Jart. The only down side is that it only comes in one color. I’m super fair, and one-color-fits-all products so rarely works for me, I almost didn’t try it … but I am so glad I did!!

    I think it will work for anyone who has between super-fair and medium fair Caucasian or Asian skin, or up to medium fair Hispanic skin. That’s really quite a wide range. Still, it would be nice to see them come out with a companion dark shade to take care of more women, but I guess their primary market is still Korean. Maybe it’s coming? We can hope.

  • No I don’t use bb/cc creams, I hardly use any make-up at all. I’ve heard this may be a European versus American thing, with Europeans only wearing foundation and stuff like that on special occassions while Americans feel ‘naked’ without it. Ok, these are stereotypes, but what do you think?

  • Sandra June, 12 2013, 5:27

    Actually, a very first BB cream was made in Germany. After that event, BB creams conquered Asia, especially S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan. So, no, it is not an American thing!

  • I’ve been using Cover Girl and I love how easily it blends and looks so natural!

  • By Terry Sheer Expert. It’s simply flawless and blends to perfection. I bought it almost on a whim – the “you have to try this BB cream” kinda thing – and have been using it ever since (over a year). I won’t change unless they discontinue it!

  • Garance en ce moment , tu n’arrêtes pas de poster des sujets intéressants et qui parlent un peu à tout le monde , comme au début en fait ;)

    Pour tout dire tes posts récents m’évoquent un peu xojane , que j’adore .Un esprit proche et chaleureux.

    Merci pour de très bons moments de lecture , c’est vraiment agréable.

  • Vanessa April, 10 2013, 3:19

    Actually, Alex has written this post ;-)

  • Alex signe l’article, pas Garance…

  • I have been using Dr. Jart’s BB creme for a few months now. I definitely love how it conceals & doesn’t feel too heavy, but I can’t say I look more like Gisele. Or maybe I do, actually…

  • villanelle April, 9 2013, 12:41 / Reply

    I have been using the la roche posay bb cream for about 7 months now and I love, love, love to love it. It has completely changed my make-up routine because now I wear way less. I have pretty good skin in general, but it has helped take away the redness I have when my skin is really dry. That and my secret weapon, 100% aloe vera cream.

  • I have been looking everywhere for 100% aloe vera…where do you get it??

  • Monique April, 9 2013, 1:02 / Reply

    Try Korean BB Creams! They’re so much more effective. The American ones are just like tinted moisturizer tbh.

  • Isabelle April, 9 2013, 4:55

    Yes. Or make that Korean and French. Erborian, which is part French part Korean, is very possibly the holy grail of real BB creams. It is that good.

  • Seconded!

  • Another vote in agreement. A couple of samples of American brands that I tried seem like tinted moisturizer. Really put me off bb creams for a long time, until I recently tried Dr. Jart on a whim.

  • Sandra June, 12 2013, 5:27

    Totally agree! Japanese and Korean are the best!

  • Oui, depuis l’an dernier, j’adore!
    J’utilise celle de Clinique, la teinte 2 qui est un beige naturel.
    Elle est légère, presque insoupçonnable et elle unifie bien mais tout en légèreté.
    Elle matifie correctement et avec le SPF30, je me sens bien protégée!
    Par contre, pour moi, ça reste un produit de maquillage! Pour le côté traitant, je fais confiance à mes crèmes de soin;)

  • I love BB cream, but I don’t have one… :(

  • I’m scared of shifting from my imported Korean BB creams to the Western brands. Should I try it out? I am scared of the cream turning my face orange or too pink.

  • I’m a believer! Tested a few BB’s for my blog back in January and loved Clinique Age-Defense. Gone from being a ‘maybe’ to a ‘definite’ in my kit. Can also recommend the new generation CC’s (L’Oreal’s is great value). Good luck with the Giselle.

  • Ideal Cheese April, 9 2013, 1:24 / Reply

    I tried Nars and Clinique BB creams which were pretty good, but then I tried YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat and it’s a *revelation*. My skin never looked so good, so radiant, so smooth. It’s not really a BB cream and it’s not a traditional foundation either. It’s just amazing, that’s all. Nuff said. I will never try another BB cream again.

  • leslie April, 9 2013, 1:24 / Reply

    i’ve always been skeptical of BB creams, but I am obsessed with Dior’s HydraLife BB Cream. It stays on ALL day and gives me the most natural coverage. Super light, hydrating and protective (30 SPF). good luck!

  • Try Koreans, Misha Perfect Cover to be exact. Those are the original and most effective ones.

  • Dr. Jart Premium is the best BB cream ever!!!

  • I’m using the La Roche Posay BB cream (I have wrote about it and it works quite well! Looking like Gisele? Not yet, but maybe I need to use it just a bit more ;)! Thanks for presenting this, now I wanna buy it :)!


  • Congrats on moving over to BB creams! I bounce back and forth between the L’Oreal Magic Skin Beautifier BB Cream and the Maybelline Dream Fresh BB Cream, and I love them both! I like being able to minimally cover up what I want to cover without feeling like I’m sporting a pile of makeup. Also, anything that can streamline my morning routine is a major plus for me!

  • I bought the Garnier BB cream a few months ago and I’m hooked every since! xx

  • There is also a CC cream that was originally in the Asian market only…..Chanel makes one.

  • I’m in love with Clinique BB cream… All I am currently using on my face and it makes me feel fabulous!!

  • I use the Urban Decay Beauty Balm too. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I don’t know if my skin is all that different, but I definitely prefer it to other primers. It’s so soft and I do feel like in general using it under my bare minerals keeps my skin looking nice.

  • I don’t use it because I love my Josie Maran sunscreen with its zinc sunblock. All of the BB creams I see have chemical sunscreens. Does anyone know of a BB cream without added sunscreen? Or one with zinc sunscreen?

  • Colleen April, 9 2013, 9:14

    Dr. Jart BB Cream uses zinc! Also, it’s fabulous.

  • I use the Garnier BB Cream and it really works for me! BB Creams are my new foundations ;)

  • I love your theory about Gisele complex, so funny:)

    And yes, I use La Roche-Posay BB cream and when I wear it I am Gisele! :)

  • Moi je me suis laisser tenter par la BB crème de garnier pour peau grasse qui ma fois marche très bien ! :)

  • I used to wear BB cream years ago but now I have moved onto tinted moisturizers. Love the Stila ones! Unfortunatley still not looking like Giselle.. it may be the lack of chiseled cheekbones.. :P

    P.S don’t forget to still wear sunscreen under the BB cream!

  • Grinning Cat April, 9 2013, 7:38 / Reply


    you can buy it in Japan for $20 and it feels fabulous on the skin.

    i also love Estee Lauder Doublewear but BB cream is the best – especially for $20

  • I also love Estée Lauder BB cream. And the best is that a tube goes on forever. I bought it in the summer and have been using it every day and still haven’t finished it (almost there, though).

  • I use a BB Cream, and would want to get my hands on a CC Cream.

  • I don’t believe in BB cream because almost all the original Korean brands (Laneige, Missha, Etude House, etc) I’ve tried clogged my pores and gave me breakouts. And the Clinique and Bobbi Brown ones seriously scare me because they’re so thick and viscuous I can’t imagine smearing that all over my face.

    The only thing that i’ve tried and gives me really dewy skin is Too Cool For School’s Aqua Pudding BB, which is the only water-based BB i know off. Chanced upon it while in Korea and AMAZING stuff it is; no clogged pores and clear skin. I use it in place of my foundation and sunblock since it comes with SPF 45+.

  • On m’a dit d’utiliser la b.b cream sous la c.c cream, est-ce vrai, ou est-ce un coup “marketing” de plus, et que alors la c.c cream peut remplacer tout simplement la b.b cream ?

  • Marjorie April, 10 2013, 3:17 / Reply

    Je me suis souvent demander à quoi pouvaient bien servir ces BB crèmes, si elles étaient différentes des crèmes classiques …. Tu m’as ouvert certaines portes, merci :-)

  • Bonjour Garance,

    J’utilise la BB Crème d’Erborian, en teinte claire, qui me convient très bien car je suis blanche comme un linge. Je la fixe ensuite avec un peu de poudre Estée Lauder, j’ajoute un peu de blush Guerlain et je finis par un spray fixant de maquillage de chez Sephora.

    Le résultat est plus naturel qu’avec du fond de teint, on a pas l’impression d’avoir une couche sur la peau !

    Quand je commence à bronzer, je mixe la BB crème peau claire avec la peau dorée pour obtenir une teinte un peu plus chaude…

    Bref, je suis complètement convaincue par ce produit !

  • I use the Garnier BB cream. It’s very inexpensive but seems to suit my skin.

  • Florence April, 10 2013, 4:25 / Reply

    Sans hésitation, la BB crème au ginseng d’Erborian. Avec elle, fini les pores visibles ! Elle unifie le teint, camoufle nos petites “horreurs”, possède un filtre solaire et a amélioré visiblement la qualité de ma peau depuis qu’elle fait partie de mes soins quotidiens. J’utilise un sérum en-dessous ((Ophycée de Galénic) car j’ai souvent la peau déshydratée alors qu’elle est plutôt à tendance grasse (?!?) Enfin, la peau qui brille….. c’est du passé maintenant !
    Bonnes recherches !

  • est-ce que je peut poser une question?
    c’est quoi une BB cream?
    BB veut dire….?
    j’en ai acheté une (par erreur) et c’est une crème un peu rosè…c’est ça?
    aidez moi, SVP!
    j’ai honte de poser la question ailleurs

  • Alexandra April, 10 2013, 5:09 / Reply

    I have also recently started using a BB cream and LOVE it!
    I am actually using a Kiehl’s one. It comes in 3 shades, it is lovely and it has an SPF 50 – I live in the middle east so this is a great option for me.

  • Aurélia April, 10 2013, 5:17 / Reply


    En ce qui concerne les BB creams, la plupart contient de la silicone ! Ce qui donne le résultat immédiat et bluffant de ce produit mais qui à long terme bouche les pores ! Alors au mieux la peau ne respire plus et donc vieillit un peu plus vite, au pire tu auras la joie de découvrir l’apparition de microkyste et/ou boutons disgracieux (sans parler des points noirs)… Bien lire la liste des composants, si dedans tu trouve un “ingrédient” qui finit pas “cone” (genre “dyméticone”) : fuit !
    C’est un produit traitre car ta peau parait tout de suite vraiment plus belle, mais be carefull…
    Essaie la poudre minérale (chez Lili Lolo par exemple), résultat plus naturel, la peau respire et est respectée (ce qu’elle adore et te le rendra bien).

    Je ne veux pas casser le délire hein ;)

  • Oui je suis une adepte des BB creams. Franchement un peu dubitative au début j’ai été convaincue: c’est léger au niveau matière (pas d’effet masque du fond de teint, pas de technique particulière d’application) mais ça se voit, ou plutôt ça ne se voit pas mais l’effet est là. Tu me suis?
    J’utilise celle de Dior (nude diorskin BB cream, en vente chez Sephora) et j’en suis ravie :-)

  • ¨Hannah April, 10 2013, 5:50 / Reply

    I love BB cream! After i purchased the one from Dior, I haven’t worn foundation a single day. It makes my skin lominous, evens it out and take down redness. + I have suddenly started to get compliments on how good my skin look, which have never happened before (my skin is really not that good… it is red and a little sensitive..). I will never wear foundation again! Whit BB cream I look a little bit more like Gisele;) But what is a CC cream??

  • vanessa la belge April, 10 2013, 6:36 / Reply

    BB crème?? Quelle différence entre celle-ci et une crème hydratante normale??
    (veuillez excuser ma nullité légendaire en beauty tricks)

  • Natalie April, 10 2013, 7:37 / Reply

    Erborian broke me out and I found the shade too greyish pink. The Shiseido Perfect Hydrating BB cream seems to be working out for me – it’s semi-matte, contains sunscreen and feels really light on the skin which I appreciate after years of not wearing foundation.

  • I have very difficult skin due to cancer treatment and have issues with most products – even the up market ones so I was very surprised by Garnier’s BB cream. I doesn’t make my skin itch and lasts all day. Love it.

  • I’m cautious to use drugstore products (been visiting the deem since I was a teen), but I am in love with Oil of Olay CC cream. I swear I glow – that’s how much my oily skin has improved. It is oil free and looks more natural than any of the (more expensive) tinted moisturizers and BB creams I have tried. It also withstands the Arkansas heat/humidity without clogging my pores. I highly recommend it.

  • J’utilise la BB cream de garnier version anti-age car elle a une meilleure protection UV ! Je ne ressemble encore pas Gisele mais c’est la meilleure recette “beauté naturelle” que je connaisse… Je l’appelle le défroissage : le marin moi j’ai la gueule froissée, meme sans marques de draps et la crème me donne un effet réveillée meme quand dedans (ma tete) c’est pas du tout le cas ! définitivement ADOPTEE…

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • I use diorsnow bb cream. it has built in spf50 (does not smell like sunscreen) and goes on super smooth and blends well! a little goes a long way :D

  • I’m just curious but who is Alex and why is her writing voice so similar to Garancé’s?

  • Crystal K April, 10 2013, 4:05 / Reply

    SMASHBOX’s bb cream has been part of my daily routine ever since they added light-medium to their color selection. For me the trick to bb creams is finding your exact color match. When they first came out in Asia, there was only 1, if at most 2 color choices to choose from, all of which were for those who are fair-light skinned. The American market came out with a bang, adding so much more color variety for all skin types. BB Cream is the best of both worlds-you have the coverage and the lightness of the “no-makeup” look plus you don’t need primer and has SPF for protection! You really can’t ask for more! I feel tinted moisturizers lack coverage and foundations are too heavy for daytime. However, Smashbox just came out with their cc cream and I must say, it’s simply fabulous! I have just started using it for a few weeks and so far, I have been getting so much compliments on my complexion. I urge all my girlfriends to switch to bb or cc creams. “Putting on your face” with primer,foundation,concealer,powder just takes waaayyy toooo much time…over it! All-in-one creams, especially from Smashbox, are the way to go.

  • diorskin nude bb creme is the BEST thing in the world. i always test to the umpteenth degree and went through dr. brandt, dr. jart, sarah mcnamara, and bobbi brown (thank you sephora) before finding dior’s gift to my face. it smells wonderful, has spf 10, and goes on like a light lotion while providing beautiful coverage. i’ve been using it for almost two months now and can both see and feel improvements to my complexion. highly recommended, seriously.

  • I use Dr. Jart on a daily basis… I love how it feels, but not sure if i get enough of the coverage…

  • arhhhh un vaste sujet ! J’utilise la BB crème Erborian depuis déjà plusieurs mois et je suis parfaitement satisfaite du résultat, elle est couvrante et illumine le teint sans me donner l’impression d’étouffer ma peau (je n’aime pas les fond de teint) et surtout je n’ai aucun désagrément : pas de boutons ! Si on veut on peut appliquer dessous sa crème hydratante ou un sérum. J’ai choisi la teinte claire parfaite pour ma carnation, ils viennent juste de lancer la version BB crème light qui me convient aussi, elle est juste plus facile à appliquer au niveau de la texture. Je n’ai pas encore testé leur CC crème qui est plutôt mal notée pour l’instant sur le site de Sephora. J’ai juste un petit bémol au sujet d’Erborian : des composants ne sont pas vraiment bio…

  • Alex we need a post to explain me the difference between bb cream and cc cream :( I have bought a bb cream never used ! Almost 1 year ago. Should I throw it and buy a CC cream ???
    Please help me doctor !! :)

  • Adepte depuis un long moment des BB créme , j’ai fait le tour de pas mal de marques mais ma favorite reste l’Oréal … elle matifie bien , cache les petites imperfections et on ne la sent pas …

  • Kukuxumushu April, 11 2013, 11:32 / Reply

    Thanks for the tip Garance! I might try those products!

    Estee Lauder Matte Perfecting Primer works really well under BB and CC creams if your skin is prone to oiliness. I use it under L’Oreal BB cream and sometimes Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser and it gives that really flawless finish and keeps it looking fresh and slick-free all day. Crazy amazing. But super exxy

  • I use the Alex Cosmetic GmbH noblesse royal bb cream. My facialist recommended it for me a couple of years ago because my face gets irritated easily, and I have it using it / loving it since! This one doesn’t have SPF but upside is it is safe (and recommended) to wear to bed as well (for those nights when you want to look flawless “without any make-up on”…^.~)

  • Jocelyn April, 11 2013, 1:40 / Reply

    I love the Holika Holika jelly bb cream! It comes in a really pretty bottle and it’s so cute! It looks / feels great on the skin too :)

  • I’ve been using Dr. Jart for almost a year, but I think it’d better for pale skin. I’m planning on going outside more this summer (fingers crossed) so I’m switching to a CC so I can pick a darker color.

  • Just bought a BB cream on the off chance to try but I’m still reluctant to open it. I’ve used a tinted moisturizer in the past & had the dreaded too dark / tide line. I’ve got really sensitive skin that seems to react to everything & I only apply moisturizer to my dry cheeks & leave the rest alone. Do you use moisturizer & BB cream in tandem or is the BB cream supposed to replace the moisturizer? Sorry to seem daft!

  • Christine April, 23 2013, 4:31 / Reply

    I use a BB cream from Jane Iredale. I like them because their makeup is all natural, all mineral, with no harmful chemicals. It’s a little thick, so I try and put it on before my moisturizer has absorbed all the way so it blends better. But it covers redness and evens out my skin tone very well. It also has 25 SPF. I can’t use chemical sunscreens, and this uses all mineral sunscreens. I don’t believe all the fancy claims around BB creams, but mine is a darn good foundation.

  • Allie May, 4 2017, 1:29 / Reply

    OK, so back ground my skin has always been acne prone and sensitive forever. I have used Dr. Jart BB cream off and on for the last couple years and will never switch again. It’S AMAZING I use 1-1.5 pumps and then use Well People concealer to spot conceal. This combo leaves my skin amazing. I have minor pigmentation at this point and that’s it! Just hoping this can help someone else. I do use a translucent mineral powder to set too. I find it helps in my oily areas!!! Also Dr. Jart comes in two shades. #1 is great for fair skin. #2 is better for medium skin tones…. (remember it goes on lighter and gets a little bit darker after about 5 min. ) I switch these two from summer to winter!

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