Tata Harper Restorative Eye Cream
7 years ago by

Something happened when I hit my mid-30s…
Well, lots of things happened, but most noticeably my face really started to age. Deep lines appeared on my forehead (I’m an “intense listener” aka a “brow furrow-er” according to my dermatologist) and the lines and crows feet you read about in your 20s seemingly appeared overnight around my eyes.
To top it off, when winter arrived my upper eyelids started to dry out and flake for the first time in my life despite obsessive day and night moisturizing.
Cue a new beauty obsession and skincare regime. With a focus on my eye area specifically, I’ve tried everything from expensive serums, to oils, to at-home remedies… Then I found Tata Harper’s Restorative Eye Crème and haven’t turned back.
Not only does it smell amazingly fresh, but lines seem to decrease immediately (spoiler – no, they don’t disappear altogether), my dark circles have faded, and the flakiness is gone after consistent use day + night.
Bonus points for it also doubling as a creme you can use on lip lines and generally being free from toxins.
Quand l’extérieur ne fonctionne plus, il faut penser aussi à l’intérieur. Peut-être en modifiant ses habitudes alimentaires ou en s’hydratant plus ?
Wait until you hit your 40s! I agree with Mariama above. Make sure you’re also taking care of the inside – drinking plenty of water, eating right, getting your sleep and protecting your eyes and skin from the sun.