Strike Up!
8 years ago by

I’m a firm believer in a candle’s ability to transform the ambience of a room. They make any space glow invitingly, and, at least for me, are always a gentler way to scent a space.
I’m always lighting them, but I have always felt that a beautiful candle deserves a beautiful way to present matches! Well, then I saw this match holder and striker (yes, you swipe a match across the riveted gold edge and it light – so chic!)(it was a ihavetohavethisbeautifulthing moment).
I first spotted it in gold, but then I found it in my favorite color: green. And, with the matching matches (haha), it’s such a unique and striking way to offer up an everyday object that’s often overlooked…
But I almost feel like it’s a little too pretty to use, so maybe I hide a less elegant packet of matches behind it for actual use, save these for guests?!
Object, AERIN.
Quel objet magnifique !!!
Une pure merveille.
Et merci, je ne connaissais pas cette marque et son histoire.
Je viens d’aller regarder le site d’Aerin…
Ca m’a mis de fort belle humeur.
Merci ;)
Superbe objet et en plus utile! j’aime aussi beaucoup les bougies, elles donnent une atmosphère intime t chaleureuse!
this is such a great find!
Un objet d’art….utile !
That’s beautiful.
In love with this matchstick holder!
Check out our winter collection:
It looks gorgeous and I do like the integrated striker. Question- do any of the matches refills lit when you are striking the one you want to lit? when I look at it I just keep thinking that the flame will go from the one I lit to the others… I guess I have to try it to see how it works.
Pun not intended, but this holder really IS striking! (Yes, I went there)
Haha YES!
what a gorgeous and decorative piece!!
x. Mirjam