From the Studio

Stockholm Bound

10 years ago by

I’m going to Stockholm this week!

It’s been a while since my last visit and I am super excited to go back! Do you have anything I must see or do while I’m there?

Where should I shop? Where should I eat? Who should I meet? Let me know your recommendations!




Add yours
  • The museum of photography Fotografiska is a great place to visit- both for the exhibition and the view.

  • moderna museet, a cruise (only if it’s sunny) and please come back w/ lots of ice cold scandinavian street style! :)

  • Pas de suggestions pour la Suède malheureusement…mais
    quelques unes pour Genève si tu as besoin un jour. Je rentre de
    Majorque et pour ceux/celles qui veulent s’y rendre, voici mon
    rapport…mon blog: Bon séjour!

  • Take a lovely walk from the city hall of Stockholm and
    along the water on Norr Mälarstrand! A couple of nice cafées and
    restaurants are to be found in the area. Enjoy!

  • Stockholm is such a wonderful city, I’d recommend to taste some caramels at Pärlans ( ). I’m still dreaming of their ginger caramels, so yummy! And of course: Lotte Agaton’s shop and Urban Deli (more tips in my link). Also, Hotel Skeppsholmen is really nice, super close to the city center, nice Scandi design and it smells lovely (Byredo!!). Enjoy your stay!

  • Le magazin japonais Ki Ki pour ses beaux objets et l´atelier de la céramiste Karin Eriksson.

  • Fais bon voyage et profites bien de Stockholm, cette ville doit être géniale, je rêve d’y aller :)

  • Wow trop chanceuse! Si je pouvais y aller je ferais un arrêt obligé chez Acne!

    Sandrine x

  • J’étais à Stockholm le week-end dernier. Je te recommande deux magasins incontournables : NK (Nordiska Kompaniet) et Illums Bolighus. Et promène toi dans le quartier Östermalm, il y a plein de jolies boutiques !
    Bon séjour !

  • Mette Emilie November, 11 2013, 12:49 / Reply

    Restaurant B.A.R – fashion Acne Studio – Filippa K – lunch Berns salonger in Berzelii park – boat trip.

  • J’ai hâte de voir tes photos de Stockholm! Ça a l’air d’être une ville super sympa qui me donne envie d’y aller depuis longtemps. Alors quoi de mieux que ton city guide tour! Merci et bizzz…xxx

  • Fotografiska pour la qualité de ses expos et sa belle scéno
    Saluhall pour goûter les spécialités locales et étrangères
    Nordiska Museet pour mieux comprendre la culture scandinave et notamment Sami
    La station de métro Kungsträdgården pour son architecture
    Kulturhuset pour son design et sa librairie
    Gamla Stan pour son côté pittoresque et pour prendre le Fika dans un charmant petit café (Chokladkoppen (café cosy, gay friendly, est une référence !)
    Moderna Museet pour sa collection d’art contemporain et les sculptures de Niki de Saint Phalle dans le jardin
    Et encore ses parcs, sa splendide archipel et ses bateaux.
    Ah Stockholm tu me manques !
    Profite bien Garance.

  • Je suis une énorme fan de ton blog depuis longtemps, et j’apprends que tu vas à Stockholm en même temps que moi. Je suis une étudiante en Erasmus à Copenhague et je m’envole aussi pour Stockholm cette semaine, passionnée de mode je tiens aussi un blog (, je rêverai de te rencontrer dans la ville!

    Je vais aussi profiter de cet article pour prendre les bonnes adresses conseillées par les lecteurs!

    En espérant croiser ma bloggueuse préférée dans la ville.

  • D’ailleurs j’adorerai faire un article sur toi et sur ta vision de la mode pour mon blog. J’imagine que tu as beaucoup de projets en allant la bas, mais au cas où… Une petite parisienne expatriée au Danemark et qui explore la mode des pays scandinaves donne son email

  • I was just there last week! I second BAR-excellent food. And Fotografiska. And the Nobis Hotel is so perfect.

  • Three words- Acne, Acne, Acne. Go visit their store there, it’s awesome!

  • léontine November, 11 2013, 1:22 / Reply

    Une adresse pour manger le midi !
    Un lieu cool et cosmopolite : le restau ou devrais-je dire le buffet végétarien pharaonique au dessus du marché couvert de Stockholm et parfois il a des concerts pendant les heures de repas. Ce n’est pas gastro mais l’ambiance cosy et sympa à la fois.

    D’art d’art au Magasin 3 tu iras !
    C’est un centre d’art contemporain tout y est bien : la sélection d’œuvres, la librairie, les locaux…

    et Enfin Fotografiska
    Le Musée de la photographie de Stockholm est l’un des plus grands lieux de rencontre du monde dédiés à la photographie contemporaine.

  • je te conseille l’hôtel Nobis, au cœur de la ville et juste au dessus de la boutique mère ACNE Studios…

  • Le Fotografiska est absolument génial ! Voici une vidéo si tu veux te faire une première idée !
    Sinon en grands magasins tu as Ahlens (l’équivalent des galeries lafayette).
    Il faut aussi absolument se balader sur Skepsholmen et dormir dans la suite blogueur du Scandic Gran Central ou au Nobis Hotel (plus classique).

  • Je m’y suis rendue en septembre, j’ai beaucoup aimé le quartier de Södermalm & Langholmen, centre à l’atmosphère bohème et créatrice. Nous avons fait un petit périple sur l’ile de Vaxholm, joli port de pêche, j’ai adoré cet endroit, mais je n’en dis pas plus. Il faut absolument se rendre au Café Hembygdsgården, la vue est imprenable mais en plus c’est beau et bon. Lien,, à confirmer si le lieu est ouvert. En tout ouvert ou pas, cette île est à découvrir.

  • Je ne connais pas Stockholm en revanche j’ai hâte de voir les photos que tu y feras! ;)

  • Oui ! Il faut absolument que tu testes le restaurant Volt (Restaurang Volt en suédois) un de mes meilleurs souvenirs culinaires ! Sans parler du service au top.

  • Stockholm is awesome!! The architecture is wonderful and is full of art and museums and people are super stylish! Talking about stores, I love Filippa K, especially the coats, classic and spectacular. If you like Cos, you’ll fall in love with this brand. There’s a super cool and beautiful coffee called Kaffeverket, it would look amazing in your photos! I also loved the travel by ferry from island to island but it was summer and I don’t know if it would be possible to do this in winter!

  • I wasn’t sure where to ask this so here goes: can you do a
    post about vousvoyer vs tutoyer in the fashion world? I’ve been
    reading your blog for years so when I met you it felt like I could
    tutoyer but according to typical French etiquette I should be doing
    vousvoyer since I’ve never actually met you. Do you have trouble
    choosing between the two when you find yourself in these
    situations? Especially now that you are living in the US which has
    also changed me into a huge tutoyeur!

  • Palmgrens and Grandpa! Both awesome independent fashion shops in Stockholm! My top recommendations for eating are Pontus and Linguini. I hope you have a fantastic trip! Rachel

  • to eat: the Östermalm Saluhall is a must and then Ångbåtsbryggan on a new pier on the Strandvägen boulevard on Östermalm.
    and then of course: Acne, Acne and Acne

  • Pour moi (Suédoise qui visite Stockholm quelques fois par an), NK est obligatoire. J’aime aussi beaucoup Svenskt tenn ( et les parfums de Byredo. Et comme le dit tout le monde, Fotografiska est génial. Bienvenue en Suède et bonne séjour à Stockholm!

  • Enfin quelqu’un qui parle de Svenskt Tenn! INCONTOURNABLE!

  • Lovisa Bergroth November, 11 2013, 2:21 / Reply

    Välkommen till Stockholm!
    My favorite restaurant at the moment is Ekstedt at Humlegårdsgatan, 17,
    They have no electricity in the kitchen and cook everything over a fire. They recently got a micheline star, and are super popular! Also try Mattias Dahlgrens Matbaren, located in the Grand Hotel. Both restaurants offers Swedish food at its best!
    Have a wonderful stay here in Stockholm!

    If you have any questions, feel free to email me,

  • Hello Garance,

    TRIWA Popup Mäster Samuelsgatan 5
    We’re opening our new popup store at Mäster Samuelsgatan 5 in Stockholm, Sweden.

  • There is an unbelievable cemetery outside of Stockholm- which is nestled in the woods, full of ancient grave stones, and an interesting juxtaposition of natural beauty and minimalistic architecture.



    Le quartier Sud, Sofo -South Of Folkungagatan pour son style d’hipster stockholmois et les marques d’Acne, Minimarket et Fifth avenue Shoe Repair

    Prenez la rue Bondegatan et découvrez et déjeunez à Nytorget à côté chez Urban Deli.,

    Pour le quartier de Gamla stan, passez voir l’atelier de Maria Nilsdotter,

    Commencez la soirée avec des cocktails à Gondolen, , pour une vue panomarique de Stockholm…

    Des restos, par ex Sjögräs dans Södermalm mais pourqoi pas essayer un resto au feu de bois chez Eksted?

    Pour un petit air de la France en Suède, la Boulangerie Petite France à Kungsholmen,

    Bon voyage et bonne découverte!

  • You must visit the hotel Rival, at Mariatorget. The café is good as well, but the hotel has the most amazing brunch. It’s not that expensive, and the guests are a mixture of hotel quests and locals.
    The coffee shops Kaffe and Mellquists kaffebar are great.
    Take the fairy from Slussen to Djurgården and visit the art gallery Liljevalchs, eat dinner at Blå Porten and visit Rosendal’s garden.
    See a movie at one of the quality cinemas Sture, Bio Rio, Victoria or Zita.

    And of course – You should have a reader’s meet up!

  • Worth a little detour at West Södermalm:
    Half a block of the best clothes and magazines – Krukmakargatan 24-26 ( and
    Vintage clothes, jewelry and interiors at Krukmakargatan 22 (
    Lunch Asian salads dumplings etc at Krukmakargatan 19 (

    At Norrmalm (city center) I also recommend Snickarbacken 7 ( for lunch, clothes etc – it is a little hidden, but not far from Biblioteksgatan and it’s surrounding streets where you can find all the international brands

    Garance, I hope you have an excellent stay in Stockholm. I’m very happy happy about you coming here!

  • Salut G! Glad to hear you are coming for a visit to Stockholm. It’s getting dark very early now, but don’t let that discourage you!
    If you are bringing Scott with you or if you want to do some (early) Christmas shopping go to Herr Judit. There are 3 shops plus a pop-up store. You will love Brandstationen Krukmakargatan 22 its located in a100 year old fire station, and they sell a very edited selection of antiques and objects for the home, as well as rare and unique vintage and antique jewelry. Basically its a “toy store” for grown ups! They have another Herr Judit store just around the corner at Hornsgatan 65 that sells excellent vintage men’s clothes and accessories too.

    Svensk Tenn is great for those iconic pieces of Swedish design, as an illustrator I think you will especially love the textiles.

    APLACE ( Bruno Gallerian ) is a good place to see many Scandi brands under one roof,
    Fifth Ave Shoe Repair ( Mäster Samuelsgatan 2) is Swedish high concept and dark (not to be missed),
    and of course ACNE but true Stockholmers go to the Acne Archive (more than an outlet its a treasure chest) on Torsgatan 53 for the great prices on jeans, shoes, tops and the awesome finds; samples,
    KEEN STHLM is a sweet little shop on Västmannagatan 49, in a former laundromat that stocks a mix of Scandi and international brands and the girl who runs it, Mikaela is super nice.

    Finally, if you want to visit some design studios and meet some amazing women who make shoes, and art and so forth drop me a line! Bonne route et bon séjour xo

  • Nobel museum for weekend inspiration! <3

  • To relax, to feel some pure joy and to feel the world less pompous than it is try this little museum: -)

  • J’ ai passé l’été entre Stockholm et l’île de Grinda, voici quelques adresses… Enjoy
    Super resto viande: AG Restaurang & Bar (Kronobergsgatan 37, 112 33 Stockholm)
    Le Rouge dans la vieille ville
    Rakost à Ostermalm

    Le musée du prix Nobel
    Le musée de la photo avec son café à l’étage et sa vue splendide!!!

  • Bonjour !

    Celui là est très sympa :

  • Oh, Garance, welcome!

    * Afternoon tea på Grand Hôtel
    * Champagne in the restaurant of Hotel Lydmar
    * Seafood plateau at Sturehof
    * Jazz and “moules” at Glenn Miller Café
    * A red velvet-ish decadent meal can be found at “Rouge” in Gamla Sta´n.
    (…as you see, it´s all about the gastro experience.)

    …nice at “Nitty gritty”
    …nice and expensive at “Mrs. H”
    …nicest and expensiver “Nathalie Schuterman”. (“expensivest” would probably be more accurate…)
    Second hand at Judith´s is guite good.
    Bon voyage!

  • Charlotte November, 11 2013, 4:45 / Reply

    For excellent food try Frantzen/Lindberg, Ekstedt or Matbaren. Enjoy!

  • Bérenice November, 11 2013, 5:05 / Reply

    Hello !

    La chance !!

    Je te conseille le restau RESTAURANG LJUNGGREN, sur GÖTGATAN, n° 36 : un jap fusion super bon et cool pour boire un cocktail apres le diner…

    Incontournable : le Quality Outlet à l’exterieur de la ville (pas très loin non plus) ou tu trouve de tout niveau marques mais surtout HOPE !!! et Acne :)

    Idem, à l’exterieur de la ville tu as le centre d’art “Artipelag” dans les archipels d’iles, : c’est une collection privée d’art contemporain magnifique, dans une architecture sublime et un cadre assez incroyable dans la forêt …

    Enjoy !!

  • Lovely that you are coming to Stockholm! We are so glad to have you :)

    For dinner or lunch try the quite new Oaxen Krog & Slip. Lovely location just by the water on a small island with old dry docks for ships. But still right in the middle of the city. Excellent fish! You can either eat in the fancier dining room or the more relaxed bistro.

    Gastrologik is really good if you are looking for fine dining. They also have a small simpler bistro door-to-door called Speceriet which is more of a just-come-by-place where you can´t make reservations. and

    I also second the person who recommended Matbaren at Grand Hotel. I´ve had some of the best meals of my life there!


  • You have to visit Nitty Gritty at Krukmakargatan 24-26! And of course Papercut (the best book-magazine-shop!) and Our Legacy. Eat at AG:s Kungsholmen and take a walk at Katarinavägen (close to Slussen), the best view of Stockholm!

  • Omg Garance, you should totally do a Stockholm city guide!!!

  • Stockholm native here!! Two places I reeeeeaaaaally recomend:

    Acne Archive
    They sell old and brand new straight-off-the-runway -stuff, old collections, collaborations, edited stuff, unique items, really fun

    Tranan restaurant
    Supercool simple interiors, great casual atmosphere!

  • Hi Garance,
    Have to agree with Matilda. Papercut is a must! Nitty Gritty is just next door and around the corner is Petrus a lovely bakery
    Parlens isn’t too far either (the girls and the guys have the most amazing twenties style outfits) for delicious handmade caramels. Oaxen, Ekstedt and Smorgastarteriet are all great options for food.

  • Stockholm is so nice! I saw someone already suggested Petite France, I can just do the same. Since I”m Hungarian, it was interesting to found out, that the owner is also Hungarian, which we did not know before visiting the place. But since the mother of the owner was there at the time we found out about this fact really quickly, and they were really welcoming and nice. Still, all of their pastries and cookies are original french. Great place and not so touristy I think.
    Also, a really nice place for lunch or a fika, with a good view is Hermans, (Fjällgatan 23 B), cannot be missed.
    But Stockholm is so cool, basically you cannot find anything what would be a wrong choice…

  • I’d also recommend restaurant Hermans for great view and a vegetarian buffet lunch. At least last time I visited a couple of years ago the prices were very reasonable and the place is so cosy.
    I love Stockholm (but I’m totally partial -Iwas born there!)

  • Pour y faire de très belles photos , le jardin devant moderna mseet , où sont exposés d’immenses sculptures colorées de nikistPhalle , le jardin descend vers la mer , c’est adorable .
    Pour visiter prendre un ferry sur le port pour faire un mini tour des iles , tellement unique
    Pour le fun. La boutique Acne. Évidemment et tant d’autres , et le NK , grand magasin genre bon marché ,
    Trés chic.
    Si tu as le temps il y a le fameux bateau Vasa exposé ( prendre un ferry )

    Pour se relaxer le 9e etage du Radisson le soir jazz et belle vue sur la ville pas eu le temps d’y aller
    hélas . Superbe ville .

  • So jealous! I’ve always wanted to go although I think I’d
    wait until summer when it’s daylight for like 15 hours! xo Kara

  • Definitely, eat at Tranan. I would eat the fried herrings with mashed potato every day, if I could. And the Vasa Museum is astonishing. One of the best in the world. Just don’t eat there. Seriously. Ditto also to all good things mentioned by everybody else.

  • Word of warning, Parlans was closed for renovation when we were there 2 weeks ago. But the restaurant in the Grand was outstanding.

  • Välkommen till Stockholm, Garance!

    Go check out the new shopping mall MOODS close to NK, it’s cosy, you can spend a lot of time there without even noticing how it flies by.

    Judith’s second hand is the all time favorite vintage store in Stockholm, located at the south side of town.

    Go try out the spicy tuna at ljunggrens and have a glass oh cava in the bar. Sooooodelicious, that tuna sushi.. Mm. You’d love it.

    Hope you’ll enjoy your visit in Stockholm. Un Bisou!

  • C’est une ville magnifique…! la vieille ville est superbe . .quelques boutiques et petits restaus très sympas faut se balader et se perdre ..malheureusement j’ai oublié les adresses testées quand j’y suis allée ..:):) bon séjour !

  • Stockholm is one of my favorite cities you should visit the museum of modern art and also the Vassastaan area and Östermalm wich is a really chic neighborhood.Also going to Acne is an absolute must as well as the NK department store.

  • Va déjeuner au Saluhall, à östermalm, un marché couvert delicatessen magnifique avec des produits top! Le bar du restaurant Riche est plein de beautiful people et va à Söder pour voir les looks les plus cools, les boutiques vintage et des petits konditori (salons de thé). Enjoy!

  • Please visit: Beyond Retro, while you are there. its my favorite Vintage Clothing store, everytime you are there, there is a new surprise in store:
    Address: Drottninggatan 77, 111 60 Stockholm, Sweden
    Phone:+46 8 559 136 42
    Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am – 7:00 pm

    Have Fun!!

  • Welcome to Stockholm!
    A lot of great places are recommended. I second the vote for:
    -Snickarbacken 7 for coffee
    -Nobis gold bar for cocktails in the city, Tjoget for cocktails around Hornstull
    -Acne,5th avenue shoe repair, &other Stories,Cos, Byredo,Nk and Svenskt tenn for shopping in the “Norrmalmstorg area” (Biblioteksgatan,Mäster Samuelsgatan,Hamngatan,Strandvägen)
    -Also check out Betonggruvan(
    I hope you have a good time!

  • Check out the website designlovefest and her post about Stockholm from a month or so ago. She had lots of great recommendations – with pictures. :)

  • Definitely Oaxen Krog. Ate one of the most memorable meals of my life at their former restaurant in the archipelago. The new Stockholm restaurant opened in the spring. Try to meet Chef Magnus Ek, so cool, soft spoken and visionary. He and his partner Agneta Green are the couple behind Oaxen Krog.

    Svenskt Tenn for Josef Frank fabrics furnishing and design. A Stockholm must!

    The Lydmar Hotel– the upstairs bar and informal restaurant, if it’s open in autumn, for great simple food and beautiful people.

    By Malene Birger. Though Danish rather than Swedish, the store is wonderful for easy pieces. Great service.

    Bon Voyage!

  • Välkommen!

    I hope you packed a rain coat. We got terrible November weather now.

  • You definitely need to visit some cosy cafés and friperie’s in Södermalm! Also, last time I visited Stockholm I found such a nice little store on the way from Fotografiska to Sofo. It is called KERAMIKERNA and it’s located in Åsögatan 159! (
    The hip part of town is called Sofo (South of Folkungagatan (a street name)) which is a parallel street to Åsögatan.

    I really hope you enjoy your stay in Stockholm, I can’t wait to hear from your favorite spots! ;)

    Enjoy and best wishes,

  • Hey Garance!
    I am going to live for the next 6 months in Stockholm and I don’t know the city at all. Could you please do a travel guide? I really like all of you recommendations and would be great to know the Stockholm you love.
    Thanks in advance!

    Megui GSB

  • I went in May and already want to go back!!!
    Check out my post on Stockholm here – found some amazing places off the beaten track…

  • EAT: the cinnamon buns!! Do not leave sweden without having tasted one of the swedish national treasures. Better yet! Grab one to go as well.. You will not be sorry.

    It is called a Kanel bullar in swedish and they are addictive.

  • Hej Garance! Bienvenüe en Suède ! Il faut absolument que tu rencontre Efva Attling, la créatrice de bijoux la plus cool de Scandinavie. Elle as plusieurs boutiques à Stockholm et aussi une a NY, et je sais que tu va adorée ces bijoux plein d’humour et de petite pensées. C’est la femme la plus inspirante que j’ai jamais rencontré ( bon, vu que je ne t’ai jamais rencontré toi..;) et j’ai la chance de travailler pour elle. Voici le liens pour son site :
    Si cela te dit tu peut me contacter et je me ferai un plaisir de transmettre le contact!

    Sinon, d’accord avec les comments, n’oublie pas de mangér les Kanelbuller, hyperaddictives…

    Bon voyage!


  • Restaurant Urban Deli at Nytorget for food and drinks.
    Fotografiska for the best photo exhibitions and for a lovely view from their café.
    Herr Judith for menswear secondhand/vintage.
    Nobis Hotel for living.
    Dusty Deco for vintage furniture etc
    Acne Archive at Torsgatan for finding unique Acne samples.
    Djurgården for taking a walk, and if weather is good stop at Rosendals Trädgårdar for coffee in one of the greenhouses and a visit in the garden shop
    Line & Jo at Mäster Samuelsgatan for the best danish jewelry.

  • Please un belle article sur les parfums Byredo

  • Hi G!
    I would also recommend B.A.R. restaurant, The Story hotel and Herr Judit vintage shop.
    Those are my top3 where to go in Stockholm… Just great!
    Greets from Finland,
    Hanna <3

  • Géraldine November, 14 2013, 3:44 / Reply

    Lucky you :)

    I lived there for 18 months and I love this city. Here are my no-miss:
    – To see: Moderna Museet and Fotografiska
    – To shop: NK, Mood Gallerian, Twist&Tango, Acné and Design House Stockholm
    – To eat
    For brunch: Saturnus
    For dinner: for fish – B.A.R (, for sushi – Ljundggren ( or Berns

    I hope you’ll have a great time. Enjoy

  • Salut Garance,
    Je suis aussi à Stockholm pour le weekend, c’est fou !! Tack d’avoir fait ce post, je profite des nombreuses adresses sympas de tes lecteurs… :)
    Nous sommes à l’hôtel Rica à Gamla Stan, c’est une ancienne maison restauree en hôtel, c’est lovely, hyper cosy !
    Bon weekend à toi, hâte de comparer tes impressions et bons plans.
    Hej då !

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