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So Sore!

8 years ago by

So Sore!

Every. Single. Muscle. Hurts.

I’m just so sore, even my eyes hurt. Is that possible? I took a Nike Training Class, which always sounds like a good idea – but when you haven’t properly exercised in a month – a high intensive reps class was mayyyybe not the smartest. It was just such a cool experience I couldn’t resist ! And now my aging body (I recently turned the big 3-0) is feeling the pain…

I tried Tiger Balm, but that is only momentary bliss. And I’ve been doing small stretches every morning to help keep the muscles long, but I’m just wondering if you have any other tips for workout soreness? Ways to keep motivated to coninue exercising while being cautious not to over-do it again?

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  • Boire énormément d’eau et refaire du sport le plus tôt possible en faisant un très long et progressif échauffement… T’étirer en profondeur mais sans force ensuite… Tout simplement.

  • a hot and cold shower after the work out! :)


  • Water and walking around help with soreness. Resist the urge to lay in bed waiting for the soreness to go away! :)

  • Absolutely right! Keep moving! Also, stretching after working out can make you less sore.

  • Tu parles à une fille qui a présentement une tendinite au bras dû au sport donc….:-) (agrrr vive la glande)

  • Get another workout in, sooner than later. It sounds counterintuitive but it works! :) I love Nike’s NTC app. It prepped me for the even more intense workouts (yes, it’s possible to hurt even more) by Kayla Itsines. Good luck and be consistent!

  • I did my first workout from her app and my butt was sore for two days! ???? I guess it means progress though

  • le mieux c est de mettre des collants de contention
    et boire pendant le sport

  • Wow this sounds like my kind of thing, I want to give it a go! x


  • As one also said above, I have tenonitis too after pulling a muscle in yoga class. I am doing yoga at home until the acupuncture and chiropractor visits kick in. So do some yoga daily for 30 minutes and you will be great. You’re 30? You’re fine, haha!

  • When you feel better make sure you download the Nike Training Club app — it is the most AMAZING workout app and so easy to follow at the gym. Nike is doing some incredible things, and it is exciting to take part in it!

  • NTC est présentement mon unique source d’entrainement et quand j’ai commencé en 2010 tout comme toi j’étais brûlée! Il faut boire beaucoup d’eau et prend des marches, pour réchauffer tes muscles :)

  • I wanna try a Nike training! but I can imagine how sore I would be after


  • Stretching after workout is very important, I don’t think there is anything else that will really work. Maybe less workout and more stretching? :)


  • Ha! I remember once taking a high intensity work out and feeling really tired after the warm-up!! ;/


  • Dear Brie, si tu t entraîne au moins un fois par semaine tu n auras plus de courbatures!!!????

  • Fabienne March, 22 2016, 3:46 / Reply

    Going back slowly but surely. Just 30 minutes a day is enough not having a sluggish body and sore muscles : walk, stairs in the bulding and subway, drink water or tea….and above all, having a free week-end of exercice. Otherwise it’s addiction and it’s not good either !

  • Yin yoga would be a gorgeous way to stretch out and come back to your breath. But then I would say that ;)

  • Do only dynamic movements (10 min) to warm up (no static stretching BEFORE workouts! That comes after workout). Soreness is to be expected after your first workout — whether that’s a run, lifting, spin or bootcamp — but once your body gets used to regular workouts the DOMS won’t affect you as much. If you don’t work out for a few weeks you will definitely feel sore afterward. So try to get in at least two workouts a week to keep your body used to moving. Epsom salt baths and creams help too, as does a product such as MagSense and L-Glutamine powder. Both help relax and support your muscles.

  • Amazing! Thanks for the advice Donna!

  • A hot bath helps to ease sore muscles.

    And yes, getting another workout in or a least a good stretch yoga class.

    I love NTC!

  • Theresa March, 22 2016, 5:52 / Reply

    As a long-time casual runner who just moved to a hilly area of the country, I’ve had some serious soreness lately which is attributed to this: too much too soon. Saviors for me have been icing sore muscles, an occasional ibuprofen, and one of those rolling pin-type massagers.

  • A foam roller! It’s a miracle for cutting down recovery time. Just make sure you use it correctly.

  • Malocene March, 23 2016, 6:14 / Reply

    Arnica en 9 ch
    Avant et après

  • A short run could help and lot of water ;-) and a bath with the Weleda Arnica Oil, don´t know if you have it in the US but it´s a dream !
    good Luck !

  • As a lifelong runner and gym rat, advil/ibuprofen helps a ton, but my cross country coach in high school always told us to eat lots of bananas if we were sore. Something about the potassium. And yeah, like the others say, get moving when you are sore, warming up/moving around can make the pain a lot less. I found this article interesting as I was always told it was lactic acid causing the day-after soreness – http://www.active.com/cycling/articles/it-s-not-about-the-lactic-acid-why-you-re-still-sore-after-yesterday-s-ride

  • Great! ;)


  • I find that gentle Pilates and walking helps ease any soreness. It sounds counterintuitive but it works!

  • Anatomy & Physiology teacher here… was also a yoga teacher and massage therapist for 11 years… warm baths with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), this is great for swelling and inflammation (Yay! Osmosis!), ice is magic for soreness, nothing warm (like heating pads or hot baths) right before bedtime because this can actually increase swelling and inflammation. Advil can work wonders if it’s okay with your stomach and doctor. Lots of water helps. Patience and gentle stretching… A promise to be kinder to yourself next time. Remember that the goal is not to be perfect right now, but to be fit and functional at 80.

  • Annette March, 27 2016, 7:43 / Reply

    Swim! The best way to stretch out those tight muscles is to swim laps and you get a bonus workout at the same time. Works every time I overdo it at the gym (sometimes I forget I am not 21 anymore) x

  • Great idea! Going to see about some indoor pools in NY :) x

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