Sky Gazing
9 years ago by

As the season draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to soak up some of summer’s final delights. And there’s nowhere better to look than up.
Right now is the Annual Perseid meteor shower and, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you’ve got the best view in the house (or world, really).
Tomorrow, showers will be most visible right before dawn. A little early for some, but well worth it — on a clear morning, you’ll be able to see roughly 50 meteors as they pour through the sky (bonus: all watch the sunrise!)
A beautiful and very cool ode to summer, which we’ll be watching in the morning… If we don’t hit snooze on the alarm.
Tried to observe the phenomenon but no luck so far! Will check out tonight as well!
Il semblerait qu’on ait encore pas mal d’occasions d’y assister dans les jours qui viennent mais je vais essayer d’être vigilante cette nuit ;)
shit, it’s raining…
The photo is so beautiful!