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Skeeter Drama

8 years ago by

Skeeter Drama

Mosquitos love me. I mean they looooooovvvveeeeee me. If there is a tiny one in my room and I have even a sliver of skin exposed at night, that’s it!! I’m done for. I’ve been bit on my eyelids, inside my nose, my mouth! It ain’t pleasant. Plus I have to come to work looking like Quasimodo (Brie is fighting the same battle).

I try to wear bug repellent but it always gives me a headache in the morning from all of the fumes. One summer I even walked around with a this horribly unattractive clip-on fan that attaches to your belt loop like a beeper, but that didn’t really work either.

In a last attempt to beat these buggers, I bought a mosquito net. But it’s like, realllllyyyy????? I’m going to have a mosquito net in the middle of NYC???? I have screens on my windows of course but they squeeze their little butts right through. I haven’t put it up and it’s been sitting in my room for 2 weeks now. Does anyone have any better suggestions? Or should I just be THAT person who has a mosquito net in New York City? Oy.

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  • Mosquitoes love me too!!! Two things work for me, lavender oil and citronella oil (usually the smell they add to bug repellents) both are natural ways to repel mosquitoes without breathing in horrible bug repellent chemicals. I have also learned that having a citronella plant or lavender plant by the window will keep the mosquitoes at bay. Mosquitoes are all about scent, so wearing a scent that they hate will make you less attractive to them! Hope this is helpful.

  • Keaulana July, 7 2016, 3:30 / Reply

    Je vis à Tahiti et les moustiques ça me connaît !! Mon arme imparable : un mélange d’huile essentielle de citronnelle et du monoï ou de l’huile de coco : )

  • Sandrine Vaillancourt July, 7 2016, 4:33 / Reply

    I heard that they don’t like softener sheets, so you can put them all over your house and it smells good!

  • also! peppermint oil is a fantastic summer help. The smell repels mosquitos, and when it’s on your skin the menthol keeps you cool :)

  • we use a mosquito net over our daughters bed, and diffuse lavender, rosemary & citronella oils….
    the ultrasonic plug ins worked for us one summer, but not last summer, so not sure if the mosquitos mutated and became resistant, but it might work for you:
    badger & babyganics feet free sprays work well too.
    good luck, i’m covered with bites already!

  • Je suis pareil ! L’année dernière j’ai utilisé la crème pour le corps aesop à la citronnelle et au géranium et depuis plus aucune piqûre ! En plus ma peau est hydratée et sens bon ! :)

    Amélie – Charles Ray and Coco

  • marita July, 8 2016, 4:20 / Reply

    Maybe you need to take extra vitamin B. If you lack vitamin B, the mosquitos think you are extra yummy. Especially if you lack B12.

  • Amocoane July, 8 2016, 4:42 / Reply

    La moustiquaire suspendue c’est quand même bien efficace. Sinon le géranium et le basilic aux fenêtres pour repousser l’ennemi c’est pas mal aussi!

  • Melanie Steinemann July, 8 2016, 7:59 / Reply

    Slather yourself in SKIN SO SOFT after you bathe….

  • Get a lemongrass plant! They’re super easy to care for, smell lovely, and are natural mosquito repellents. Plus, as we all know, more green in your home is always a good thing!

  • Joanna July, 9 2016, 10:15 / Reply

    You should totally take vitamin B complex every day. It makes your blood mosquitos repellent. I have been taking it for the last 2 years, for a completely different, nervous system related issues, and since then I haven’t been bitten by mosquito at all. Maybe sometimes I have a small red mark (a failed mosquito trial?). I highly recommend it for you and Bree.

  • My French boyfriend’s mom gave us a nice little trick: about 15 cloves stuck into an orange. Somehow the smell scares away the mosquitoes. I tried it out last night and this morning no more mosquitoes hovering on the ceiling waiting for me to go to bed! :)

  • Maartje July, 10 2016, 1:38 / Reply

    I’m also going to hang up a mosquito net (in Amsterdam)! Go for it!

  • Nicole Jordan July, 10 2016, 4:33 / Reply

    Mosquitos can sense heat and also the CO2 that is released when we breather. I think that citronella and lavender mask the CO2, and I find that having fans on generally work against their flight patterns, preventing them from drinking my sweet, sweet blood. Though sometimes they get smart and use the fan wind as a way to dive bomb me…but overall, they can’t fly as well with a fan on.

    I feel your pain, good luck and I wouldn’t judge you for the mosquito netting. But we cannot walk around in beekeeper-like garb all the time, so yeah….

  • Jennifer July, 10 2016, 9:54 / Reply

    Oddly enough I heard dryer sheets can help. My mom puts one or two in her pockets and doesn’t get bitten when she paints En Plein Air. I think lavender might help too. Someone had made wipes with a natural big replent and I thought it was lavender based.
    Try Honest company or Net-A-Porter they might have something.

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