
Shibui Spa

11 years ago by

As you may know, I love the spa (I am a Taurus and I’ve heard that the life goal for a Taurus is to be in the search of sensual pleasures, so it’s totally not my fault!) so I try as many as I can…

For facials, I love the Caudalie spa, it’s amazing, I’ve told you about it before.
For last minute massages, the Nail Spa at the corner of my street is perfect and cheap.

But for the days where the world is against me, my tire gets a flat, it’s raining on my face and my phone is out of battery, there is the Shibui Spa.

The Japanese massages are so good that after one you feel like you’ve just done three hours of yoga and meditation.
And the big plus is the swimming pool. So on days when I really need a break, I go there two hours earlier, get myself a matcha tea (they also serve sake at the swimming pool, love that idea) I swim, go in the sauna and I surf the Japanese vibe.

Okay, and so not only am I giving you the address, but also the name of my masseuse, her name is Michiyo.

What’s your favorite type of spa? Is there any you feel I absolutely need to try?

Shibui Spa at The Greenwich Hotel, 377 Greenwich Street, New York, 212.941.8900.


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  • Korean spas all the way.

  • this sounds so great. i’ve been working for over a week and my back hates all the sitting down…


  • MrsMuir June, 18 2013, 11:53 / Reply

    Le spa a l’air super, mais le Greenwich Hotel qui y est associé donne juste envie d’adopter ces chambres pour la vie : on veut les mêmes ! ! Top relaxantes rien qu’en regardant les photos, tu ne trouves pas ?

  • Oh la la, ça donne envie !!! Comme tu as raison !!!
    Je ne connais pas assez NY pour répondre à ta question, mais ce qui est sûre, c’est que j’adorerais avoir ça près de chez moi :-)

  • A little..or rather large slice of heaven…sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • Ah ben voila c’est malin ! JE VEUX UN MASSAGE… MAINTENANT ! Bon allez j’y vais dans la semaine…

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • I love massages and Korean spas are winning.

  • You have to try out the Korean spy in NJ called King Spa

    I’ve never been to a Japanese spa, need to try it out. Thank you!

  • I actually don’t like spas that much. I have a hard time relaxing in one and would rather just be outside. I like how you referenced astrology though. I love Taurus people!


  • Bizarrement je ne supporte pas ça! pour quelqu’un qui aime, ça doit vraiment être le kiffe mais je ne supporte pas de me faire tripoter, je n’aime pas le coiffeur, me faire maquiller, epiler j’en parle meme pas ( jamais fait faire par qqun ), et les massages genre Beurk!
    c’est moi qui suis dérangée ça c’est sur…

  • Oo, looks great like I would like to go. Have a nice day.


  • Merciii!!! Après 2-3 mois de visites presque en continu, j’en ai très besoin!!! Ah ca, on se sent pas trop loin de ses amis quand on habite à NY!!!

  • Would you please share the last minute massage at the corner of your street? Perfect and cheap are my cup of tea as well. Thank You.

  • Carole June, 18 2013, 2:47 / Reply

    this sounds delicious…….try the Mandarin Oriental Columbus Circle….Have a facial or massage and go for a dip in this marble jet pool and lounge on a steel chaise in pool..or the airomatic sauna …then lounge in a quiet room and gaze out the window….the only down side is i took the train home LOL

  • As a fellow Taurus, I have to agree…it’s just engrained in our horoscopic DNA. What can you do? :)

  • Ahhhh, what I would give for a day at the spa right now! And Shibui looks like just the ticket :) Enjoy!!

  • En effet ça donne envié, mais il faut avoir le budget Par contre.
    Va voir à http://www.tendakayou.com, un Spa en Guadeloupe, c est magique et beaucoup moins cher :) et en pleine nature!

  • i’m a Taurus and I feel you

  • ah yes the greenwich hotel, the absolute best hotel in the world! love the location, love the interior design, love the unique rooms, love the hospitality, love the service, love the overall vibe, love the spa, but above all, fell in love with the drawing room! that is an absolute sanctuary in the city! haven’t find anywhere else a hotel in the world that matches my identity as much as the greenwich! huge fan of the NoMad too, but a bigger fan of the greenwich hotel

  • Dee Dee June, 19 2013, 3:43 / Reply

    Hi – not surprised you’re a fellow Bull. Love a good spa also and always searching for good hair!! All the best from Australia. xx

  • Well, I’m not very fond of massages. They make me nervous and I end up talking, talking, talking. But last month I got the most amazing massage in the L’Occitane Spa at the Belavista hotel in the South of Portugal. It was a reshape kind of thing and my legs looked photoshopped afterwards!!! Amazing!! :)


  • Sunny Side June, 19 2013, 4:52 / Reply

    Si tu as reçu un massage japonais je suppose que c’était du shiatzu. Curieusement cela me met les nerfs en pelote qu’on appuie sur des points précis (d’acupuncture). Il y a un massage génial qui enlève aussi toutes les tensions, pas besoin d’aller dans un spa mais dans China Town et le Lower East side, choisir un(e) masseur d’un certain âge pour la pratique, cela s’appelle le Tui An Mo, si c’est bien fait c’est divin, c’est un peu costaud comme le vrai massage Thaï, mais cela change la vie et la posture corporelle. Essaie de trouver une vieille Chinoise aux mains d’or.

  • Aie, j’ai l’impression d’avoir raté un truc.. j’ai séjourné dans cet hôtel, vraiment cosy et élégant, j’ai tout aimé; oui, les chambres confortables, la cuisine italienne très raffinée, le petit salon oú on peut diner près de la cheminée.. mais pas la spa ! Arghh… dès que j’y retourne j’y vais !

  • Korea spas are incredible! When I lived in Korea for several years teaching English, I would go almost weekly.

  • When I lived in New York City I was crazy about the Caudalie spa too. That huge lounge was a haven in the city and Régine is a fantastic therapist.


  • When I studied abroad in Milan our program took us to Terme Milano. It was my first spa experience and it was amazing (many different rooms with different atmospheres to relax in and several indoor and outdoor pools, saunas etc. as well as the option of massages), especially after the stress of international travel/jet lag. It also looks like they now serve apertivo there in the evenings…

  • Valeria June, 19 2013, 4:59 / Reply

    Sounds great! I wish I was in NY and could visit it. But I’m in Moscow. And if you visit Moscow you need to go to Oriental Express! It’s perfect! You can have a facial or a massage or any other beauty routine. And at the same building dawnstare Madonna’s fitness club Hard Candy is located! So you can do both by one shot!

  • I love going to korean spas. They have different heated pools of water, the dry sauna, wet sauna, and little heated rooms with jade, salt, etc. So relaxing when I go!!


  • J’adore ! Ça me fait penser au Ryokan chic au Japon !

  • Jessica June, 24 2013, 7:09 / Reply

    10,000 Waves in Santa Fe – it’s heavenly!

  • ErinJones June, 26 2013, 6:16 / Reply

    There is nothing like being anointed with oils, warm oils if possible, drops your nervous system into a whole other dimension. I work with a company that manufactures Ayuvredic oils, know much about Ayurveda? they lavish the body, it is a dream and how it feels, bliss.
    as for a place in NY, I am not the person to ask, though on your trip to Bali that you mentioned, I am sure it is a definite- COMO Shambhala Bali, looks divine.

  • LOVE all this!

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