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9 years ago by


Have you seen the film Selma?

If you haven’t, stop what you’re doing right now. Stop reading this. Grab your bag and run to the movie theater. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. It’s that good.

If Selma doesn’t win something at this year’s Oscars, I will… well, I don’t know what I would do, but it would be pretty drastic. From the opening sequence to the final moments, I was completely absorbed. I laughed, I cried (uncontrollably).

It follows Martin Luther King Jr. and his fellow activists in the year between the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. David Oyelowo gives an award-winning performance as King. Oh, and Oprah‘s is in it!

But Emily says that American Sniper is even better, so that’s next on my list…

What great movies have you seen recently? And what do you want to see win at the Oscars??


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  • Selma is about Peace and Justice. Martin Luther King is a real American hero whose valuable work is still being felt and still being fought for in this country, It is a shame that this brilliant movie only received two Oscar nominations. It is one of the best movies I have seen in this or any year.

  • Selma was a wonderful movie, and I also cried uncontrollably. It was especially meaningful to see the movie now that I live in Florence, AL (raised in NJ) and feel closer to that part of history since living here. The amazingly talented and influential civil rights photographer Charles Moore lived in Florence for some time– you will recognize his famous photographs documenting the civil rights movement. The posted image above reminds me of his photographs.

  • Selma is a terrific and poignant movie and I just can’t understand how it’s not even nominated for best picture at the Oscars. We all know the Oscars are silly, but it would’ve been great to see it get the recognition it deserves. And David Oyelowo (also not nominated) gives such a powerful performance. I felt like clapping after his speeches.


  • Thanks for sharing!

  • Lately I’ve seen Foxcatcher and A most violent year. Two stunning movies, you should see it if you haven’t yet?

  • How important is to remember the big struggles for freedoms and democratic rights of our era. We have to keep fighting, all these injustices are not over yet, they are just diminished or forgotten.

  • bavarian_blue February, 5 2015, 7:00 / Reply

    Hi you guys,
    this comment relates to your ballet-stories I and II: I found yesterday a nice short film about Paris Opera’s dancers on nowness:

  • I also thought Selma was amazing, it was one of my favourite movies from the Oscars race, I make a point of watching most nominated movies every year. This year, however, I made a point not to watch American Sniper. I generally think Clint Eastwood has some great things going on but think about it – you are moved to tears by Selma’s message and then you go loving a movie that glorifies this racist, intolerant, violent psychopath? I wager Americans look at him differently than the rest of the world (and I don’t want to start anything here) but if you spend at least fifteen minutes reading up on Mr Kyle it becomes clear he’s anything but a hero. Come on. It’s two hours of my life I’d rather spend doing something else.
    Maybe read this, if you haven’t yet: http://www.salon.com/2015/01/23/7_enormous_lies_american_sniper_is_telling_america_partner/

  • I haven’t yet seen Selma but I will. In general, I think Oscar nominated films are deservedly so. I am African-American. My parents participated in the non-violent civil rights movements of the sixties. Throughout my lifetime whenever I’ve encountered racism, I’ve tried to keep Dr. King in mind and I ask myself, what would he do in the same situation. What a courageous and extraordinary man Dr. King was. I cannot fathom how the world would be without him. Any and every time he is honored, I pay attention. Thank you for the recommendation.

  • Thank you for sharing this comment, Shana. It truly was a brilliant movie, and I think anyone who watched it would be moved.

  • Thank you for this fine endorsement of the movie Selma, I look forward to seeing it… but save yourself some $$ on american sniper – it makes me cringe to even put the two titles in the same sentence! (it’s kind of obscene, really, if one thinks how MLK died).

  • “… American Sniper is even better”


  • Although I don’t want to get all political on your asses when you just wanna unwind at the flicks, I do urge everyone who sees these films to educate yourself about what you’re seeing. What did the movie make up? Do the people who were there agree with the portrayal? This links in with what Garance was saying about style these days actually being about LIFE-style, because those with style will realise their choices and opinions on public issues have a lot to do with their overall philosophy! But enjoy! But also step back sometimes! X

  • Check out this really cool piece on the film SELMA by Pivot TV:

  • Dainty & Chic February, 11 2015, 6:38 / Reply

    Thanks for sharing such a classic!


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