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No Makeup, No Retouching

9 years ago by

No Makeup, No Retouching

She may only be 18 but, in a world of photoshopped and perfected imagery, Bella Hadid has guts.

Bear with me, I’m not on the reality-star-cum-celebrity-children train – and I wasn’t astounded to see an 18 year old in underwear… But the byline “No Makeup, No Retouching, Just Me” kind of got, well, me. And she has a bod – curves and all, reminiscent of the Cindys and Claudias of times past.

It has me wondering, is au naturel trending?

bella hadid CR fashionbook garance dore photos



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  • Oh what a great news!!!! On va pouvoir arrêter de se cacher alors….


    Bisous sans retouche…

  • Welcome in a wonderful world made of real stunning women!
    XOX, Gap.

  • what a beautiful young girl she is! Good for her. That unretouched au natural body is amazing!

  • Elle est superbe ! La pureté de la jeunesse..


  • Stephanie April, 20 2015, 1:43 / Reply


  • On est pas toujours obligés de retoucher…Avec une bonne lumière, c’est parfait (là elle est vachement exposée ça gomme les défauts…)
    Après, il faut l’admettre elle est super jolie!

  • muswellmummy April, 20 2015, 2:04 / Reply

    What on earth would they retouch? She is 18, has no cellulite, no body hair, no wrinkles. Show me someone 40+ unretouched. That would be news.

  • Hahaha exactly what I thought :D

  • Barbara March, 28 2017, 10:22

    Sigh. Sure, no re-touching is a great, positive attitude but I want to echo what everyone else has said about being 18, with a fantastic physique (I know my body did not look like that at 18, or ever) perfect skin and a wonderfully adept rhinoplasty — it’s a lot easier to be that “brave” when your default is all those things.

  • perfection!

  • It’s a sign of a totally warped view of women that it’s considered “brave” for an 18 year old to show herself as she is?!!!

  • Hi Bella! I agree, we should all have such guts, no matter the age. But its so great when someone in the public eye can do just that, its a step in a positive direction, for all girls and women alike :)

  • I certainly hope that real girls are trending – with brands like aerie here in the US refusing to photoshop its models. Us women need this to be the norm – and our girls need it more! We are real and we are perfect. xo

    Warm Regards,

  • Je l’espère bien, c’est pas trop tôt !

  • I hope it is

  • Anonymous earenya April, 20 2015, 4:11 / Reply

    she’s 18….. Those who need retouching at 18 should be worried

  • I agree with Muswellmummy and Bella – celebrating someone, who is basically perfect-looking for being “brave” for showing off their perfectly toned body and flawless skin, is really offensive to real women, who often have to take the brave steps. Okay, I agree – these women are real too, but it’s just absurd that this is what we celebrate. Let’s celebrate the single mom of a two year old, who’s just getting back to her healthy look, let’s celebrate a real working woman, who isn’t from the fashion industry or other fancy industries, let’s celebrate women, who are brave enough to show their faces to the world after battling illnesses with barely any resources. Otherwise it’s just plain pathetic that we look at a fortunate 18 year old and declare her a role model. As much as I see the heart in this post, celebrating this is no better than celebrating the photoshopped perfections.

  • Enfin le ‘naturel’ est à la mode. Fini les heures passées à essayer de cacher ses imperfections. Embrace who you are cuz Imperfect is finally PERFECT.

  • Confidential April, 20 2015, 6:11 / Reply

    We are in a horrible state of affairs when a women as beautiful as Gigi and Bella have the characteristic of curvy associated to them like its not completely natural, regular an normal for most women to have curves. I won’t ever judge a women who isn’t shapely but what we are, are women and that means boobs, butts, hips and thighs. Its a great thing but a very usual thing. Bella is gorg and I long for the days when runway or magazine models looked like actual women (just insanely taller and yeah, thinner than we mere mortals).

  • How about we tried to celebrate* anything other than looks in women?

  • melissaleehealing April, 20 2015, 6:54 / Reply

    No one needs retouching at 18!

  • I share the honor of being featured along with Bella in the new issue of Grey Magazine, something I never would have imagined because I am a “real” woman not a model. Though wearing make-up (pretty minimal) I am not re-touched at the age of 61, nor do I retouch the photos on my blog. I share your joy that this girl has found such freedom early in her life. I certainly did not have that attitude at age 18 and it took me until I have aged to finally get it. But it seems to me real “girls” are trending if I can be in the same magazine as Bella Hadid.

    Accidental Icon

  • 18 ans et un corps à faire rêver! Associer ces photos à un acte de bravoure me semble déplacé et en décalage avec la réalité de la majorité des femmes.

  • Miloucat April, 20 2015, 10:33 / Reply

    She is perfectly beautiful!!

    I am always confused by “curvy”. What does that mean? Is having breasts curvy? Is having hips curvy? Or is curvy a euphemism for big?

  • Well, she is 18. Maybe it would be more interesting and challenging to see a 40 year old woman without photoshop.

  • Je dirais que lorsqu’on prendra une totale inconnue de 18 ans pour faire ce genre de photos et la faire poser dans les bras de deux tops de podium, là oui on aura fait un peu de chemin. Là je vois surtout le buzz engendré..

    Même si Carine Roitfeld a le mérité de proposer d’autres formes de beauté dans son crfashionbook ce sont toujours plus ou moins des people ou des tops confirmées.


  • Marianne April, 21 2015, 3:52 / Reply

    Naturel trending? It should be trending always!I find it a big releaf and it confirms that i (and other women) are normal…

  • Je ne trouve pas cela courageux car elle est très jeune et jolie. C’est lorsqu’on pourra montrer tous les types de corps sans juger que l’on verra que l’on a avancé.

  • Makeup would have been superfluous – why the photos might as well have been done with makeup – she’s aesthetic heights. So I am with the camp puzzled this be inspiring or brave. Spare beautiful model skin from goo and make all shoots of this sort makeup-free, the result is ideal. There is no extra cred in this, a happy girl getting beautiful exposure.

  • I would not be astounded by a 18 year-old – gorgeous model – posing natural and unretouched. But with older women yes ! Some French magazines (ELLE, Glamour) played the game some years ago in 2009 and 2010 with Sophie Marceau, Eva Herzigova, Monica Bellucci, Charlotte Rampling, Chiara Mastroianni, Ines de la Fressange, Anne Parillaud, Louise Bourgoin on the cover and in editorial… And those are inspirational and beautiful ladies. I can say here : yes, that’s a great move and a cool message.

  • Mais qu’elle est belle !! Oui, je pense qu’on en revient un peu à cela, même Gigi n’est pas aussi mince que d’autres, et pour autant je trouve les deux soeurs bien plus sublimes !


  • Goodbye fake world (so tired of it). Hello real world (I certainly hope so). We are good as we are! (And now we’ve got to get rid of all complexes, which wouldn’t have been so bad if there were no glossy fake magazines, advertisements, etc….and jealous people). Be lovable and kind to each other no matter how you look like! It’s fun all to be different.

  • curvy? where? beautiful, yes!

  • No one, absolutely no one needs retouching. But look at this blog. We are in search of perfection. It sells ! There is a difference when you post an image to convey an experience Vs purely for business. That explains the sad state of affairs today.

  • She’s a beautiful girl. And it’s positive there was no photoshop. But lighting, her age, her dedication to fitness, her diet and a really good photographer make her look pitch perfect.
    Which is still not real or fair towards more mature, more busy, sans aforementioned really good photographer women’s body image.
    Maybe her mom could join her, maybe the photographer or his girlfriend, maybe the (not there) make-up assistant, or the stylist for the shoot, or maybe just a couple of the interns that were carrying coffee around the shoot, or maybe the next-door neighbour to where the shoot took place. And they could all frolic around in underwear.
    Now that would be something to celebrate.

  • Also, I realize that since I’m having such a negative reaction to this post (An internet post! Why am I so upset?) that maybe I am not a target reader for this site anymore. Just call me an old fart (albeit an un-retouched one). Good wishes to you all.

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